861 resultados para Processo de produção do açúcar


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In current days, the technology in materials and compounds makes it possible to implement a wide range of colors in any production process is this graphic or product. Formerly the limitations of series production allowed a small variety of colors and reasons, and the consumer had access to few options at the time of purchase. Today the companies make use of color in ceaseless products in order to differentiate them from competitors, which awakens an alert during the creative process of designer: How To properly apply the colors to the products? This Article aims at helping these professionals to understand how it works the Chroma spectrum in their physiology and psychology in such a way as to demonstrate a method to create a palette of colors directed to the user to whom you want to reach. This methodological suggestion, among other possible, should facilitate the process of choice of colors by professional during the creative process and projectual.


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Ciência do Solo) - FCAV


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The sugar cane plantation expands its borders each year, throughout the national territory. Thus, increases the amount of biomass that will to be exploited by man in sugar and alcohol produce and also by other organisms, which will have food in abundance. The growth of mechanized harvesting, with the consequent decrease in burning of straw and the expansion of the sucroalcooleiro sector are causing changes into entomofauna in certain areas or regions of sugar cane plantation. One of the new threats to the sugar cane plantations in southcentral region, causing uncertainty and concern to farmers, is the giant worm, Telchin licus, known in Brazil since 1927, in the Northeast of Brazil, is considered a major pest of cane sugar. In 2007 it was first recorded in the state of São Paulo, which accounts for 60% of the country's crops. Whereas until then there is not much information about their management and control, the aim of this review is to gather information on the basis for its control within the context of Integrated Pest Management of cane sugar.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Pós-graduação em Planejamento e Análise de Políticas Públicas - FCHS


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Esta investigação visou analisar o processo de construção das narrativas reflexivas em portfólios de estudantes de enfermagem. Trata-se de um estudo qualitativo, que analisou os portfólios da disciplina Promoção da Saúde na Educação Básica, ministrada no quarto semestre do curso de Licenciatura em Enfermagem. Os resultados indicaram a predominância inicial de registros descritivos, com a incipiente abordagem de aspectos teóricos articulados aos aspectos vivenciais. Com o transcorrer das discussões em grupo e das vivências foram apresentadas narrativas com elementos mais críticos e reflexivos, com justificativas das ações descritas e relações com aspectos teórico-práticos estudados na disciplina e no curso. O estudo conclui que há um processo de produção das narrativas crítico-reflexivas em portfólios que pode incluir descrição sintética, senso comum, idealização, e que, de modo singular, possibilita a inclusão do outro, das diferenças e de revisão teórica.


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Family agroindustry has been considered by several authors as an important reproduction alternative for family-based agriculture. However, this production process, which includes primary (production of raw-materials) and secondary (industrialization of production) activities, is generating a general concern. Can agroindustry, by promoting non-agricultural income for farmers, cause a reduction or, in extreme cases, an extinction of agricultural production in farm estates developing industrialization activities for selling in markets (family agroindustries)? In this sense, the purpose of this research was to analyse whether agroindustry can promote specialisation in family-based farm estates, or whether it is a form of economic diversification, being merely an activity similar to those developed in farm estates before the emergence of this process. The empirical study was conducted in 45 family agroindustries of sugarcane derivatives located in the Northeast of Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil).


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Family agroindustry has been considered by several authors as an important reproduction alternative for family-based agriculture. However, this production process, which includes primary (production of raw-materials) and secondary (industrialization of production) activities, is generating a general concern. Can agroindustry, by promoting non-agricultural income for farmers, cause a reduction or, in extreme cases, an extinction of agricultural production in farm estates developing industrialization activities for selling in markets (family agroindustries)? In this sense, the purpose of this research was to analyse whether agroindustry can promote specialisation in family-based farm estates, or whether it is a form of economic diversification, being merely an activity similar to those developed in farm estates before the emergence of this process. The empirical study was conducted in 45 family agroindustries of sugarcane derivatives located in the Northeast of Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil).


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Family agroindustry has been considered by several authors as an important reproduction alternative for family-based agriculture. However, this production process, which includes primary (production of raw-materials) and secondary (industrialization of production) activities, is generating a general concern. Can agroindustry, by promoting non-agricultural income for farmers, cause a reduction or, in extreme cases, an extinction of agricultural production in farm estates developing industrialization activities for selling in markets (family agroindustries)? In this sense, the purpose of this research was to analyse whether agroindustry can promote specialisation in family-based farm estates, or whether it is a form of economic diversification, being merely an activity similar to those developed in farm estates before the emergence of this process. The empirical study was conducted in 45 family agroindustries of sugarcane derivatives located in the Northeast of Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil).


