918 resultados para Public Transport Technologies


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 A joint exhibition of two separate shows under the one title.


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Engagement in walking for recreation can contribute to healthy aging. Although there is growing evidence that the neighborhood environment can influence walking for recreation, the amount of such evidence in relation to older adults is scarce and limited to Western low-density urban locations. Asian urban environments are typified by distinctive environmental and cultural characteristics that may yield different patterns to those observed in Western countries. Therefore, the main aim of this study was to examine associations of perceived environmental attributes with overall and within-neighborhood walking for recreation in Chinese elders (65+ years) residing in Hong Kong, an ultradense Asian metropolis. A sample of 484 elders was recruited from 32 neighborhoods stratified by socio-economic status and walkability (dwelling and intersection densities). Validated questionnaires measuring perceived neighborhood environment and weekly minutes of overall and within-neighborhood walking for recreation were interviewer administered. Results showed that the level of recreational walking was twice to four times higher than that reported in Western adults and elders. While overall walking for recreation showed a general lack of associations with perceived environmental attributes, within-neighborhood recreational walking was positively related with proximity of recreational facilities, infrastructure for walking, indoor places for walking, and presence of bridge/overpasses connecting to services. Age and educational attainment moderated the associations with several perceived environmental attributes with older and less-educated participants showing stronger associations. Traditional cultural views on the benefits of physical activity and the high accessibility of facilities and pedestrian infrastructure of Hong Kong may explain the high levels of walking. Although specific neighborhood attributes, or their perception, may influence recreational walking within the neighborhood, the compactness and public transport affordability of ultradense metropolises such as Hong Kong may make it easy for elders to compensate for the lack of favorable neighborhood attributes by walking outside the neighborhood.


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Introduction Policy and regulatory interventions aimed at creating environments more conducive to physical activity (PA) are an important component of strategies to improve population levels of PA. However, many potentially effective policies are not being broadly implemented. This study sought to identify potential policy/regulatory interventions targeting PA environments, and barriers/facilitators to their implementation at the Australian state/territory government level.

Methods In-depth interviews were conducted with senior representatives from state/territory governments, statutory authorities and non-government organisations (n = 40) to examine participants': 1) suggestions for regulatory interventions to create environments more conducive to PA; 2) support for preselected regulatory interventions derived from a literature review. Thematic and constant comparative analyses were conducted.

Results Policy interventions most commonly suggested by participants fell into two areas: 1) urban planning and provision of infrastructure to promote active travel; 2) discouraging the use of private motorised vehicles. Of the eleven preselected interventions presented to participants, interventions relating to walkability/cycling and PA facilities received greatest support. Interventions involving subsidisation (of public transport, PA-equipment) and the provision of more public transport infrastructure received least support. These were perceived as not economically viable or unlikely to increase PA levels. Dominant barriers were: the powerful ‘road lobby’, weaknesses in the planning system and the cost of potential interventions. Facilitators were: the provision of evidence, collaboration across sectors, and synergies with climate change/environment agendas.

Conclusion This study points to how difficult it will be to achieve policy change when there is a powerful ‘road lobby’ and government investment prioritises road infrastructure over PA-promoting infrastructure. It highlights the pivotal role of the planning and transport sectors in implementing PA-promoting policy, however suggests the need for clearer guidelines and responsibilities for state and local government levels in these areas. Health outcomes need to be given more direct consideration and greater priority within non-health sectors.


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Over the past few decades coastal cities around the world have grown at an incredible rate. With this growth have come major challenges relating to land use planning, social relationships, economic development, bio diversity and the ecological footprint. The following paper selects three regional coastal towns (Warrnambool, Portland and Port Fairy) situated in the Australian state of Victoria, and addresses the issues of: increasing population and population density, open space requirements, residential density issues, public transport coverage, employment and employment density, a shifting economic climate, environment and climate change, water quality issues and building energy consumption with subsequent C02 emissions. Through a series of simulations the nine issues for each of the three cities will be examined from 2012 through to 2030. The goal is to highlight the current and simulated future impacts of the selected issues and propose solutions that could mitigate those impacts.


