999 resultados para Relato de Caso
Paragangliomas is a pheochromocytoma of extra adrenal localization. The case report is a male, 55 years old who presented symptoms of adrenergic hyperstimulation associated to an abdominal mass diagnosed as paraganglioma by a biopsy. Because of its size, localization and vascularization, an aortography with embolization of the nutrient branches of the tumor was done pre-operatively. Four days later, a surgical ressection was performed, and the tumor was adhered to the duodenum, infra-renal aorta and inferior vena cava. We believe that an angiographic study pre-operatively with embolization makes possible an analysis of the anastomosis and arterial supplement, making the ressecability of the tumor safer, although it seems the surgical intervention should have been done earlier.
Bezoars are foreign bodies impacted in the digestive tract resulting of their ingestion and accumulation, involving mainly the stomach. The most common types are phytobezoars, contaning vegetables, fiber and seed and the trichobezoar, made of hair. The present case is the description of a 25-year-old female with nonspecific dyspeptic symptoms associated to intestinal habit change. The diagnosis was suggested by Computerized Tomography in association with clinical history - initially omitted by the pacient - of trichophagia for 10 years. Treatment consisted of Anterior Gastrotomy and remotion of the bezoar.
The authors present a case report of a pancreatic pseudocyst with an unusual spleen involvement. The aspects of this rare complication are discussed, as well as the probable etiologic factors. The outcome was satisfactory and the surgical treatment consisted of the resection of its thick capsule, since the local anatomic conditions would not permit a splenectomy with distal pancreatectomy, considered to be the ideal surgery.
The authors report a case of a male patient in his forties with progressive abdominal pain associated with weight loss, dyspnea, and edema of the inferior limbs, culminating in a surgical acute abdomen. A segmental enterectomy containing a lesion of about 10cm in diameter was performed. It was later confirmed, by means of immuno-hystochemistry, as being a Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumor of high biological aggressiveness. Etiology, diagnosis, classification, prognosis and therapeutic with Imatinib Mesylate - STI-571 (Glivec® - Novartis) are hence discussed.
Idiopathic pneumoperitoneum is considered a rare condition, as only twenty cases have been described in the last thirty years. The authors report a case of idiopathic massive pneumoperitoneum in a patient aged 45, showing the possible causes of this clinical picture based on a review of medical literature.
We report a case of gastric lipoma, a rare benign stomach tumor. There are approximately 200 cases previously described in literature. A male, 62-year-old patient with no clinical complaint presented a tumor lesion in the stomach antrum found in a routine upper endoscopy. A surgical resection (subtotal gastrectomy) was done and the histological examination showed submucosal lipoma without signs of malignancy. This report points to the growth of routine examination in the current clinical practice and the dilemma brought by overdiagnosis.
We present a case of a 54-year-old man with abdominal pain four hours after colonoscopy and upper endoscopy. Since he had had a polipectomy and an ulcer was seen in the terminal ileum, the diagnosis of appendicitis was even more difficult. The authors discuss the rarity of this situation and the minimally invasive approach to treat appendicitis.
We present a case of hepatectomy in a patient with liver's lymphangioma associated with Situs Inversus Totalis. The first case of medical literature.
Osteochondromas are the most common benign tumor of the bone. They are sometimes responsible for vascular complications involving either veins or arteries, principally around the knee. Pseudoaneurysms are considered a rare condition. The authors describe the occurrence of a pseudoaneurysm of the popliteal artery in association with a femoral osteochondroma in a 30-years-old man.
The authors report a case of urethral leiomyoma diagnosed during pregnancy, which was conservatively treated up to the 38th week, when the pregnancy was interrupted. Thirty days after delivery, exeresis of the lesion was performed from the upper border of the urethral meatus and sutured with interrupted delayed-absorbable suture. The patient evolved favorably and presented no lesion recurrence during three months of follow up.
We present a case of Plummer-Vinson syndrome, which is a rare condition nowadays. The diagnosis was made after years of the disease, many doctors having attended the patient. The treatment consisted of oral supplementation of iron and endoscopic dilatations. The patient is asymptomatic.
Spontaneous esophageal rupture carries high morbidity and mortality. The main prognostic factor is early diagnosis, before 12 hours, and appropriate treatment. This is a case report of a 41-years-old man with late esophageal rupture diagnosis treated successfully with transmediatinal esophagectomy and esophageal-gastric tube cervical anastomosis.
Common bile duct disruption from blunt trauma is very rare. Management, diagnosis and therapy by a non-specialist surgeon can be difficult. We describe a bile duct injury after a motor vehicle crash in a young male, treated with cholecystojejunostomy at his third laparotomy. We also briefly review some diagnostic aspects and therapeutic options from the literature.
The malignant melanoma is a relatively common neoplasia, with origin generally in the melanocytics cells in the skin, but with presentation of other possible primary lesions, being presented in this, a case witnessed of liver and mesentery metastases with unknown primary sites.
Apresentamos um caso de regressão espontânea de hidropisia fetal provavelmente causada por infecção materno-fetal pelo parvovírus B19. Além de hidropisia, observamos anemia e hipocontratilidade cardíaca no feto. O diagnóstico foi estabelecido pela soma dos achados ultra-sonográficos, detecção do vírus no soro materno, hemograma fetal e dosagem de enzimas hepáticas fetais.