369 resultados para Personalidades
Terceiro colocado no Prêmio Nacional de Acessibilidade na Web 2012 da W3C - Categoria Pessoas / Personalidades / Instituições. http://premio.w3c.br/2012/
The subject of this research is the spiritual religious field, connected with the local cultural perspectives. Its basis is the analysis of two spiritual groups settled in Natal/RN: The Spiritual Group Evangelho no Lar and the Spiritual Center Garimpeiros da Luz . These two groups represent a point of convergence of several sectors of this religion, either through its insertion in the local sphere or in contact to nationally influent leaders, like the mediums Francisco Cândido Xavier and Divaldo Pereira Franco. Then, it aims to reach the potiguar singularities in their spiritualism approaches, looking for an analyses to possible connections between local values and themes from the spiritualism largely developed in Brazil. So, its objective is to act in the scope of influence, references, representations and adaptive practices in a local context, and they signalize special practices . The approaches until now developed refer only to the living of a Brazilian spiritualism, perfectly developed in contact with the catholic substrate, but there s still a gap about the local observation, with its peculiarities, which its research aims to disclosure. The option for a qualitative approach, in perfect relationship with the nature of the questions which were made was considered as an appropriate way to guide the study. To reach this, it will be made an ethnography of the studied groups, not only in the use of open interviews with its members but also in the contact and observation of its religious behavior, for example: meeting for studies of the doctrine, mediunic meetings, public lectures, helping the public in general. As results of this research we can point to the delimitation of local cultural references, which are undeniable, in relation to the identification of RN personalities who are considered coordinators or active spirits in the work performed by the groups. Thus, Auta de Souza, poetess and woman of great religiosity, Augusto Severo de Albuquerque Maranhão, martyr of the aeronautics, Father João Maria, object of popular devotion and Abdias Antônio de Oliveira, ex president of the Spiritual Federation of RN, present themselves as spiritual beings who lead the adaptability to the local context. In such a context, we have to point out the work of mediums, who, having a specific charisma, interacted with the groups in the establishment of these cultural bridges already made in their own contexts (national level), through the work equally possible to be locally reproduced. This and other facts, point out to perspectives of cultural circularity , including referring to a greater linking to sub layers in a true zone that converges and has circulation between an erudite spiritualism with another one, turned to the incorporation of local and popular elements
Octopus insularis, target species in this study, is the dominant benthic octopus of the North and Northeast Brazil. Studies on behavior and ecology of the species have been conducted primarily on oceanic islands, with little information on the continental populations. In this study, two regions of the coast of RN, Rio do Fogo and Pirangi, were chosen for the characterization of the niche by O. insularis populations. The dietary niche, habitat and distribution of O. insularis of oceanic islands and the mainland, were compared. In addition, individual characteristics of feeding behavior in a population at Atol das Rocas was studied, taking into account the size of individuals, the proximity of the dens and characteristics of their "personality". The diet of the Rio do Fogo population was composed mainly of bivalve molluscs (82%), unlike Pirangi population that has a diet consisting mainly of crustaceans Decapoda (68%), similar to that described for the populations of the islands. Consequently, the feeding niches of the island populations were more similar, with greater overlap, but the niche breadth of the continent was larger. The habitats of occurrence on the coast includes reefs, rocks, gravel and an environment called Restinga, a plateau composed of biogenic gravel, sand, sponges and algae, showed a high density of animals. Similarly to that found in the islands, O. insularis in the continent, had a clumped distribution, and a bathymetric segregation between small and large individuals. The differences in diet composition among populations were explained by differences in habitat and coverage of the substrate, which may be directly influencing the diversity and prey availability in these environments. The individual analyzes of the population at Atol das Rocas, showed no relationship between the degree of individual specialization and the different personalities, or the distance between dens. The results suggest that the foraging strategy with greater availability of prey in the environment has an influence on diet octopuses over preferences or personalities
This study attempts to investigate the school administration in the Department of Education of Rio Grande de Norte, in the period 1924 to 1928, in the context of conservative modernization in its management, implemented by Nestor Lima dos Santos. Addresses the trends of administrative Nestor Santos Lima and sequence of these variables so that we can correlate and monitor the development of various economic, social, cultural and political, to show how influenced and even determined the direction of education, not only the state of RN, but throughout the country. For this purpose, it is the recapitulation of the history of life, experiences of work and travel reports of this important figure, including administrative concepts, aiming to identify the school administration, introduced by him in the 1920s, as those who received influence of characters that included the social and historical context of the time, reconstituting the ways following the education. It was developed by Nestor shares in Lima on the administration of public schools, their way of management, and can see how was the process of modernization of education in Rio Grande do Norte state and how it followed the rapid changes, experienced by Brazil, during this period. Show up on the design aspects of modernizing Nestor Lima in the Department of Education, the Director General of Administrative Acts, the internal record of school groups, Isolated Schools, Schools rudimentary and the newly created Board of Education, highlighting the Internal Rules of Council but the General Regulations of the Department of Education. This work also highlights the proposed administrative Nestor of Lima, while educational model of an operating system of the organization, training and education, which is present in the area of production of discourse, through body practice, characteristic of the record established levels of policy development and implementation of educational instruction in all state. Key-words: school administration. Conservative modernization. Public Education
A abordagem tradicional de acidentes pressupõe que a obediência a procedimentos e normas protege o sistema contra acidentes e que esses eventos decorrem de comportamentos faltosos dos trabalhadores, originados, em parte, de aspectos de suas personalidades. A identificação desses comportamentos baseia-se em comparação com o padrão que toma por base o jeito seguro de fazer, conhecido por antecipação pelos especialistas em segurança. Nas últimas décadas, surgem visões alternativas à abordagem tradicional, ampliando o perímetro das análises de acidentes e abrindo caminho para questionamentos de seus pressupostos relativos às concepções de ser humano e de trabalho. Os novos enfoques ajudam a evidenciar os resultados estéreis das práticas tradicionais: culpar e punir as vítimas, recomendar treinamentos e normas mantendo inalterados os sistemas em que ocorreram os acidentes. As novas abordagens sugerem o esgotamento do enfoque tradicional e ressaltam a importância da contribuição dos operadores para a segurança dos sistemas.
