949 resultados para Proverbs, Arabic
El present treball pretén donar llum a una sèrie de topònims majors de la Ribagorça occidental, tot al llarg de la vall mitjana i inferior del riu Éssera. Aquests topònims es remunten a temps molt antics: preromans, romans i germànics bàsicament. Aquesta anàlisi permet apreciar l'estratigrafi a lingüística de la zona. La no-aparició de topònims d'origen àrab en el nostre treball no vol dir que no hi hagués penetració àrab a la zona, sinó que la seva arribada va ser posterior a la creació dels principals nuclis de població. Sí que hi ha topònims àrabs a la toponímia menor, que resta fora del present treball.
La Zawiya Hamzawiya forma parte de las bibliotecas marroquíes descritas en les bibliothéques au Maro por Latifa Benjelloun-Larouil. Anteriormente, Mutrammad al-Mannünt había publicado un inventario de los fondos de la biblioteca entre los que se hace referencia al manuscrito 80 aunque sin especificar todo su contenido. En este mismo artículo introducía un resumen de la historia de la ZÁvwya haciendo hincapié en los principales copistas que trabajaron en ella, así como en las expediciones locales y extranjeras que consultaron sus manuscritos.
Hace años que me ocupo, con creciente interés, de los refranes del calendario en el ámbito de la Romania. Al cabo de un tiempo de ir advirtiendo afinidades entre paremias romances relativas al curso del año, me decidí a escribir un par de artículos (Gargallo, 1998a, 1998b) sobre las referidas al día de Santa Lucía (13 de diciembre), fecha vinculada secularmente al solsticio de invierno y a la recuperación de la luz solar. En ambos artículos contemplo esta jornada de Santa Lucía como el arranque de una serie de paremias o refranes que expresan por diversos medios el crecer de los días en jalones que recorren el mes de diciembre restante, a continuación el de enero, y pierden su rastro allá por febrero, no lejos de la igualación de días y noches, del equinoccio primaveral.
On the variation in literary languages The article discusses the formation and development of several literary languages. The main objects of the study are the Finno-Ugric languages spoken in the Volga-Kama region (Russia), and Chuvash, but, for comparison, Norwegian, Arabic, Russian, Finnish and some other Finno-Ugric languages are treated, as well. A general classification of cases where linguistic variation tends to occur in standard languages is put forward. The author also discusses the question whether some kind of universal “normal” amount of variation can be defined for literary languages. The conclusion is that the degree of variation allowed in a literary norm is highly language-specific and depends on the characteristics of the linguistic situation and the history of the literary standard.
Tras unha presentación da Base de datos sobre refranes del calendario y meteorológicos en la Romania (BADARE) e do progresivo baleirado nela de diversos atlas lingüísticos da Romania, preséntanse tres mostras da variación diatópica deste tipo de refráns no espazo iberorromance: (1) coa implicación do arco da vella, (2) dos roibéns e (3) das imaxes de ceo ovellado e afíns. Cómpre destacar o grande interese dos materiais contidos nos atlas románicos, que se poden complementar cos doutras obras vinculadas á lingua e ao territorio: repertorios paremiográficos, monografías dialectais, achegas diversas. Aínda que non parece factible un grande atlas paremiolóxico romance nin sequera de segunda xeración, pois os refráns (meteorolóxicos o de outros tipos) son nos atlas de primeira xeración unha propina ocasional, coidamos que mediante a base de datos BADARE se poden administrar eses materiais de xeito que faciliten o estudo da paremioloxía románica ligada ao territorio.