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As contaminações por leveduras selvagens e por bactérias no processo de produção de etanol combustível no Brasil causam prejuízos ao rendimento fermentativo e aumento de custos pelo uso de biocidas. No entanto, poucos estudos tem focado no efeito das contaminações conjuntas de leveduras selvagens e bactérias e as possíveis interações entre os micro-organismos, especialmente em função dos diferentes substratos de fermentação e das formas de controle. Este trabalho teve por objetivos verificar o efeito do substrato (caldo de cana e melaço) sobre o desenvolvimento das contaminações pela levedura da espécie Dekkera bruxellensis e pela bactéria Lactobacillus fermentum, em co-culturas com Saccharomyces cerevisiae (linhagem industrial PE-2) e possíveis formas de controle do crescimento dos contaminantes (pelo uso de metabissulfito de potássio e adição de etanol ao tratamento ácido) sem afetar a levedura do processo. Os testes foram realizados em condições de crescimento (substrato com 4 °Brix, culturas agitadas) e fermentação com reciclo celular (substrato com 16 °Brix, culturas estáticas). Houve interação entre as leveduras e a bactéria quando crescidas em caldo de cana 4 °Brix. A levedura industrial não foi afetada pela presença dos micro-organismos contaminantes, no entanto, para D. bruxellensis a presença de L. fermentum interferiu positivamente no crescimento, com aumento no número de UFC, e consequentemente inibição do crescimento da bactéria. Em melaço, houve um estímulo ao crescimento de L. fermentum quando em co-cultura com S. cerevisiae. Houve influência das contaminações sobre os parâmetros avaliados no experimento (pH, açúcar redutor total, etanol, glicerol e crescimento das células) e a contaminação conjunta de L. fermentum e D. bruxellensis potencializou o efeito das contaminações pelos micro-organismos isoladamente, tanto em caldo quanto em melaço. A adição de 13% de etanol à solução de ácido sulfúrico pH 2,0 no tratamento celular resultou em uma diminuição significativa no número de UFC de D. bruxellensis (entre 90-99%). A levedura PE-2 foi pouco afetada pelo tratamento proposto. A bactéria L. fermentum teve seu crescimento afetado em todas as combinações testadas. Como os experimentos foram feitos em co-culturas, verificouse que pode haver influência de um micro-organismo sobre a viabilidade do outro, dependendo da reação ao tratamento ácido-etanol. O metabissulfito de potássio (MBP), no intervalo entre 200-400 mg/L, foi eficaz para controlar o crescimento de D. bruxellensis dependendo do meio de cultura e linhagem. Quando adicionado (250 mg/L) à solução ácida (pH 2,0) no tratamento celular, um efeito significativo foi observado nas culturas mistas, pois ocorreu a inativação do SO2 pela S. cerevisiae e uma provável proteção das células de D. bruxellensis, não sendo essa levedura prejudicada pelo MBP. A resposta fisiológica de S. cerevisiae na presença de MBP pode explicar a diminuição significativa na produção de etanol. Quando o MBP foi adicionado ao meio de fermentação, resultou no controle da D. bruxellensis mas não em sua morte, com efeito menos intensivo sobre a eficiência fermentativa. Em cocultura com a adição de MBP, a eficiência fermentativa foi significativamente menor do que na ausência de MBP.


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A gaseificação utiliza o conteúdo intrínseco de carbonos e hidrogênios das matérias primas sólidas ou líquidas na geração de uma mistura de hidrogênio (H2), monóxido de carbono (CO), dióxido de carbono (CO2) e metano (CH4). Tal mistura pode ser utilizada como matéria prima na síntese de novos produtos ou como combustível. A gaseificação pode ser utilizada no processamento de uma gama variada de produtos, independentemente de suas características ou estado físico. A utilização de biomassa como insumo da gaseificação vem sendo cada vez mais explorada e estudada, já que apresenta benefícios não somente na esfera ambiental, mas também em âmbitos econômicos e sociais. A vinhaça é um subproduto do processo de produção de álcool, que contém grandes concentrações de nutrientes e matéria orgânica em sua composição. A sua utilização hoje está limitada a fertirrigação e a aplicações isoladas em biodigestão e outros, que não são suficientes para o consumo da produção anual crescente do resíduo. Seu uso na gaseificação permitiria o aproveitamento do conteúdo orgânico da mesma e a produção de gases de alto valor agregado. Como a umidade do insumo interfere negativamente na eficiência da gaseificação clássica, a aplicação da mesma para matérias primas com alto teor de líquidos não é recomendada. Uma alternativa viável seria a utilização do meio gaseificante supercrítico, que resulta em rendimentos constantes, independentemente da umidade da corrente de entrada do reator. O presente trabalho consiste no projeto de um módulo de gaseificação de vinhaça em água supercrítica, a ser instalado como uma unidade anexa a usinas de açúcar e álcool. Ele compreende o projeto conceitual e análise de viabilidade deste módulo, incluindo estimativas de CAPEX (Capital Expenditure) e OPEX (Operation Expenditure) e uma análise de sensibilidade dos mesmos. O estudo apresenta ainda o estado da arte do conhecimento e da tecnologia de gaseificação com água supercrítica (SCWG), relacionando os gargalos a serem resolvidos, assim como os ganhos intrínsecos da definição conceitual do projeto.