Incluye Bibliografía
Incluye Bibliografía
En este libro se recogen los respetos brindados a este ilustre sueco en Santiago por destacadas personalidades de las relaciones internacionales, los derechos humanos y el derecho internacional. A través de ellos es posible hacerse una idea cabal de sus significativos aportes, su infatigable estilo de trabajo y la impronta que dejó como legado inspirador y desafío para las generaciones venideras.
En la presente publicación se recogen las intervenciones realizadas por diversas personalidades en el acto solemne celebrado el 12 de noviembre de 2012 en la sede de la Comisión Económica para América Latina y el Caribe (CEPAL), en conjunto con la Embajada de Israel y la Embajada de Suecia en Chile, con motivo del centenario del nacimiento de Raoul Wallenberg (1912-1947). La extraordinaria labor humanitaria desplegada por este diplomático sueco durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial es bien conocida en todo el mundo. Sus esfuerzos por salvar judíos húngaros de los horrores del Holocausto nazi son realmente asombrosos y únicos. Él, que libró a tantos de la muerte segura, que escamoteó miles de víctimas a los verdugos del totalitarismo racista, sucumbió a su vez en las manos de nuevos verdugos. Con la perspectiva de los años, su figura emerge como expresión concreta de humanismo y como inspiración para las nuevas generaciones.
Prólogo de Alicia Bárcena
Incluye Bibliografía
Incluye Bibliografía
Introducción de Alicia Bárcena Ibarra
El 3 de enero falleció don Aníbal Pinto Santa Cruz, desde 1986 Director de esta Revista. El hecho nos invade de profundo pesar, y deja un hondo vacío en la institución. La Comisión Económica de las Naciones Unidas para América Latina y el Caribe se benefició por muchos años del brillo intelectual y la calidad humana de Don Aníbal, quien por varios años se desempeñó como Director de la División de Desarrollo Económico. Más que eso, fue una de las personalidades que le dio una clara identidad institucional a la Secretaría de la CEPAL. A la profundidad y lucidez de sus análisis sobre Chile y su proceso de desarrollo, unía una auténtica vocación latinoamericana, que lo llevó a realizar sólidos y valiosos aportes al progreso de las ideas en nuestra región. Pertenecía por derecho propio al selecto grupo de aquellos pensadores que mediante nuevas categorías y conceptos abren a los demás una visión enriquecida de la realidad. No es sorprendente, por lo tanto, que en toda la región existan discípulos y ex alumnos suyos. Persona de gran generosidad intelectual e impaciencia ante el saber convencional y las intolerancias de cualquier lado del espectro académico o político, Aníbal Pinto recibió el reconocimiento de la comunidad académica internacional, expresado en el Premio Iberoamericano de Economía "Raúl Prebisch", el Doctorado Honoris Causa de la Universidad de Campinas, en Brasil, y el Premio Nacional de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales de Chile, 1995. En meses recientes, recibió dos distinciones adicionales: la primera, de sus colegas de la CEPAL, que le rindieron un homenaje con ocasión del quincuagésimo aniversario de las Naciones Unidas; la segunda, al presentarse una recopilación de sus escritos publicada por la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México en un acto que se llevó a cabo en la Feria del Libro de Santiago, en diciembre pasado. La CEPAL ha tenido la infinita suerte de contar entre sus cuadros con grandes personalidades que han dejado un legado de valores, principios e ideas-fuerza; si se quiere, forjadores de instituciones. Es más, si hay algo que distingue a la CEPAL del resto de las entidades de las Naciones Unidas, es ese hecho. Entre los nombres que más resonarán, sin duda figurará el de Aníbal Pinto. Por eso, y por sus excepcionales cualidades humanas, lo recordaremos con afecto y admiración.
Pós-graduação em Ciências Sociais - FFC