999 resultados para Pesquisa psicanalítica. Drogas. Suplência. Gozo. Saúde mental


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Mental Health, in the form of the Psychiatric Reform, and the Anti-Asylum Movement do not ignore the production of knowledge about that field, mainly due to the consolidation of Public Health as a field of knowledge. The article explores some authors who consider Mental Health as a new field of knowledge, introducing a new paradigm in the perception of health - Disease and Care -; however, the goal is to introduce Psychosocial Care as a means to enforce the transdisciplinary and multiprofessional practices. The possibility is that mental health produces developments in Health, consolidating the public policies. In practice, the hospital-centered and drug-based model still predominates, and there are setbacks to be overcome by taking advantage of loopholes capable of breaking with what is instituted.


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Este estudo teórico resgata a concepção processual e contextual de resiliência, a qual compreende esse fenômeno enquanto relação complexa entre indivíduo e ambiente na produção de fatores de risco e no provimento de fatores protetores da subjetividade do indivíduo, buscando aplicá-la à realidade organizacional, haja vista que o mundo do trabalho contemporâneo demanda uma força de trabalho específica, qual seja, o trabalhador flexível, polivalente, sujeito a mudanças - portanto, um trabalhador resiliente. A partir dessas considerações, realiza-se um processo de reflexão sobre as situações em que a resiliência pode ser promotora de saúde mental, bem como acerca dos contextos que contribuem para o processo de adoecimento do trabalhador, buscando aventar possibilidades de atuação do profissional psicólogo diante de um contexto de trabalho adverso, considerando-se que o principal objetivo dessa atuação profissional é garantir a proteção/promoção da saúde e qualidade de vida no ambiente de trabalho.


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The years 1990 disclose the consolidation of the Brazilian Psychiatric Reform project, assumed as official politics by the Health Department, also stirring up discussions, lines of direction and new ways of care. Substitutive services to the psychiatric hospital as CAPS, conviviality centers, therapeutical residences and ambulatory clinics are implemented. This work analyzes the relations that the Specialized Ambulatory Clinic of Ribeira establishes to the services of Mental Health of the public system in the city of Natal/RN, as well as its adjustment to the proposal of the Psychiatric Reform. Through semi-structured interviews and observation, it was possible to gather data which allowed picturing a general characterization of the service: activities, technical group, joint with other institutions, daily routine organization. Such institution develops activities that surpass the traditional character of a clinic- in other words, the psychological/medical appointments - and it mainly greets the ones proceeding from CAPS and psychiatric hospitals. It offers group activities, psychiatric appointments, therapeutical workshops, sheltering and strolls, among others. The institution is composed by a multi-professional team of psychiatrists, psychologists, occupational therapists, nurse s aide and art-educator. The joint of this service with others that make part of the Mental Health Assistance network in Natal is incipient. Due to this fact, some actions and activities that could and should be developed together are just not. Although facing difficulties, the professionals of the Ambulatory Clinic of Ribeira are able to achieve good results and establish care in Mental Health that prioritize sheltering, listening and respect to the user s individuality. The Ambulatory Clinic of Ribeira is organized according to the paradigm of the Psychiatric Reform. Therefore, it offers an attention that stimulates the re-socialization of the users and the exercise of the citizenship and autonomy of those


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Taking from starting point the contact with the experience of a dancing body language group at Centro de Atenção Psicossocial (CAPS) II in Fortaleza-CE, aiming to investigate the relationship between what we denominate dancing-dispositive and the process of de-institutionalization of insanity. Based in the philosophy of difference and in the cartographic perspective, we used the concept of dispositive in order to make visible the lines that compose it and the way they tangle in the production of different ways of subjectivation through another form of expression using the body. We followed two fortnight groups of body language recording the conversations that took place in the beginning and in the end of the activities. We also recorded our informal talks with the workshopper, with the psychiatrist responsible for the course of formation of artists of CAPS and the choreographer who was part of the artistic formation of the workshopper aiming to elucidate the body, dance and art conceptions which guided such work. Finally, we interviewed some technicians and we participated of a meeting of the team aiming to understand how that activity was perceived. We observed that the use of certain conception of dance in the field of mental health is in consonance with the the Phychiatric Reform, since it provides another way of dealing with the body, different from that produced by the contention and by the discipline. Nevertheless, we understood that there is a risk that, in some moments, the group being more a place of normalization than one of experimenting other ways of relating with yourself and with the others. We also noted that the dancing-dispositive appears as an important analyzer of the connections established at CAPS, indicating a need of the service to be more opened to the production of new care and harboring strategies, breaking the mental health facility logic of incarceration of life which still persists in the quotidian of that institution


