902 resultados para Perinatal Outcome
OBJECTIVE: To analyze the impact of acute renal failure (ARF) on the evolution of infants undergoing cardiac surgery. METHODS: We assessed 15 infants undergoing cardiac surgery who developed (ARF). Their demographic, clinical and surgical data, and evolution were analyzed. RESULTS: Their mean age was 4.4±4.0 months (8 days to 24 months). Twelve infants were males, and 4 patients already had ARF at surgery. The primary cause of ARF was immediate acute cardiac dysfunction in 10 infants, cardiac dysfunction associated with sepsis in 2 infants, and isolated sepsis in 3 infants. All children depended on mechanical ventilation during their postoperative period, 14 infants used vasoactive drugs, and 11 had an infectious process associated with ARF. Thirteen infants required dialytic treatment. Eleven infants developed oluguric ARF, and all had to undergo peritoneal dialysis; of the 4 patients with non-oliguric, 2 required dialysis, the main indication being hypervolemia. Of these 13 dialyzed infants, 4 died in the first 24 hours because of the severity of the underlying cardiac disease (mean urea level of 49±20 mg/dl). The mortality rate for the entire group was 60% , and it was higher among the patients with oliguria ARF (73% vs 25%, p<0.001). The cause of death was acute cardiac dysfunction in 6 infants (early type-1ARF) and sepsis in the 3 remaining infants (late type-2 ARF). CONCLUSION: The mortality rate of ARF associated with cardiac surgery in infants was hight, being higher among children with oliguria; peritoneal dialysis was indicated due to clinically uncontrolled hypervolemia and not to the uremic hypercatabolic state.
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate prior mitral surgical commissurotomy and echocardiographic score influence on the outcomes and complications of percutaneous mitral balloon valvuloplasty. METHODS: We performed 459 complete mitral valvuloplasty procedures. Four hundred thirteen were primary valvuloplasty and 46 were in patients who had undergone prior surgical commissurotomy. The prior commissurotomy group was older, had higher echo scores, and a tendency toward a higher percentage of atrial fibrillation. RESULTS: When the groups were compared with each other, no differences were found in pre- and postprocedure mean pulmonary artery pressure, mean mitral gradient, mitral valve area, and mitral regurgitation . Because we found no significant differences, we subdivided the entire group based on echo scores, those with echo scores <=8 and those with echo scores >8 the mitral valve area being higher in the <=8 echo score group 2.06±0.42 versus 1.90±0.40cm² (p=0.0090) in the >8 echo score group. CONCLUSION: Dividing the groups based on echo score revealed that the higher echo score group had smaller mitral valve areas postvalvuloplasty.
The effects of comorbid depression and anxiety were compared to the effects of depression alone and anxiety alone on pregnancy mood states and biochemistry and on neonatal outcomes in a large multi-ethnic sample. At the prenatal period the comorbid and depressed groups had higher scores than the other groups on the depression measure. But, the comorbid group had higher anxiety, anger and daily hassles scores than the other groups, and they had lower dopamine levels. As compared to the non-depressed group, they also reported more sleep disturbances and relationship problems. The comorbid group also experienced a greater incidence of prematurity than the depressed, the high anxiety and the non-depressed groups. Although the comorbid and anxiety groups were lower birthweight than the non-depressed and depressed groups, the comorbid group did not differ from the depressed and anxiety groups on birth length. The neonates of the comorbid and depressed groups had higher cortisol and norepinephrine and lower dopamine and serotonin levels than the neonates of the anxiety and non-depressed groups as well as greater relative right frontal EEG. These data suggest that for some measures comorbidity of depression and anxiety is the worst condition (e.g., incidence of prematurity), while for others, comorbidity is no more impactful than depression alone.
The purpose of the present study was to determine the relationships between prenatal serotonin levels and other biochemical values during pregnancy as well as their relationships to neonatal biochemical and behavioral variables. To address that question, the pregnant women were divided into the top and bottom tertiles based on their serotonin levels at 20 weeks gestational age.
