991 resultados para Pest-management
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Testes de efeito adverso de agroquímicos sobre Iphiseiodes zuluagai Denmark & Muma (Acari: Phytoseiidae) foram conduzidos em laboratório, utilizando o método residual de contato com pulverização em superfície de vidro. Foram testados 42 produtos químicos, a maioria utilizada na citricultura brasileira. A mortalidade e o efeito dos produtos na reprodução do ácaro foram avaliados diariamente durante oito dias. Os produtos foram classificados quanto ao efeito total causado ao ácaro (combinação da mortalidade e efeito na reprodução) em quatro classes de toxicidade propostas pela IOBC/WPRS. Os resultados mostraram que cerca de 26% dos produtos testados foram inócuos (captan, clofentezine, fenbutatin oxide, fosetyl, hexythiazox, hidróxido de cobre, naled, oxicloreto de cobre, óxido cuproso e tetradifon), 14% levemente nocivos (abamectin, chlorothalonil, sulfato de cobre, thiophanate-methyl (PM) e ziram), 7% moderadamente nocivos (enxofre, parathion-methyl e thiophanate-methyl (SC)) e 52% nocivos ao ácaro (acrinathrin, amitraz, azinphos-ethyl, azocyclotin, benomyl, bifenthrin, bromopropylate, carbaryl, carbosulfan, chlorfenapyr, cyhexatin, dicofol, fenpropathrin, fenpyroximate, mancozeb, óleo mineral e vegetal, phosmet, propargite, quinomethionate, triazophos, e vamidothion).
Acetone and ethanol extracts of the tubercula and several compounds isolated from Aristolochia pubescens (Willd) were bioassayed on velvebean caterpillars, Anticarsia gemmatalis (Hubner), for evaluation of the insecticidal activities. of the extracts subjected to bioassay, the acetone extract showed the highest activity. (-)-Cubebin did not show activity against soybean caterpillars, whereas aristolochic acid and ent-kaur-15-en-17-ol increased the larval period. These compounds, and (+)-eudesmin and (+)-sesamin, reduced the viability of this period, giving rise to malformed adults. These extracts and compounds are therefore potential botanical insecticide agents for the control of velvetbean caterpillars in soybean crops. (C) 2003 Society of Chemical Industry.
The isobutyl amides pellitorine (compound 1) and 4,5-dihydropiperlonguminine (compound 2) were extracted from the seeds of Piper tuberculatum Jacq. (Piperaceae) in yields of 6.10 and 4.45% respectively. The acute toxicities to the velvetbean caterpillar, Anticarsia gemmatalis (Hubner) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae), of extracts of seeds, leaves and stems of P. tuberculatum, and of compounds 1 and 2, were evaluated by means of contact bioassays. The extracts caused 80% mortality when doses higher than 800.00 mu g insect(-1) of extract of seeds, leaves and stems were administered to the velvetbean caterpillars. Compounds I and 2 showed 100% mortality at doses of 200 and 700 mu g insect(-1) respectively. The LD50 and LD90 values were respectively 31.3 and 104.5 mu g insect(-1) for compound 1, and 122.3 and 381.0 mu g insect(-1) for compound 2. The potential value of extracts and amides derived from P. tuberculatum as efficient insecticides against velvetbean caterpillars is discussed. (c) 2007 Society of Chemical Industry.