Este artigo reúne refráns románicos que aconsellan cómo abrigarse nas diferentes estacións do ano. Distribuídos por meses (e corentenas), datas (fixas e móbiles) e outros espazos de tempo, constitúen unha mostra da cultura popular compartida no conxunto da Romania europea. Coma noutros tipos de paremias, cabe destaca-lo papel da rima e a atracción recíproca de certos tipos léxicos (coma saio e maio)
The historical pole of this research distinguishes differing historical and cultural contexts in which the scholar al-Bïrûnî evolved. Between the years 973 and 1017, he lived in Khwarezm (Kät and JürjänTya), Ray, and Jürjän. He also dwelt in Kabul and Ghazna, both situated on a passage between Persia and India, and travelled to some parts of early medieval India between the years 1017 and 1030. Evidence pointing to him having made actual direct observations beyond the abode of Islam remains scanty. According to his writings, only five locales emerge as having been visited by him, all situated in today's Afghanistan and Pakistan. When al-BTrunl visited these places, he encountered the society of the Indian Shähis, who followed a form of Brahmanism. Al-Bïrûnï's knowledge of Sanskrit was the result of a long process that lasted at least 30 years (1000-1030). In order to reach the level of Sanskrit that enabled him to translate several works from Sanskrit into Arabic, he needed to work with literate people well-versed in Sanskrit, who may also have had some comprehension of Arabic, and/or Persian. The textual pole of this dissertation examines the question of the relationship between al- Bïrûnï's Arabic Kitab Sank and Kitäb Pätangal - two works related to Sämkhya-Yoga - and their possible Sanskrit sources. A philological survey based on these Arabic translations and on Sämkhya-Yoga Sanskrit literature highlights that al-Bïrûnï's translations, both, are related to the classical phase in the development of these two Indian philosophical systems. Despite the early spread of Yoga and Sämkhya ideas through Sanskrit literature, it seems that between the early 11th and 16th centuries they lost vitality amongst Indian scholars. Therefore, al-Bïrûnï's translation of works related to these specific Indian philosophies in the early 11th century CE deserves attention. The second pole of this study also demonstrates that al-BTrünl's hermeneutics played an important part in his transmission of these two Indian schools of thought, as he highly transformed his source in both form and substance. This dissertation considers the question of the relationship between al-Bïrûnï's Arabic translations and their possible Sanskrit sources from the viewpoint of Translation Studies; which makes it possible to point out potential candidates for being al-Bïrûnï's original Sanskrit sources with some confidence. Overall, the Kitäb Sank and the Kitäb Pätangal represent original works of Sämkhya and Yoga, as viewed and transmitted by a Perso-Muslim scholar, rather than pure translations of Sanskrit work.
Les relacions entre la llengua àrab i el català a la Catalunya Vella
Procurador reial i nobiliari, cosmògraf, joier, lapidari, mercader i escriptor, i al capdavall, un ciutadà català honrat, en Ferrer (Vidreres, ~1445 – Blanes, 1529) va marxar de ben jove, primer, a la cort de Nàpols, al servei del rei en Ferran I, i després a la cort de Sicília, al servei de la reina na Joana de Sicília. Acabada aquesta peripècia italiana va tornar a Blanes al servei del vescomte de Cabrera i de Bas fins que va morir a la mateixa vila al 1529. Un seu criat, disset anys més tard, va editar uns papers esparsos que havia trobat a can Ferrer, les (sic) Sentèncias cathòlicas del diví poeta Dant florentí, compilades per lo prudentíssim mossèn Jaume Ferrer de Blanes, incloent-hi tres parts. La primera, Conclusions, és un sumari destinat a mostrar (sic) «Entre totas las cosas necessàries a l’home per aconseguir lo seu fi y beatitut eterna principalment són tres»; la segona, Meditació, és una reflexió a fi d’il•luminar els misteris sobre la passió i mort de Jesucrist a (sic) «lo santíssim loch de Calvari»; la tercera, Letras, és un conjunt de dotze documents, entre cartes i d’altres textos, «fetas a mossèn Jaume Ferrer, respostes e regles per ell ordenades en cosmographia y en art de navegar». En Ferrer, home de grans recursos, fa un recorregut per tots els coneixements que havia acumulat al llarg de la seva vida, de Dant Alighieri a Ptolemeu i del marquès de Santillana a Albert Gran o a Aristòtil, fent servir fragments de la Commedia, dels Proverbios, de la Bíblia i de moltes altres autoritats científiques i filosòfiques, en català, italià, espanyol, llatí i, també, set mots en arameu
The microencapsulation of palm oil may be a mechanism for protecting and promoting the controlled release of its bioactive compounds. To optimize the microencapsulation process, it is necessary to accurately quantify the palm oil present both external and internal to the microcapsules. In this study, we developed and validated a spectrophotometric method to determine the microencapsulation efficiency of palm oil by complex coacervation. We used gelatin and gum arabic (1:1) as wall material in a 5% concentration (w/v) and palm oil in the same concentration. The coacervates were obtained at pH 4.0 ± 0.01, decanted for 24 h, frozen (−40 ºC), and lyophilized for 72 h. Morphological analyzes were then performed. We standardized the extraction of the external palm oil through five successive washes with an organic solvent. We then explored the best method for rupturing the microcapsules. After successive extractions with hexane, we determined the amount of palm oil contained in the microcapsules using a spectrophotometer. The proposed method was shown to be of low cost, fast, and easy to implement. In addition, in the validation step, we confirmed the method to be safe and reliable, as it proved to be specific, accurate, precise, and robust.
