904 resultados para Quasi-experimental design
Keynote speech about experimental design
Date of acceptance: 06/12/2014 Acknowledgments The study was funded by the Portuguese Ministry of Science (Fundac¸a˜o para a Cieˆncia e Tecnologia– FCT) through a PhD Grant of SG (SFRH/BD/47931/2008). We would like to thank the captain of the purse-seiner (Jose´ Manuel Saveedra) and his crew for facilitating the capture and transport of live fish. Moreover, we want to thank Ana Marc¸alo for suggestions on the experimental design, Manuel Garci for technical advice on underwater video recordings and James Turner from the company Future Oceans for providing technical details on the 70 kHz dolphin pingers. We would also like to acknowledge the scientific advice of Dr. Jose´ Iglesias and the technical and logistic support for the preparation of the laboratory and the materials for tank experiments by Enrique Martı´nez Gonza´lez, Ricardo Pazo´and other staff at the aquaculture facilities of the Spanish Institute for Oceanography (IEO) and the Marine Sciences Station of Toralla (ECIMAT) in Vigo. Furthermore, we are grateful to Francisco de la Granda Grandoso for his practical assistance during the fish tank experiments and to Juan Santos Blanco for helping with statistical analysis. Finally, we would like to thank Pilar Riobo´ Agula, Amelia Fernandez Villamarin, Jose´ Franco Soler, Jose´ Luis Mun˜oz, Angela Benedetti, Marcos Antonio Lopez Patin˜o and Marta Conde Sieira for scientific advice and practical support with cortisol analysis and Rosana Rodrı´guez for preparing histological samples for us.
The application of immunoprotein-based targeting strategies to the boron neutron-capture therapy of cancer poses an exceptional challenge, because viable boron neutron-capture therapy by this method will require the efficient delivery of 103 boron-10 atoms by each antigen-binding protein. Our recent investigations in this area have been focused on the development of efficient methods for the assembly of homogeneous immunoprotein conjugates containing the requisite boron load. In this regard, engineered immunoproteins fitted with unique, exposed cysteine residues provide attractive vehicles for site-specific modification. Additionally, homogeneous oligomeric boron-rich phosphodiesters (oligophosphates) have been identified as promising conjugation reagents. The coupling of two such boron-rich oligophosphates to sulfhydryls introduced to the CH2 domain of a chimeric IgG3 has been demonstrated. The resulting boron-rich immunoconjugates are formed efficiently, are readily purified, and have promising in vitro and in vivo characteristics. Encouragingly, these studies showed subtle differences in the properties of the conjugates derived from the two oligophosphate molecules studied, providing a basis for the application of rational design to future work. Such subtle details would not have been as readily discernible in heterogeneous conjugates, thus validating the rigorous experimental design employed here.
Elemento centrale della presente tesi dottorale è il costrutto di perspective taking, definibile come l’abilità, emergente nei bambini intorno a 4-5 anni, di assumere la prospettiva altrui secondo tre differenti dimensioni: emotiva, cognitiva e percettiva (Bonino, Lo Coco, Tani, 1998; Moll e Meltzoff, 2011). Dalla letteratura emerge come il perspective taking, in quanto abilità di comprensione sociale, rivesta un ruolo adattivo e sia fondamentale per lo sviluppo, non solo intellettivo, ma anche per la formazione di adeguate capacità relazionali e sociali (Jenkins e Astington, 2000; Weil et al., 2011). Sulla base di tali considerazioni, alcuni ricercatori si sono interrogati sulla possibilità di insegnare questa abilità, elaborando specifiche e differenti procedure di intervento finalizzate ad incrementare l’abilità di perspective taking sia in bambini a sviluppo normativo (Cigala e Mori, 2015), sia in gruppi di bambini a sviluppo atipico (Fisher e Happé, 2005; Heagle e Rehfeldt, 2006; Paynter e Peterson, 2012). A partire da una prospettiva teorica socio-costruzionista, secondo cui l’acquisizione del perspective taking si configura come un’impresa di co-costruzione continua, all’interno di interazioni quotidiane con figure significative per il bambino, si è deciso di analizzare il perspective taking non solo in relazione a variabili individuali (genere, età del bambino, regolazione emotiva, abilità