938 resultados para Relations with others


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The electronic states and magnetotransport properties of quantum waveguides (QW's) in the presence of nonuniform magnetic fields perpendicular to the QW plane are investigated theoretically. It is found that the magnetoconductance of those structures as a function of Fermi energy exhibits stepwise variation or square-wave-like oscillations, depending on the specific distributions (both in magnitude and direction) of nonuniform magnetic fields in QW's. We have investigated the dual magnetic strip structures and three magnetic strip structures. The character of the magnetotransport is closely related to the effective magnetic potential and the energy-dispersion spectrum of electron in the structures. It is found that dispersion relations seem to be combined by different sets of dispersion curves that belong to different individual magnetic subwaveguides. The magnetic effective potential leads to the coupling of states and the substantial distortion of the original dispersion curves at the interfaces in which the abrupt change of magnetic fields appears. Magnetic scattering states are created. Only in some three magnetic strip structures, these scattering states produce the dispersion relations with oscillation structures superimposed on the bulk Landau levels. It is the oscillatory behavior in dispersions that leads to the occurrence of square-wave-like modulations in conductance.


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Edkins, J. and Pin-Fat, V. (2005). Through the Wire: Relations of Power and Relations of Violence. Millennium - Journal of International Studies. 34(1), pp.1-24 RAE2008


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Background: Spirituality is fundamental to all human beings, existing within a person, and developing until death. This research sought to operationalise spirituality in a sample of individuals with chronic illness. A review of the conceptual literature identified three dimensions of spirituality: connectedness, transcendence, and meaning in life. A review of the empirical literature identified one instrument that measures the three dimensions together. Yet, recent appraisals of this instrument highlighted issues with item formulation and limited evidence of reliability and validity. Aim: The aim of this research was to develop a theoretically-grounded instrument to measure spirituality – the Spirituality Instrument-27 (SpI-27). A secondary aim was to psychometrically evaluate this instrument in a sample of individuals with chronic illness (n=249). Methods: A two-phase design was adopted. Phase one consisted of the development of the SpI-27 based on item generation from a concept analysis, a literature review, and an instrument appraisal. The second phase established the psychometric properties of the instrument and included: a qualitative descriptive design to establish content validity; a pilot study to evaluate the mode of administration; and a descriptive correlational design to assess the instrument’s reliability and validity. Data were analysed using SPSS (Version 18). Results: Results of exploratory factor analysis concluded a final five-factor solution with 27 items. These five factors were labelled: Connectedness with Others, Self-Transcendence, Self-Cognisance, Conservationism, and Connectedness with a Higher Power. Cronbach’s alpha coefficients ranged from 0.823 to 0.911 for the five factors, and 0.904 for the overall scale, indicating high internal consistency. Paired-sample t-tests, intra-class correlations, and weighted kappa values supported the temporal stability of the instrument over 2 weeks. A significant positive correlation was found between the SpI-27 and the Spirituality Index of Well-Being, providing evidence for convergent validity. Conclusion: This research addresses a call for a theoretically-grounded instrument to measure spirituality.


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This paper is based on research undertaken in Ireland that sought to understand how parents communicate with their children about sexuality. Forty-three parents were interviewed and data were analysed using analytical induction. Data indicated that while parents tended to pride themselves on the culture of openness to sexuality that prevailed in their home, they often described situations where very little dialogue on the subject actually transpired. However, unlike previous research on the topic that identified parent-related factors (such as ignorance or embarrassment) as the main impediments to parent-young person communication about sex, participants in our study identified the central obstacle to be a reticence on the part of the young person to engage in such dialogue. Participants described various blocking techniques apparently used by the young people, including claims to have full prior knowledge on the issue, physically absenting themselves from the situation, becoming irritated or annoyed, or ridiculing parents' educational efforts. In our analysis, we consider our findings in light of the shifting power of children historically and the new cultural aspiration of maintaining harmonious and democratic relations with one's offspring.