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Psychologists‟ insertion in mental healthcare ambulatory clinics occurred during the decade of 1980, in the context of the claims disseminated by sanitary and psychiatric reforms, of the formation of minimum mental healthcare teams and of the retraction of the private clinic. Historically, this migration had been accompanied by the importation of practices traditionally applied at the clinics. Furthermore, the lack of clear guidelines from the Health Ministery occasioned the opening of ambulatory clinics with diversified structures at each city. The objective of this dissertation was to study the practices of psychologists at mental healthcare ambulatory references at Aracaju-SE. Were interviewed psychologists of these services and managers of the municipal health secretary using a semi-structured interview guideline, in addition to the analysis of management reports. It was observed that the mental healthcare references had experienced substantial changes referred to its structures and operation, leading to a present framework of expansion and readjustment. It was realized that there is an effort by the psychologists to maintain individual and group assistance, using adjustments in the frequency of the sessions and in the focus of the activities. Besides the progresses, the relation with the psychiatrist still works basically through the medical record, blocking advances on joint discussions of the cases. Some advances toward the amplified clinic are notable, like the overcoming of the isolated usage of psychiatric diagnostic and the replacement of the line‟ criterion by the urgency one. Sheltering had become an interesting strategy on flux ordination, however the mismatch between offer and demand seems to be a matter which extrapolates the psychologists‟ sphere at the references. For this reason the narrow of the relation with family healthcare centers seems to be the major challenge to be faced by psychologists at mental healthcare ambulatory references


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This thesis seeks to uphold the idea that the therapeutic residential service, as hybrid device and recent process of deinstitutionalization in mental health, works as a problem producer while it also indicates challenges and potentialities in this process, the attention on mental health and on its own care production. To that end, we work with the prospect map with which we approach reality as the subjectivities production field which transformations and intensities are the major thought propellants. From this perspective, it was possible to produce three "purpose maps" from meetings with actors and groups involved with the TRS and the theoretical study carried out. On the first map we mapped the conditions of possibility of this device and its design in the midst of the process of institutionalization and health policies. We indicate on it the TRS configuration as a hybrid and we hassled its proposition as a means of "social rehabilitation" that can work as a social homogeneity mechanism. On a second map, we cartographied mental captures through images and ways historically built from madness presented in the biopolitical contemporary game and we indicated that the resistance to such catches should be built on a politic daily basis as important vectors of the institutionalization process in mental health. Finally, on a third map we mapped the carefulness produced in the TRS, by analyzing the transition psychiatric hospital - TRS and the caregivers´ team work. On this mapping, the care, for the weakness in the coresponsibility field, is reveled crossed by mental, disciplinary and normality elements, but it is also built in resistance born from links in the intersubjective field of the caring work. We conclude, then, that the TRS power and the deinstitutionalization process itself were in building and strengthening affective labor micro political networks of life and liberty producers


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0bjetivando estudar a atividade administrativa do enfermeiro em saúde mental enquanto um instrumento do processo de trabalho, realizamos um estudo bibliográfico de publicações de enfermagem sobre esta temática no período de 1988 a 1997. Através da leitura e análise crítica de 8 artigos e 19 dissertações e teses selecionadas, identificamos as principais características dessa prática, quais sejam: os enfermeiros são os responsáveis pela equipe e assistência de enfermagem, obedecendo à lógica determinada pela instituição; suas ações não são planejadas, coordenadas e avaliadas; as atividades administrativas utilizam a maior parte de seu tempo de trabalho e o cuidado direto de enfermagem é realizado pela equipe auxiliar de enfermagem, sendo que nos serviços extra--hospitalares os atendimentos diretos e grupais são mais freqüentes.


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Este artigo apresenta a reflexão sobre uma experiência de atendimento em grupo na porta de um serviço de Saúde Mental Coletiva de um município do Estado de São Paulo com 30 mil habitantes. Com a análise de dados referentes ao atendimento inicial desta instituição denominado Pronto Atendimento (PA), em especial as filas de espera em psiquiatria e em psicoterapia, considerou-se que o PA pode operar como um analisador, uma vez que é nesse atendimento que os usuários que procuram ajuda na instituição apresentam suas queixas e os seus pedidos de ajuda. É também a partir desse atendimento que a instituição, por meio de seus profissionais, oferece as possibilidades terapêuticas. A análise efetuada permitiu apontar que esse atendimento pode constituir ações que reforçam o paradigma psiquiátrico dominante ou ações que podem contribuir na construção do modelo psicossocial, partindo de mudanças da própria representação social da instituição, do sofrimento psíquico e dos recursos terapêuticos de cura.


