744 resultados para Precious stones
The recognition that nutrients have the ability to interact and modulate molecular mechanisms underlying an organism's physiological functions has prompted a revolution in the field of nutrition. Performing population-scaled epidemiological studies in the absence of genetic knowledge may result in erroneous scientific conclusions and misinformed nutritional recommendations. To circumvent such issues and more comprehensively probe the relationship between genes and diet, the field of nutrition has begun to capitalize on both the technologies and supporting analytical software brought forth in the post-genomic era. The creation of nutrigenomics and nutrigenetics, two fields with distinct approaches to elucidate the interaction between diet and genes but with a common ultimate goal to optimize health through the personalization of diet, provide powerful approaches to unravel the complex relationship between nutritional molecules, genetic polymorphisms, and the biological system as a whole. Reluctance to embrace these new fields exists primarily due to the fear that producing overwhelming quantities of biological data within the confines of a single study will submerge the original query; however, the current review aims to position nutrigenomics and nutrigenetics as the emerging faces of nutrition that, when considered with more classical approaches, will provide the necessary stepping stones to achieve the ambitious goal of optimizing an individual's health via nutritional intervention.
[Table des matières] Technology assessment in health care in the United States: an historical review / S. Perry. - The aims and methods of technology assessment / JH Glasser. - Evaluation des technologies de la santé / A. Griffiths. - Les données nécessaires pour l'évaluation des technologies médicales / R. Chrzanowski, F. Gutzwiller, F. Paccaud. - Economic issues in technology assessment/DR Lairson, JM Swint. - Two decades of experience in technology assessment: evaluating the safety, performance, and cost effectiveness of medical equipment / JJ Nobel. - Demography and technology assessment / H. Hansluwka. - Méthodes expérimentale et non expérimentale pour l'évaluation des innovations technologiques / R. Chrzanowski, F. Paccaud. - Skull radiography in head trauma: a successful case of technology assessment / NT Racoveanu. - Complications associées à l'anesthésie: une étude prospective en France / L. Tiret et al. - Impact de l'information publique sur les taux opératoires: le cas de l'hystérectomie / G. Domenighetti, P. Luraschi, A. Casabianca. - The clinical effectiveness of acupuncture for the relief of chronic pain / MS Patel, F. Gutzwiller, F. Paccaud, A. Marazzi. - Soins à domicile et hébergement à long terme: à la recherche d'un développement optimum / G. Tinturier. - Economic evaluation of six scenarios for the treatment of stones in the kidney and ureter by surgery or ESWL / MS Patel et al. - Technology assessment and medical practice / F. Gutzwiller. - Technology assessment and health policy / SJ Reiser. - Global programme on appropriate technology for health, its role and place within WHO / K. Staehr Johansen.
Multiple epiphyseal dysplasia (MED) is a genetically heterogeneous group of diseases characterized by variable degrees of epiphyseal abnormality primarily involving the hip and knee joints. The purpose of this study was to investigate the frequency of mutations in individuals with a clinical and radiographic diagnosis of MED and to test the hypothesis that characteristic radiological findings may be helpful in predicting the gene responsible. The radiographs of 74 Korean patients were evaluated by a panel of skeletal dysplasia experts. Six genes known to be associated with MED (COMP, MATN3, COL9A1, COL9A2, COL9A3, and DTDST) were screened by sequencing. Mutations were found in 55 of the 63 patients (87%). MATN3 mutations were found in 30 patients (55%), followed by COMP mutations in 23 (41%), and COL9A2 and DTDST mutations in one patient (2%) each. Comparisons of radiographic findings in patients with COMP and MATN3 mutations showed that albeit marked abnormalities in hip and knee joints were observed in both groups, the degree of involvement and the morphology of dysplastic epiphyses differed markedly. The contour of the pelvic acetabulum, the presence of metaphyseal vertical striations, and/or the brachydactyly of the hand were also found to be highly correlated with the genotypes. The study confirms that MATN3 and COMP are the genes most frequently responsible for MED and that subtle radiographic signs may give precious indications on which gene(s) should be prioritized for mutational screening in a given individual.