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O envolvimento dos estudantes na escola tem ganho relevância no âmbito da comunidade científica. Apesar de não existir um consenso face à sua definição, todas apontam para o facto do envolvimento se relacionar com a forma como os estudantes se identificam e valorizam os resultados escolares, bem como, a sua participação em atividades escolares curriculares e extracurriculares. O suporte social visto como a perceção que o indivíduo tem de ser valorizado e aceite pelos outros contidos na sua rede social. A investigação tem demonstrado a relação existente entre estes dois conceitos. A existência de suporte social, mais especificamente o estabelecimento de relações positivas com o grupo de pares parece estar relacionada com um maior envolvimento dos estudantes na escola. O objetivo do presente estudo é compreender a relação entre o envolvimento dos estudantes na escola e a perceção de suporte social. O mesmo foi realizado numa escola em Évora, com alunos do 2º e 3º ciclos do ensino básico (335 alunos). Foram utilizados dois questionários: o QEEE – Questionário acerca do Envolvimento dos Estudantes na Escola e o QPSS – Questionário de Percepção de Suporte Social. Os resultados do presente estudo apontam para correlações estatisticamente significativas entre o suporte social e o envolvimento dos estudantes na escola, corroborando assim investigações já realizadas; ABSTRACT: Students engagement with school has won relevance within the scientific community. Although there is no consensus over its definition, all point to the fact that the engagement relate to how the students to identify and value the school results as well as their participation in curricular and extracurricular activities. The social support seen as the perception that the individual must be valued and accepted by others contained in your social network. The research has demonstrated the relationship between these both. The existence of social support, specifically the establishment of good relations with the peer group seems to be related to greater student engagement with school. The aim of this study is to understand the link between student engagement with school and perceived social support. It was conducted in a school in Évora, with students from 2nd and 3th cycles of middle school (335 students). We used two questionnaires: QEEE – Questionnaire about the Student Engagement with School and QPSS – Questionnaire for Perceived Social Support. The results of this study show statistically significant correlations between social support and students engagement with school, thus confirming previous research.


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A tese que se apresenta defende que a capacidade criativa, manifestação de criatividade da condição humana, ao ser promovida e desenvolvida facilita a ocorrência da aprendizagem da atitude criativa, que tem como efeito a flexibilidade de pensamento, a originalidade das ideias e a fluidez de expressão, potenciando, simultaneamente, a comunicação e a expressão pessoal, ao despertar a curiosidade e o espírito crítico. Para demonstrar a sua validade e legitimidade começou-se por estabelecer a conexão de dois campos de estudos, criatividade e comunicação-ludicidade. De seguida definiu-se três vias distintas que permitiu chegar à perspectiva teórica da pragmática da criatividade: A primeira via diz respeito ao entendimento de diferentes perspectivas teóricas de autores de referência que se dedicaram ao estudo da compreensão da criatividade e à investigação dos factores que permitem a promoção e o desenvolvimento da criatividade humana e social, tentando estabelecer um paralelo entre elas; a segunda via, foi a apropriação da pragmática da comunicação humana estabelecida pela Escola de Pensamento de Palo Alto (1967), e a sua transposição para o campo teórico da criatividade, o que permite sublinhar a relevância dos factores de interacção e de contextos situacionais na construção da aprendizagem e na mudança; a terceira e última via diz respeito à adopção da noção de consequencialidade estabelecido por Cronen e Sigman (1995), no contexto da comunicação humana, o que possibilita a delimitação do percurso no campo da pragmática da criatividade. Das três vias definidas resulta a elaboração da conceptualização sobre a atitude criativa e a definição da metodologia de design de criatividade que se define como uma metodologia de comunicação e ludicidade e de experiência criativa, concebida e desenvolvida segundo um modelo sistémico, que promove a construção de aprendizagens e mudanças, que potenciam o desenvolvimento da criatividade bem como os seus efeitos na autonomia individual, nomeadamente, a flexibilidade do pensamento, a capacidade crítica, a originalidade da concepção, a construção de artefactos e a cooperação na interacção com os outros e consigo mesmo. Os resultados obtidos fazem parte integrante do projecto de investigação, formação e intervenção designado por CriCoLudi– criatividade, comunicação-ludicidade que se apresentam e sustentam a afirmação da tese enunciada. O referido projecto CriCoLudi foi desenvolvido no contexto da formação inicial de futuros Educadores de Infância, integrado na disciplina de Comunicação e Ludicidade, da Licenciatura em Educação de Infância da Universidade de Aveiro decorrido no ano lectivo de 2004/05, com uma amostra constituida por dezassete sujeitos-alvo mediados (SAMos) e por um sujeito-alvo mediador (SAMr), autora da tese. O projecto CriCoLudi foi desenvolvido em contexto de sala de aula em situação de intervenção do tipo oficina, mediado pela concepção e produção de artefactos lúdicos e de criatividade. As relações estabelecidas entre o processo de promoção e desenvolvimento da capacidade criativa com o seu efeito, atitude criativa dela decorrente, revelaram-se ao longo do processo de construção da aprendizagem e da mudança de comportamentos dos sujeitos alvo mediados, através da metodologia proposta e criada para o efeito, design de criatividade, que se desenvolveu através de estratégias relacionais, em contexto situacional e inter-pessoal de oficina, promovendo-se e desenvolvendo-se a capacidade de questionar dos estereótipos reenquadrando um novo olhar sobre a realidade, promovidas pelo sujeito-alvo mediador, reponsável pelo processo em causa.


