796 resultados para Preventive, restorative and transformative mediation


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As políticas públicas de saúde surgem em decorrência do reconhecimento de um cenário desumano e incoerente frente às condições sociais e de saúde da população, este cenário favoreceu a inclusão da família como foco de atenção nas políticas públicas. Neste contexto o profissional enfermeiro vem se destacando como agente dinamizador das ações dentro do Programa Saúde da Família(PSF). A partir desta premissa este estudo objetivou conhecer as atividades gerenciais desenvolvidas pelo enfermeiro gestor no Programa Saúde da Família, a percepção do enfermeiro gestor sobre a efetivação das metas á serem alcançadas pelo Programa Saúde da Família, e as dificuldades encontradas na prática cotidiana deste profissional para efetivação das metas a serem alcançadas no Programa Saúde da Família. Trata-se de um estudo descritivo com abordagem qualitativa, realizado em Belém do Pará. Os dados foram obtidos por meio de entrevistas semi-estruturadas junto a 45 enfermeiros gestores de 30 unidades saúde da família na região metropolitana de Belém. As informações coletadas foram organizadas conforme preceitos à análise de conteúdo segundo Bardin (1977). Da análise dos discursos emergiram cinco categorias. Os resultados deste estudo demonstraram que são inúmeras as atividades gerenciais do enfermeiro, que sua maior dificuldade na prática cotidiana deve-se ao fato da comunidade ainda estar fortemente arraigada ao atendimento hospitalocêntrico, além da insatisfação na função de gerência, ligadas as várias dificuldades como falta de perfil do agente comunitário de saúde, infraestrutura das unidades, falta do profissional médico em algumas unidades, não adesão do tratamento e ações educativas pelas famílias adstritas , além da impossibilidade em alcançar os objetivos propostos pelo Programa Saúde da Família, de acordo a maioria dos informantes. Essa realidade tem sido vivenciada pelo enfermeiro gestor, caracterizada como forma de tensão interna do sistema, gerando a construção peculiar para enfrentar tais dificuldades. Apesar das dificuldades e limitações dos enfermeiros gestores, estes profissionais realizam suas funções com responsabilidade, buscando cada vez mais autonomia, e consideram que este programa, é o marco nas políticas públicas de saúde.


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El artículo plantea cómo la decisión tomada por Estados Unidos de atacar a Iraq se contrapone a la naturaleza del multilateralismo y atenta contra la normatividad jurídica vigente -Derecho Internacional-. El autor presenta a la ""acción preventiva"" y a la ""confrontación entre el bien el mal"" como los pilares de la visión internacional norteamericana guiada actualmente por los neoconservadores, propone la necesidad de que el multilateralismo se renueve para que no pierda vigencia.


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xero, kline & coma is an artist run project space at 258 Hackney Road, London. It’s program, curated by Pil and Galia Kollectiv, focuses primarily on solo exhibitions by internationally established as well as emerging artists. Work by recent graduates King Conny Wobble and David Steans is being shown alongside projects like the Museum of American Art – Berlin, previously included in the Venice and Istanbul Biennales, Jeffrey Vallance, whose recent solo exhibition was at the Warhol Museum, and Plastique Fantastique, whose work has been shown at Tate Britain and the Pratt Manhatten Gallery, New York, with the aim of raising the profile of lesser known artists and allowing others to experiment with work that more institutional contexts don’t always permit. Some of the themes this program has explored have included fictional identities, a-chronological art histories and the mediation of ritual in time-based media. A commitment to critically engaged art is also central to the ethos of the space, and future shows include an exploration of unionism in art by Sophie Carapetian. As well as displaying new work, the gallery hosts events, talks and screenings. Most recently these have included meetings of the Political Currency of Art research group, a discussion and film screening dealing with the theme of ‘hostile objects’ led by Evan Calder Williams and Marina Vishmidt, a book launch for New Lines of Alliance, New Spaces of Liberty by Antonio Negri and Felix Guattari and an event dedicated to the theatre work of Slovenian art collective NSK, featuring a screening of unreleased documentation and a discussion about the future of total performance.


