947 resultados para Provana di Leini, Andrea, 1511-1592.
Questo lavoro è dedicato all'analisi spettrale del comportamento del prezzo del mercato dell’energia elettrica; l'obiettivo è quello di introdurre il lettore allo studio di metodi matematici che permettono di calcolare le periodicità presenti nel mercato elettrico.
Analisi e sviluppo di un engine per l'interrogazione di endpoints SPARQL tramite linguaggio naturale
Studio e simulazione di un inverter di tipo Z in grado di innalzare il valore della tensione fornita dalla sorgente fino alla tensione richiesta al carico. L'inverter Z-source può essere utilizzato convenientemente nell'azionamento di un veicolo elettrico, in particolare ad idrogeno.
In the last few years organic chemistry has focused attention on enantiomeric resolution. Among the several techiniques, crystallization-induced diastereoisomeric transformation (CIDT) aroused the interest because of high yields, as well as to meet the criteria of green chemistry. The process is applied in the specific way for a racemic mixtures of α- epimerizable aldehydes, in order to obtain enatiomerically enrichment mixtures. This technique involves the transformation of a racemic mixture of enantiomers into a diasteroisomeric one by a reaction with a enantiopure auxiliary (Betti’s base). Then, to mixture of diastereoisomers is applied the acid-catalyzed enrichment process: in solution, the epimerization of more soluble diastereoisomer occurs, accompanied by precipitation and hence the removal of the less soluble one from the equilibrium. Finally, through the hydrolysis reaction, it was possible to recover the enantiomerically enriched aldehydes.
It is believed that the way of being and the communicative-relational skills of every individual have multifactorial origins, including the quality of primary relationships with caregivers. For some time, the need for health care professionals to possess specific communicative and interpersonal skills has been highlighted. To the degree course in Nursing, like to all other degree programs related to health, access is granted to students who have large individual differences, both in terms of personality, and in terms of relational skills. Each academic year, therefore, the people responsible for the didactic organization of every course, are faced with having to prepare a training plan capable of addressing communicative-relational aspects and, at the same time, of being adequate to the real attitudes of incoming students. Thus, the need for appropriate tools for measuring the personological and vocational traits considered specific to health professions was born. This study has a twofold objective. On one hand, it aims at selecting a battery of psychological tests to detect psychological and attitudinal patterns, to facilitate the coordinators of graduate courses in their didactic organization and planning of educational training; on the other hand, it seeks to assess the correlations between communicative-relational skills (Relational-Communicative style, according to the model of patient-centered medicine-TRS) (Mucchielli’s Test of Spontaneous Attitudes – usual kind of attitude in dual relationships), personality traits (Alexithymia), styles of attachment to parental figures (PBI), and the capability of recognizing facial emotions, in a sample of students enrolled in the first year of a degree in Nursing.
The thesis deals with the patch loading of I-girder with two longitudinal stiffeners. The configuration with two longitudinal stiffeners is often an excellent solution for beams of higher than 3 meters but has not yet been discussed in EN 1993-1-5. It is proposed a model of resistance harmonized with the methods used in Eurocodes for the other problems of buckling. The model contains three significant parts: the yield resistance, the elastic critical load used to determine the slenderness parameter and a reduction factor that relates the resistance to the slenderness. The thesis is structured into eight chapters, in addition to Preface and Table of Contents. Chapter 3 is a list of all symbols used. Chapter 4 presents a review of earlier works. Chapter 5 details the experimental investigations conducted by Gozzi (2007) on three samples without longitudinal stiffeners. Due to the difficulty of completing a personal physical model testing during the doctorate, it was decided to carefully study the laboratory work by Gozzi and use it as a basis for the calibration of the numerical study. In Chapter 6 is presented the first part of the numerical study. At this stage, the laboratory tests conducted by Gozzi have been reproduced through a finite element model. It is observed a good agreement of numerical results with test data. In Chapter 7 summarizes the results of numerical analysis of the girder with two longitudinal stiffeners. Chapter 8 presents the procedure proposed for calculating the ultimate patch loading resistance of the girder with two longitudinal stiffeners. Chapter 9 contains a summary of work done in this thesis with suggestions for the most important issues for future development. Chapter 10 lists the references. There are also three appendices with test data by Gozzi and data obtained from literature.
This work is dedicated to the study of damaging phenomena involving reinforced concrete structures and masonry buildings and the consequences in terms of structural performances decay. In the Italian context there are many examples of structures that have already exceeded their service life, considering not only the ancient buildings but also infrastructures and R/C buildings that today are operating from more than 50th years. Climate change which is subject to the entire planet, with changing in seasonal weather and increasing in environmental pollution, is not excluded could have a harmful influence on the rate of building materials decay previously deemed as durables. If the aggressive input changes very fast, for example in a few decades, then it can also change the response of a construction material considered so far durable; in this way the knowledge about the art of good build, consolidated over the centuries, is thwarted. Hence this study is focused on the possibility to define the residual capacity for vertical or seismic loads for structures that are already at the limit of their service life, or for which is impossible to define a service life. The problem in an analysis of this kind, and that is what makes this research different from the main studies avaibles in the literature, is to keep in correlation – in a not so expensive computationally way – issues such as: - dangerous environmental inputs adequately simulated; - environmental conditions favorable to the spread of pollutants and development of the degradation reactions (decay’s speed); - link between environmental degradation and residual bearing capacity A more realistic assessment of materials residual performances that constitute the structure allows to leave the actual system for the residual load-bearing capacity estimation in which all factors are simply considered through the use of a safety factor on the materials properties.
Questo testo si pone come obbiettivo l'analisi di fattibilità tecnica e l'introduzione all'implementazione di sistemi che permettano il riutilizzo di codice sorgente di applicazioni con necessità simili su dispositivi Smartphone. In particolare su sistemi Google Android. Questo è il concetto di personalizzazione di applicazioni, in pratica la costruzione di sistemi che permettano di generare applicazioni mobile attraverso interfacce user-friendly e mediante l'uso di codice modulare. L'obbiettivo è fornire una visione globale delle soluzioni e delle problematiche di questo campo, poste come linee guida per chi intendesse studiare questo contesto o dovesse sviluppare un progetto, anche complesso, inerente alla personalizzazione di applicazioni. Sarà implementato come esempio, un web service per la personalizzazione di applicazioni Android, in particolare webview, soffermandosi in particolare sulle problematiche legate alla paternità del software e delle firme digitali necessarie per la pubblicazione sul market Android. Saranno definite alcune scelte da prendere se si sviluppano applicazioni per terzi che in seguito saranno rilasciate sul market. Nella ultima parte sarà analizzata una strategia di customizzazione attraverso alcune buone pratiche, che permette attraverso l'uso di progetti libreria e direttamente nell'ambiente di sviluppo, di realizzare codice modulare e pronto per il market Android in diverse versioni.