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Actualmente, a formação inicial de professores do 1º ciclo tem-se centrado na flexibilidade dos processos de trabalho, nas vertentes científica e técnica e no desenvolvimento de competências (Comissão Europeia, 2001), colocando-se ainda, no entanto, a tónica no conhecimento científico. O professor deve ser capaz de se adaptar aos diferentes contextos e funções a desempenhar e de resolver situações de grande imprevisibilidade e de grande indefinição. Será que a formação inicial de professores os prepara para um futuro próximo? Que futuro? “Tentarmos descrever o futuro, a partir do agora, significa que o que fizermos hoje será criticamente importante”, porque no futuro a formação inicial de professores será construída a partir do conhecimento básico, das ideias abstractas e das descobertas cientificas que fizermos hoje. “A base do modo como hoje, no século XXI, se formam professores está no que foi descoberto e legado nos anos 60, 70, 80, 90 do século XX”. Que fazemos hoje, agora mesmo, para contribuir para esse legado? Estamos convictos que muito de nada ou muito de pouco. O que alterar? Há quem pense que os professores do 1º ciclo não são analíticos. Talvez intuitivos, mas analíticos não. Ao aceitarmos esta dicotomia estamos a “atrapalhar” o futuro. Não somos apenas analíticos. Não somos apenas intuitivos. Na prática quotidiana, nas salas de aula, não usamos apenas as ferramentas diárias, usamos também a intuição e a análise. Uma análise baseada na teoria, enquanto manifestação do nosso esforço de expressar e partilhar, ou entender a nossa experiência, para influenciar o que nos é externo. Como “ensina” a formação inicial os futuros professores a trabalhar com os outros, para os outros? Todos temos um passado, um presente e um futuro em que nos formamos e que partilhamos uns com os outros, seja pela prática, seja pela teoria. Conceitos teóricos e práticos, como identidade, profissão, socialização profissional, práticas pedagógicas, formação inicial, instituição de formação, supervisão, relações pessoais e institucionais, representações sociais são conceitos construídos individual e socialmente, sempre em relação com os outros. Que percepção têm os professores cooperantes, detentores de uma turma de crianças do 1º ciclo, que “emprestam” aos futuros professores para desenvolverem a prática pedagógica da sua formação inicial, desta formação dada na instituição de formação? Foi o que pretendemos indagar com o presente trabalho. Do ponto de vista metodológico, o estudo foi desenvolvido segundo uma metodologia de natureza qualitativa, quantitativa e interpretativa que cruzou a informação recolhida através de diferentes instrumentos de recolha de dados, como as evocações livres e hierarquizadas, em contexto normal, e evocações hierarquizadas em contexto de substituição, um Teste de Reconhecimento do Objecto e um Questionário de Caracterização do Objecto. O tratamento dos dados foi feito com os programas SPSS, Excel, EVOC 2003 e SIMI. Participaram neste estudo 93 professores cooperantes. As conclusões mais genéricas apontam no sentido de confirmar os pressupostos adiantados no enquadramento teórico, quanto à hipótese da existência de um núcleo central e um sistema periférico, numa abordagem estruturalista das representações sociais, que parecem influenciar o modo como é percepcionada a formação inicial, pelos professores cooperantes.


