971 resultados para Propulsione aerospaziale, Motori ibridi, CFD, Fluidodinamica, Termodinamica
A Eulerian-Eulerian CFD model was used to investigate the fast pyrolysis of biomass in a downer reactor equipped with a novel gas-solid separation mechanism. The highly endothermic pyrolysis reaction was assumed to be entirely driven by an inert solid heat carrier (sand). A one-step global pyrolysis reaction, along with the equations describing the biomass drying and heat transfer, was implemented in the hydrodynamic model presented in part I of this study (Fuel Processing Technology, V126, 366-382). The predictions of the gas-solid separation efficiency, temperature distribution, residence time and the pyrolysis product yield are presented and discussed. For the operating conditions considered, the devolatilisation efficiency was found to be above 60% and the yield composition in mass fraction was 56.85% bio-oil, 37.87% bio-char and 5.28% non-condensable gas (NCG). This has been found to agree reasonably well with recent relevant published experimental data. The novel gas-solid separation mechanism allowed achieving greater than 99.9% separation efficiency and < 2 s pyrolysis gas residence time. The model has been found to be robust and fast in terms of computational time, thus has the great potential to aid in future design and optimisation of the biomass fast pyrolysis process.
The conventional, geometrically lumped description of the physical processes inside a high shear granulator is not reliable for process design and scale-up. In this study, a compartmental Population Balance Model (PBM) with spatial dependence is developed and validated in two lab-scale high shear granulation processes using a 1.9L MiPro granulator and 4L DIOSNA granulator. The compartmental structure is built using a heuristic approach based on computational fluid dynamics (CFD) analysis, which includes the overall flow pattern, velocity and solids concentration. The constant volume Monte Carlo approach is implemented to solve the multi-compartment population balance equations. Different spatial dependent mechanisms are included in the compartmental PBM to describe granule growth. It is concluded that for both cases (low and high liquid content), the adjustment of parameters (e.g. layering, coalescence and breakage rate) can provide a quantitative prediction of the granulation process.
This thesis investigated the risk of accidental release of hydrocarbons during transportation and storage. Transportation of hydrocarbons from an offshore platform to processing units through subsea pipelines involves risk of release due to pipeline leakage resulting from corrosion, plastic deformation caused by seabed shakedown or damaged by contact with drifting iceberg. The environmental impacts of hydrocarbon dispersion can be severe. Overall safety and economic concerns of pipeline leakage at subsea environment are immense. A large leak can be detected by employing conventional technology such as, radar, intelligent pigging or chemical tracer but in a remote location like subsea or arctic, a small chronic leak may be undetected for a period of time. In case of storage, an accidental release of hydrocarbon from the storage tank could lead pool fire; further it could escalate to domino effects. This chain of accidents may lead to extremely severe consequences. Analyzing past accident scenarios it is observed that more than half of the industrial domino accidents involved fire as a primary event, and some other factors for instance, wind speed and direction, fuel type and engulfment of the compound. In this thesis, a computational fluid dynamics (CFD) approach is taken to model the subsea pipeline leak and the pool fire from a storage tank. A commercial software package ANSYS FLUENT Workbench 15 is used to model the subsea pipeline leakage. The CFD simulation results of four different types of fluids showed that the static pressure and pressure gradient along the axial length of the pipeline have a sharp signature variation near the leak orifice at steady state condition. Transient simulation is performed to obtain the acoustic signature of the pipe near leak orifice. The power spectral density (PSD) of acoustic signal is strong near the leak orifice and it dissipates as the distance and orientation from the leak orifice increase. The high-pressure fluid flow generates more noise than the low-pressure fluid flow. In order to model the pool fire from the storage tank, ANSYS CFX Workbench 14 is used. The CFD results show that the wind speed has significant contribution on the behavior of pool fire and its domino effects. The radiation contours are also obtained from CFD post processing, which can be applied for risk analysis. The outcome of this study will be helpful for better understanding of the domino effects of pool fire in complex geometrical settings of process industries. The attempt to reduce and prevent risks is discussed based on the results obtained from the numerical simulations of the numerical models.
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This work is supported by the National Subsea Research Institute (NSRI) UK.