Aquesta obra recull els resums de les comunicacions orals i pòsters que es van presentar durant el IX Congrés Internacional de l’Association for the Study of Marbles and Other Stones in Antiquity (ASMOSIA), organitzat per l’ICAC en el marc del programa de recerca HAR2008-04600/HIST, amb el suport del programa d’Ajuts ARCS 2008 (referència expedient IR036826) de la Generalitat de Catalunya i del Ministeri de Ciència i Innovació (Accions Complementàries HAR2008-03181-E/HIST), i celebrat a Tarragona entre el 8 i el 13 de juny del 2009.
The treatment of biliary lithiasis has changed during the past 20 years. Cholecystectomy remains the gold standard for cholelithiasis, but many options are available for calculi of the common bile duct. Among them are surgical open or laparoscopic choledochotomy, biliary-enteric anastomosis, transduodenal sphincterotomy (TDS), endoscopic sphincterotomy. With the aim to describe the current place of TDS, we reviewed the patients operated on in our department between 1976 and 1992. We found 78 patients with a mean age of 58 years (26-89 years). 34 (43%) of them had acute cholecystitis, with 26 being operated on urgently. 47 (60%) were jaundiced, 15 (19%) had pancreatitis and 12 (15%) had cholangitis before operation. Indications for TDS have been impacted stone or absence of progression of the contrast medium on intraoperative cholangiography in 71 patients (91%). 3 patients died (1 pulmonary embolism, 1 sepsis of pulmonary origin, 1 MOF syndrome complicating preoperative necrotizing pancreatitis). 30 patients (38%) had complications, of which 20 were directly related to TDS. Hemorrhage occurred in 4 cases, and resolved spontaneously without transfusion. Hyperamylasemia occurred in 17 instances, but clinical pancreatitis developed in only 1 case, with complete resolution. 1 duodenal fistula healed after conservative therapy. No death is attributable directly to TDS. Today, the importance of endoscopic sphincterotomy is increasing. This retrospective study shows that TDS, if performed with caution, does not increase the operative risks even in emergent operations. During surgical exploration of the common bile duct, TDS is indicated to remove an impacted stone, or as a bilio-enteric anastomosis if multiple stones are present with a thin common duct.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)
Työssä tutkittiin jalometallien selektiivistä erottamista kloridiliuoksista synteettisten polymeerihartsien avulla. Laboratoriokokeissa keskityttiin tutkimaan kullan erottamista hydrofiilisen polymetakrylaattipohjaisen adsorbentin avulla. Lähtökohtana oli platinarikaste, joka sisälsi kullan lisäksi platinaa, palladiumia, hopeaa, kuparia, rautaa, vismuttia, seleeniä ja telluuria. Mittauksissa tutkittiin eri metallien ja puolimetallien adsorptiota hartsiin tasapaino-, kinetiikka- ja kolonnikokeilla. Työssä käytettiin myös adsorption simulointiin monikomponenttierotuksen dynaamiseen mallintamiseen tarkoitettua tietokoneohjelmaa, johon tarvittavat parametrit estimoitiin kokeellisen datan avulla. Tasapainokokeet yhtä metallia sisältäneistä liuoksista osoittivat, että hartsi adsorboi tehokkaasti kultaa kaikissa tutkituissa suolahappopitoisuuksissa (1-6 M). Kulta muodostaa hartsiin hyvin adsorboituvia tetrakloroauraatti(III)ioneja, [AuCl4]-, jotka ovat erittäin stabiileja pieniin kloridipitoisuuksiin saakka. Suolahappopitoisuudella oli merkitystä ainoastaan raudan adsorptioon, joka kasvoi huomattavasti suolahappopitoisuuden noustessa johtuen raudan taipumuksesta muodostaa hyvin adsorboituvia [FeCl4]--ioneja väkevissä suolahappopitoisuuksissa. Muiden tutkittujen alkuaineiden adsorptiot jäivät alhaisiksi kaikilla suolahappopitoisuuksilla. Rikasteliuoksella tehdyt tasapainokokeet osoittivat, että adsorptiokapasiteetti kullalle riippuu voimakkaasti muista läsnäolevista komponenteista. Kilpaileva adsorptio kuvattiin Langmuir-Freundlich-isotermillä. Kolonnikokeet osoittivat, että hartsi adsorboi kullan lisäksi hieman myös rautaa ja telluuria, jotka saatiin kuitenkin eluoitua hartsista täysin 5 M suolahappopesulla ja sitä seuraavalla 1 M suolahappopesulla. Tehokkaaksi liuokseksi kullan desorboimiseen osoittautui asetonin ja 1 M suolahapon seos. Kolonnierotuksen eri vaiheet pystyttiin tyydyttävästi kuvaamaan simulointimallilla.