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Influential voices have argued for a sociology which acknowledges the way we are co-constituted with a range of non-human species as part of the condition of life on this planet. Despite this, sociology has generally retained a conception of the social that is centred on the human. This paper argues for the inclusion of non-human animals in sociological agendas, focusing on the emerging field of the sociology of violence. It examines the institutions and processes through which non-human animals are subjected to different forms of violence, most notably, mass killing.The practice of killing animals is routine,normative,institutionalized and globalized.The scale of killing is historically unprecedented and the numbers killed are enormous. The paper argues that this killing of non-humans raises questions around inequal- ities and intersectionality, human relations with other species, the embedding of violence in everyday practices and links between micro and macro analyses. These are questions with which the new sociology of violence might engage.


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The purpose of this study was to understand the Hved experience of 6 women with recurrent ovarian cancer. Six women were interviewed 2-20 weeks after the recurrence of their ovarian cancer. Interview questions focused on the meaning of the recurrence and their communication with others. Women were asked about the information and support that they felt they needed at that time, van Manen's method of reflection and writing guided the inquiry. Analysis of the data revealed the themes of: my cancer is back; it means that I will die; talking about it; we are people, we are not a disease; information; and life has changed/life hasn't changed. This study revealed the perspectives of these 6 women with recurrent ovarian cancer. It provided an understanding and knowledge about the lives of these women. Future research should explore the experiences of a larger group of women with recurrent ovarian cancer in order to address their unique needs.


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The present dissertation examined why people adopt or endorse certain political ideologies (i.e., liberal or conservative). According to a motivated social cognition perspective (Jost, Glaser, Kruglanski, & Sulloway, 2003a; Kruglanslwith a focus on political liberalism. Based on psychological the9ries of ideology, research examining political conservatism, and experimental research examining differences between liberals and conservatives, it was proposed that four social-cognitive needs (Need for Inclusiveness, Need for Understanding, Need for Change, and Avoidance of Decisional Commitment) would be associated with liberalism. Moreover, research suggests that the relations between the needs and liberalism might be moderated by political sophistication (e.g., Converse, 1964). University students (Study 1; n == 201) and community adults (Study 2; n == 197) completed questionnaires assessing political liberalism, political sophistication, and individual differences 're~ective of the four proposed needs. As predicted, correlation and hierarchical regression analyses in both Studies 1 and 2 indicated that political liberalism was related to Need for Inclusiveness, Need for Understanding, and Need for Change. 11 Avoidance of Decisional Commitment uniquely predicted political liberalism in Study 2; however, contrary to predictions, it was unrelated to political liberalism in Study 1. Furthermore, some of these relations were moderated by political sophistication, such that among individuals with a greater knowledge of politics, the relation between certain needs and liberalism was positive. To explore the role of situationally induced needs on political liberalism, each of the four proposed needs were manipulated in Study 3. Participants (n == 120) completed one of five scrambled-sentence tasks (one for each need condition and control condition), measures of explicit and implicit political liberalism, political sophistication, and state and trait measures indicative of the four proposed needs. The ~anipulation did not successfully prime participants with the needs. Therefore, a replication of the analyses from Studies 1 and 2 was conducted on the dispositional needs. Results showed that Need for Inclusiveness, Need for Understanding, and Need for Change were linked with greater explicit and implicit political liberalism. Study 4 examined the effect of manipulated Need for Inclusiveness on participants' endorsement ofpolitical liberalism, independent of conservatism. Participants (n == 43) were randomly assigned to a Need for Inclusiveness or control condition, and completed separate measures of political liberalism and conservatism, and political sophistication. Participants in the Need for Inclusiveness condition reported greater liberalism than those in a control condition; this effect was not moderated by political sophistication. Generally, the findings from this dissertation suggest that there might be other needs underlying political ideology, especially political liberalism. Thus, consistent with others' (Jost, Glaser et aI., 2003a), individuals might adopt political liberalism as a way of gratifying certain psychological needs. Implications and future research are discussed.