sociali) ma anche e soprattutto a variabili contestuali quali le caratteristiche del contesto familiare (caratteristiche disposizionali e stili genitoriali di socializzazione emotiva, presenza di fratelli). Sono stati in particolare indagati un contesto familiare normativo ed uno caratterizzato da maltrattamento psicologico, contrassegnato dalla reiterazione di comportamenti inadeguati (critiche svalutanti, denigrazione, umiliazione, minacce verbali, indifferenza) nei confronti del minore, che convogliano sul bambino l’idea di non essere amato e di avere poco valore. Con i termini “a sviluppo tipico” si intendono i bambini per i quali non sussista una diagnosi clinica e con quelli di “famiglie normative” ci si riferisce a nuclei per i quali non ci siano state segnalazioni da parte dei Servizi Educativi e Sociali di riferimento, indipendentemente dalle caratteristiche della composizione del nucleo familiare (nucleare, estesa, multipla, ricostituita o ricomposta). Tale studio rientra in un ampio progetto di ricerca e formazione che ha coinvolto più di 250 prescolari frequentanti 8 scuole dell’infanzia e 15 comunità terapeutiche e di accoglienza mamma-bambino, situate in differenti province del Nord Italia. Il gruppo dei partecipanti alla ricerca si è composto di 256 bambini in età prescolare, compresa quindi tra 3 e 5 anni (M=54,39; DS=5,705): 128 maschi (M=54,08; DS=5,551) e 128 femmine (M=54,70; DS=5,860). In particolare, 213 bambini appartenevano a famiglie normative e 43 a nuclei familiari caratterizzati dalla presenza di maltrattamento psicologico. Oltre ai bambini, la ricerca ha previsto il coinvolgimento di 155 coppie di genitori, 43 madri ospitate in comunità, 18 insegnanti e 30 operatori. Obiettivo centrale è stato l’indagine della possibilità di poter promuovere il perspective taking in bambini di età prescolare a sviluppo tipico appartenenti a due differenti tipologie di contesto familiare (normativo e psicologicamente maltrattante), attraverso l’applicazione di uno specifico percorso di training di natura “ecologica” all’interno della scuola dell’infanzia e della comunità, assimilabile a quelli di tipo evidence based. In particolare è stata prevista una procedura quasi sperimentale di tipo pre-test, training, post-test e follow-up. Dopo una preliminare valutazione dello sviluppo del perspective taking nelle sue tre componenti, in bambini appartenenti ad entrambi i contesti, si è voluto verificare l’esistenza di eventuali relazioni tra questa abilità ed alcune capacità socio-emotive dei bambini, con particolare riferimento alla disposizione prosociale, rilevate nel contesto scolastico attraverso differenti metodologie (osservazioni dirette non partecipanti, questionari self report compilati dalle insegnanti). Inoltre, data l’importanza del contesto familiare per lo sviluppo di tale abilità, la ricerca ha avuto lo scopo di verificare l’esistenza di eventuali relazioni tra le abilità di perspective taking mostrate dai bambini e gli stili di socializzazione emotiva delle figure familiari, caratteristiche di entrambi i contesti (maltrattante e non maltrattante). È stato inoltre previsto uno studio di confronto tra i due campioni rispetto alle dimensioni indagate. I risultati ottenuti sono stati particolarmente interessanti. Innanzitutto, le esperienze di training hanno determinato, in entrambi i contesti, miglioramenti nell’abilità dei prescolari di mettersi nei panni altrui. Tale training ha inoltre dimostrato effetti positivi sulla competenza sociale dei bambini, che, a seguito del percorso, hanno manifestato un incremento dei comportamenti prosociali ed una diminuzione di quelli aggressivi. Per lo studio in contesto normativo, è stato inoltre dimostrato un mantenimento delle abilità acquisite a seguito del training attraverso un follow-up a distanza di 4 mesi dal termine dell’intervento. Il positivo esito di tale percorso sembra quindi rappresentare un’importante risorsa per i prescolari, soprattutto in caso di situazioni in cui l’abilità di perspective taking risulti deficitaria. Il confronto dei due gruppi a seguito del training ha evidenziato come non siano emerse differenze significative, rispetto al perspective taking, ad eccezione della dimensione emotiva, in cui le prestazioni dei prescolari maltrattati sono risultate inferiori, come già evidenziato prima del training. Tali risultati non giungono però inaspettati, poiché, sebbene il