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The paper presents a study on business micro-location behaviour as well as corresponding factors of influence, conducted in two metropolitan areas, Bucharest-Ilfov (Romania) and Greater Porto (Portugal). By business micro-location we refer to a specific site such as a building or facility, accommodating a business within a small, compact geographical area (e.g. metropolitan area). At this geographical scale, the macroeconomic layer factors were excluded, applicable when discern between regions or countries. The factors derived from location theory and previous empirical studies were surveyed, completing a cross-sectional analysis in order to find out the specific weights of the location factors and preferences, by region and by industry. Based on already established firms’ feedback on location, the specific weights were granted by each industry to the main location factors, types of areas, and types of accommodation facilities. The authors also suggested a model to integrate these results into a Geographical Information System (GIS).
Dissertation presented to obtain a Ph.D. degree (Doutoramento) in Chemistry at the Instituto de Tecnologia Quimica e Biol6gica da Universidade Nova de Lisboa
Dissertation presented to obtain the Ph.D degree in Biochemistry
Si le passage d'un calcul rénal est souvent considéré comme un événement médical mineur, quoique très douloureux, de plus en plus d'études indiquent qu'il doit être pris au sérieux puisqu'il peut indiquer un risque cardiovasculaire augmenté. Nous revoyons ici les études qui associent risque cardiovasculaire et calcul rénal et les liens physiopathologiques qui les unissent. Nous montrons que la lithiase est un événement intervenant tôt dans la vie d'un individu à risque de développer des complications cardiovasculaires. Ainsi, la lithiase ne doit pas être banalisée, mais doit être considérée comme une première alerte devant inciter le médecin traitant à recenser précocement les facteurs de risque cardiovasculaires et à mettre en place une stratégie de prévention. Cette approche pourrait permettre de diminuer l'incidence d'événements cardiovasculaires chez les patients formeurs de lithiases. Most of the time, kidney stones are considered as minor, but painful events. However, several studies have recently shown an association between kidney stone and an increased cardio-vascular risk. We review here these studies and explore the underlying pathophysiological hypotheses. At the end, we propose that lithiasis should be considered as a red flag intervening early during life-time and allowing a check of cardiovascular risk factors and early preventive intervention. Such approach may be successful in reducing the incidence of cardio-vascular events in stone formers.
Cet article présente les résultats de la revue systématique: Inglis SC, Clark RA, McAlister FA, et al. Structured telephone support or telemonitoring programmes for patients with chronic heart failure. Cochrane Database Systematic Reviews 2010, Issue 8. Art. No.:CD007228. DOI:10.1002/14651858.CD007228.pub2. PMID: 20687083
Les pneumonies causent une mortalité et une morbidité significatives. De manière simplifiée, deux types de pneumonie sont décrits : la pneumonie communautaire et la pneumonie nosocomiale avec le pneumocoque et l'Haemophilus influenzae comme causes principales pour la première, le Pseudomonas et diverses entérobactéries pour la deuxième. La réalité est cependant plus complexe puisque l'on distingue aussi la pneumonie d'aspiration par exemple. La culture est très importante dans le cas des pneumonies nosocomiales car elle permet de déterminer la sensibilité aux antibiotiques de l'agent infectieux et d'adapter le traitement. Pour les patients immunosupprimés, le diagnostic différentiel est plus large et la recherche par tests moléculaires de certains virus, de champignons filamenteux et du Pneumocystis peut se révéler informative. Pneumonia is an importance cause of mortality and morbidity in adults. Two types of pneumonia are defined: community-acquired and nosocomial pneumonia with their corresponding etiology such as pneumococci or Haemophilus influenzae and Pseudomonas or enterobacteriaceae, respectively. However, the reality is more complex with aspiration pneumonia, pneumonia in immunocompromised patient, and pneumonia in ventilated patients. Culture in the case of nosocomial pneumonia is especially important to obtain the antibiotic susceptibility of the infectious agent and to adjust therapy. Moreover for immunocompromised patients, the differential diagnosis is much wider looking for viruses, filamentous fungi and Pneumocystis can be very informative, using new molecular assays.
