993 resultados para Rebeliones-Valencia-1801
This report of the BOOST2012 workshop presents the results of four working groups that studied key aspects of jet substructure. We discuss the potential of first-principle QCD calculations to yield a precise description of the substructure of jets and study the accuracy of state-of-the-art Monte Carlo tools. Limitations of the experiments' ability to resolve substructure are evaluated, with a focus on the impact of additional (pile-up) proton proton collisions on jet substructure performance in future LHC operating scenarios. A final section summarizes the lessons learnt from jet substructure analyses in searches for new physics in the production of boosted top quarks.
1. The genus Echinococcus Rudolphi, 1801, is reviewed. The recorded measurements of all species are shown in tables, and their taxonomic status is discussed. 2. Three species of Echinococcus can be distinguished by morphological criteria and are considered valid: E. granulosus, E. multilocularis and E. oligarthrus. The status of E. felidis and E. patagonicus is uncertain, but both may be conspecific with E. granulosus. Six species are considered synonyms of E. granulosus: E. cameroni, E. intermedius, E. longimanubrius, E. lycaontis, E. minimus and E. ortleppi.
Although cestodes of the genus Echinococcus have been much studied in the past, there is need for an evaluation of these morphological characters used as the basis for species differentiation. The generous cooperation of other investigators in providing necessary foreign material and the results of nearly five years of field work in Alaska make possible such a study. It is the purpose of the paper to evaluate morphological characters used at the species level to differentiate these cestodes, and to review the status of species currently considered valid.
A new species of Pseudoboa, P. martinsi, is described from the Amazon basin of Brazil, with records from the states of Para, Amazonas, Roraima and Rondonia. The new species is distinguished from the other five species of the genus by a combination of scalation and coloration characters. Individuals of the new species were found in both primary and disturbed forested areas. The species seems to be predominantly nocturnal and secretive because specimens were found foraging in the litter during night.
Most studies on measures of transpiration of plants, especially woody fruit, relies on methods of heat supply in the trunk. This study aimed to calibrate the Thermal Dissipation Probe Method (TDP) to estimate the transpiration, study the effects of natural thermal gradients and determine the relation between outside diameter and area of xylem in 'Valencia' orange young plants. TDP were installed in 40 orange plants of 15 months old, planted in boxes of 500 L, in a greenhouse. It was tested the correction of the natural thermal differences (DTN) for the estimation based on two unheated probes. The area of the conductive section was related to the outside diameter of the stem by means of polynomial regression. The equation for estimation of sap flow was calibrated having as standard lysimeter measures of a representative plant. The angular coefficient of the equation for estimating sap flow was adjusted by minimizing the absolute deviation between the sap flow and daily transpiration measured by lysimeter. Based on these results, it was concluded that the method of TDP, adjusting the original calibration and correction of the DTN, was effective in transpiration assessment.
Dasyatis guttata has been target of artisanal fisheries in the coast of Bahia (Northeast Brazil) mainly by “arraieira” (gillnet) and “grozeira” (bottom long-line), but until now there is no stock assessment study. One of the important data for this knowledge is reliable indices of abundance. The aims of the present work are to: (1) estimate the best predictor for relative abundance (catch-per-unit-of-effort, CPUE), examining whether catch (production – kg) was related to: soak time of the gear, size of the gillnet or number of hooks, applying generalized linear model (GLM); (2) estimate the annual CPUE (kg/hooks and kg/m) averaged by gear; and (3) assess the temporal CPUE variance. Based on monthly sampling between January 2012 and January 2013, 222 landings by grozeira and 76 by arraiaiera were recorded in the two landing sites in Todos os Santos Bay, Bahia. A total of 14,550 kg (average = 44 kg/month) of D. guttata was captured. Models for both gears were highly significant (P < 0.0001). The analysis indicated that the most appropriate variable for CPUE analysis was the size of the gillnet (P < 0.001) and the number of hooks (P < 0.0001). Soak time of the gear was not significant for both gears (P = 0.4). High residual deviance expresses the complexity of the relations between ecosystem factors and other fisheries factors affecting relative abundance, which were not considered in this study. The average CPUE by grozeira was 6.39 kg/100 hooks ± 8.89 and by arraieira, 1.47 kg/100 m ± 1.66 over the year. Kruskal-Wallis test showed effect of the month on the mean grozeira CPUE (P = <0.001), but no effect (P = 0.096) on the mean arraieira CPUE. Grozeira CPUE values were highest in December and March, and lowest between May to August
[ES] El jurel dentón Pseudocaranx dentex (Bloch & Schneider, 1801) es una especie habitualmente asociada al entorno de instalaciones comerciales de engorde de doradas Sparus aurata L., 1758 y lubinas Dicentrarchus labrax (L., 1758) en jaulas flotantes en las islas Canarias. Con el objetivo de conocer el potencial de esta especie para la acuicultura se ha llevado a cabo un estudio de su ciclo reproductivo anual. Durante un año se han recogido muestras de gónadas, evaluado variables morfométricas a partir de especímenes salvajes y registrado los valores de temperatura y fotoperiodo en el momento de los muestreos. Los análisis macroscópicos y microscópicos realizados de las gónadas, junto con la determinación mensual del índice gonadosomático (IGS) y del factor de condición (FC), han servido para establecer el ciclo anual de maduración de esta especie. El estadio de vitelogénesis avanzada fue observado entre mayo y noviembre, sugiriendo un prolongado periodo de desove para esta especie en aguas de las islas Canarias.
[EN] Meagre, has been proposed as a candidate for marine finfish diversification on commercial aquaculture (Quémèner, 2002, Mateos, 2007). Despite of the elevated on growing potential, the most important bottleneck of this specie is related to the limited production of fry. Larval rearing of this species, is performed mainly adapting seabream culture techniques with different success (Roo et al., 2007) However, since limited information about the optimal feeding sequences and nutritional requirements of meagre is available, more research is needed on larval rearing protocols and nutrition. Present results (elevated larval growth rate, high survival, short rotifers period) are very promising for a successful implementation at industrial scale, which helps to solve the continues lack of fry of this specie in the Mediterranean and Canary islands.
La corvina (Argyrosomus regius) es un teleósteo de la familia Scianidae, que en los últimos años ha despertado un gran interés en acuicultura por su rápido crecimiento y la calidad de su carne. A su vez, se trata de una de las especies denominadas ?nuevas? que no pertenecen a la familia de los espáridos, y permite diversificar la oferta de la piscicultura marina. Las primeras aportaciones al estudio histológico del desarrollo larvario de esta especie fueron realizados por Jiménez et al. (2007). El presente trabajo incrementa la información existente, durante los dos primeros meses de vida de esta especie, lo que permitirá optimizar el cultivo larvario. Para ello se analiza la relación entre el desarrollo de sistema digestivo, la vejiga natatoria y el sistema visual. Los resultado demuestran que la corvina es una especie de rápido desarrollo y muy susceptible a las condiciones de cultivo durante su fase larvaria, condicionando éstas su crecimiento. A su vez el presente estudio ratifica que las características morfológicas y la organogénesis están directamente relacionadas con la longitud de la larva, independientemente de la edad de la misma.