percorso abbia agito significativamente sull’abilità di comprensione delle emozioni altrui di questi bambini, non si configura come sufficiente a ristrutturare così profondamente le problematiche presentate. Interessanti sono stati altresì i risultati ottenuti dall’analisi degli stili di socializzazione emotiva, dei genitori (madri e padri) dei prescolari non maltrattati e delle mamme dei bambini residenti in comunità. In particolare è emerso come, stili accettanti e di tipo coaching nei confronti delle emozioni negative dei bambini, siano positivamente correlati con il perspective taking dei figli, e come all’opposto, stili rifiutanti rispetto alle espressioni emotive negative dei propri bambini, mostrino correlazioni negative con le abilità di perspective taking dei figli. Oltre ad interessi di ordine teorico e metodologico, è possibile quindi affermare come, il presente lavoro di tesi, sia stato guidato da fini applicativi, affinché la ricerca scientifica possa tradursi in pratiche educative quotidiane da applicare ai contesti di vita significativi per i bambini.
Reading is an essential factor for success at school that requires certain skills and strategies of great complexity rarely taught in schools. Verbalization of comprehension strategies can be considered an effective measure in learning to read. The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of a program of teaching reading strategies implemented through interactive dialogic reading groups in the learning of reading comprehension. A quasi-experimental comparison with pretest and posttest design between groups was used. A sample of 355 participants aged between 8 and 9 years aged was used. The results weigh the potential value of the program and support the development of teaching models that integrate dialogic reading practices as they facilitate learning of reading comprehension.
Aims The relationship between biodiversity and ecosystem functioning is among the most active areas of ecological research. Furthermore, enhancing the diversity of degraded ecosystems is a major goal in applied restoration ecology. In grasslands, many species may be locally absent due to dispersal or microsite limitation and may therefore profit from mechanical disturbance of the resident vegetation. We established a seed addition and disturbance experiment across several grassland sites of different land use to test whether plant diversity can be increased in these grasslands. Additionally, the experiment will allow us testing the consequences of increased plant diversity for ecosystem processes and for the diversity of other taxa in real-world ecosystems. Here we present details of the experimental design and report results from the first vegetation survey one year after disturbance and seed addition. Moreover, we tested whether the effects of seed addition and disturbance varied among grassland depending on their land use or pre-disturbance plant diversity. Methods A full-factorial experiment was installed in 73 grasslands in three regions across Germany. Grasslands were under regular agricultural use, but varied in the type and the intensity of management, thereby representing the range of management typical for large parts of Central Europe. The disturbance treatment consisted of disturbing the top 10 cm of the sward using a rotavator or rotary harrow. Seed addition consisted of sowing a high-diversity seed mixture of regional plant species. These species were all regionally present, but often locally absent, depending on the resident vegetation composition and richness of each grassland. Important findings One year after sward disturbance it had significantly increased cover of bare soil, seedling species richness and numbers of seedlings. Seed addition had increased plant species richness, but only in combination with sward disturbance. The increase in species richness, when both seed addition and disturbance was applied, was higher at high land-use intensity and low resident diversity. Thus, we show that at least the early recruitment of many species is possible also at high land-use intensity, indicating the potential to restore and enhance biodiversity of species-poor agricultural grasslands. Our newly established experiment provides a unique platform for broad-scale research on the land-use dependence of future trajectories of vegetation diversity and composition and their effects on ecosystem functioning.
Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2016-06
Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2016-06
Methodological criticisms of research undertaken in the area of paediatric burns are widespread. To date, quasi-experimental research designs have most frequently been used to examine the impact of impairments such as scarring and reduced ran e of motion on functional outcomes. Predominantly, these studies have utilised a narrow definition of functioning (e.g. school attendance) to determine a child's level of participation in activities post-burn injury. Until recently, there had been little attempt to develop and/or test a theoretical model of functional outcome with these children. Using a conceptual model of functional outcome based oil the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health, this review paper outlines the current state of the research literature and presents explanatory case study methodology as an alternative research design to further advance the Study of functional outcome post-burn injury. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd and ISBI. All rights reserved.
Targeted treatment education for cancer patients has the potential to promote adjustment through assisting patients to participate in treatment decision making, comply with treatment regimens and cope more effectively with treatment side effects. A quasi-experimental longitudinal pre-test post-test and follow-up design was used to assess the effect of a patient education video about radiation therapy on patients' psychological distress, knowledge about radiation therapy, self-efficacy about coping with treatment and physical symptoms. Patients with head and neck (n = 26) and breast cancer (n = 66) were recruited into the study and allocated into control and intervention groups. No significant differences were found between the control and intervention groups on any of the outcome variables. However, patients in the intervention group reported high levels of satisfaction with the video and all reported that they would recommend the video to other patients preparing for radiation therapy. As well, 90% of patients in the intervention group reported that some or all of the information in the video was new to them. Education materials that have excellent face validity and that are well received by patients may fail to produce significant change using standard controlled study designs. Future research in this area may need to consider alternative paradigms for evaluating the helpfulness of such materials. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
The central composite rotatable design (CCRD) was used to design an experimental program to model the effects of inlet pressure, feed density, and length and diameter of the inner vortex finder on the operational performance of a 150-min three-product cyclone. The ranges of values of the variables used in the design were: inlet pressure: 80-130 kPa, feed density: 30 60%; length of IVF below the OVF: 50-585 mm; diameter of IVF: 35-50 mm. A total of 30 tests were conducted, which is 51 less; an that required for a three-level full factorial design. Because the model allows confident performance prediction by interpolation over the range of data in the database, it was used to construct response surface graphs to describe the effects of the variables on the performance of the three-product cyclone. To obtain a simple and yet a realistic model, it was refitted using only the variable terms that are significant at greater than or equal to 90% confidence level. Considering the selected operating variables, the resultant model is significant and predicts the experimental data well. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Purpose/Objectives: To evaluate the impact of a cancer nursing education course on RNs. Design: Quasi-experimental, longitudinal, pretest/post-test design, with a follow-up assessment six weeks after the completion of the nursing education course. Setting: Urban, nongovernment, cancer control agency in Australia. Sample: 53 RNs, of whom 93% were female, with a mean age of 44.6 years and a mean of 16.8 years of experience in nursing; 86% of the nurses resided and worked in regional areas outside of the state capital. Methods: Scales included the Intervention With Psychosocial Needs: Perceived Importance and Skill Level Scale, Palliative Care Quiz for Nurses, Breast Cancer Knowledge, Preparedness for Cancer Nursing, and Satisfaction With Learning. Data were analyzed using multiple analysis of variance and paired t tests. Main Research Variables: Cancer nursing-related knowledge, preparedness for cancer nursing, and attitudes toward and perceived skills in the psychosocial care of patients with cancer and their families. Findings: Compared to nurses in the control group, nurses who attended the nursing education course improved in their cancer nursing-related knowledge, preparedness for cancer nursing, and attitudes toward and perceived skills in the psychosocial care of patients with cancer and their families. Improvements were evident at course completion and were maintained at the six-week follow-up assessment. Conclusions: The nursing education course was effective in improving nurses' scores on all outcome variables. Implications for Nursing: Continuing nursing education courses that use intensive mode timetabling, small group learning, and a mix of teaching methods, including didactic and interactive approaches and clinical placements, are effective and have the potential to improve nursing practice in oncology.