BACKGROUND: The use of Trichogramma species is a potential key strategy in integrated pest management. However, its effectiveness depends on the use of chemicals that do not interfere with parasitism and parasite population growth. Here, a study was made of the effects of synthetic insecticides on Trichogramma pretiosum and Trichogramma exiguum in different hosts (Ephestia kuehniella, Plutella xylostella and Spodoptera frugiperda) and the influence of International Organisation for Biological Control (IOBC/WPRS) methodology in selectivity studies using different Trichogramma species. The insecticides used were commercial formulations (triflumuron at a concentration of 0.2 mL L-1 water, etofenprox at a concentration of 0.47 mL L-1 water and endosulfan at a concentration of 7.5 mL L-1 water); the control treatment consisted of distilled water. Eggs attached to cardboard cards were offered to parasitoids inside glass cages. Parasitised eggs, parasitism and adult emergence rates and parasitism reduction were evaluated.RESULTS: Endosulfan and etofenprox, classified as class-4 toxic products, were extremely toxic to the parasitoids. Triflumuron, classified as a non-toxic product, was selective to the parasitoids in eggs of all hosts.CONCLUSIONS: The methodology recommended by IOBC/WPRS influenced results regarding the use of different species of parasitoids, and the use of a single parasitoid species in their experiment is questionable. (C) 2011 Society of Chemical Industry
cry1 genes from Bacillus thuringiensis: specificity determination and implications for primer design
Some pest management programs employ PCR to identify cry1 genes from Bacillus thuringiensis to predict bacterial toxicity towards different insect pests. However, due to changes on the mode of action of the Cry proteins, new primers had to be designed to detect the new genes. Therefore, an 'in-silico' study of genetic sequences from five cry1 subclasses was carried out and characterized by molecular tools. The design of new primers allows for more precise selection of B. thuringiensis isolates, helping to better direct the programs employing biological control.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Podisus nigrispinus (Dallas) (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae) is a common natural predator of defoliating caterpillars in agricultural and forest systems. Insecticides acting as growth regulators of insect pests can indirectly affect their predators through consumption of contaminated prey. We examined the reproductive performance of P. nigrispinus fed on caterpillars of Anticarsia gemmatalis Hubner (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) reared on soybean leaves exposed to the chitin synthesis inhibitor, diflubenzuron. Caterpillars of A. gemmatalis were fed for 12 h with treated soybean leaves and offered to adults of the predator P. nigrispinus over five consecutive days. The fertility of P. nigrispinus was reduced when feeding on diflubenzuron treated caterpillars, especially at the beginning of the reproductive period, but recovered 3 weeks later. The effects of diflubenzuron ingestion on the life table parameters of P. nigrispinus included an increase in the period taken to double the population size, and reductions in the intrinsic rate of population increase, generation duration, and net reproductive rate. Diflubenzuron therefore had an indirect negative effect on the reproduction and the population dynamics of the non-target predator P. nigrispinus. Clearly, its use in integrated pest management requires further evaluation.
Several studies have been made about biology, predatory capacity, and food consumption to crisopids species, trying to get informations to use in Integrated Pest Management. Raising insects in laboratory for many generations could cause blood relation problems, even annihilate the insect mass production. In this way, the objective of this work was to determine the consumption and the weight gain to Chrysoperla externa larvae from two populations and different laboratory generations, founded by 1, 5, 10, 15 and 20 couples. By the result it was possible to conclude that larvae food consumption was higher in populations founded by greater number of couples, and it is not verified variation among populations and generations.
In recent crop seasons, the whitefly, Bemisia tabaci biotype B has become a serious pest in soybean crops due to high infestations and its control difficulties. Therefore, it is important to search control alternatives in the integrated pest management approach. Thus, it was evaluated in this study the efficacy of the whitefly control using different insecticides in greenhouse conditions and their selectivity to the parasitoids Encarsia formosa, Trichogramma pretiosum and Telenomus remus. Buprofezin 150 g.a.i. ha(-1) + mineral oil 0.2% v/v and pyriproxyfen 100 g.a.i. ha(-1) were considered the best options for the whitefly management due to combine good pest control efficacy with higher selectivity to the parasitoids except Encarsia formosa for which no treatment was classified as harmless. Betacyflutrin 9.375 + imidacloprid 75 g.i.a. ha(-1) was efficient on controlling whiteflies nymphs but was not harmless to the studied natural enemies. In general, the treatments including pyretroids compounds (betacyflutrin 9.375 + imidacloprid 75 + spiromesifen 60, betacyflutrin 9.375 + imidacloprid 75 and lambda-cyhalothrin 26.5 + thiametoxan 35.25 g.a.i. ha(-1)) were the most harmful to the evaluated parasitoids and therefore it use should be avoid whenever possible.
Recently, a notable shift in weed patterns has occurred in some soybean growing regions, as a result of tillage system change and herbicide use. The weed communities are very diversified and strongly interfere with soybean growth and productivity, especially when the shading of superior leaves of the canopy occurs. Some changes to certain agricultural practices, such as cultivars, row spacing and sowing density, were studied and were considered suitable for the establishment of an integrated weed management system under Brazilian conditions. -from Author
The objective of the present work was to evaluate the effect of the growth regulator chlorocholine chloride (CCC) in the control of the boll weevil (Anthonomus grandis Boheman) on cotton ( Gossypium hirsutum L. ). The experiment was conducted at the Experimental Farm of the Faculdade de Ciências Agrárias e Veterinárias (UNESP), Jaboticabal Campus, State of São Paulo, Brazil, during the 1988/1989 growing season. The experimental design used was the latin square. The chlorocholine chloride was sprayed on the cv IAC-19 cotton plants 70 days after emergence in the doses of 0, 25, 50, and 100 g/ha in a single application as well as 25 g/ha + 25 g/ha in two applications. The second application was 15 days after the first. There was no significant differences on cotton yield. Although the split application as well as the single application of 25 g/ha increased yield in 11.6% and 11.5%, respectively.These same treatments also increased earliness. After the last hand harvest the number of immature cotton bolls left in the field was 64.5% lower in the plots treated with chlorocholine chloride. Despite the higher earliness and the reduction of the number of immature cotton bolls, the chlorocholine chloride treatments were not sufficient to induce an effective aid in the boll weevil control but indicates a possibility of using growth regulators in the cotton crop as an auxilary strategy in integrate pest management programs.