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Commuting to work is one of the most important and regular routines of urban transportation. From a geographic perspective, the length of people's commute is influenced, to some degree, by the spatial separation of their home and workplace and the transport infrastructure. The rise of car ownership in Australia has been accompanied by a considerable decrease of public transport use. Increased personal mobility has fuelled the trend of decentralised housing development, mostly without a clear planning for local employment, or alternative means of transportation. As a result, the urban patterns of regional Australia is formed by a complex network of a multitude of small towns, scattered in relatively large areas, which are totally dependent and polarized by few medium and large cities. Such hierarchical and dispersed geographical structure implies significant carbon dioxide emissions from transportation. Transport sector accounts for 14% of Australia's net greenhouse gas emissions, and without further policy action, they are projected to continue to increase. The aim of this paper is to demonstrate the importance of incorporating urban climate understanding and knowledge into urban planning processes in order to develop cities that are more sustainable. A GIS-based gravity model is employed to examine the travel patterns related to hierarchical and geographical urban region networks, and the derived total carbon emissions, using the Greater Geelong region as a case study. The new challenges presented by climate change bring with them opportunities. In order to fully reach the very challenging targets of carbon reduction in Australia an integrated and strategic vision for urban and regional planning is necessary.


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The neighbourhood built environment may affect walking behaviour of elders. However, such effects remain underexplored, especially in an Asian context. We examined associations of perceived environmental attributes with overall and neighbourhood-specific walking for transport in a sample of Chinese elders residing in Hong Kong, an ultra-dense Chinese metropolis.

Cross-sectional observational study using a two-stage stratified sampling strategy.

Hong Kong, China.

Chinese-speaking elders (n 484), with no cognitive impairment and able to walk without assistance, residing in thirty-two selected communities stratified by socio-economic status and walkability, were interviewer-administered validated measures of perceived neighbourhood environment and walking for transport.

Much higher levels of transport-related walking (mean 569 (sd 452) min/week) than found in Western samples were reported. The degree of perceived access to shops, crowdedness, presence of sitting facilities and easy access of residential entrance were independently positively related to both frequency of overall and within-neighbourhood walking for transportation. Infrastructure for walking and access to public transport were predictive of higher frequency of transport-related walking irrespective of location, while the perceived degree of land-use mix was predictive of higher levels of within-neighbourhood walking.

The provision of easy access to shops, residential entrances and sitting facilities in the neighbourhood may promote overall transport-related walking, while a good public transport network and pedestrian infrastructure linking destination-poor with destination-rich locations may compensate for the detrimental effects of living in less walkable neighbourhoods. Governmental investment in these micro- and macro-environmental features would help the promotion of an active lifestyle in elders.


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While social media tools enable new kinds of creativity, cultural expression and forms of public, civic and political participation, we often hear more about the harms that arise from instances of trolling and 'aberrant' online participation, including racist provocation. In media and communications research, these issues have been framed in a number of ways, usually focusing on new tools for civic engagement, political participation and digital inclusion. Government policy has been shifting steadily towards potential regulation of social media 'misuse' in relation to appropriate forms of 'digital citizenship'. It is in this evolving context that we consider several instances of cultural or nationalistic provocation and conflict in which social media platforms (YouTube and Facebook in particular) have been central to the social dynamic that has unfolded. We examine the recording and uploading of racist rants and associated bystander actions on public transport in Australia and elsewhere around the world. In this article, we contend that while racism remains an issue in uses of social media platforms such as YouTube, this focus often overshadows these platforms' productive potential, including their capacity to support agonistic publics from which productive expressions of cultural citizenship and solidarity might emerge.