Flavonoidit ovat kasvien polyfenolisia sekundäärimetaboliitteja, jotka koostuvat 15-hiilisestä C6-C3-C6-perusrungosta. Niillä on havaittu useita terveyden kannalta edullisia ominaisuuksia kuten antioksidatiivisia, antikarsinogeenisia, antiallergeenisia, anti-inflammatorisia, estrogeenisia sekä antimikrobiaalisia vaikutuksia. Kasvimateriaalia käyttävän elintarviketeollisuuden sivuvirrat ovat flavonoidi-pitoisten jakeiden arvokkaita raaka-aineita. Tässä työssä tarkoituksena oli tutkia marjojen puristusjäännöksen sisältämien flavonoidien uuttamista ja uuttautumiseen vaikuttavia tekijöitä kuten liuottimen koostumusta ja määrää, uuttolämpötilaa ja -aikaa sekä liuottimen lisäaineita. Uutteet analysointiin HPLC:lla käyttäen ODS-2-kolonnia ja gradienttieluointia. Komponentit detektoitiin niille tyypillisillä UV-VIS-aallonpituuksilla ja identifioitiin vertaamalla flavonoidiprofiililtaan tunnettujen marjojen kromatogrammeihin. Antosyaanien kvantitatiiviseen analysointiin käytettiin spektrofotometrista pH-eromenetelmää ja tulokset ilmoitettiin syanidiini-3-glukosidina. Uutteiden kestävyyttä tutkittiin säilyttämällä näytteitä eri olosuhteissa sekä lisäämällä niihin uuton saantoon ja komponenttien säilyvyyteen vaikuttavia aineita. Useimmat tutkituista hapoista paransivat flavonoidien saantoa ja uutteiden säilyvyyttä, mutta esim. askorbiinihapon lisääminen nopeutti tiettyjen uutteen sisältämien flavonoidien tuhoutumista.
