889 resultados para Portuguese sub-adult population


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Objectives.-A population-based cross-sectional study was conducted to estimate the prevalence of migraine, episodic tension-type headaches (ETTH), and chronic daily headaches (CDH), as well as the presence of symptoms of temporomandibular disorders (TMD) in the adult population.Background.-The potential comorbidity of headache syndromes and TMD has been established mostly based on clinic-based studies.Methods.-A representative sample of 1230 inhabitants (51.5% women) was interviewed by a validated phone survey. TMD symptoms were assessed through 5 questions, as recommended by the American Academy of Orofacial Pain, in an attempt to classify possible TMD. Primary headaches were diagnosed based on the International Classification of Headache Disorders.Results.-When at least 1 TMD symptom was reported, any headache happened in 56.5% vs 31.9% (P < .0001) in those with no symptoms. For 2 symptoms, figures were 65.1% vs 36.3% (P < .0001); for 3 or more symptoms, the difference was even more pronounced: 72.8% vs 37.9%. (P < .0001). Taking individuals without headache as the reference, the prevalence of at least 1 TMD symptom was increased in ETTH (prevalence ratio = 1.48, 95% confidence interval = 1.20-1.79), migraine (2.10, 1.80-2.47) and CDH (2.41, 1.84-3.17). At least 2 TMD symptoms also happened more frequently in migraine (4.4, 3.0-6.3), CDH (3.4; 1.5-7.6), and ETTH (2.1; 1.3-3.2), relative to individuals with no headaches. Finally, 3 or more TMD symptoms were also more common in migraine (6.2; 3.8-10.2) than in no headaches. Differences were significant for ETTH (2.7 1.5-4.8), and were numerically but not significant for CDH (2.3; 0.66-8.04).Conclusions.-Temporomandibular disorder symptoms are more common in migraine, ETTH, and CDH relative to individuals without headache. Magnitude of association is higher for migraine. Future studies should clarify the nature of the relationship.


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Size variation in the adult population of the grapsid crab Aratus pisonii (H. Milne-Edwards, 1837) was studied by comparing median values obtained from six different populations from nearby mangrove areas. The mangrove structure at those sites was also examined and related to size differences among populations. Disregarding sex, crab size is apparently related to the mangrove structure. Smallest and largest crab sizes were recorded at the sites where tree density and tree diameter were minimum and maximum, respectively. Estimates of size at the onset of maturity, considering the size of the smallest ovigerous female, followed the same trend. These results support the hypothesis that average crab size and size at the onset of maturity can be associated to mangrove productivity.


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Este estudo analisa os fatores associados à prevalência de diabetes segundo as variáveis demográficas socioeconômicas, condição de saúde e estilo de vida, o uso dos serviços de saúde e medidas e práticas de controle entre 872 idosos residentes na cidade de São Paulo, Brasil. A prevalência de diabetes referida foi de 17,9%, valor acima do encontrado na população adulta. A maior prevalência de diabetes foi verificada entre idosos que relataram sua saúde como ruim/muito ruim, os que nunca beberam ou não bebem mais, os viúvos e entre os que se hospitalizaram pelo menos uma vez no último ano. Dentre os idosos, 69,9% procuraram o serviço rotineiramente por causa do diabetes e 96,1% foram atendidos no serviço que procuraram. Há falta de informação, conhecimento e a utilização de medidas de controle ainda é insuficiente entre os idosos. Fazem-se necessárias políticas de saúde com foco na capacitação de profissionais e na orientação familiar, e que incentivem mudanças no estilo de vida dos idosos.