Segment poses and joint kinematics estimated from skin markers are highly affected by soft tissue artifact (STA) and its rigid motion component (STARM). While four marker-clusters could decrease the STA non-rigid motion during gait activity, other data, such as marker location or STARM patterns, would be crucial to compensate for STA in clinical gait analysis. The present study proposed 1) to devise a comprehensive average map illustrating the spatial distribution of STA for the lower limb during treadmill gait and 2) to analyze STARM from four marker-clusters assigned to areas extracted from spatial distribution. All experiments were realized using a stereophotogrammetric system to track the skin markers and a bi-plane fluoroscopic system to track the knee prosthesis. Computation of the spatial distribution of STA was realized on 19 subjects using 80 markers apposed on the lower limb. Three different areas were extracted from the distribution map of the thigh. The marker displacement reached a maximum of 24.9mm and 15.3mm in the proximal areas of thigh and shank, respectively. STARM was larger on thigh than the shank with RMS error in cluster orientations between 1.2° and 8.1°. The translation RMS errors were also large (3.0mm to 16.2mm). No marker-cluster correctly compensated for STARM. However, the coefficient of multiple correlations exhibited excellent scores between skin and bone kinematics, as well as for STARM between subjects. These correlations highlight dependencies between STARM and the kinematic components. This study provides new insights for modeling STARM for gait activity.
Les importants progrès dans la qualité et la résolution des images obtenues par «absorptiométrie biphotonique à rayons X» ou DXA ont amélioré certaines modalités existantes et favorisé le développement de nouvelles fonctions permettant d'affiner de manière significative la prise en charge de nos patients dans diverses pathologies. On peut par exemple améliorer la prédiction du risque fracturaire par l'analyse indirecte de la micro et de la macroarchitecture osseuse, rechercher les marqueurs de pathologies associées (recherche de fractures vertébrales ou de fractures fémorales atypiques), ou évaluer le statut métabolique par la mesure de la composition corporelle. Avec les appareils DXA les plus performants, on pourra bientôt déterminer l'âge osseux, estimer le risque cardiovasculaire (par la mesure de la calcification de l'aorte abdominale), ou prédire la progression de l'arthrose articulaire et son évolution après la prise en charge chirurgicale dans la routine clinique. The significant progress on the quality and resolution of the images obtained by "Dual X-ray Absorptiometry" or DXA has permitted on one hand to improve some existing features and on the other to develop new ones, significantly refining the care of our patients in various pathologies. For example, by improving the prediction of fracture risk by indirect analysis of micro- and macro-architecture of the bone, by looking for markers of associated bone diseases (research vertebral fractures or atypical femoral fractures), or by assessing the metabolic status by the measurement of body composition. With the best performing DXA devices we will soon be able, in clinical routine, to determine bone age, to estimate cardiovascular risk (by measuring the calcification of the abdominal aorta) or to predict the progression of joint osteoarthritis and its evolution after surgical management.
L'abcès pulmonaire se présente de manière très pléomorphe selon les germes initialement impliqués. Des symptômes gé néraux et une évolution souvent subaiguë sont retrouvés en cas d'aspiration de la flore oropharyngée, chez des patients avec des troubles de l'état de conscience ou de la déglutition. L'infection est très souvent polymicrobienne, avec présence de germes anaérobes dans deux tiers des cas. La prise en charge consiste en un traitement antibiotique prolongé, jusqu'à résolution ou stabilité de l'image radiologique. En cas d'état toxique ou d'absence de drainage bronchique spontané, un drainage de l'abcès est à discuter. Les sanctions chirurgicales sont peu souvent nécessaires et envisagées indépendamment de la taille de l'abcès excepté lors de néoplasie sous-jacente. Lung abscess occurs in very pleomorphic according to germs initially involved. The mechanism commonly found is an aspiration of the oropharyngeal flora in patients with disorders of consciousness or swallowing. The infection is polymicrobial, with presence of anaerobic germs in 2/3 of the cases. The support consists of a prolonged antibiotic treatment, as well as anaerobic until resolution or stability of the radiological image. In case of prolonged toxic state, drainage of the abscess is to be discussed especially if there is no airways drainage. Surgical sanctions is rarely needed regardless of the size of the abscess, unless underlying carcinoma is present.