Four hundred and thirty pregnant women were recruited at approximately 22 weeks gestation at prenatal clinics. Of these, 86 (20%) were diagnosed as depressed. The women were seen again at approximately 32 weeks gestation and after delivery. Chronicity of depression was evidenced by continuing high depression scores in those women diagnosed as depressed. Comorbid problems were chronically high anxiety, anger, sleep disturbance, and pain scores. Less optimal outcomes for the depressed women included lower gestational age and lower birthweight of their newborns.
OBJECTIVE: To identify the variables that may be involved in the persistence of symptoms (functional class II, III, or IV vs. I) in patients being followed up for 30 years after surgical repair of tetralogy of Fallot. METHODS: Fifty-three patients (27 women), who underwent corrective surgery for tetralogy of Fallot between 1960 and 1970, were studied. Their ages ranged from 7 months to 26 years. At the end of follow-up, 13 patients were asymptomatic and the remaining were in functional class II (N=24), III (N=15), and IV (N=1). To differentiate asymptomatic from symptomatic patients, the following variables were analyzed: age at surgery, need for widening the pulmonary ring and trunk, need for a second (2nd OP) or 3rd operation, residual defect of the interventricular septum, residual regurgitation of the pulmonary valve, systolic gradient through the right ventricular outflow tract, right ventricular dilation or hypertrophy (RVH), cardiothoracic index (CTI), right and left ventricular ejection fraction (RVEF/LVEF), and arrhythmias. RESULTS: The univariate analysis showed an association between the presence of symptoms and the 2nd OP (P=0.03), an increase in the CTI (P=0.0001), moderate to severe RVH (P=0.002), and dilation (P=0.0003). In the logistic regression model, the combination of the 2nd OP (P=0.008), the RVH (P=0.002), and the reduction in RVEF (P=0.01) determined the presence of symptoms. CONCLUSION: Despite the surgical treatment, right ventricular remodeling and performance were the major determinants in the late follow-up of tetralogy of Fallot.
OBJETIVO: Determinação da freqüência das alterações cardíacas e sua evolução nas crianças expostas ao HIV-1 por via perinatal. MÉTODOS: Realizada avaliação seqüencial clínico-cardiológica, eletrocardiográfica e ecocardiográfica Doppler em 84 crianças expostas ao HIV-1. RESULTADOS: Grupo I (sororreversão) 43 crianças (51,2%). Ausência de alterações clínicas. ECG: distúrbio de condução de ramo direito 5 casos. ECO: CIA (1 caso) e CIV (1 caso). Grupo II 41 infectados (48,8%) com 51,2% de alterações cardiológicas. Crianças assintomáticas ou com sintomas leves, sem imunossupressão: alterações clínico-ecocardiográficas ausentes; ECG: distúrbio de condução de ramo direito (2 casos). Crianças com comprometimento clínico-imunológico moderado e severo: Alterações encontradas: 1) Clínicas (31,7%): taquicardia isolada (1 caso), ICC (12 casos). 2) Eletrocardiográficas (43,9%): taquicardia sinusal associada a outras alterações (10 casos), distúrbio de condução de ramo direito (5 casos), BDAS (1 caso), HBAD (1 caso), alterações da repolarização ventricular (11 casos), SVD (2 casos), SVE (1 caso), desvio do AQRS para direita (1 caso), arritmias (3 casos). 3) Ecocardiográficas (26,8%): miocardiopatia dilatada (5 casos), derrame pericárdico com tamponamento (2 casos), hipertensão pulmonar (2 casos) e prolapso da valva mitral (1 caso). CONCLUSÃO: O envolvimento cardíaco foi uma característica do grupo infectado. Houve maior prevalência de alterações nas crianças pertencentes à categoria clínico-imunológica mais avançada. Os achados clínicos, eletrocardiográficos e ecocardiográficos mais freqüentes foram, respectivamente, ICC, alterações da repolarização ventricular e miocardiopatia dilatada. Esta foi reversível em um caso. As alterações eletrocardiográficas foram significantemente mais freqüentes que as clínicas e ecocardiográficas.