The drag on a nacelle model was investigated experimentally and computationally to provide guidance and insight into the capabilities of RANS-based CFD. The research goal was to determine whether industry constrained CFD could participate in the aerodynamic design of nacelle bodies. Grid refinement level, turbulence model and near wall treatment settings, to predict drag to the highest accuracy, were key deliverables. Cold flow low-speed wind tunnel experiments were conducted at a Reynolds number of 6∙〖10〗^5, 293 K and a Mach number of 0.1. Total drag force was measured by a six-component force balance. Detailed wake analysis, using a seven-hole pressure probe traverse, allowed for drag decomposition via the far-field method. Drag decomposition was performed through a range of angles of attack between 0o and 45o. Both methods agreed on total drag within their respective uncertainties. Reversed flow at the measurement plane and saturation of the load cell caused discrepancies at high angles of attack. A parallel CFD study was conducted using commercial software, ICEM 15.0 and FLUENT 15.0. Simulating a similar nacelle geometry operating under inlet boundary conditions obtained through wind tunnel characterization allowed for direct comparisons with experiment. It was determined that the Realizable k-ϵ was best suited for drag prediction of this geometry. This model predicted the axial momentum loss and secondary flow in the wake, as well as the integrated surface forces, within experimental error up to 20o angle of attack. SST k-ω required additional surface grid resolution on the nacelle suction side, resulting in 15% more elements, due to separation point prediction sensitivity. It was further recommended to apply enhanced wall treatment to more accurately capture the viscous drag and separated flow structures. Overall, total drag was predicted within 5% at 0o angle of attack and 10% at 20o, each within experimental uncertainty. What is more, the form and induced drag predicted by CFD and measured by the wake traverse shared good agreement. Which indicated CFD captured the key flow features accurately despite simplification of the nacelle interior geometry.
L’oggetto di questo elaborato riguarda lo studio prestazionale di un Solid Rocket Motor mediante l’introduzione del fattore di “Hump”, che va a compensare il discostamento tra il profilo delle pressioni sperimentali e teoriche, cercando di legare tali variazioni a spiegazioni fisiche. In particolare andremo ad investigare, all’interno di due differenti tipologie di colata, quale sia l’effetto predominante all’interno del propellente che genera proprio tali discostamenti della pressione, e quindi della spinta, rispetto alla condizione ideale. Nell’elaborato verranno anzitutto presentate le diverse tipologie di propulsori, i loro singoli componenti, i parametri fondamentali che regolano la meccanica di questa tipologia di motori, le tipologie di grain esistenti e le loro caratteristiche. Successivamente descriveremo le BARIA (Bomb ARIAne), usate per i test del grain nella ditta AVIO s.p.a., e le tipologie di riempimento di questo motore, investigando i fenomeni fisici a cui sarà legato l’effetto di “Hump”. In seguito si descriverà il fattore di “Hump”, evidenziando, per le differenti tipologie di riempimento, i fenomeni fisici a cui sarà legato il discostamento tra le pressioni sperimentali e teoriche. Verranno poi descritti i programmi utilizzati, gli script in Matlab prodotti, al fine di ottenere le mappe relative all’orientazione ed alla concentrazione delle particelle, da introdurre nel simulatore. Infine verranno esposti i risultati ottenuti e confrontati con i dati sperimentali forniti dalla ditta AVIO s.p.a., le conclusioni e gli sviluppi futuri.
Lo tesi riguarda i dispositivi di protezione da utilizzare in caso di cortocircuiti e sovraccarichi negli altrenatori e nei motori.
L’elaborato di tesi è stato redatto durante un’esperienza formativa presso la Parker Hannifin Manufacturing – Divisione Calzoni di Anzola dell’Emilia (BO). Il lavoro della tesi ha avuto per oggetto l’analisi di sicurezza e l’analisi dei guasti di un banco di assemblaggio e collaudo per motori oleodinamici a pistoni radiali. Il lavoro si è articolato in più fasi: una prima fase volta all’analisi funzionale (meccanica, idraulica, elettrica ed elettronica) dell’apparecchiatura, la fase successiva è stata dedicata allo studio delle varie normative necessarie a redigere il rapporto di sicurezza. Si sono poi valutati ed analizzati tutti i requisiti di sicurezza dell’apparecchiatura (valutazione del rischio) al fine di redigere il fascicolo tecnico. Infine, si è svolta l’analisi dei guasti (FMEA) secondo il metodo adottato in azienda. Il primo ed il secondo capitolo introducono la finalità industriale ed una descrizione generica dell’apparecchiatura. Nel terzo capitolo vi è una descrizione accurata del sistema idraulico e delle sue possibili configurazioni; il quarto nasce invece per approcciarsi alle normative di sicurezza a cui si è fatto riferimento. Infine, il quinto ed il sesto capitolo contengono rispettivamente il fascicolo tecnico e l’analisi dei guasti relativa all'apparecchiatura industriale studiata.