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There has been a significant amount of work implementing systems for algorithmic composition with the intention of targeting specific emotional responses in the listener, but a full review of this work is not currently available. This gap creates a shared obstacle to those entering the field. Our aim is thus to give an overview of progress in the area of these affectively driven systems for algorithmic composition. Performative and transformative systems are included and differentiated where appropriate, highlighting the challenges these systems now face if they are to be adapted to, or have already incorporated, some form of affective control. Possible real-time applications for such systems, utilizing affectively driven algorithmic composition and biophysical sensing to monitor and induce affective states in the listener are suggested.


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Analysis of the thinking on just war and conflict mediation of the only classical woman strategist, who lived around 1400, and wrote this with a view to the Hundred Years' War and civil wars and insurgencies taking place in her lifetime. Christine de Pizan's Feats of Arms and Chivalry would later become the first printed and widely distributed field manual, translated into English and printed by Caxton for Henry VII Tudor.


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Electronic word-of-mouth (eWOM) is recognised as a means of interpersonal communication and a powerful marketing tool. However, previous studies have focussed on related motivations, and limited attention has been given to understanding the antecedents of eWOM communication behaviour in the travel industry. This study proposes a full and partial mediation model, which brings together for the first time three key antecedents: adoption of electronic communication technology, consumer dis/satisfaction with travel consumption experience, and subjective norm. The model aims to understand the impact of these antecedents on travellers' attitude towards eWOM communication and intention to use eWOM communication media. The data were collected from international travellers (n = 524), and structural equation modelling is used to test the conceptual framework. The findings of the study suggest that overall attitude towards eWOM communication partially mediates the impact of the traveller's adoption of electronic communication technology and subjective norm, and fully mediates the impact of consumer dis/satisfaction with travel consumption experience on travellers' intention to use eWOM communication media.


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Electronic word-of-mouth (eWOM) is recognised as a means of interpersonal communication and a powerful marketing tool. However, previous studies have focussed on related motivations, and limited attention has been given to understanding the antecedents of eWOM communication behaviour in the travel industry. This study proposes a full and partial mediation model, which brings together for the first time three key antecedents: adoption of electronic communication technology, consumer dis/satisfaction with travel consumption experience, and subjective norm. The model aims to understand the impact of these antecedents on travellers' attitude towards eWOM communication and intention to use eWOM communication media. The data were collected from international travellers (n = 524), and structural equation modelling is used to test the conceptual framework. The findings of the study suggest that overall attitude towards eWOM communication partially mediates the impact of the traveller's adoption of electronic communication technology and subjective norm, and fully mediates the impact of consumer dis/satisfaction with travel consumption experience on travellers' intention to use eWOM communication media.