Many three-dimensional (3-D) structures in rock, which formed during the deformation of the Earth's crust and lithosphere, are controlled by a difference in mechanical strength between rock units and are often the result of a geometrical instability. Such structures are, for example, folds, pinch-and-swell structures (due to necking) or cuspate-lobate structures (mullions). These struc-tures occur from the centimeter to the kilometer scale and the related deformation processes con-trol the formation of, for example, fold-and-thrust belts and extensional sedimentary basins or the deformation of the basement-cover interface. The 2-D deformation processes causing these structures are relatively well studied, however, several processes during large-strain 3-D defor-mation are still incompletely understood. One of these 3-D processes is the lateral propagation of these structures, such as fold and cusp propagation in a direction orthogonal to the shortening direction or neck propagation in direction orthogonal to the extension direction. Especially, we are interested in fold nappes which are recumbent folds with amplitudes usually exceeding 10 km and they have been presumably formed by ductile shearing. They often exhibit a constant sense of shearing and a non-linear increase of shear strain towards their overturned limb. The fold axes of the Morcles fold nappe in western Switzerland plunges to the ENE whereas the fold axes in the more eastern Doldenhorn nappe plunges to the WSW. These opposite plunge direc-tions characterize the Rawil depression (Wildstrubel depression). The Morcles nappe is mainly the result of layer parallel contraction and shearing. During the compression the massive lime-stones were more competent than the surrounding marls and shales, which led to the buckling characteristics of the Morcles nappe, especially in the north-dipping normal limb. The Dolden-horn nappe exhibits only a minor overturned fold limb. There are still no 3-D numerical studies which investigate the fundamental dynamics of the formation of the large-scale 3-D structure including the Morcles and Doldenhorn nappes and the related Rawil depression. We study the 3-D evolution of geometrical instabilities and fold nappe formation with numerical simulations based on the finite element method (FEM). Simulating geometrical instabilities caused by sharp variations of mechanical strength between rock units requires a numerical algorithm that can accurately resolve material interfaces for large differences in material properties (e.g. between limestone and shale) and for large deformations. Therefore, our FE algorithm combines a nu-merical contour-line technique and a deformable Lagrangian mesh with re-meshing. With this combined method it is possible to accurately follow the initial material contours with the FE mesh and to accurately resolve the geometrical instabilities. The algorithm can simulate 3-D de-formation for a visco-elastic rheology. The viscous rheology is described by a power-law flow law. The code is used to study the 3-D fold nappe formation, the lateral propagation of folding and also the lateral propagation of cusps due to initial half graben geometry. Thereby, the small initial geometrical perturbations for folding and necking are exactly followed by the FE mesh, whereas the initial large perturbation describing a half graben is defined by a contour line inter-secting the finite elements. Further, the 3-D algorithm is applied to 3-D viscous nacking during slab detachment. The results from various simulations are compared with 2-D resulats and a 1-D analytical solution. -- On retrouve beaucoup de structures en 3 dimensions (3-D) dans les roches qui ont pour origines une déformation de la lithosphère terrestre. Ces structures sont par exemple des plis, des boudins (pinch-and-swell) ou des mullions (cuspate-lobate) et sont présentés de l'échelle centimétrique à kilométrique. Mécaniquement, ces structures peuvent être expliquées par une différence de résistance entre les différentes unités de roches et sont généralement le fruit d'une instabilité géométrique. Ces différences mécaniques entre les unités contrôlent non seulement les types de structures rencontrées, mais également le type de déformation (thick skin, thin skin) et le style tectonique (bassin d'avant pays, chaîne d'avant pays). Les processus