The Theorica Pantegni is a medieval medical textbook written in Latin. The author was Constantine the African (Constantinus Africanus), a monk of Tunisian origin. He compiled the work in the latter half of the eleventh century at the Benedictine monastery of Monte Cassino in Italy. - Manuscript Eö.II.14, containing the Theorica Pantegni published here, belongs today to the National Library of Finland. It can be dated to the third quarter of the twelfth century, which makes it one of the earliest surviving exemplars of the Theorica Pantegni: over seventy manuscripts of the work survive, of which about fifteen can be dated to the twelfth century. Manuscript Eö.II.14 is written in black ink on 210 parchment leaves (recto and verso), amounting to 420 pages, in pre-Gothic script. - The present text is a transcription of Ms Eö.II.14. The goal is to provide the reader with an accessible text that is faithful to the original.
The present study evaluates the effect of blood volume expansion on the gastrointestinal transit of a charchoal meal (2.5 ml of an aqueous suspension consisting of 5% charcoal and 5% gum arabic) in awake male Wistar rats (200-270 g). On the day before the experiments, the rats were anesthetized with ether, submitted to left jugular vein cannulation and fasted with water ad libitum until 2 h before the gastrointestinal transit measurement. Blood volume expansion by iv infusion of 1 ml/min Ringer bicarbonate in volumes of 3, 4 or 5% body weight delayed gastrointestinal transit at 10 min after test meal administration by 21.3-26.7% (P<0.05), but no effect was observed after 1 or 2% body weight expansion. The effect of blood volume expansion (up to 5% body weight) on gastrointestinal transit lasted for at least 60 min (P<0.05). Mean arterial pressure increased transiently and central venous pressure increased and hematocrit decreased (P<0.05). Subdiaphragmatic vagotomy and yohimbine (3 mg/kg) prevented the delay caused by expansion on gastrointestinal transit, while atropine (0.5 mg/kg), L-NAME (2 mg/kg), hexamethonium (10 mg/kg), prazosin (1 mg/kg) or propranolol (2 mg/kg) were ineffective. These data show that blood volume expansion delays the gastrointestinal transit of a charcoal meal and that vagal and yohimbine-sensitive pathways appear to be involved in this phenomenon. The delay in gastrointestinal transit observed here, taken together with the modifications of gastrointestinal permeability to salt and water reported by others, may be part of the mechanisms involved in liquid excess management.
Few studies have addressed racial differences in prostate cancer (PCa) detection between Western and Arabian countries, although PCa has a significantly lower prevalence in Arabic populations compared to Western populations. Therefore, an explanation of this difference is lacking. Serum prostate-specific antigen (PSA) is a valuable marker used to select patients who should undergo prostate biopsies, although the manner in which it is used may require adjustments based on the ethnic population in question. We investigated racial differences in the PCa detection rate between Canadian and Saudi populations. A retrospective analysis was performed of data collected prospectively over 5 consecutive years in urology clinics at the McGill University Health Center (MUHC) and King Saud University Hospital (KSUH). Men who had high (>4'ng/mL) or rising PSA levels and a negative digital rectal examination were eligible. A total of 1403 Canadian and 414 Saudi patients were evaluated for the study; 717 and 158 men, median age 64 and 68 years, were included in the MUHC and KSUH cohorts, respectively, P<0.0001). Median serum PSA, prostate volume, and PSA density values were 6.1'ng/mL, 47.3 g, and 0.12'ng·mL−1·g−1, respectively, for MUHC patients and 5.2'ng/mL, 64.5'g, and 0.08'ng·mL−1·g−1, respectively, for KSUH patients (P<0.0001, t-test followed by one-way ANOVA). In addition, the KSUH group had a significantly lower PCa detection rate among patients younger than 60 years of age and with PSA values <10'ng/mL.