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This project evolved out of a search for ways to conduct research on “others” in a way that does not exploit, stigmatize or misrepresent their experience. This thesis is an ethnographic study in leisure research and youth work and an experiment in running a photovoice project. Photovoice is a participatory visual method that embodies the emancipatory ideal of empowering others through self-representation. The literature on photovoice lacks a comprehensive discussion on the complexity of power and representation. Postmodern theorists have proposed that participatory methods are not benign and that initiatives are acts of power in themselves that produce effects (Cook & Kothari, 2001). A Foucauldian analysis of power is used to deconstruct the researcher’s practice and reflect on why and how youth are “engaged”. This project seeks to embrace the principle of working “withothers, but also work from a postmodern perspective that acknowledges power and representation as ongoing problems.


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James Butler Hickok (1837-1876), also known as “Wild Bill” Hickok, was an American gun-fighter, scout and spy. He was involved in altercations with others while working for the famous express company Russell, Majors and Waddell (in 1861), and later while working as a wagon master, scout, and spy for the Union forces during the Civil War. These altercations resulted in the deaths of 4 people, but Hickok was acquitted in all cases. An embellished article written about him in Harper’s magazine helped contribute to his reputation as a western hero. He served as a deputy U.S. marshal and sheriff in Kansas in the late 1860’s, helping to bring law and order to a previously lawless area. He gambled considerably, and during a card game on August 2, 1876, was shot and killed. The cards he was holding (two aces, two eights, and a jack) became known as the "dead man's hand."


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Cette recherche a pour objet l'étude de la dynamique de transformation du métier d'ingénieur dans le contexte algérien saisi à travers le rapport au travail. Elle repose sur une approche théorique s'inspirant d'une sociologie des groupes professionnels avec une démarche alliant méthodes quantitatives et qualitatives. Prenant appui sur des données recueillies à l'aide d'un questionnaire et d'entretiens approfondis menés dans Sonatrach, la plus grande entreprise d'Algérie, notre étude s'est attachée à faire ressortir les facteurs qui agissent au niveau individuel, organisationnel et sociétal sur les pratiques professionnelles pour deux générations d'ingénieurs. La première a eu pour mission de bâtir le pays à travers les grands projets de développement qui ont caractérisé la période après l'indépendance. La deuxième est arrivée sur le marché de l'emploi, à la fin des années 80, dans un contexte de crise et a payé un lourd tribut à la détérioration de la conjoncture économique. Les pratiques professionnelles se construisent tout d'abord dans le travail, mais aussi dans l'exercice des activités quotidiennes, les relations avec les autres et enfin la satisfaction à l'égard du travail. Tels ont été les points focaux de notre démarche d'explicitation du rapport au travail chez nos ingénieurs. Nous avons mis en lumière l'effet de la position hiérarchique au sein de l'organisation et des types de fonction. La satisfaction tient de la fierté d'appartenir à une entreprise prestigieuse. Chez les jeunes, elle s'exprime aussi dans les avantages matériels et une vision du métier fondée sur la maîtrise technique. Les plus âgés, encore marqués par l'idéologie nationaliste, mettent l'accent sur la participation à l'édification du pays, mais aussi sur la réalisation de soi et la fidélité à l'entreprise. Le rapport au travail s'élabore également au fil du temps dans son cheminement professionnel. Nous l'avons abordé, dans une deuxième étape, en documentant les processus d'intégration et de mobilité au sein de l'entreprise. Les trajectoires professionnelles sont régies par des politiques et des procédures de gestion qui en définissent les modalités, mais elles obéissent également à des opportunités et à des pratiques informelles qui jouent un rôle tout aussi important dans la détermination des profils de carrière. Enfin, le rapport au travail est tributaire de facteurs qui dépassent le cadre de l'entreprise. Dans une troisième étape, nous avons analysé les transformations du système éducatif et leur impact sur la certification des ingénieurs, la crise économique et ses effets en termes de chômage et de précarité et enfin la montée du discours religieux et ses manifestations chez les ingénieurs. Ces facteurs liés au contexte sociétal modifient les représentations et modèlent les attitudes et comportements au travail et à l'égard de celui-ci. Comme le montre notre recherche, le rapport au travail articule, dans une composition complexe, parcours individuels et histoires collectives vécus dans des environnements en évolution. La pratique d'un métier se trouve liée aux différents contextes de socialisation qui traversent les individus. Elle se situe, dans le cas algérien, au croisement d'une formation scientifique et technique qui montre peu de réactivité aux besoins mouvants de l'opérateur économique qu'elle est censée satisfaire, d'une entreprise bureaucratique dans son organisation et dans son fonctionnement où le contournement des règles peut s'ériger en principes de gestion et enfin d'un contexte sociétal qui oscille entre modernité et tradition. Cette dernière est réinterprétée de manière orthodoxe par les mouvements religieux en action dans la société. Ainsi, les ingénieurs investis initialement d'une mission de développement et considérés alors comme "vecteur de modernité" connaissent une détérioration de leur statut et la crise touche la profession vécue cependant différemment selon les générations.