«Apriamo il Parco dei motori. Solo così Imola e Bologna vivono» Con queste parole, perentorie, il Direttore dell’ ANCE Bologna Carmine Preziosi ha presentato alla stampa nel settembre del 2013 l’idea della quale questa tesi fa parte integrante. Mai si è riusciti davvero a sfruttare a livello continuo e deciso la nomea di “terra dei motori” che l’Emilia Romagna possiede. Quale migliore luogo di Imola, con il suo storico tracciato, per tentare di rilanciare il turismo e creare un nuovo polo attrattivo tra la costa Adriatica e le grandi città della Regione base di tante case automobilistiche? L’individuazione dell’area tramite dialoghi con interlocutori REALMENTE interessati, approfondimenti, studi sociali, del territorio, dell’ambiente, normativi hanno portato alla progettazione urbanistica e di dettaglio (parco tematico compreso in tutti i suoi aspetti fondamentali grazie al rapporto con alcune delle più grandi aziende del mondo del settore) di un lavoro che si presenta finito per essere presentato alle autorità locali per una seria e decisa discussione a riguardo della fattibilità. Tale progetto creerebbe un’area di turismo e di utilità per la collettività del luogo, presentando, oltre al parco e al suo resort, un centro commerciale, un parco verde attrezzato e una futura area di espansione ad uso del Comune, il tutto in una zona adiacente all’ autostrada e ben collegata alla città stessa nonché alle principali vie di comunicazione.
Abstract not available
In the casting of reactive metals, such as titanium alloys, contamination can be prevented if there is no contact between the hot liquid metal and solid crucible. This can be achieved by containing the liquid metal by means of high frequency AC magnetic field. A water cooled current-carrying coil, surrounding the metal can then provide the required Lorentz forces, and at the same time the current induced in the metal can provide the heating required to melt it. This ‘attractive’ processing solution has however many problems, the most serious being that of the control and containment of the liquid metal envelope, which requires a balance of the gravity and induced inertia forces on the one side, and the containing Lorentz and surface tension forces on the other. To model this process requires a fully coupled dyna ic solution of the flow fields, magnetic field and heat transfer/melding process to account for. A simplified solution has been published previously providing quasi-static solutions only, by taking the irrotational ‘magnetic pressure’ term of the Lorentz force into account. The authors remedy this deficiency by modelling the full problem using CFD techniques. The salient features of these techniques are included in this paper, as space allows.
General-purpose parallel processing for solving day-to-day industrial problems has been slow to develop, partly because of the lack of suitable hardware from well-established, mainstream computer manufacturers and suitably parallelized application software. The parallelization of a CFD-(computational fluid dynamics) flow solution code is known as ESAUNA. This code is part of SAUNA, a large CFD suite aimed at computing the flow around very complex aircraft configurations including complete aircraft. A novel feature of the SAUNA suite is that it is designed to use either block-structured hexahedral grids, unstructured tetrahedral grids, or a hybrid combination of both grid types. ESAUNA is designed to solve the Euler equations or the Navier-Stokes equations, the latter in conjunction with various turbulence models. Two fundamental parallelization concepts are used—namely, grid partitioning and encapsulation of communications. Grid partitioning is applied to both block-structured grid modules and unstructured grid modules. ESAUNA can also be coupled with other simulation codes for multidisciplinary computations such as flow simulations around an aircraft coupled with flutter prediction for transient flight simulations.
The present document deals with the optimization of shape of aerodynamic profiles -- The objective is to reduce the drag coefficient on a given profile without penalising the lift coefficient -- A set of control points defining the geometry are passed and parameterized as a B-Spline curve -- These points are modified automatically by means of CFD analysis -- A given shape is defined by an user and a valid volumetric CFD domain is constructed from this planar data and a set of user-defined parameters -- The construction process involves the usage of 2D and 3D meshing algorithms that were coupled into own- code -- The volume of air surrounding the airfoil and mesh quality are also parametrically defined -- Some standard NACA profiles were used by obtaining first its control points in order to test the algorithm -- Navier-Stokes equations were solved for turbulent, steady-state ow of compressible uids using the k-epsilon model and SIMPLE algorithm -- In order to obtain data for the optimization process an utility to extract drag and lift data from the CFD simulation was added -- After a simulation is run drag and lift data are passed to the optimization process -- A gradient-based method using the steepest descent was implemented in order to define the magnitude and direction of the displacement of each control point -- The control points and other parameters defined as the design variables are iteratively modified in order to achieve an optimum -- Preliminary results on conceptual examples show a decrease in drag and a change in geometry that obeys to aerodynamic behavior principles
As advances in numerical modelling techniques support the increased confidence in predictions from computer simulations, the need remains to have experimental verification built into the design process. This paper outlines the experimental investigation carried out on a shielded vertical axis turbine in a marine environment. The experiments consist of performance measurements and the use of particle image velocimetry on a small scale device in a marine current flume. The results demonstrate that the performance of the device can be modelled numerically; in particular, the results show that the numerical model used can correctly predict the increase in performance with Reynolds number.