The development of Leucoagaricus gongylophorus, the fungus cultured by the leaf-cutting ant Atta sexdens was inhibited in vitro by synthetic compounds containing the piperonyl group. In addition, worker ants that were fed daily on an artificial diet to which these compounds were added had a higher mortality rate than the controls. The inhibition of the fungal growth increased with the size of the carbon side chain ranging from C1 through C8 and decreasing thereafter. 1-(3,4-Methylenedioxybenzyloxy)octane (compound 5) was the most active compound and inhibited the fungal development by 80% at a concentration of 15 μg m1-1. With worker ants the toxic effects started with compound 5 and increased with the number of carbons in the side chain. Thus, for the same concentration (100 μg m1-1) the mortality rates observed after 8 days of diet ingestion were 82%, 66% and 42%, for 1-(3,4-methylenedioxybenzyloxy)decane, 1-(3,4-methylenedioxybenzyloxy)dodecane and compound 5, respectively, whereas with commercial piperonyl butoxide the mortality was 68%. The latter compound, which is known as a synergist insecticide, was as inhibitory to the symbiotic fungus as the synthetic compound 5. The possibility of controlling these insects in the future using compounds that can target simultaneously both organisms is discussed. © 2001 Society of Chemical Industry.
We compared different cultivars and hybrids of crucifers in relation to development and life-history of diamondback moth (Plutella xylostella) to classify the plants according to their resistance to the pest. The plants used were Manteiga da Geórgia kale, Bola de Neve cauliflower, Ramoso Piracicaba Precoce broccoli, Chato-de-quintal cabbage, and the hybrid cabbages Midori, TPC668, TPC308, and TPC681. We evaluated performance daily until the pupal stage. Pupae were assessed individually to determine the pupal weight, performance, and pupal period. We determined the sex ratio, fecundity, fertility, and longevity of the emerged adults and calculated their reproductive potential. Cabbage hybrids TPC668, TPC308, and TPC681 do not support the development and reproduction of the diamondback moth. These hybrids show a level of resistance that is similar to that found the commercially available hybrid Midori and cultivar Chato de Quintal, which are known to be resistant to the diamondback moth. This finding implies that the capitata (cabbage) cultivars are the most suitable for planting because they are more resistant to pest than the cultivar's moth, acephala (kale). © 2013 Copyright Taylor and Francis Group, LLC.
Quantification of the effects of adjuvants on droplet behaviour on plant surfaces is needed to improve pesticide spray application efficiency for soybeans. Dispersion and evaporation of single 300-μm diameter droplets amended with each of four spray adjuvants at five concentrations were investigated for four soybean plant surfaces (abaxial and adaxial leaflet surfaces, petiole, basal stem). The four adjuvants were a crop oil concentrate (COC), a modified seed oil (MSO), a non-ionic surfactant (NIS) and an oil surfactant blend (OSB). A single-droplet generator was used to produce and deposit 300-μm diameter droplets on target surfaces under controlled environmental conditions. Adjuvants significantly increased the dispersion (or wetted area) of droplets on plant surfaces. Droplet-wetted areas increased with increased adjuvant concentrations but not in direct proportion. The average increases of wetted areas across the four soybean plant surfaces were 443, 462, 416, or 343% when the spray mixture was amended with COC, MSO, NIS or OSB at the manufacturer-recommended concentrations, respectively. Among the four surfaces, the largest wetted area was on the abaxial surface, followed by the adaxial surface, the petiole and then the basal stem. Droplet evaporation times were inversely proportional to the wetted areas. The evaporation time of 300-μm diameter droplets ranged from 36 to 142. s on the four surfaces when the spray mixture was amended with an adjuvant, whereas the water-only droplets ranged from 161 to 190. s. The results demonstrated that use of adjuvants offers great potential to improve the homogeneity of sprayed pesticides, to increase spray coverage and to reduce pesticide application rates on soybean plants. These effects could benefit farmers economically and reduce environmental contamination by pesticides. © 2012.