711 resultados para Petroleum engineering


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College of Engineering at Iowa State University produced a strategic plan for the years 2005-2010.


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Cape Verde, off the coast of Senegal in western Africa, is a volcanic archipelago where soil and water conservation techniques play an important role in the overall subsistence of half a million inhabitants. In fact, the step slopes in the more agricultural islands due to it's volcanic origin, together with semi-arid and arid environments (the country is located in the Sahelian region), characterized by a very irregular wet season, with high intensity rainfall events, make life tough. The hard conditions lead during the first half of the XX century to frequent cycles of drought with severe implications on the local populations, with impressive numbers of deaths by famine, and a decrease of the number of local inhabitants by more than halve in some islands. Maintain the soil in place and the water inside the soil was there after a mater of survival, and the CapeVerdians implemented over the last half century a number of soil and water conservation techniques that cover all the landscape. In this work, we monitored a number of slope soil and water conservation techniques, such as terraces, half moons, live barriers, etc, together with two cultural strategies, used to plant corn and beans on one side and peanuts on the other, with a semi-quantitative methodology, to evaluate their effectiveness. A discussion is given on the costs and effectiveness of the techniques to reduce overland flow production and therefore erosion, and to promote rainfall infiltration.


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Natural rubber, obtained almost exclusively from the Para rubber tree (Hevea brasiliensis), is a unique biopolymer of strategic importance that, in many of its most significant applications, cannot be replaced by synthetic rubber alternatives. Several pressing motives lead to the search for alternative sources of natural rubber. These include increased evidence of allergenic reactions to Hevea rubber, the danger that the fungal pathogen Microcyclus ulei, causative agent of South American Leaf Blight (SALB), might spread to Southeast Asia, which would severely disrupt rubber production, potential shortages of supply due to increasing demand and changes in land use, and a general trend towards the replacement of petroleum-derived chemicals with renewables. Two plant species have received considerable attention as potential alternative sources of natural rubber: the Mexican shrub Guayule (Parthenium argentatum Gray) and the Russian dandelion (Taraxacum koksaghyz). This review will summarize the current production methods and applications of natural rubber (dry rubber and latex), the threats to the production of natural rubber from the rubber tree, and describe the current knowledge of the production of natural rubber from guayule and Russian dandelion.


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Audit report on the Iowa Petroleum Underground Storage Tank Board (UST Board) for the year ended June 30, 2006


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Recombinant strains of the oleaginous yeast Yarrowia lipolytica expressing the PHA synthase gene (PhaC) from Pseudomonas aeruginosa in the peroxisome were found able to produce polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA). PHA production yield, but not the monomer composition, was dependent on POX genotype (POX genes encoding acyl-CoA oxidases) (Haddouche et al. FEMS Yeast Res 10:917-927, 2010). In this study of variants of the Y. lipolytica β-oxidation multifunctional enzyme, with deletions or inactivations of the R-3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase domain, we were able to produce hetero-polymers (functional MFE enzyme) or homo-polymers (with no 3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase activity) of PHA consisting principally of 3-hydroxyacid monomers (>80%) of the same length as the external fatty acid used for growth. The redirection of fatty acid flux towards β-oxidation, by deletion of the neutral lipid synthesis pathway (mutant strain Q4 devoid of the acyltransferases encoded by the LRO1, DGA1, DGA2 and ARE1 genes), in combination with variant expressing only the enoyl-CoA hydratase 2 domain, led to a significant increase in PHA levels, to 7.3% of cell dry weight. Finally, the presence of shorter monomers (up to 20% of the monomers) in a mutant strain lacking the peroxisomal 3-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehydrogenase domain provided evidence for the occurrence of partial mitochondrial β-oxidation in Y. lipolytica.


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Today, information technology is strategically important to the goals and aspirations of the business enterprises, government and high-level education institutions – university. Universities are facing new challenges with the emerging global economy characterized by the importance of providing faster communication services and improving the productivity and effectiveness of individuals. New challenges such as provides an information network that supports the demands and diversification of university issues. A new network architecture, which is a set of design principles for build a network, is one of the pillar bases. It is the cornerstone that enables the university’s faculty, researchers, students, administrators, and staff to discover, learn, reach out, and serve society. This thesis focuses on the network architecture definitions and fundamental components. Three most important characteristics of high-quality architecture are that: it’s open network architecture; it’s service-oriented characteristics and is an IP network based on packets. There are four important components in the architecture, which are: Services and Network Management, Network Control, Core Switching and Edge Access. The theoretical contribution of this study is a reference model Architecture of University Campus Network that can be followed or adapted to build a robust yet flexible network that respond next generation requirements. The results found are relevant to provide an important complete reference guide to the process of building campus network which nowadays play a very important role. Respectively, the research gives university networks a structured modular model that is reliable, robust and can easily grow.


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Audit report on the Iowa Petroleum Underground Storage Tank Board (UST Board) for the year ended June 30, 2007


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Report on a special investigation of the Engineering Communications and Marketing Department (ECM) of Iowa State University of Science and Technology for the period January 1, 2003 through December 31, 2007


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We study the impact of university-industry research collaborations on academicoutput, in terms of productivity and direction of research. We report findings froma longitudinal dataset on all the researchers from the engineering departments inthe UK in the last 20 years. We control for the endogeneity caused by the dynamicnature of research and the existence of reverse causality. Our results indicate thatresearchers with industrial links publish significantly more. Productivity, though,is higher for low levels of industry involvement. Moreover, growing ties with theindustry skew research towards a more applied approach.


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Audit report on the Iowa Petroleum Underground Storage Tank Board (UST Board) for the year ended June 30, 2008


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The purpose of this paper is to highlight scientific information resources that list journal and country rankings. These databases usually focus on the use of citation counts and number of publications to evaluate the interest, visibility and impact of research performance. The exposed resources are platforms that provide added value to authors improving their knowledge about research trends and also where to submit their papers.


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The calculation of elasticity parameters by sonic and ultra sonic wave propagation in saturated soils using Biot's theory needs the following variables : forpiation density and porosity (p, ø), compressional and shear wave velocities (Vp, Vs), fluid density, viscosity and compressibility (Pfi Ilfi Ki), matrix density and compressibility (p" K), The first four parameters can be determined in situ using logging probes. Because fluid and matrix characteristics are not modified during core extraction, they can be obtained through laboratory measurements. All parameters necessitate precise calibrations in various environments and for specific range of values encountered in soils. The slim diameter of boreholes in shallow geophysics and the high cost of petroleum equipment demand the use of specific probes, which usually only give qualitative results. The measurement 'of density is done with a gamma-gamma probe and the measurement of hydrogen index, in relation to porosity, by a neutron probe. The first step of this work has been carried out in synthetic formations in the laboratory using homogeneous media of known density and porosity. To establish borehole corrections different casings have been used. Finally a comparison between laboratory and in situ data in cored holes of known geometry and casing has been performed.