This study explores biomonitoring communication with workers exposed to risks. Using a qualitative approach, semi-directive interviews were performed. Results show that occupational physicians and workers share some perceptions, but also point out communication gaps. Consequently, informed consent is not guaranteed. This article proposes some recommendations for occupational physicians' practices.
We assessed knee extensor neuromuscular adjustments following repeated treadmill sprints in different normobaric hypoxia conditions, with special reference to rapid muscle torque production capacity. Thirteen team- and racquet-sport athletes undertook 8 × 5-s "all-out" sprints (passive recovery = 25 s) on a non-motorized treadmill in normoxia (NM; FiO2 = 20.9%), at low (LA; FiO2 = 16.8%) and high (HA; FiO2 = 13.3%) normobaric hypoxia (simulated altitudes of ~1800 m and ~3600 m, respectively). Explosive (~1 s; "fast" instruction) and maximal (~5 s; "hard" instruction) voluntary isometric contractions (MVC) of the knee extensors (KE), with concurrent electromyographic (EMG) activity recordings of the vastus lateralis (VL) and rectus femoris (RF) muscles, were performed before and 1-min post-exercise. Rate of torque development (RTD) and EMG (i.e., Root Mean Square or RMS) rise from 0 to 30, -50, -100, and -200 ms were recorded, and were also normalized to maximal torque and EMG values, respectively. Distance covered during the first 5-s sprint was similar (P > 0.05) in all conditions. A larger (P < 0.05) sprint decrement score and a shorter (P < 0.05) cumulated distance covered over the eight sprints occurred in HA (-8 ± 4% and 178 ± 11 m) but not in LA (-7 ± 3% and 181 ± 10 m) compared to NM (-5 ± 2% and 183 ± 9 m). Compared to NM (-9 ± 7%), a larger (P < 0.05) reduction in MVC torque occurred post-exercise in HA (-14 ± 9%) but not in LA (-12 ± 7%), with no difference between NM and LA (P > 0.05). Irrespectively of condition (P > 0.05), peak RTD (-6 ± 11%; P < 0.05), and normalized peak RMS activity for VL (-8 ± 11%; P = 0.07) and RF (-14 ± 11%; P < 0.01) muscles were reduced post-exercise, whereas reductions (P < 0.05) in absolute RTD occurred within the 0-100 (-8 ± 9%) and 0-200 ms (-10 ± 8%) epochs after contraction onset. After normalization to MVC torque, there was no difference in RTD values. Additionally, the EMG rise for VL muscle was similar (P > 0.05), whereas it increased (P < 0.05) for RF muscle during all epochs post-exercise, independently of the conditions. In summary, alteration in repeated-sprint ability and post-exercise MVC decrease were greater at high altitude than in normoxia or at low altitude. However, the post-exercise alterations in RTD were similar between normoxia and low-to-high hypoxia.