Numerosas evidencias, clínicas y experimentales, han demostrado que la hiponutrición temprana, en coincidencia con el período de ontogénesis del SNC (Sistema Nervioso Central), produce una serie de alteraciones morfológicas, neurofisiológicas, neuroquímicas y comportamentales que perduran en el sujeto adulto, aún luego de largos períodos de recuperación nutricional. (...) En los últimos 20 años, el concepto de cómo la malnutrición afecta las funciónes cerebrales superiores ha evolucionado considerablemente. Los hallazgos más recientes, basados en cambios en la reactividad a fármacos y a alteraciones en el funcionalismo de receptores neuronales, sugieren que los comportamientos y procesos cognitivos afectados por la hiponutrición temprana podrían ser consecuencia de la incapacidad de sujetos malnutridos en producir respuestas emocionales adecuadas y cambios adaptativos en los sistemas neuronales ante situaciones estresantes, más que por déficit cognitivo per-se. La hiponutrición infantil representa un enorme impacto económico-social para la humanidad y por lo tanto la mejor comprensión de los mecanismos neuronales involucrados en la regulación de las funciones cerebrales superiores afectadas por la malnutrición temprana puede representar un significativo aporte al conocimiento de la fisiopatología y/o tratamiento de alteraciones que afectan a millones de niños. En el presente proyecto, en ratas adultas sometidas a un esquema de hiponutrición perinatal y sus respectivos controles, se estudiará: 1) El desarrollo de tolerancia y síndrome de abstinencia a la acción ansiolítica de drogas que median sus efectos a través del complejo-receptor GABA-A. Paralelamente a la evaluación conductual luego de tratamientos crónicos, se intentará correlacionar las alteraciones observadas con parámetros neuroquímicos del funcionalismo neuronal. 2) El desarrollo de tolerancia al efecto analgésico de drogas analgésicas narcóticas. Se intentará correlacionar los resultados con la densidad de receptores opiáceos en distintas estructuras cerebrales
La hipoxia perinatal se considera hoy una de las causas de mayor morbimortalidad en el recién nacido estando altamente asociada con déficits de orden neuro-psico-sensorial. Un adecuado tratamiento y rehabilitación implica la detección temprana de los déficits apuntando a la prevención. La neonatología actual se está orientando hacia técnicas no invasivas que valoran la respuesta hacia estímulos de diferentes cualidades sensoriales y permiten indagar capacidades tempranas de aprendizaje y memoria. La precoz madurez del sistema olfativo facilita el trabajo con estas claves brindando asímismo un panorama de la integración cortical. Hipótesis: Las capacidades de habituación-deshabituación olfativa reflejan el estado del SNC neonatal y se convierten en un indicador temprano de la funcionalidad cerebral en niños con alto riesgo neurológico. Objetivos: Evaluar la integridad funcional del cerebro de recién nacidos con riesgo neurológico mediante técnicas no invasivas de habituación-deshabituación. Estas téncicas se tomarán como indicadores del estado del SNC neonatal comparando sus resultados con los arrojados por el test de Bayley durante el primer año de vida. Asímismo, se relacionarán los resultados con las valoraciones clínicas y de imágenes (ecografía y RMN) obtendias. El objetivo último implica determinar la sensibilidad, especificidad y valor predictivo del test de Habituación-Deshabituación para el daño cerebral . Materiales y Métodos: Se evaluarán pacientes con antecedentes perinatales de hipoxia pertenecientes al Servicio del Neonatología del HUMN y al Hospital Materno Neonatal (Pcia de Córdoba) caracterizados por apgar < 3 a los 5 minutos ó < 5 a los 5 minutos, Ph de cordón < 7 ó entre 7 y 7,10 ó >7,10 con alguno de los criterios anteriores presentes y niños con manifestaciones sistémicas de asfixia o déficit de base