Background: The aim of this study was to examine the impact of residential respite care on disruptive behavior displayed by older people, particularly those with dementia. Methods: A quasi-experimental, repeated-measures, single-group design was used. The participants were a consecutive series of 100 older people with a mean age of 81.8 years (range 66-96 years) who had been booked for a respite admission to one of several residential aged care facilities in a provincial Australian city. A diagnosis of dementia was reported for 29% of the sample. Disruptive behaviors were rated before and after the period of respite by home caregivers (N = 100) and during the period of respite by nurses (N= 25) using the Dementia Behavior Disturbance Scale (DBDS). Results: Age, male gender and the presence of dementia were all significantly related to the frequency of reported disruptive behaviors. Residential respite care was associated with a significant reduction in the frequency of reported disruptive behaviors in older people (Wald chi(2) = 28.28, P < 0.0001). However, this improvement in behavior did not persist into the post-respite period. The deteriorating behavioral trajectory that was evident prior to respite care continued following the period of respite care. Conclusions: Residential respite care was associated with a temporary diminution in the frequency of reported disruptive behaviors in older people. This finding should be reassuring both for family carets considering placing a relative in residential respite care and for health workers considering whether to recommend such a course of action.
Aim. The paper presents a study assessing the rate of adoption of a sedation scoring system and sedation guideline. Background. Clinical practice guidelines including sedation guidelines have been shown to improve patient outcomes by standardizing care. In particular sedation guidelines have been shown to be beneficial for intensive care patients by reducing the duration of ventilation. Despite the acceptance that clinical practice guidelines are beneficial, adoption rates are rarely measured. Adoption data may reveal other factors which contribute to improved outcomes. Therefore, the usefulness of the guideline may be more appropriately assessed by collecting adoption data. Method. A quasi-experimental pre-intervention and postintervention quality improvement design was used. Adoption was operationalized as documentation of sedation score every 4 hours and use of the sedation and analgesic medications suggested in the guideline. Adoption data were collected from patients' charts on a random day of the month; all patients in the intensive care unit on that day were assigned an adoption category. Sedation scoring system adoption data were collected before implementation of a sedation guideline, which was implemented using an intensive information-giving strategy, and guideline adoption data were fed back to bedside nurses. After implementation of the guideline, adoption data were collected for both the sedation scoring system and the guideline. The data were collected in the years 2002-2004. Findings. The sedation scoring system was not used extensively in the pre-intervention phase of the study; however, this improved in the postintervention phase. The findings suggest that the sedation guideline was gradually adopted following implementation in the postintervention phase of the study. Field notes taken during the implementation of the sedation scoring system and the guideline reveal widespread acceptance of both. Conclusion. Measurement of adoption is a complex process. Appropriate operationalization contributes to greater accuracy. Further investigation is warranted to establish the intensity and extent of implementation required to positively affect patient outcomes.
10,000 Steps Rockhampton is a multi-strategy health promotion program which aims to develop sustainable community-based strategies to increase physical activity.The central coordinating focus of the project is the use of pedometers to raise awareness of and provide motivation for physical activity, around the theme of '10,000 steps/day - Every step counts.' To date, five key strategies have been implemented: (1) a media-based awareness raising campaign; (2) promotion of physical activity by health professionals; (3) improving social support for physical activity through group-based programs; (4) working with local council to improve environmental support for physical activity; and (5) establishment of a ‘micro-grants’ fund to which community groups could apply for assistance with small, innovative physical activity enhancing projects. Strategies were introduced on a rolling basis beginning in February 2002 with 'layering' of interventions designed to address the multi-level individual social and environmental determinants of physical activity. The project was quasi-experimental in design, involving collection of baseline and two year follow-up data from community based surveys in Rockhampton and in a matched regional Queensland town. In August 2001,the baseline CATI survey (N=1281)found that 47.9% of men and 33.0% of women were meeting the national guidelines for physical activity. In August 2002, a smaller survey (N=400) found an increase in activity levels among women (39.7% active) but not in men (48.5%). Data from the two year follow up survey, to be conducted in August 2003, will be presented, with discussion of the major successes and challenges of this landmark physical activity intervention. Acknowledgement: This project is supported by a grant from Health Promotion Queensland