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Determining suitable bus-stop locations is critical in improving the quality of bus services. Previous studies on selecting bus stop locations mainly consider environmental factors such as population density and traffic conditions, seldom of them consider the travel patterns of people, which is a key factor for determining bus-stop locations. In order to draw people’s travel patterns, this paper improves the density-based spatial clustering of applications with noise (DBSCAN) algorithm to find hot pick-up and drop-off locations based on taxi GPS data. The discovered density-based hot locations could be regarded as the candidate for bus-stop locations. This paper further utilizes the improved DBSCAN algorithm, namely as C-DBSCAN in this paper, to discover candidate bus-stop locations to Capital International Airport in Beijing based on taxi GPS data in November 2012. Finally, this paper discusses the effects of key parameters in C-DBSCAN algorithm on the clustering results. Keywords Bus-stop locations, Public transport service, Taxi GPS data, Centralize density-based spatial clustering of applications with noise.


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Although racism remains an issue for social media sites such as YouTube, this focus often overshadows the site’s productive capacity to generate ‘agonistic publics’ from which expressions of cultural citizenship and solidarity might emerge. This paper examines these issues through two case studies: the recent proliferation of mobile phone video recordings of racist rants on public transport, and racist interactions surrounding the performance of a Maori ‘flash mob’ haka in New Zealand that was recorded and uploaded to YouTube. We contrast these incidents as they are played out primarily through social media, with the case of Australian Football League player Adam Goodes and the broadcast media reaction to a racial slur aimed against him by a crowd member during the AFL’s Indigenous Round. We discuss the prevalence of vitriolic exchange and racial bigotry, but also, and more importantly, the productive and equally aggressive defence of more inclusive and tolerant forms of cultural identification that play out across these different media forms. Drawing on theories of cultural citizenship along with the political theory of Chantal Mouffe, we point to the capacities of YouTube as ‘platform’, and to social media practices, in facilitating ground-up antiracism and generating dynamic, contested and confronting micropublics.


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Obesity stigma exists within many institutions and cultural settings. Most studies suggest that stigmatising experiences have a negative impact on individuals' health and social behaviours and outcomes. However, some studies indicate that obesity stigma can motivate individuals to lose weight. Limited research has examined weight-based stigma from the perspective of obese individuals, including their perceptions of, and responses to, the different types of weight-based stigma they face in their daily lives. This study advances knowledge about weight-based stigma by documenting how obese adults (mostly female) described the different types of obesity stigma that they faced, how they responded to this stigma, and how different types of stigma impact on health and social wellbeing. Semi-structured, qualitative interviews were conducted between April 2008 and March 2009 with a diverse sample of 141 obese Australian adults. Guided by Link and Phelan's (2006) categorisation of different types of discrimination, participants' experiences could be grouped into three distinct types of stigma: 1) Direct (e.g. being abused when using public transport); 2) Environmental (e.g. not being able to fit into seats on planes); and 3) Indirect (e.g. people staring at the contents of their supermarket trolley). Participants described that more subtle forms of stigma had the most impact on their health and social wellbeing. However, it was the interaction between direct, environmental and indirect stigma that created a barrier to participation in health-promoting activities. Participants rarely challenged stigma and often blamed themselves for stigmatising experiences. They also avoided situations where they perceived they would be stigmatised and constantly thought about how they could find a solution to their obesity.