en gas arterial superior a -15 Meq/L. De manera posterior a la firma del consentimiento informado se aplicará un esquema olfativo de habituación-deshabituación antes y después de las 6 horas de vida consistente en 10 presentaciones consecutivas de olor a limón o vainilla seguidos de 5 presentaciones consecutivas de olor a vainilla o limón que actúan como estímulos deshabituatorios. Se filmará la conducta motriz que será considerada como variable dependiente. Asímismo se evaluarán parámetros fisiológicos como presión areterial, saturación de oxígeno, frecuencia cardíaca y ritmo respiratorio. La evaluación de la habituación se complementará con estudios clínicos y ecografía cerebral antes de las 48 hs y 1 vez por semana. Todos estos bebés serán seguidos por el equipo de Seguimiento del Recién Nacido de Alto Riesgo. A los 6 meses y al año de vida se evaluará el desarrollo integral con el Test de Bayley . Resultados Esperados: Se espera encontrar diferencias en los patrones habituacionales en función del estado cerebral del bebé. Aquellos bebés con riesgo leve tenderán a mostrar patrones habituatorios que se acercan a los normales mientras que los que presenten riesgo moderado o grave exhibiran patrones habituacionales defectuosos. Estos resultados se correlacionarán con los estudios de seguimiento realizados y con los indices de desarrollo mental y motor arrojados por el test de Bayley durante el año de vida. Importancia del Proyecto: Definir precozmente al niño con riesgo neurológico permite intervenir a tiempo con la estimulación y rehabilitación adecuada. Teniendo en cuenta la valoración del examen clínico, los antecedentes perinatales y los estudios de imágenes que se realizan en el bebé junto a los resultados obtenidos en las pruebas habituacionales, el proyecto brinda la posibilidad de la construcción de un score de riesgo neurológico sencillo y de fácil utilización.
Background: Combination therapy can play a significant role in the amelioration of several toxic effects of lead (Pb) and recovery from associated cardiovascular changes. Objective: To investigate the effects of combination therapy on the cardiovascular effects of perinatal lead exposure in young and adult rats Methods: Female Wistar rats received drinking water with or without 500 ppm of Pb during pregnancy and lactation. Twenty-two- and 70-day-old rat offspring who were or were not exposed to Pb in the perinatal period received meso-dimercaptosuccinic acid (DMSA), L-arginine, or enalapril and a combination of these compounds for 30 additional days. Noradrenaline response curves were plotted for intact and denuded aortas from 23-, 52-, 70-, and 100-day-old rats stratified by perinatal Pb exposure (exposed/unexposed) and treatment received (treated/untreated). Results: Systolic blood pressure was evaluated and shown to be higher in the 23-, 52-, 70-, and 100-day age groups with Pb exposure than in the corresponding control age groups: 117.8 ± 3.9*, 135.2 ± 1.3*, 139.6 ± 1.6*, and 131.7 ± 2.8*, respectively and 107.1 ± 1.8, 118.8 ± 2.1, 126.1 ± 1.1, and 120.5 ± 2.2, respectively (p < 0.05). Increased reactivity to noradrenaline was observed in intact, but not denuded, aortas from 52-, 70-, and 100-day-old exposed rats, and the maximum responses (g of tension) in the respective Pb-exposed and control age groups were as follows: 3.43 ± 0.16*, 4.32 ± 0.18*, and 4.21 ± 0.23*, respectively and 2.38 ± 0.33, 3.37 ± 0.13, and 3.22 ± 0.21, respectively (p < 0.05). Conclusions: All treatments reversed the changes in vascular reactivity to noradrenaline in rats perinatally exposed to Pb. The combination therapy resulted in an earlier restoration of blood pressure in Pb-exposed rats compared with the monotherapies, except for enalapril therapy in young rats. These findings represent a new approach to the development of therapeutic protocols for the treatment of Pb-induced hypertension.
