903 resultados para Probabilistic latent semantic analysis (PLSA)


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Energia na Agricultura) - FCA


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Estudos Linguísticos - IBILCE


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O presente trabalho visou investigar qual a importância da Psicoterapia em homens doentes de aids marcados pela proximidade com a morte ou a finitude existencial internados em uma enfermaria hospitalar. A intervenção psicológica, na área da saúde e da clínica psicológica, foi procedimento interventivo que permitiu efetivar a escuta socialmente engajada visando superar a premissa acerca da doença enquanto centro do tratamento, transmitida ao longo da história e veiculando a concepção de um sujeito patológico. Nesta perspectiva, o objetivo deste trabalho foi incentivar os participantes da pesquisa a vivenciar a atenção à própria saúde reconhecendo-a enquanto um direito de cidadania básico a todos os homens. Sobre os procedimentos a psicoterapia breve gestáltica e os cuidados paliativos foram as estratégias utilizadas nos atendimentos realizados no Hospital Universitário João de Barros Barreto em Belém do Pará-Brasil. Os participantes da pesquisa foram quatro homens adultos, com faixa etária entre 18 e 49 anos de idade. A seleção iniciou com a pesquisa documental dos relatórios e documentos elaborados pelos profissionais que atendem na enfermaria da clinica infecto-parasitária (DIP) como fichas de identificação, prontuários de identificação dos casos, onde estava descrita o diagnóstico, o histórico de saúde. Tratou-se de uma pesquisa clínico-qualitativa, que utilizou o método fenomenológico e concepções existencialistas, e referencial teórico da Gestalt-terapia. Para a análise do discurso dos informantes se valeu da Hermenêutica da linguagem proposta em Paul Ricouer, que propõe a compreensão da dimensão linguística (sentido) e dimensão extralinguística (referência), partindo da análise gramatical da frase do locutor, perpassando pela análise semântica da fala, com atenção às funções e atos da linguagem. Nas analises nos atentamos unicamente à assimilação da função Expressiva ou Emotiva, em que o sujeito que se destacou foi o EU, e aos atos do discurso: locucionários (ato de dizer; expressão verbal), ilocucionários (aquilo que fazemos ao dizer; recursos não verbais que acompanham a fala) e atos perlocucionários (reflexo da linguagem no outro). Os resultados mostraram que os homens são responsáveis por suas próprias habilidades, e que podem ampliar as possibilidades em suas vidas, mesmo em situação de fragilidade e sem possibilidade de cura, identificando os meios a sua disposição, que permitiram lidar com uma situação de dificuldade. Quanto à psicoterapia ela foi um facilitador, e proporcionou a possibilidade de se compreender alguns modos de vinculação, subjetivação e relação dos homens atendidos no hospital.


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The research presents as its central theme the study of the bibliographic record conversion process. The object of study is framed by an understanding of analogic bibliographic record conversion to the Bibliograhpic MARC21 format, based on a syntactic and semantic analysis of records described according to descriptive metadata structure standards and content standards. The objective of this research the objective is to develop a theoretical-conceptual model of syntactic and semantic of bibliographic records, from Linguistic studies of Saussure and Hjelmslev of manifestations of human language, which subsidizes the development of a computacional interpreter, focused to the conversion of bibliographic records to MARC21 Bibliographic Format, which can be confirmed both the semantic value of the informational resource represented as the reliability of the representation. Given the aforementioned objectives, the methodological trajectory of the research is based on the qualitative approach, of an exploratory, descriptive and experimental nature, and with recourse to the literature. Contributions on the theoretical plane can be envisaged regarding the development of questions inherent to the syntactic and semantic aspects of bibliographic records, and by involving, at the same time, interdisciplinarity between Information Science, Computer Science and Linguistics. Contributions to the practical field are identified by the fact the study covers the development of the Scan for MARC, a computational interpreter that can be adopted by any institution that wishes to use the conversion procedure for bibliographic record databases to the MARC21 Bibliographic Format from description and visualization schemes of bibliographic records (AACR2r and ISBD), an aspect of the research which is considered innovative.