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Este estudo trata da abordagem macroergonômica participativa para a identificação das demandas ergonômicas dos motoristas de ônibus urbano da cidade de Joinville, com utilização da metodologia participativa da Análise Macroergonômica do Trabalho (AMT) (GUIMARÃES, 2001c) e ferramental proposto no Design Macroergonômico (DM) (FOGLIATTO E GUIMARÃES, 1999). O estudo de caso foi realizado em uma empresa privada de transporte coletivo da cidade de Joinville. A aplicação da metodologia permitiu identificar as demandas ergonômicas prioritárias levantadas pelos motoristas de ônibus urbano da cidade de Joinville e os itens de design do seu posto de trabalho através da fase de apreciação. As demandas ergonômicas, bem como os itens de design foram comparados através do Teste Exato de Fisher com determinadas características da população constatando-se algumas associações significativas entre a satisfação dos motoristas e as variáveis que compõe cada construto. Estes resultados possibilitaram a formulação de recomendações que viabilize, em estudos futuros, a introdução de melhorias para o aumento da qualidade de vida dos motoristas. Os estudos também permitiram identificar uma afinidade da metodologia participativa com os motoristas de ônibus urbano, em que as mudanças podem ocorrer de forma gradativa e experiencial através de protótipos no caso das demandas referentes à posto de trabalho e físico ambiental, ou através de possíveis adaptações no conteúdo da tarefa do motorista no caso das demandas referentes à organização do trabalho. Tudo isto vislumbrando o atendimento, por ordem de importância, dos itens de demanda ergonômica levantados. Por fim, concluiu-se que para os motoristas de Joinville alguns fatores referentes a organização do trabalho estão entre os principais causadores dos constrangimentos aos quais são expostos enquanto executam sua tarefa, seguido por fatores físicos ambientais e posto do trabalho.


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O estudo dos diversos modelos pedagógicos dos cursos a distância utilizados nas principais Instituições de Ensino Superior (IES) brasileiras pode estimular a análise dos profissionais envolvidos com a Educação a Distância (EAD) e, que estejam enfrentado um processo de escolha de uma metodologia para melhor servir aos estudantes que não podem ou optam por não vir para o campus da IES. Um dos principais desafios para as universidades que estão se lançando na EAD é buscar uma linguagem pedagógica apropriada à aprendizagem mediada pelas diversas mídias disponíveis. A ação da tutoria é um elemento essencial, sendo uma das determinantes do sucesso do curso. Neste novo modelo de educação os tutores desempenham mais o papel de facilitadores do que de especialistas, pois os cursos são menos estruturados e mais personalizados, cabendo aos próprios alunos cuidar de sua instrução. O controle sobre o andamento do curso, assim como o acompanhamento permanente do trabalho de professores, dos tutores, dos estagiários de atendimento e da secretaria, são igualmente cruciais, pois a interação com o aluno pode se dar de inúmeras formas e todas elas são essenciais ao sucesso da aprendizagem. A estruturação de uma equipe especializada, composta de pessoas que entendam de tecnologia e de pedagogia e, que trabalhem de forma coesa, podem garantir uma melhor performance da aprendizagem do aluno. O principal objetivo desta pesquisa é, num primeiro momento, fazer o levantamento das diversas metodologias e técnicas adotadas nos cursos a distância oferecidos por instituições de ensino superior (IES) no Brasil para, com base nos dados da pesquisa, efetuar uma análise comparativa a fim de identificar formas de interação e suporte aos alunos semelhantes entre as universidades, ou seja, grupos que possuam características similares tanto relacionados aos projetos pedagógicos de seus cursos, quanto aos materiais utilizados, a estruturação dos cursos, formas de interação aluno/professor, suporte ao aluno, público alvo, tecnologias utilizadas e sistemas de avaliação adotados.