The main objective of this research was to examine the relationship between surface electromyographic (SEMG) spike activity and force. The secondary objective was to determine to what extent subcutaneous tissue impacts the high frequency component of the signal, as well as, examining the relationship between measures of SEMG spike shape and their traditional time and frequency analogues. A total of96 participants (46 males and 50 females) ranging in age (18-35 years), generated three 5-second isometric step contractions at each force level of 40, 60, 80, and 100 percent of maximal voluntary contraction (MVC). The presentation of the contractions was balanced across subjects. The right arm of the subject was positioned in the sagittal plane, with the shoulder and elbow flexed to 90 degrees. The elbow rested on a support in a neutral position (mid pronation/mid supination) and placed within a wrist cuff, fastened below the styloid process. The wrist cuff was attached to a load cell (JR3 Inc., Woodland, CA) recording the force produced. Biceps brachii activity was monitored with a pair of Ag/AgCI recording electrodes (Grass F-E9, Astro-Med Inc., West Warwick, RI) placed in a bipolar configuration, with an interelectrode distance (lED) of 2cm distal to the motor point. Data analysis was performed on a I second window of data in the middle of the 5-second contraction. The results indicated that all spike shape measures exhibited significant (p < 0.01) differences as force increase~ from 40 to 100% MVC. The spike shape measures suggest that increased motor unit (MU) recruitment was responsible for increasing force up to 80% MVC. The results suggested that further increases in force relied on MU III synchronization. The results also revealed that the subcutaneous tissue (skin fold thickness) had no relationship (r = 0.02; P > 0.05) with the mean number of peaks per spike (MNPPS), which was the high frequency component of the signal. Mean spike amplitude (MSA) and mean spike frequency (MSF) were highly correlated with their traditional measures root mean square (RMS) and mean power frequency (MPF), respectively (r = 0.99; r = 0.97; P < 0.01).
This study evaluated sex-related differences in the tibialis anterior (TA) surface electromyography (EMG) to force relationship. One-hundred participants (50 males and 50 females) performed three isometric contractions at 20, 40, 60, 80, and 100% of maximal voluntary contraction (MVC) in an apparatus designed to isolate the action of the dorsiflexors. The surface EMG signal was amplified (lOOOx), band-pass filtered (10-500Hz), and sampled at 2048 Hz. The load cell signal was low-passed filtered at 100 Hz and sampled at the same rate. Males were stronger than females {P <0.05). However, there was no significant difference in root-mean-square (RMS) values between sexes {P <0.05). Both sexes exhibited a quadratic increase in RMS across force levels (P <0.05). The mean power frequency (MNF) for males was greater than for females {P <0.05). Males and females exhibited a linear increase in both frequency measures up to 80% of MVC (P <0.05). Between 80 and 100% MVC, the frequency values for the females plateaued while males showed a decrease {P <0.05). The magnitude of the difference in MNF between males and females was consistent with sex-specific TA physiology. In general, the pattern of means for RMS and MNF between males and females revealed no sex-related differences in the surface EMG/force relationship. We therefore conclude that there are no sex-related differences in the gradation of muscle force.
PreVi011.3 ':i or~ : indicat e('. tk~t ho t~)rE's sed ~-Al B 12 1i~2, ~' a semiconductor. r:Toreove r , the s i mpl.(~ electronic t heory also indi cates that ~ -AIB1 2 should be a semico nductor, since thf're is one nonbonding e 'Le ctrofl per AlB12- uni t. JPor these reasons, we decided to measure t he electrical n ropert i ~ s of ~ -AlB1 2 single crystal s . Singl e crystal s of¥- AIB 12 ab ou t 1 x 1 r1n1 . size were grown from a copper mel t at 12500 C. The melt technique coupled. 