de la déformation en deux dimensions (2-D) formant ces structures sont relativement bien compris. Cependant, lorsque l'on ajoute la troisiéme dimension, plusieurs processus ne sont pas complètement compris lors de la déformation à large échelle. L'un de ces processus est la propagation latérale des structures, par exemple la propagation de plis ou de mullions dans la direction perpendiculaire à l'axe de com-pression, ou la propagation des zones d'amincissement des boudins perpendiculairement à la direction d'extension. Nous sommes particulièrement intéressés les nappes de plis qui sont des nappes de charriage en forme de plis couché d'une amplitude plurikilométrique et étant formées par cisaillement ductile. La plupart du temps, elles exposent un sens de cisaillement constant et une augmentation non linéaire de la déformation vers la base du flanc inverse. Un exemple connu de nappes de plis est le domaine Helvétique dans les Alpes de l'ouest. Une de ces nap-pes est la Nappe de Morcles dont l'axe de pli plonge E-NE tandis que de l'autre côté de la dépression du Rawil (ou dépression du Wildstrubel), la nappe du Doldenhorn (équivalent de la nappe de Morcles) possède un axe de pli plongeant O-SO. La forme particulière de ces nappes est due à l'alternance de couches calcaires mécaniquement résistantes et de couches mécanique-ment faibles constituées de schistes et de marnes. Ces différences mécaniques dans les couches permettent d'expliquer les plissements internes à la nappe, particulièrement dans le flanc inver-se de la nappe de Morcles. Il faut également noter que le développement du flanc inverse des nappes n'est pas le même des deux côtés de la dépression de Rawil. Ainsi la nappe de Morcles possède un important flanc inverse alors que la nappe du Doldenhorn en est presque dépour-vue. A l'heure actuelle, aucune étude numérique en 3-D n'a été menée afin de comprendre la dynamique fondamentale de la formation des nappes de Morcles et du Doldenhorn ainsi que la formation de la dépression de Rawil. Ce travail propose la première analyse de l'évolution 3-D des instabilités géométriques et de la formation des nappes de plis en utilisant des simulations numériques. Notre modèle est basé sur la méthode des éléments finis (FEM) qui permet de ré-soudre avec précision les interfaces entre deux matériaux ayant des propriétés mécaniques très différentes (par exemple entre les couches calcaires et les couches marneuses). De plus nous utilisons un maillage lagrangien déformable avec une fonction de re-meshing (production d'un nouveau maillage). Grâce à cette méthode combinée il nous est possible de suivre avec précisi-on les interfaces matérielles et de résoudre avec précision les instabilités géométriques lors de la déformation de matériaux visco-élastiques décrit par une rhéologie non linéaire (n>1). Nous uti-lisons cet algorithme afin de comprendre la formation des nappes de plis, la propagation latérale du plissement ainsi que la propagation latérale des structures de type mullions causé par une va-riation latérale de la géométrie (p.ex graben). De plus l'algorithme est utilisé pour comprendre la dynamique 3-D de l'amincissement visqueux et de la rupture de la plaque descendante en zone de subduction. Les résultats obtenus sont comparés à des modèles 2-D et à la solution analytique 1-D. -- Viele drei dimensionale (3-D) Strukturen, die in Gesteinen vorkommen und durch die Verfor-mung der Erdkruste und Litosphäre entstanden sind werden von den unterschiedlichen mechani-schen Eigenschaften der Gesteinseinheiten kontrolliert und sind häufig das Resulat von geome-trischen Istabilitäten. Zu diesen strukturen zählen zum Beispiel Falten, Pich-and-swell Struktu-ren oder sogenannte Cusbate-Lobate Strukturen (auch Mullions). Diese Strukturen kommen in verschiedenen Grössenordungen vor und können Masse von einigen Zentimeter bis zu einigen Kilometer aufweisen. Die mit der Entstehung dieser Strukturen verbundenen Prozesse kontrol-lieren die Entstehung von Gerbirgen und Sediment-Becken sowie die Verformung des Kontaktes zwischen Grundgebirge und Stedimenten. Die zwei dimensionalen (2-D) Verformungs-Prozesse die zu den genannten Strukturen führen sind bereits sehr gut untersucht. Einige Prozesse wäh-rend starker 3-D Verformung sind hingegen noch unvollständig verstanden. Einer dieser 3-D Prozesse ist die seitliche