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Abstract  In a case study about viewing habits in a Swedish audience I sampled 309 questionnaires; interviews with five focus group were conducted together with ten in-depth individual interviews discussing altogether fifteen favorite films exploring specific scenes of idiosyncratic relevance.  The outcome supports claims about viewers as active and playful (cf. Höijer 1998, Frampton 2006, Hoover 2006, Plantinga 2009). In line with mediatization theory I also argue that spiritual meaning making takes place through mediated experiences and I support theories about fiction films as important sources for moral and spiritual reflection (Partridge 2004, Zillman 2005, Lynch 2007, Plantinga 2009). What Hjarvard calls the soft side of mediatization processes (2008) is illustrated showing adults experiencing enchantment through favorite films (Jerslev 2006, Partridge 2008, Klinger 2008, Oliver & Hartmann 2010).  Vernacular meaning making embedded in everyday life and spectators dealing with fiction narratives such as Gladiator, Amelie from Montmartre or Avatar highlights the need for a more nuanced understanding of elevated cinematic experiences. The reported impact of specific movies is analyzed through theories where cognition and affect are central aspects of spectators’ engagements with a film (Tan 1996, Caroll 1999, Grodal 2009). Crucially important are theories of meaning-making where viewers’ detailed interpretation of specific scenes are embedded in high-level meaning-making where world view issues and spectators’ moral frameworks are activated (Zillman 2005, Andersson & Andersson 2005, Frampton 2006, Lynch 2007, Avila 2007, Axelson 2008, Plantinga 2009).  Also results from a growing body of empirical oriented research in film studies are relevant with an interest in what happens with the flesh and blood spectator exposed to filmic narratives (Jerslev 2006, Klinger 2008, Barker 2009, Suckfüll 2010, Oliver & Hartmann 2010). Analyzing the qualitative results of my case study, I want to challenge the claim that the viewer has to suspend higher order reflective cognitive structures in order to experience suture (Butler & Palesh 2004). What I find in my empirical examples is responses related to spectators’ highest levels of mental activity, all anchored in the sensual-emotional apparatus (Grodal 2009). My outcome is in line with a growing number of empirical case studies which support conclusions that both thinking and behavior are affected by film watching (Marsh 2007, Sückfull 2010, Oliver & Hartmann 2010, Axelson forthcoming). The presentation contributes to a development of concepts which combines aesthetic, affective and cognitive components in an investigation of spectator’s moves from emotional evaluation of intra-text narration to extra-textual assessments, testing the narrative for larger significance in idiosyncratic ways (Bordwell & Thompson 1997, Marsh 2007, Johnston 2007, Bruun Vaage 2009, Axelson 2011). There are a several profitable concepts suggested to embrace the complex interplay between affects, cognition and emotions when individuals respond to fictional narratives. Robert K. Johnston label it “deepening gaze” (2007: 307) andtransformative viewing” (2007: 305). Philosopher Mitch Avila proposes “high cognition” (2007: 228) and Casper Thybjerg ”higher meaning” (2008: 60). Torben Grodal talks about “feelings of deep meaning” (Grodal 2009: 149). With a nod to Clifford Geertz, Craig Detweiler adopts “thick description” (2007: 47) as do Kutter Callaway altering it to ”thick interpretations” (Callaway 2013: 203).  Frampton states it in a paradox; ”affective intelligence” (Frampton 2006: 166). As a result of the empirical investigation, inspired by Geertz, Detweiler & Callaway, I advocate thick viewing for capturing the viewing process of these specific moments of film experience when profound and intensified emotional interpretations take place. The author As a sociologist of religion, Tomas Axelsons research deals with people’s use of mediated narratives to make sense of reality in a society characterized by individualization, mediatization and pluralized world views.  He explores uses of fiction film as a resource in every day life and he is currently finishing his three year project funded by the Swedish Research Council: Spectator engagement in film and utopian self-reflexivity. Moving Images and Moved Minds. http://www.du.se/sv/AVM/Personal/Tomas-Axelson Bibliography Axelson, T. (Forthcoming 2014). Den rörliga bildens förmåga att beröra.[1] Stockholm: Liber Axelson, T. (In peer review). Vernacular Meaning Making. Examples of narrative impact in fiction film questioning the ’banal’ notion in mediatization theory. Nordicom Review. Nordicom Göteborg. Axelson, T. (2011). Människans behov av fiktion. Den rörliga bildens förmåga att beröra människan på djupet.[2]Kulturella perspektiv. Volume 2. Article retrieved from www.kultmed.umu.se/digitalAssets/74/74304_axelson-22011.pdf Axelson, Tomas (2010) “Narration, Visualization and Mind. Movies in everyday life as a resource for utopian self-reflection.” Paper presentation at CMRC, 7th Conference of Media, Religion & Culture in Toronto, Canada 9 – 13th August 2010. Axelson, Tomas (2008) Movies and Meaning. Studying Audience, Favourite Films and Existential Matters. Particip@tions : Journal of Audience and Reception Studies. Volume 5, (1). Doctoral dissertation summary. ACTA UNIVERSITATIS UPSALIENSIS. Article retrieved from http://www.participations.org/Volume%205/Issue%201%20-%20special/5_01_axelson.htm  [1] English translation: Moving Images and Moved Minds. [2] English translation: Our need for fiction. Deeply Moved by Moving Images. Cultural Perspectives.


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OBJECTIVE: to explore perspectives and experiences of antenatal care and partner involvement among women who nearly died during pregnancy ('near-miss'). DESIGN: a study guided by naturalistic inquiry was conducted, and included extended in-community participant observation, semi-structured interviews, and focus group discussions. Qualitative data were collected between March 2013 and April 2014 in Kigali, Rwanda. FINDINGS: all informants were aware of the recommendations of male involvement for HIV-testing at the first antenatal care visit. However, this recommendation was seen as a clear link in the chain of delays and led to severe consequences, especially for women without engaged partners. The overall quality of antenatal services was experienced as suboptimal, potentially missing the opportunity to provide preventive measures and essential health education intended for both parents. This seemed to contribute to women's disincentive to complete all four recommended visits and men's interest in attending to ensure their partners' reception of care. However, the participants experienced a restriction of men's access during subsequent antenatal visits, which made men feel denied to their increased involvement during pregnancy. CONCLUSIONS: 'near-miss' women and their partners face paradoxical barriers to actualise the recommended antenatal care visits. The well-intended initiative of male partner involvement counterproductively causes delays or excludes women whereas supportive men are turned away from further health consultations. Currently, the suboptimal quality of antenatal care misses the opportunity to provide health education for the expectant couple or to identify and address early signs of complications IMPLICATIONS FOR PRACTICE: these findings suggest a need for increased flexibility in the antenatal care recommendations to encourage women to attend care with or without their partner, and to create open health communication about women's and men's real needs within the context of their social situations. Supportive partners should not be denied involvement at any stage of pregnancy, but should be received only upon consent of the expectant mother.