1,vi th slow cooling vilas used because of i ts advantages such as : siTYInle set- up of the expe rimon t ; only e ;l.sil y available c hemi cals are required and it i s a c omparatively strair::bt forvvard y,le t hod still yielding crystal s big enouGh for OtU' purpose . Copper rms used as a solvent , i nst8ad of previOl.wly used aluminum , because it allows c.l.'ystal growth at hig he r t emneratures. HovlGver, the cry s tals of ] -AlB12 shm'red very hi gh res i s t ance a t r oom temperature . From our neasureJ'lents we conclude that the r esistivity of j3- Al B12 is, at least, given as ~ = 4. x 107 oblD .em •• Those results are inc ons i s t ent wi 'uh the ones .. reported by IIiss Khin fo r bot- pressed j3-AlB12 g i ven a s = 7600 ohm . em . or I e s s . ' Since tbe hot pressing was done at about 800 - ' 9000C i n ~ rap hi te moul ds 1,7i th 97% AlB12- p oVJder, vie thi nk there is pas s ib i 1 i ty th a.t lower borides or borot] carbide are , being formed, ':.Jhich are k11 own to be good semiconductors . v7e tried to ro-pe r-AlB12 by addi'J,'?: agents s uch as l:Ig , IG.-InO 4. ' HgS04 , KI12PO 4·' etc. to t he melt .. However , all these re age 11 t eel either reduced the yield and size of t lJe crystals or r;ave crystals of high r esis'can ce again. We think tba t molten copper keeps t he i mpurities off . There is also a pos s i bil i ty t hc:!,t these doping agents get oxidi~::;ed at '1 250°C • Hence, we co ~ clud e that J -AIB12 has v~ ry high r es i stance at r oom temperature . This was a l s o C011 - fi rmed by checki ng the siYlgle and. polycrystals of .~-AIB12 from Norton Co., Ontario and Cooper Nletallurgical Association. Boron carbide has been reported to be a semiconductor with ~ - 0.3 to 0.8 ohm . cm. for hotpres sed s araples. Boron carbide b e inq: struct urally related to ¥-AIB12 , we de cided to study the electrical prone rties of it~ Single crystals. These crystals were cut from a Single melt grovvn crystal a t Norton Co., Ontario. The resistivity of th," se crystal s was measured by the Van der Pam-v' s ~ nethod, which \vas very c onvenient fo r our crystal sha-pp.s. Some of the crystals showed resistivity ~ == 0.50 ob,Tn.cr] . i n agreement with the previously reported results . However , a few crystals showed lower resistivity e.g . 0 .13 and 0.20 ohm.cra • • The Hall mobility could .not be measured and th8reiore i s lower than 0 .16 em 2 v - 1 sec -1 • This is in agreement \vith t he re1)orted Hall mobility for pyrolytic boron . _ 2 -1 -1 carbide as 0.13 cm v sec • We also studied the orientation of the boron carbide crystals by the Jjaue-method. The inclination of c-axis with res pect to x-ray be81Il was det ermined . This was found to be 100 t o 20° f or normal resistivity sarnples (0.5 ohm . cm.) and 27 - 30° for t he lower r esistivity samples (0.1 ~5 to 0.20 ohm.cm .). This indica tes the possibility that th.e r es if.1tivity of B13C3 i s orientation dependent.
Twenty-six sedentary, college-aged females were matched and randomly assigned to one of two groups. The massed group (n=13) completed 15 maximal isometric elbow flexion strength trials in one session, while the distributed group (n=13) performed five such contractions on three successive days. After a two-week and three month rest interval, both groups returned to perfonn another five maximal isometric elbow flexion strength trials to assess retention of any potential strength gains. Elbow flexion torque and surface electromyography (SEMG) of the biceps and triceps were monitored concurrently. There was a significant (P < 0.05) increase in strength in both groups from block one (first five contractions) to block four (first retest) and from block one to block five (second retest). Both groups exhibited a similar linear increasing (P < 0.05) trend in biceps root-mean-square (RMS) SEMG amplitude. A significant (P < 0.05) decrease in triceps RMS SEMG amplitude was found between block one and block four for the distributed group. However, a significant (P < 0.05) increase was then found between block one and five for the massed group, and between blocks four and five for distributed group. These results suggest that there is flexibility in resistive exercise schedules. An increase in neural drive to the agonist muscle continued throughout testing. This was accompanied by a reduction in antagonist co activation that was a short-tenn (two weeks) training effect, dissipated over the longer rest interval (three months).