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A síndrome metabólica (SM) aumenta o risco de eventos cardiovasculares e o consumo adequado de frutas, verduras e legumes (FVL) está relacionado a sua prevenção. Objetivo: Identificar o consumo de FVL e sua relação com a SM e seus componentes em amostra populacional adulta. Estudo prospectivo de corte transversal com 636 indivíduos adultos, no período de 2004 a 2008. Foram realizadas avaliações antropométrica, clínica, dietética e bioquímica com todos participantes. A SM foi classificada pelo NCEP ATP-III, modificada para a glicose >100mg/dl. A regressão logística foi utilizada para verificar a razão de chance entre o consumo de FVL com a SM e seus componentes, e o nível de significância adotado foi de 5%. O consumo de frutas adequado se mostrou protetor para obesidade abdominal (OR: 0,77; IC: 0,38-0,93), hipertrigliceridemia (OR: 0,76; IC: 0,35-0,96) e presença de SM (OR: 0,78; IC: 0,39-0,96), e o consumo adequado de FVL apresentou efeito protetor para a presença de SM (OR: 0,79; IC: 0,41-0,95). A análise isolada do consumo adequado de verduras e legumes não mostrou efeitos de proteção/risco para a presença de SM e de seus componentes. O consumo adequado de FVL apresentou efeito protetor para a presença de SM e o consumo adequado de frutas exerceu efeito protetor tanto para a presença de SM e como de seus componentes.


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A total of 2,130 individuals of Ucides cordatus (1,255 males and 875 females) were captured in a mangrove forest at Iguape, São Paulo, Brazil. For each crab, the following body structures were measured: carapace (width = CW; length = CL; depth = CD), 5th abdominal somite (AW), major chelar propodus (length = PL; width = PW; depth = PD), and 1st and 2 nd gonopod pairs (length = GL1 and GL2). The Student t and Snedecor F tests were used to verify any changes in growth allometric rates during ontogeny. The relationships CLxCW, PLxCW (for both sexes), GL1xCW and GL2xCW (males) and AWxCW (females), showed a better fit by two equations for the juvenile and adult phases (p<0.01). The inflexion point size between regression lines, indicated by each morphometric relationship, allowed to propose four morphotypes for U. cordatus. Males were classified in juvenile (CW le; 32 mm), pre-puberty (32 ≤ CW ≤ 51 mm), sub-adult (51 ≤ CW ≤ 59 mm) and adult (CW > 59 mm). Females showed a similar size interval: (juvenile CW ≤ 39 mm, pre-puberty 39 ≤ CW ≤ 53 mm, sub-adult 53 ≤ CW ≤ 58 mm, adult CW > 58 mm).


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Includes bibliography


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Objective: The aim of this study was to analyse associations between self-perception of oral health and relevant clinical, personal and socio-demographic factors in a Brazilian community. Material And Methods: Urban adults living in a city in southern Brazil were interviewerd and examined. Individuals with acute pain and who needed multiple extractions of teeth were excluded. Self-perception and the Oral Health Impact Profile (OHIP-14) were applied to measure the impact of oral conditions on the quality of life. Socio-demographic and clinical indicators were also analysed. Results: The clinical examination revealed a high dental caries experience (DMFT = 18.9) and a high prevalence of periodontal disease. Oral condition was considered normal by 42% of respondents. The variables associated with the OHIP-14 were: education, age, self-assessment, dental caries and the DMFT index. Conclusions: Self-perception of oral health was associated with OHIP-14 and the clinical indicators had low influence in the self-perception. Therefore, the development of educational initiatives and preventive strategies for the adult population is recommended. © BASCD 2011.


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Aim. The aim of this paper was to investigate the relationship between the accumulation of different anthropometric indicators and the prevalence of some chronic diseases in women over 40 years of age. Methods. The sample was comprised of 562 women between 40 and 95 years of age (64.5 ± 11.4) attended by the research projects were carried out in two cities in southeastern Brazil. Anthropometric measurements were taken: weight, height, waist circumference, hip circumference, and the values of BMI and WHR were later calculated. The referenced morbidity questionnaire was also applied, based on the Standard Health Questionnaire (SHQ), which analyzes the presence of degenerative chronic diseases in the adult population. For the statistical treatment, the chi-square and binary logistic regression tests were performed, with significance set at 5%. Results. The relationship between three changes in the anthropometric indicators and the greater incidence of diseases continued significant for hypertension (OR=3.77 [95% CI: 2.14-6.65], =P=0.001), and for endocrine and metabolic diseases (OR=2.59 [95%: 1:47 to 4:32], =P=0.001), regardless of the effects of age and physical activities. Conclusion. The simultaneity of body fat indicators is more strongly associated with the prevalence of some chronic diseases (hypertension, endocrine, and metabolic), relative to the individualized use of anthropometric indicators.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Biociências e Biotecnologia Aplicadas à Farmácia - FCFAR


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Serviço Social - FCHS