Fortpflanzung der beschriebenen Strukturen, so wie die seitliche Fort-pflanzung von Falten und Cusbate-Lobate Strukturen senkrecht zur Verkürzungsrichtung und die seitliche Fortpflanzung von Pinch-and-Swell Strukturen othogonal zur Streckungsrichtung. Insbesondere interessieren wir uns für Faltendecken, liegende Falten mit Amplituden von mehr als 10 km. Faltendecken entstehen vermutlich durch duktile Verscherung. Sie zeigen oft einen konstanten Scherungssinn und eine nicht-lineare zunahme der Scherverformung am überkipp-ten Schenkel. Die Faltenachsen der Morcles Decke in der Westschweiz fallen Richtung ONO während die Faltenachsen der östicher gelegenen Doldenhorn Decke gegen WSW einfallen. Diese entgegengesetzten Einfallrichtungen charakterisieren die Rawil Depression (Wildstrubel Depression). Die Morcles Decke ist überwiegend das Resultat von Verkürzung und Scherung parallel zu den Sedimentlagen. Während der Verkürzung verhielt sich der massive Kalkstein kompetenter als der Umliegende Mergel und Schiefer, was zur Verfaltetung Morcles Decke führ-te, vorallem in gegen Norden eifallenden überkippten Schenkel. Die Doldenhorn Decke weist dagegen einen viel kleineren überkippten Schenkel und eine stärkere Lokalisierung der Verfor-mung auf. Bis heute gibt es keine 3-D numerischen Studien, die die fundamentale Dynamik der Entstehung von grossen stark verformten 3-D Strukturen wie den Morcles und Doldenhorn Decken sowie der damit verbudenen Rawil Depression untersuchen. Wir betrachten die 3-D Ent-wicklung von geometrischen Instabilitäten sowie die Entstehung fon Faltendecken mit Hilfe von numerischen Simulationen basiert auf der Finite Elemente Methode (FEM). Die Simulation von geometrischen Instabilitäten, die aufgrund von Änderungen der Materialeigenschaften zwischen verschiedenen Gesteinseinheiten entstehen, erfortert einen numerischen Algorithmus, der in der Lage ist die Materialgrenzen mit starkem Kontrast der Materialeigenschaften (zum Beispiel zwi-schen Kalksteineinheiten und Mergel) für starke Verfomung genau aufzulösen. Um dem gerecht zu werden kombiniert unser FE Algorithmus eine numerische Contour-Linien-Technik und ein deformierbares Lagranges Netz mit Re-meshing. Mit dieser kombinierten Methode ist es mög-lich den anfänglichen Materialgrenzen mit dem FE Netz genau zu folgen und die geometrischen Instabilitäten genügend aufzulösen. Der Algorithmus ist in der Lage visko-elastische 3-D Ver-formung zu rechnen, wobei die viskose Rheologie mit Hilfe eines power-law Fliessgesetzes beschrieben wird. Mit dem numerischen Algorithmus untersuchen wir die Entstehung von 3-D Faltendecken, die seitliche Fortpflanzung der Faltung sowie der Cusbate-Lobate Strukturen die sich durch die Verkürzung eines mit Sediment gefüllten Halbgraben bilden. Dabei werden die anfänglichen geometrischen Instabilitäten der Faltung exakt mit dem FE Netz aufgelöst wäh-rend die Materialgranzen des Halbgrabens die Finiten Elemente durchschneidet. Desweiteren wird der 3-D Algorithmus auf die Einschnürung während der 3-D viskosen Plattenablösung und Subduktion angewandt. Die 3-D Resultate werden mit 2-D Ergebnissen und einer 1-D analyti-schen Lösung verglichen.
Oxalate is a highly insoluble metabolic waste excreted by the kidneys. Disturbances of oxalate metabolism are encountered in enteric hyperoxaluria (secondary to malabsorption, gastric bypass or in case of insufficient Oxalobacter colonization), in hereditary hyperoxaluria and in intoxication (ethylene glycol, vitamin C). Hyperoxaluria causes a large spectrum of diseases, from isolated hyperoxaluria to kidney stones and nephrocalcinosis formation, eventually leading to kidney failure and systemic oxalosis with life-threatening deposits in vital organs. New causes of hyperoxaluria are arising recently, in particular after gastric bypass surgery, which requires regular and preemptive monitoring. The treatment of hyperoxaluria involves reduction in oxalate intake and increase in calcium intake. Optimal urine dilution and supplementation with inhibitors of kidney stone formation (citrate) are required. Some conditions may need vitamin B6 supplementation, and the addition of probiotics might be useful in the future. Primary care physicians should identify cases of recurrent calcium oxalate stones and severe hyperoxaluria. Further management of hyperoxaluria requires specialized care.