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Este texto descreve a trajetória da Saúde Mental e dos cuidados à infância no Brasil da Colônia à República Velha. No período colonial não havia cuidados especiais à criança. O que temos para compreender a criança colonial são relatos descritos em documentos, tratados e cartas da época, e em descrições de viajantes que aqui aportaram para conhecer o Novo Mundo. Depois do século XVIII a urbanização das cidades requer a intervenção médica nas questões de higiene e saúde, e gradativamente muda a concepção de criança, primeiro na Europa, depois no Brasil, chegando o século XIX com médicos preocupados com a questão da mortalidade infantil e com os cuidados que se deveria ter com a criança, negligenciada até então. É no século XIX que se inicia a institucionalização dos saberes médicos e psicológicos aplicados à infância e é quando podemos obter mais registros sobre que cuidados eram reservados à criança.


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O presente trabalho pretende analisar algumas portarias da Política Nacional de Saúde Mental implementadas no país no período de 1990/2006, pois elas se constituíram em importantes dispositivos para induzir mudanças do modelo assistencial na Saúde Mental. Aponta-se para os documentos mais relevantes e destacam-se suas consequências e problemas para a construção da atenção psicossocial. Ao final, conclui-se que o avanço da Reforma Psiquiátrica brasileira não pode ficar descolado de ações no interior do SUS. Dessa forma, os gestores de saúde, ao lado dos demais segmentos da sociedade, passaram a ser atores importantes na utilização dos recursos contidos na nova legislação de fato voltados para a construção de um novo modo de cuidado na saúde mental que possibilite o reposicionamento do sujeito no mundo, considerando-se sua dimensão subjetiva e sociocultural.


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A assistência psiquiátrica brasileira, desde seu início, era baseada na internação dos doentes mentais em hospitais psiquiátricos e em sua exclusão social. Desde o final do regime militar, na década de oitenta, esta assistência vem passando por transformações que propõem o tratamento dos doentes mentais em serviços comunitários substitutivos ao hospital psiquiátrico. A profissão terapia ocupacional cuja prática voltava-se para a ocupação dos pacientes no interior dos hospitais, diante das transformações da assistência psiquiátrica, vem buscando um aprimoramento teórico técnico e político para a atuação nos serviços substitutivos, em nível de prevenção, promoção de saúde, tratamento, reabilitação e inclusão social. O presente trabalho tem como objetivo apresentar algumas práticas de terapia ocupacional baseadas em paradigmas que enfatizam a importância do tratamento e da inclusão do doente mental na sociedade, destacando-se uma experiência que vem sendo realizada em Botucatu-SP (Brasil), por uma organização não governamental. Conclui-se que a profissão, por congregar conhecimento interdisciplinar, e se ocupar das necessidades e dificuldades dos pacientes no cotidiano, apresenta um instrumental condizente com a assistência comunitária.


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The aim of this paper was to assess the Projeto UNI (Kellogg Foundation) in one of the Mental Health Centers (ARE) of Botucatu, SP, Brazil. We analysed 20% of the charts and the number of patients seen by psychiatrists and other mental health professionals before and after. Our results showed that: 1) the service users were mainly of neurotic patients (anxious, dysthymiacs, ICD-9 V code), followed by psychotics (schizophrenics, affectives) and organics (epileptics, mental deficients, demented patients); 2) there were more treatment options after the Projeto UNI implementation and over 2,495 group consultations were made in one year (as opposed to 90 in the year prior the project); 3) medical and nurse students are evaluating the program favourably; 4) there is a clear necessity of reassessing and changing some prescription practices: 43% of the patients were taking drug associations, there was an excessive use of benzodiazepines (54%) and low use of mood stabilizers (5%). There is also a need for more availability of depot neuroleptics, other antidepressants and better quality psychotropic drugs, and 5) there is a necessity of improving quality and quantity of charts information.


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This qualitative research, case study type, aimed at presenting the understanding of psychic sufferers in search for mental health services during emergency situation, partial hospitalization or in ambulatory services. 12 family members were interviewed. They reported difficulties in the attendance in the emergency room when the patient is in crisis, as well as doctors considering merely the present symptomatology and undervaluing their own knowledge of the sickening process. The day-care hospital is conceived as a place to provide care, occupation and should teach as a school. The ambulatory service represents for the family the possibility of the patient being responsible for their attendance to the consultations and for the correct use of the medication.