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Depuis le début des années 90, le réseau de la santé au Québec est soumis à une vaste restructuration qui a eu des conséquences négatives sur la qualité de vie au travail (QVT) des infirmières et infirmiers. Les hommes se retrouvent en nombre croissant dans toutes les sphères de la pratique infirmière, mais les études existantes ne font malheureusement pas mention de la qualité de vie au travail de ceux-ci. Alors, il apparaît pertinent de s’attarder au phénomène de la qualité de vie au travail des hommes infirmiers dans la profession infirmière, et ce, plus précisément en CSSS mission CLSC. Le but de cette étude phénoménologique consiste à décrire et à comprendre la signification de la qualité de vie au travail pour des infirmiers œuvrant en CSSS mission CLSC. L’essence du phénomène, les huit thèmes et les 35 sous-thèmes qui se dégagent directement des entrevues énoncent que la signification de la qualité de vie au travail pour des infirmiers œuvrant en centre de santé et des services sociaux (CSSS), mission CLSC et déclarant avoir une qualité de vie positive au travail, signifie « un climat empreint de caring qui favorise l'épanouissement de l'infirmier en CLSC en œuvrant pour le maintien de l'harmonie entre les sphères professionnelle et familiale ». Si certains résultats corroborent ceux d’études antérieures, d’autres apportent des éléments nouveaux favorisant la santé des infirmiers par le biais de la qualité de vie au travail. Enfin, des avenues concrètes visant la mise en place de programmes d’optimisation de la qualité de vie au travail, sont proposées.


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La situation économique, sociale et politique des nations autochtones au Canada et leur relation avec les nations non-autochtones présentent des similarités avec les anciennes colonies européennes. Peut-on qualifier cette relation de « coloniale » ? Cette interrogation est primordiale, vu les aspects immoraux et illégaux que prit la colonisation. Nous parcourrons la pensée d’auteurs reliés au libéralisme, au nationalisme autochtone et à l’interculturalisme et nous choisirons ce dernier comme angle d’approche. Nous élaborerons ensuite le concept de colonisation interne et nous le confronterons au cas des autochtones. Puis, nous présenterons les motivations à la décolonisation ainsi que la composition d’un hypothétique État postcolonial canadien et de nations et communautés autochtones décolonisées. Finalement, nous analyserons la démarche judiciaire, la négociation d’ententes d’autonomie gouvernementale, la mobilisation des masses et l’approche des word warriors, l’objectif étant d’évaluer jusqu’à quel point ces moyens s’inscrivent dans un éventuel processus de décolonisation des nations autochtones.