Si l'examen clinique revêt une importance essentielle en lymphologie et exige des praticiens expérimentés, la lymphoscintigraphie et plus récemment la lympho-fluoroscopie au vert d'indocyanine constituent des moyens d'investigation précieux dans la prévention, le diagnostic et le traitement des pathologies vasculaires lymphatiques. L'intérêt de la lymphoscintigraphie réside dans l'analyse qualitative et quantitative de la migration des macromolécules par les vaisseaux lymphatiques et l'évaluation du secteur lymphatique profond. La lympho-fluoroscopie se distingue de la lymphoscintigraphie par l'obtention d'une cartographie détaillée des vaisseaux lymphatiques superficiels et d'images dynamiques en temps réel. Elle apporte à l'angiologue et au physiothérapeute des informations irremplaçables sur leur contractilité et la présence de dérivations compensatoires à privilégier lors du drainage lymphatique manuel. If clinical examination has an essential importance in lymphology disorders and requires experimented practitioners, lymphoscintigraphy and more recently green indocyanine lympho-fluoroscopy constitute precious complementary investigations in prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of lymphatic vascular pathologies. The lymphoscintigraphy interest lies in qualitative and quantitative analysis of macromolecules migration within lymphatic vessels and the deep lymphatic network. The lympho-fluoroscopy distinguishes itself from lymphoscintigraphy allowing real time superficial lymphatic vessels detailed mapping, gathering important information on their contractility, and the presence of compensatory derivations to be favored during manual lymphatic drainage to angiologist and physiotherapist.
This article discusses the processes inherent in the production of salpeter in Colonial Brazil. In the main, the texts seen here present recipes accompanied by chemical explanations of the processes which denote a knowledge of science at the time. Various difficulties confronting the authors, however, prevented an effective contribution to the development of techniques for the production of salpeter. Consequenttly, at the end of the Nineteenth Century, Brazilian rulers are still facing many problems to obtain this precious material.
The manufacture of glass-ceramics is an alternative route for the commercial use of metallurgical slags. Such types of glass-ceramics may find commercial applications owing to their low cost, good mechanical properties and superior visual aspect. Besides, due to the elimination of that industrial residue from the environment and also due to the possibility of replacement of natural stones such as marbles and granites, the use of slags is an activity with strong ecological appeal. While the use of blast-furnace slags for the production of glass-ceramics is well known, the utilization of steel making slags constitutes a challenge, because these materials possess low concentration of SiO2. In this work a novel composition for producing glasses and glass-ceramics from a steelmaking slag is presented. The crystal nucleation kinetics, the characterization of the resulting microstructures for two different thermal treatments and mechanical properties of the glass-ceramics are discussed. A glass-ceramic having a marble aspect, fine volumetric crystallization, high degree of crystallization and improved mechanical strength was obtained.
This work presents a detailed routine applied to the identification of unknown chemicals and wastes. 786 specimens were analyzed during 20 months. Unknown materials fell into three basic classes: (i) commercial chemicals without labels or illegible ones; (ii) laboratory synthesis products; (iii) used solvents (including mixtures). Uranium and thorium were recovered form their wastes. Unknown chemicals were mainly inorganic compounds, many of which had never been opened. Alkaline salts were dominant, but also precious metal compounds were identified. Laboratory synthesis products were organic compounds. The final destination depended on the nature of the chemical. Most organic compounds were sent to incineration; inorganic salts were distributed among several public organizations, including secondary and technical schools. The work described in this paper greatly reduced the amount of wastes that had to be sent to disposal.
A rota dos estudos sobre a cochonilha em Portugal e no Brasil no século XIX: caminhos desencontrados
For imparting an intense and long-lasting red to fabrics, cochineal remained in high demand during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. This period witnessed, accordingly, several initiatives aimed at producing the precious dye: publication of specialized texts, cultivation of the cactus and the insect from which the dye is extracted, and, also, attempts to obtain the secrets of production through espionage. The present paper analyses certain aspects of the measures adopted by the Portuguese government towards Brazil in this field. The work shows how people sought to take part in the network of cochineal production (yet they were unsuccessful most of the time).