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If urban planning is to support the equitable distribution of public goods and services, it must recognize and address the dismal condition of millions of poor people who are living in a city. The primary focus of contemporary planners and planning students should be on finding and advocating solutions that help eliminate the problems of today¿s cities. Any meaningful solution will need to be grounded in a thorough understanding of the social class inequities of citizens. With the rapid development of national economy and urbanization process in Brazil over the last two decades, the number of vehicles and their travels are dramatically increased. This is particularly evident in all large cities. Traffic congestion becomes more and more severe. Inadequate parking facilities often result in difficulty to find a parking space in large cities and many illegally parked vehicles can be seen on the crowed streets. These illegally parked vehicles further intensify traffic congestion and also pose a traffic safety hazard. The process of urbanization and motorization in Brazil is likely to continue in a rapid pace. The urban public passengers transport modes problems in large cities are likely to get even worse. There is an urgent need for the development of policy and criteria for public service of urban public passenger transport by bus in large cities. The purpose of survey is to develop policy guidelines for public transport services planning, design, construction and mobility management, that meet community needs for accessibility in large cities. So this thesis will present major comparative characteristics of urban mobility management, urban public passengers transport by bus services planning and the quality of social life in two towns of Brazil: Rio de Janeiro and Curitiba. The study case has been focused on Rio de Janeiro and Curitiba because of the major different results of the survey presented by the two cities. The objectives of this thesis are: a) to analyze and discus existing urban mobility related accessibility and economic development problems in large cities; b) to provide an overview of the relationship within city ¿ quality of social life ¿ urban mobility in Rio and Curitiba; c) to analyze and discuss existing urban mobility management related public transport services in Rio and Curitiba; d) to analyze and discuss existing quality of bus public transport services problems in Rio. Some preliminary recommendations for mobility management policies will also be presented.


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O presente estudo procurou descrever e analisar o contexto em que se desenvolveu o processo de concessão dos sistemas de transporte de massa na Região Metropolitana do Rio de Janeiro, promovido pelo Programa Estadual de Desestatização ¿ PED, na gestão governamental compreendida entre os anos de 1995 e 1998, bem como avaliar suas implicações sobre o modelo de organização e gestão do transporte público regional então vigente. Seu desenvolvimento enfatizou três aspectos desse processo: a caracterização do cenário anterior à proposta de mudança, a análise substantiva da política representada pelo programa de concessões e a avaliação do novo cenário criado como conseqüência do programa. Sua metodologia pautou-se em consulta bibliográfica, volumosa análise documental, observação dos fatos e entrevistas desestruturadas com administradores e técnicos envolvidos no processo. Seus resultados evidenciaram as limitações dos modelos de análise e de planejamento tradicionalmente adotados para a formulação das políticas setoriais, a precariedade dos sistemas de transporte de passageiros regionais e a situação pelos sistemas de metrô, trens e barcas, consubstanciando um ambiente propício às propostas de sua transferência à gestão privada. Evidenciaram, ainda, que a iniciativa foi influenciada pelo contexto dos projetos de reforma do Estado patrocinados pelo Banco Mundial (BIRD), desenvolvendo-se sem referências relevantes na comunidade técnica setorial e gerando um cenário institucional frágil diante da tarefa de gerir os contratos dela resultantes. Embora pautado em estratégias de retomada de investimentos condizentes com as diretrizes do Plano de Transporte de Massa ¿ PTM, elaborado em 1994, a insipiência do programa não permite constatar, ainda tendências significativas no desempenho dos sistemas concedidos. São evidentes, entretanto, seus reflexos na desentruturação do modelo de gestão pública do transporte metropolitano sob responsabilidade do Estado.


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A structure transports system is very necessary to attending many reasons of urban dislocations. This structuration is composed by many complex elements, as such as refer to: physical elements (rodoviary network, vehicles, garages, transboarding terminals), human elements (operational and administrative workmanship) and the institutional elements (management and fiscalization). This last one, especially, is our approach in this study, focusing the functions as the fiscalization of public organization. The purpose of this study was identifies how the public organization develops the management the system of public transport for urban intercity users and how can contributes for users satisfaction, feeding back avaluations, even, giving new direction or reavaluation of the fiscalization function. The methodology sdopted to get expected solutions is exploratory survey, due the unidentified any studies with the same focus or approaching to the citizens expectatives solutions by public organism manager point of view. Also it was realized an explanation survey to complement the study giving wide comprehension for the other elements used by organization to obtain success in the relationship with users. A field survey and bibliographical was realized thru documental investigation to get informations about necessary foundamentation based conclusion.