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Nos dias atuais, a tecnologia em materiais e compostos viabiliza a aplicação de uma grande gama de cores em qualquer processo de produção seja este gráfico ou produto. Antigamente, as limitações da produção em série permitiam uma pequena variedade de cores e motivos, e o consumidor tinha acesso a poucas opções na hora da compra. Hoje, as empresas fazem uso incessante das cores em produtos, a fim de os diferenciar dos concorrentes, o que desperta um alerta durante o processo criativo dos designer: Como aplicar adequadamente as cores aos produtos? Este artigo objetiva auxiliar estes profissionais a entenderem como funciona o espectro cromático na sua fisiologia e psicologia, de maneira a demonstrar um método de criar uma paleta de cores direcionada para o usuário que se pretende atingir. Essa sugestão métodologica, entre outras possíveis, deve facilitar o processo de escolha das cores pelo profissional durante o processo criativo e projetual


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Since the 1970s, Brazil has gone through several changes in its economic and productive structures, which have symbiotic relationship with the organization and dynamics of the Brazilian territory. This set of economic, social and technical-scientific transformations developed in the amid the productive capital restructuring, a process that occurs on a global scale, but that effective with particularities in different places. Adopting this presuposition the present research had as main objective analyze the productive restructuring of the dairy sector in Rio Grande do Norte, highlighting its relationship with production process / organization of space and its impact on the social relations of production. The adopted methodology to elaborate of this study was based on the achievement a bibliographic review with regard to proceedings of production of space and productive restructuring, document research about the dynamics of the dairy sector in Rio Grande do Norte, as well as on regulatory instructions governing the dairy production in Brazil, we achieve parallel secondary data collection, with official organs such as IBGE, EMATER and SINDLEITE. Another important methodological resource was the realization of the field research, which enabled us to empirically understand the distinct realities lived by agents acting on milk production system in Rio Grande do Norte. The analyzes performed nevertheless evidence that the restructuring process in the dairy sector is fomented, greatly by state,that finance, encourages and normatizes the production of milk in the country. In the specific case of Rio Grande do Norte, this process is boosted by the creation of "Programa do Leite," which by constituting of an institutional market, contributes to the strengthening and expansion of industries, the detriment of the artisanal processing sector. Nevertheless family farmers continue to act in the activity, be only producing and trading fresh milk, supplying milk to processing units, mediating the production of their peers or by the craft benefiting milk in traditional cheese factories presents in the entire state of Rio Grande do Norte. The results reveal that it is a complex web of social relations of production that are established at the heart of laticinista activity in the Rio Grande Norte, these are summarily marked by relations of competition and complementarity between industrial and artisanal processing of milk


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In Brazil, the discussion about the urban voids appear related to the capitalist urban expansion process, when the urban growth act the cities were expanding toward the periphery, leaving in the interstices vacant land, kept out of the market waiting for the real estate valuation. In Natal, the formation of voids was triggered by the process of fragmentation of space promoted mainly by the urban sprawl with the emergence of new neighborhoods, lots of openings, housing developments and the emergence of new lines of commercial centrality. In this sense, this study aims to understand the role played by urban voids in the real estate dynamics and the production process of the Natal city space. For this, it was adressed the concept building on the conception of different authors and were characterized four types of gaps that best explained the phenomenon in the context of the work proposal addressed, such as idle, empty expectant, empty-brownfield areas and institutional areas. For each of these events were considered an example in the general context of the city through semi-structured interviews with technicians, managers and public officials in promoting the city and /or related to management of urban voids.


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This research aims to provide a reflection on the preservation practices of Brasilia as Cultural Heritage in four analytical/political dimensions: conceptual, urban, political-institutional and legal. In order to do that, the preparation process for the Plan for the Preservation of Brasilia Urban Set (PPCUB) was taken as research object. This preservation plan is representative of the context which determines the relation between goals and preservation practices in the social production process of urban space. Designed by Lucio Costa in 1957, Brasilia received the Cultural Heritage title 27 years later, in 1987. It was recognized a World Heritage Site by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural (UNESCO) in the same year as it "represents a unique artistic piece of work, a masterpiece of creative genius"; and "an outstanding example of a type of construction or architectural compound that illustrates a significant stage in history" (SILVA, 2003). Brasilia’s urban conception, also recognised in the district and federal levels, gives prominence to the 'urban scales' – monumental, residential, gregarious and bucolic – as the main aspects to be preserved. Despite being an undoubted representative, Brasilia seemingly displays a contradiction. On the one hand, the essential value of the city’s urban design is acknowledged as cultural heritage at international, national and district levels. On the other hand, numerous ways of urban interventions disregard the principles of that conception. In 2012, the international Monitoring Report raised some issues which highlight the following main needs: primary need for clear definition of the urban scales’ characteristics and boundaries; definition of a legal framework that conciliates national and district laws of occupation and use of land; creation of inter-sectors executive authority with both decision-making and financial autonomy; and promotion of heritage educational programs. This report also proposes "to cancel the current process of approval conducted by PPCUB and establish a formal consultation process through a committee made up by GDF and IPHAN, which will enable the active participation of University of Brasilia, the Architects Association, ICOMOS and local organizations" (SEDHAB, 2010). Already in its drafting process, the international recommendations evidence that preserving Brasilia’s urban design conception is not among the goals to be achieved. Thus, this research highlights that the intentional nature of PPCUB’s plans does little towards realizing the current proposals.