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Pós-graduação em Ciência da Computação - IBILCE


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Observability measures the support of computer systems to accurately capture, analyze, and present (collectively observe) the internal information about the systems. Observability frameworks play important roles for program understanding, troubleshooting, performance diagnosis, and optimizations. However, traditional solutions are either expensive or coarse-grained, consequently compromising their utility in accommodating today’s increasingly complex software systems. New solutions are emerging for VM-based languages due to the full control language VMs have over program executions. Existing such solutions, nonetheless, still lack flexibility, have high overhead, or provide limited context information for developing powerful dynamic analyses. In this thesis, we present a VM-based infrastructure, called marker tracing framework (MTF), to address the deficiencies in the existing solutions for providing better observability for VM-based languages. MTF serves as a solid foundation for implementing fine-grained low-overhead program instrumentation. Specifically, MTF allows analysis clients to: 1) define custom events with rich semantics ; 2) specify precisely the program locations where the events should trigger; and 3) adaptively enable/disable the instrumentation at runtime. In addition, MTF-based analysis clients are more powerful by having access to all information available to the VM. To demonstrate the utility and effectiveness of MTF, we present two analysis clients: 1) dynamic typestate analysis with adaptive online program analysis (AOPA); and 2) selective probabilistic calling context analysis (SPCC). In addition, we evaluate the runtime performance of MTF and the typestate client with the DaCapo benchmarks. The results show that: 1) MTF has acceptable runtime overhead when tracing moderate numbers of marker events; and 2) AOPA is highly effective in reducing the event frequency for the dynamic typestate analysis; and 3) language VMs can be exploited to offer greater observability.


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«Fiction of frontier». Phenomenology of an open form/voice. Francesco Giustini’s PhD dissertation fits into a genre of research usually neglected by the literary criticism which nevertheless is arousing much interest in recent years: the relationship between Literature and Space. In this context, the specific issue of his work consists in the category of the Frontier including its several implications for the XX century fiction. The preliminary step, at the beginning of the first section of the dissertation, is a semantic analysis: with precision, Giustini describes the meaning of the word “frontier” here declined in a multiplicity of cultural, political and geographical contexts, starting from the American frontier of the pioneers who headed for the West, to the exotic frontiers of the world, with whose the imperialistic colonization has come into contact; from the semi-uninhabited areas like deserts, highlands and virgin forests, to the ethnic frontiers between Indian and white people in South America, since the internal frontiers of the Countries like those ones between the District and the Capital City, the Centre and the Outskirts. In the next step, Giustini wants to focus on a real “ myth of the frontier”, able to nourish cultural and literary imagination. Indeed, the literature has told and chosen the frontier as the scenery for many stories; especially in the 20th Century it made the frontier a problematic space in the light of events and changes that have transformed the perception of space and our relationship with it. Therefore, the dissertation proposes a critical category, it traces the hallmarks of a specific literary phenomenon defined “ Fiction of the frontier” ,present in many literary traditions during the 20th Century. The term “Fiction” (not “Literature” or “Poetics”) does not define a genre but rather a “procedure”, focusing on a constant issue pointed out from the texts examined in this work : the strong call to the act of narration and to its oral traditions. The “Fiction of the Frontier” is perceived as an approach to the world, a way of watching and feeling the objects, an emotion that is lived and told through the story- a story where the narrator ,through his body and his voice, takes the rule of the witness. The following parts, that have an analytic style, are constructed on the basis of this theoretical and methodological reflection. The second section gives a wide range of examples into we can find the figure and the myth of the frontier through the textual analysis which range over several literary traditions. Starting from monographic chapters (Garcia Marquez, Callado, McCarthy), to the comparative reading of couples of texts (Calvino and Verga Llosa, Buzzati and Coetzee, Arguedas and Rulfo). The selection of texts is introduced so as to underline a particular aspect or a form of the frontier at every reading. This section is articulated into thematic voices which recall some actions that can be taken into the ambiguous and liminal space of the frontier (to communicate, to wait, to “trans-culturate”, to imagine, to live in, to not-live in). In this phenomenology, the frontier comes to the light as a physical and concrete element or as a cultural, imaginary, linguistic, ethnic and existential category. In the end, the third section is centered on a more defined and elaborated analysis of two authors, considered as fundamental for the comprehension of the “Fiction of the frontier”: Joseph Conrad and João Guimarães Rosa. Even if they are very different, being part of unlike literary traditions, these two authors show many connections which are pointed by the comparative analysis. Maybe Conrad is the first author that understand the feeling of the frontier , freeing himself from the adventure romance and from the exotic nineteenthcentury tradition. João Guimarães Rosa, in his turn, is the great narrator of Brazilian and South American frontier, he is the man of sertão and of endless spaces of the Centre of Brazil. His production is strongly linked to that one belonged to the author of Heart of Darkness.