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An underwater gas pipeline is the portion of the pipeline that crosses a river beneath its bottom. Underwater gas pipelines are subject to increasing dangers as time goes by. An accident at an underwater gas pipeline can lead to technological and environmental disaster on the scale of an entire region. Therefore, timely troubleshooting of all underwater gas pipelines in order to prevent any potential accidents will remain a pressing task for the industry. The most important aspect of resolving this challenge is the quality of the automated system in question. Now the industry doesn't have any automated system that fully meets the needs of the experts working in the field maintaining underwater gas pipelines. Principle Aim of this Research: This work aims to develop a new system of automated monitoring which would simplify the process of evaluating the technical condition and decision making on planning and preventive maintenance and repair work on the underwater gas pipeline. Objectives: Creation a shared model for a new, automated system via IDEF3; Development of a new database system which would store all information about underwater gas pipelines; Development a new application that works with database servers, and provides an explanation of the results obtained from the server; Calculation of the values MTBF for specified pipelines based on quantitative data obtained from tests of this system. Conclusion: The new, automated system PodvodGazExpert has been developed for timely and qualitative determination of the physical conditions of underwater gas pipeline; The basis of the mathematical analysis of this new, automated system uses principal component analysis method; The process of determining the physical condition of an underwater gas pipeline with this new, automated system increases the MTBF by a factor of 8.18 above the existing system used today in the industry.


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A erodibilidade, particularizada como a susceptibilidade a erosão hídrica por fluxo superficial concentrado, é uma das propriedades de comportamento dos solos de maior complexidade pelo grande número de variáveis intervenientes. Estudada por diferentes áreas do conhecimento (Agronomia, Hidráulica, Geologia de Engenharia e Engenharia Geotécnica), tem no meio geotécnico a maior lacuna na sua quantificação e entendimento dos mecanismos envolvidos. O presente trabalho apresenta um estudo sobre a erodibilidade de solos residuais tropicais e subtropicais não saturados a partir de quatro perfis representativos dos processos erosivos e solos envolvidos na Região Metropolitana de Porto Alegre. Os solos dos principais horizontes de cada um destes perfis foram caracterizados física, química e mineralogicamente. As propriedades de resistência ao cisalhamento e colapsibilidade foram avaliadas por ensaios de cisalhamento direto convencionais e com controle de sucção e por ensaios de colapsibilidade em oedômetros, respectivamente. A erodibilidade foi avaliada em laboratório, diretamente por meio de ensaios de Inderbitzen e indiretamente por diferentes critérios e parâmetros baseados em outras características físicas e propriedades dos solos. A análise conjunta do comportamento dos solos em campo frente a erosão, da avaliação direta e indireta da erodibilidade e das propriedades geomecânicas investigadas conduziram à formulação de uma proposta de abordagem geotécnica para a erodibilidade dos solos residuais tropicais e subtropicais não saturados. Nesta proposta destaca–se a avaliação direta da erodibilidade por ensaios de Inderbitzen e a indicação de solos potencialmente erodíveis baseada no teor de finos, na plasticidade, no parâmetro K da USLE, na Razão de Dispersão de Middleton, na classificação e critério de erodibilidade MCT e na variação da coesão com a saturação pelo parâmetro variação de coesão (Δc) proposto. A proposta de abordagem geotécnica para a previsão da erodibilidade dos solos visa dotar o engenheiro geotécnico de uma ferramenta destinada à avaliação do potencial erosivo dos terrenos antes de uma iniciativa de ocupação urbana ou implantação de qualquer outra obra de engenharia. Esta avaliação é o passo inicial no direcionamento de medidas preventivas e que visem minimizar o impacto da obra ao meio físico natural, no que se refere a erosão hídrica por fluxo superficial concentrado.


