993 resultados para Projeto preliminar


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Although it is known enough of the biology of shallow+ waters shrimps, knowledge of the deep-waters shrimp is still limited. This is due to the fact that: these resources are relatively new and the study of deep waters species is more difficult and expensive. Some biological informations on the main species of shrimp in depth of Mozambique have been collected during investigation cruises (Sports et al., Pacule, 1987) and through sampling carried out on board commercial vessels (DDR fleet) between 1983 and 1986.


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The species Palinurus delagoae is distributed at 17 °00' S of latitude, at a depth greater than 200 meters. However the main area with a fishing intensity station is located at 22°00'S of latitude from 200 and 400 meters. The fishing of these resources is made with cages and trawling nets.


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An estimation of the total industrial catch of the shallow water shrimp by-catch for the period 1986-1990 is presented. By-catch species compositions based on landings and onboard samples at ex-Emopesca/Beira (Marbeira) and Pescamar are also presented. The by-catch is essentially composed by 2nd and 3rd commercial fish categories, other crustaceans and cephalopods appearing in varying proportions in the catch. The total catch of shrimp by-catch estimated for the period is approximately 17 to 25 thousand tons per year.


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The fishing of kapenta (Limnothrissa miodon, Boulenger 1906) on the Cahora Bassa Dam started around 1992, when considerable stocks of this species were discovered in the lake. The species is believed to have successful established in the Dam following a natural introduction through a downstream movement from Kariba dam where it was introduced in 1967/68. Fisheries statistics on the kapenta fishery have been collected since 1993 by the Ministry of Fisheries through the Provincial Offices for Fisheries Administration of Tete (SPAP - Tete) but only data from 1995 onward are available on the database of the Ministry of Fisheries and these are the data that was used for compiling the present report on which trends of fishing effort, catch and CPUE are analyzed. Catch and effort have increased with time, from a minimum of the 4 thousand metric tons for an annual fishing effort of 36 fishing rigs in 1995 to a maximum of 12 tons for a fishing effort of 135 rigs while CPUE followed a decreasing trend during the same period. Correlation analysis between catch and effort suggests that probably environmental factors may have influence on catch variation than the increase on fishing effort. Two models were applied for calculating MSY and FMSY resulting in two pairs of roof leading to two scenario of fisheries management. 10137 tons and a FMSY of 177 fishing rigs were computed using Schaefer model while 11690 tons and a FMSY of 278 were obtained using Fox model. Considering the differences between the two results and considering the fact that the two models have no differences in terms of precision and the fact that their determination coefficient are not different it is suggested, using the precautionary principle that result from Schaefer model be a adopted for fisheries management purpose.


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Informa o trabalho realizado na Bacia do Rio Camanducaia (SP/MG), para a implantação de uma unidade de conservação. Foi constituída uma base cartográfica digital sobre a área, na escala 1:250.000. Neste trabalho são apresentados e comentados 9 planos de informação cartográfica: limites, altimetria, Modelo Numérico de Terreno (MNT), MNT em 3 dimensões, hipsometria, hidrografia, bacias hidrográficas, rede viária e centros urbanos e, Imagem Landsat-TM5 da APA da Bacia do Rio Camanducaia.


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O Programa de Aceleração do Crescimento do Governo Federal (PAC) é baseado no conceito de investimentos em infraestrutura que, aliados a medidas econômicas, visam estimular os setores produtivos e, ao mesmo tempo, levar benefícios sociais para todas as regiões do Brasil. A Casa Civil e o Gabinete de Segurança Institucional da Presidência da República, a Secretaria de Planejamento e Investimentos Estratégicos (SPI) do Ministério do Planejamento, Orçamento e Gestão, e a Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária (Embrapa) do Ministério da Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento são parceiros no Projeto 10 do PAC Embrapa (PAC 10) ? ?Monitoramento orbital das obras do PAC e avaliação dos seus impactos?, executado pela equipe da Gestão Territorial Estratégica (GTE) da área técnica da Embrapa Monitoramento por Satélite. Devido à variedade de obras, diversas são as informações necessárias para o seu acompanhamento. Para organizar todas as informações, foi criado um banco de metadados digital.


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A expansão da atividade agrícola na bacia hidrográfica do rio Mogi-Guaçu pode causar alguns impactos ambientais graves. Durante o período compreendido entre maio de 2005 e maio de 2006 foram coletadas amostras de água e sedimento para a triagem de organismos bentônicos, visando a sua identificação como bioindicadores. As famílias de macroinvertebrados bentônicos tolerantes à poluição foram encontradas em todos os pontos amostrados, enquanto as famílias sensíveis ficaram restritas a ambientes com pouca influência das áreas agrícolas. O oxigênio dissolvido atingiu sua concentração máxima em um dos pontos de coleta mais preservados do rio Oriçanga. Além disso, os mapas de uso da terra comprovam os dados obtidos referentes aos indicadores de qualidade de água, pois o grau de preservação está diretamente relacionado às culturas agrícolas, às pastagens e às áreas preservadas de mata ciliar.