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La progettazione sismica negli ultimi anni ha subito una forte trasformazione, infatti con l’introduzione delle nuove normative tecniche si è passati dallo svolgere una verifica delle capacità locali dei singoli elementi ad una progettazione con un approccio di tipo probabilistico, il quale richiede il soddisfacimento di una serie di stati limite ai quali viene attribuita una certa probabilità di superamento. La valutazione dell’affidabilità sismica di una struttura viene condotta di solito attraverso metodologie che prendono il nome di Probabilistic Seismic Design Analysis (PSDA) in accordo con la procedura del Performance Based Earthquake Engineering (PBEE). In questa procedura di tipo probabilistico risulta di notevole importanza la definizione della misura d’intensità sismica, la quale può essere utilizzata sia come predittore della risposta strutturale a fronte di un evento sismico, sia come parametro per definire la pericolosità di un sito. Queste misure d’intensità possono essere definite direttamente dalla registrazione dell’evento sismico, come ad esempio l’accelerazione di picco del terreno, oppure sulla base della risposta, sia lineare che non, della struttura soggetta a tale evento, ovvero quelle che vengono chiamate misure d’intensità spettrali. Come vedremo è preferibile l’utilizzo di misure d’intensità che soddisfino certe proprietà, in modo da far risultare più efficace possibile le risoluzione del problema con l’approccio probabilistico PBEE. Obbiettivo principale di questa dissertazione è quello di valutare alcune di queste proprietà per un gran numero di misure d’intensità sismiche a partire dai risultati di risposta strutturale ottenuti mediante analisi dinamiche non lineari nel tempo, condotte per diverse tipologie di strutture con differenti proprietà meccaniche.


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Using latent class analysis (LCA), a previous study on patients attending primary care identified four courses of low back pain (LBP) over the subsequent 6 months. To date, no studies have used longitudinal pain recordings to examine the "natural" course of recurrent and chronic LBP in a population-based sample of individuals. This study examines the course of LBP in the general population and elaborates on the stability and criterion-related validity of the clusters derived. A random sample of 400 individuals reporting LBP in a population-based study was asked to complete a comprehensive questionnaire at the start and end of the year's survey, and 52 weekly pain diaries in between. The latter were analyzed using LCA. 305 individuals returned more than 50% of the diaries. Four clusters were identified (severe persistent, moderate persistent, mild persistent, and fluctuating). The clusters differed significantly with regards to pain and disability. Assessment of cluster stability showed that a considerable proportion of patients in the "fluctuating" group changed their classification over time. Three of the four clusters describing the typical course of pain matched the clusters described previously for patients in primary care. Due to the population-based design, this study achieves, for the first time, a close insight into the "natural" course of chronic and recurrent low back pain, including individuals that did not necessarily visit the general practitioner. The findings will help to understand better the nature of this pain in the general population.