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A demanda pela responsabilidade corporativa nunca foi tão grande. A necessidade de aliar a governança corporativa a atividades de controle eficientes nunca foi tão clara. Essa dissertação tem como objetivo responder a questão sobre se a abordagem Top Down do Earnings at Risk pode ser considerada como compatível às demandas da Sarbanes Oxley, e adicionalmente, um método eficiente de gerenciamento de riscos para as empresas não financeiras. Baseado nos resultados que encontramos a abordagem Top Down do Earnings at Risk não atende às demandas impostas pela Sarbanes-Oxley. Embora a SOX atente para a eficácia e não para eficiência dos controles utilizados pelas empresas, decisões gerenciais baseadas neste método podem conduzir a empresa a possíveis erros.


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This exploratory study, with the aim of bringing mediation and arbitration - which have been so far mainly discussed under the legal point of view - to the context of business management, tries to identify up to which point these services can be recognized as a valid alternative to manage conflicts in the inter-organizational strategic relationships. This kind of relationship is present in strategic alliances, joint ventures and in existing supply chains and distributions channels¿ partnerships. Analyzing the theoretical reference framework three knowledge areas were associated and integrated: conflict management and negotiation; mediation and arbitration, as the most common Alternative Dispute Resolutions-ADRs; and strategic alliances, supply chains and distribution channels. This review of literature and documents was complemented with a research among two target groups: the potential consumers of mediation and arbitration services in the organizational field; and the potential suppliers for those services. The objectives of the research were, on one side, to evaluate if the two institutes can be recognized as efficient to manage conflict between business partners, meaning, if there is an actual demand for them; and on the other hand, research also investigated if there is a concrete availability of specialized services to attend that demand. The study showed that, although incipient there is a market potential for the use of mediation and arbitration services as conflict management tools within inter-organizational strategic relationships.


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o objetivo dessa dissertação é identificar e analisar a percepção dos gestores da CAIXA, frente à Empresa, tendo como referência os conceitos de Racionalidade Instrumental e Mediação Organizacional. De início, fez-se uso de um Método Fenomenológico, de forma a defmir as questões que deveriam ser respondidas, a partir das experiências práticas de gestão desta pesquisadora, decorrentes do relacionamento existente junto aos Gerentes de Mercado do Segmento de Pessoas Físicas de Média e Alta Renda da CAIXA ECONÔMICA FEDERAL. Em seguida, foi defmido o referencial teórico adequado à sustentação do objeto de pesquisa, estruturado nos conceitos de Racionalidade Instrumental, incluindo traços característicos da Síndrome Comportamentalista e os mecanismos de Mediação Organizacional. Fez-se uso de uma pesquisa descritiva, para referendar as percepções iniciais, junto ao mesmo público. Concluiu-se, sob a percepção desses gestores, que eles se vêem sujeitos aos valores de uma sociedade centrada no mercado, assumem seus códigos e são operados por ela, independente de trabalharem numa empresa pública. No nível organizacional, as mediações na dimensão ideológica respondem como o mais poderoso mecanismo de subjugação, na medida em que o tipo de atuação da CAIXA provoca em seus gestores, orgulho, senso de utilidade e de diferenciação. Em troca, os empregados seduzidos e submetidos a esse poder, se prestam a garantir o alcance dos objetivos organizacionais, de forma ampliada e recorrente, reforçando os princípios da racionalidade instrumental. Esse processo se auto-alimenta continuamente. Por fim, o questionamento que fica é: Como alterar o curso dessa história e resgatar o verdadeiro sentido das relações humanas?


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Este texto aborda o quanto a disponibilização do conhecimento da violência escolar ajuda a promoção da cultura de paz e a mediação de conflitos nas escolas. Mais precisamente, a partir de um levantamento das informações disponíveis na internet dos Sistemas de Registro da Violência Escolar de determinados Entes Federativos Brasileiros e de suas políticas públicas de combate à violência associadas, refletem em estratégias para resolução pacífica de conflitos e em disseminação do conhecimento gerado sobre o tema a todos os envolvidos na questão: os jovens alunos, pais, comunidade escolar e de entorno das escolas.