Background: Studies on atrial fibrillation (AF) in decompensated heart failure (DHF) are scarce in Brazil. Objectives: To determine AF prevalence, its types and associated factors in patients hospitalized due to DHF; to assess their thromboembolic risk profile and anticoagulation rate; and to assess the impact of AF on in-hospital mortality and hospital length of stay. Methods: Retrospective, observational, cross-sectional study of incident cases including 659 consecutive hospitalizations due to DHF, from 01/01/2006 to 12/31/2011. The thromboembolic risk was assessed by using CHADSVASc score. On univariate analysis, the chi-square, Student t and Mann Whitney tests were used. On multivariate analysis, logistic regression was used. Results: The prevalence of AF was 40%, and the permanent type predominated (73.5%). On multivariate model, AF associated with advanced age (p < 0.0001), non-ischemic etiology (p = 0.02), right ventricular dysfunction (p = 0.03), lower systolic blood pressure (SBP) (p = 0.02), higher ejection fraction (EF) (p < 0.0001) and enlarged left atrium (LA) (p < 0.0001). The median CHADSVASc score was 4, and 90% of the cases had it ≥ 2. The anticoagulation rate was 52.8% on admission and 66.8% on discharge, being lower for higher scores. The group with AF had higher in-hospital mortality (11.0% versus 8.1%, p = 0.21) and longer hospital length of stay (20.5 ± 16 versus 16.3 ± 12, p = 0.001). Conclusions: Atrial fibrillation is frequent in DHF, the most prevalent type being permanent AF. Atrial fibrillation is associated with more advanced age, non-ischemic etiology, right ventricular dysfunction, lower SBP, higher EF and enlarged LA. Despite the high thromboembolic risk profile, anticoagulation is underutilized. The presence of AF is associated with longer hospital length of stay and high mortality.
Background:Ventricular and supraventricular premature complexes (PC) are frequent and usually symptomatic. According to a previous study, magnesium pidolate (MgP) administration to symptomatic patients can improve the PC density and symptoms.Objective:To assess the late follow-up of that clinical intervention in patients treated with MgP or placebo.Methods:In the first phase of the study, 90 symptomatic and consecutive patients with PC were randomized (double-blind) to receive either MgP or placebo for 30 days. Monthly follow-up visits were conducted for 15 months to assess symptoms and control electrolytes. 24-hour Holter was performed twice, regardless of symptoms, or whenever symptoms were present. In the second phase of the study, relapsing patients, who had received MgP or placebo (crossing-over) in the first phase, were treated with MgP according to the same protocol.Results:Of the 45 patients initially treated with MgP, 17 (37.8%) relapsed during the 15-month follow-up, and the relapse time varied. Relapsing patients treated again had a statistically significant reduction in the PC density of 138.25/hour (p < 0.001). The crossing-over patients reduced it by 247/hour (p < 0.001). Patients who did not relapse, had a low PC frequency (3 PC/hour). Retreated patients had a 76.5% improvement in symptom, and crossing-over patients, 71.4%.Conclusion:Some patients on MgP had relapse of symptoms and PC, indicating that MgP is neither a definitive nor a curative treatment for late follow-up. However, improvement in the PC frequency and symptoms was observed in the second phase of treatment, similar to the response in the first phase of treatment.
Data Mining, Vision Restoration, Treatment outcome prediction, Self-Organising-Map
Abstract Background: Cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT) is the recommended treatment by leading global guidelines. However, 30%-40% of selected patients are non-responders. Objective: To develop an echocardiographic model to predict cardiac death or transplantation (Tx) 1 year after CRT. Method: Observational, prospective study, with the inclusion of 116 patients, aged 64.89 ± 11.18 years, 69.8% male, 68,1% in NYHA FC III and 31,9% in FC IV, 71.55% with left bundle-branch block, and median ejection fraction (EF) of 29%. Evaluations were made in the pre‑implantation period and 6-12 months after that, and correlated with cardiac mortality/Tx at the end of follow-up. Cox and logistic regression analyses were performed with ROC and Kaplan-Meier curves. The model was internally validated by bootstrapping. Results: There were 29 (25%) deaths/Tx during follow-up of 34.09 ± 17.9 months. Cardiac mortality/Tx was 16.3%. In the multivariate Cox model, EF < 30%, grade III/IV diastolic dysfunction and grade III mitral regurgitation at 6‑12 months were independently related to increased cardiac mortality or Tx, with hazard ratios of 3.1, 4.63 and 7.11, respectively. The area under the ROC curve was 0.78. Conclusion: EF lower than 30%, severe diastolic dysfunction and severe mitral regurgitation indicate poor prognosis 1 year after CRT. The combination of two of those variables indicate the need for other treatment options.