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It has been suggested that there are several distinct phenotypes of childhood asthma or childhood wheezing. Here, we review the research relating to these phenotypes, with a focus on the methods used to define and validate them. Childhood wheezing disorders manifest themselves in a range of observable (phenotypic) features such as lung function, bronchial responsiveness, atopy and a highly variable time course (prognosis). The underlying causes are not sufficiently understood to define disease entities based on aetiology. Nevertheless, there is a need for a classification that would (i) facilitate research into aetiology and pathophysiology, (ii) allow targeted treatment and preventive measures and (iii) improve the prediction of long-term outcome. Classical attempts to define phenotypes have been one-dimensional, relying on few or single features such as triggers (exclusive viral wheeze vs. multiple trigger wheeze) or time course (early transient wheeze, persistent and late onset wheeze). These definitions are simple but essentially subjective. Recently, a multi-dimensional approach has been adopted. This approach is based on a wide range of features and relies on multivariate methods such as cluster or latent class analysis. Phenotypes identified in this manner are more complex but arguably more objective. Although phenotypes have an undisputed standing in current research on childhood asthma and wheezing, there is confusion about the meaning of the term 'phenotype' causing much circular debate. If phenotypes are meant to represent 'real' underlying disease entities rather than superficial features, there is a need for validation and harmonization of definitions. The multi-dimensional approach allows validation by replication across different populations and may contribute to a more reliable classification of childhood wheezing disorders and to improved precision of research relying on phenotype recognition, particularly in genetics. Ultimately, the underlying pathophysiology and aetiology will need to be understood to properly characterize the diseases causing recurrent wheeze in children.


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Software visualizations can provide a concise overview of a complex software system. Unfortunately, as software has no physical shape, there is no `natural' mapping of software to a two-dimensional space. As a consequence most visualizations tend to use a layout in which position and distance have no meaning, and consequently layout typically diverges from one visualization to another. We propose an approach to consistent layout for software visualization, called Software Cartography, in which the position of a software artifact reflects its vocabulary, and distance corresponds to similarity of vocabulary. We use Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI) to map software artifacts to a vector space, and then use Multidimensional Scaling (MDS) to map this vector space down to two dimensions. The resulting consistent layout allows us to develop a variety of thematic software maps that express very different aspects of software while making it easy to compare them. The approach is especially suitable for comparing views of evolving software, as the vocabulary of software artifacts tends to be stable over time. We present a prototype implementation of Software Cartography, and illustrate its use with practical examples from numerous open-source case studies.


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Software visualizations can provide a concise overview of a complex software system. Unfortunately, since software has no physical shape, there is no “natural“ mapping of software to a two-dimensional space. As a consequence most visualizations tend to use a layout in which position and distance have no meaning, and consequently layout typical diverges from one visualization to another. We propose a consistent layout for software maps in which the position of a software artifact reflects its \emph{vocabulary}, and distance corresponds to similarity of vocabulary. We use Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI) to map software artifacts to a vector space, and then use Multidimensional Scaling (MDS) to map this vector space down to two dimensions. The resulting consistent layout allows us to develop a variety of thematic software maps that express very different aspects of software while making it easy to compare them. The approach is especially suitable for comparing views of evolving software, since the vocabulary of software artifacts tends to be stable over time.


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BACKGROUND Among children with wheeze and recurrent cough there is great variation in clinical presentation and time course of the disease. We previously distinguished 5 phenotypes of wheeze and cough in early childhood by applying latent class analysis to longitudinal data from a population-based cohort (original cohort). OBJECTIVE To validate previously identified phenotypes of childhood cough and wheeze in an independent cohort. METHODS We included 903 children reporting wheeze or recurrent cough from an independent population-based cohort (validation cohort). As in the original cohort, we used latent class analysis to identify phenotypes on the basis of symptoms of wheeze and cough at 2 time points (preschool and school age) and objective measurements of atopy, lung function, and airway responsiveness (school age). Prognostic outcomes (wheeze, bronchodilator use, cough apart from colds) 5 years later were compared across phenotypes. RESULTS When using a 5-phenotype model, the analysis distinguished 3 phenotypes of wheeze and 2 of cough as in the original cohort. Two phenotypes were closely similar in both cohorts: Atopic persistent wheeze (persistent multiple trigger wheeze and chronic cough, atopy and reduced lung function, poor prognosis) and transient viral wheeze (early-onset transient wheeze with viral triggers, favorable prognosis). The other phenotypes differed more between cohorts. These differences might be explained by differences in age at measurements. CONCLUSIONS Applying the same method to 2 different cohorts, we consistently identified 2 phenotypes of wheeze (atopic persistent wheeze, transient viral wheeze), suggesting that these represent distinct disease processes. Differences found in other phenotypes suggest that the age when features are assessed is critical and should be considered carefully when defining phenotypes.