411 resultados para Pensadores


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In this paper, the author unify contributions of key thinkers in three theoretical vertents that defy canonical thinking centered on European scientific epistemology. It tries to evaluate the influence of these contributions in the Brazilian production on the same subjects, but also to bring into evidence the intellectual autonomy of local reflections and their own influence beyond national borders.


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This paper aims some academic contributions of José Marques de Melo for the study and propagation of Folkcomunication Theory, developed by Luiz Beltrão, in 1967, in his PhD thesis. Marques de Melo, disciple of Beltrão, is one of the most representative names on the set of international scientific studies of communication. Divided in three parts, this text covers theoretical contributions (conception and classification of genders, formats and types of taxonomy of Folkcomunication); dialogues with other thinkers (McLuhan, Morin and Freire) and empirical contribution (internet as a Folk tool). We emphasize that the contributions of Marques de Melo are fundamentals for the new generations to understand the importance of the Folkcomunication and see it as a complex communicational system.


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Pós-graduação em Filosofia - FFC


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Educação - FFC


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Pós-graduação em Letras - IBILCE


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This research aims to investigate the consequences of a possible change caused by the social context in the life and behavior of the main characters in the novel Blindness, [by José Saramago]. Starting by that there is an allegorical correlation between the blindness white, discussed by Saramago in his novel and the construction of the Plato's Cave Myth, and taking as theoretical basis the reflections of some thinkers such as Stuart Hall (1992), Goffman (2002) and Antonio da Costa Ciampa (2005) it be sought to describe the occurrence of the phenomenon the social role change in the characters and its consequences to the identity deconstruction of fictional subjects


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This research aims to elucidate some of the historical aspects of the idea of infinity during the creation of calculus and set theory. It also seeks to raise discussions about the nature of infinity: current infinite and potential infinite. For this, we conducted a survey with a qualitative approach in the form of exploratory study. This study was based on books of Mathematics' History and other scientific works such as articles, theses and dissertations on the subject. This work will bring the view of some philosophers and thinkers about the infinite, such as: Pythagoras, Plato, Aristotle, Galilei, Augustine, Cantor. The research will be presented according to chronological order. The objective of the research is to understand the infinite from ancient Greece with the paradoxes of Zeno, during the time which the conflict between the conceptions atomistic and continuity were dominant, and in this context that Zeno launches its paradoxes which contradict much a concept as another, until the theory Cantor set, bringing some paradoxes related to this theory, namely paradox of Russell and Hilbert's paradox. The study also presents these paradoxes mentioned under the mathematical point of view and the light of calculus and set theory


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This research aims to investigate the consequences of a possible change caused by the social context in the life and behavior of the main characters in the novel Blindness, [by José Saramago]. Starting by that there is an allegorical correlation between the blindness white, discussed by Saramago in his novel and the construction of the Plato's Cave Myth, and taking as theoretical basis the reflections of some thinkers such as Stuart Hall (1992), Goffman (2002) and Antonio da Costa Ciampa (2005) it be sought to describe the occurrence of the phenomenon the social role change in the characters and its consequences to the identity deconstruction of fictional subjects


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This research aims to elucidate some of the historical aspects of the idea of infinity during the creation of calculus and set theory. It also seeks to raise discussions about the nature of infinity: current infinite and potential infinite. For this, we conducted a survey with a qualitative approach in the form of exploratory study. This study was based on books of Mathematics' History and other scientific works such as articles, theses and dissertations on the subject. This work will bring the view of some philosophers and thinkers about the infinite, such as: Pythagoras, Plato, Aristotle, Galilei, Augustine, Cantor. The research will be presented according to chronological order. The objective of the research is to understand the infinite from ancient Greece with the paradoxes of Zeno, during the time which the conflict between the conceptions atomistic and continuity were dominant, and in this context that Zeno launches its paradoxes which contradict much a concept as another, until the theory Cantor set, bringing some paradoxes related to this theory, namely paradox of Russell and Hilbert's paradox. The study also presents these paradoxes mentioned under the mathematical point of view and the light of calculus and set theory


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A política para Jürgen Habermas se faz com a formação de consciências e com o investimento na linguagem, no falar cotidiano, na relação intersubjetiva. Já para Niklas Luhmann, a política se faz por si mesma, e a opinião pública não tem relação com a opinião pessoal. Não adianta investir na linguagem, porque ela é pré-social, está além dos sujeitos, nenhuma democratização pode sair daí. Mas as propostas dos dois pensadores mostram-se insuficientes para a atualidade, com suas altas tecnologias comunicacionais, pois nenhum dos modelos dá uma resposta animadora para a questão das redes, nenhuma delas visualiza um espaço mediático próprio fazendo a mediação dos sistemas, nenhuma delas dá elementos para a construção de uma teoria da comunicação tecnologicamente avançada.


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La campaña ideológica de la Editorial Claridad se encuadra dentro del movimiento socialista que se desarrolló en la Argentina en el panorama de las primeras décadas del siglo XX. Este estudio está centrado en Los Pensadores (Primera Epoca 1922-1924), y en la revista del mismo nombre, cuyo subtítulo era Revista de selección ilustrada, arte, crítica y literatura. Suplemento de Editorial Claridad (Segunda Epoca 1924-1926). Los tres ejes sobre los cuales se articula el proyecto editorial son la literatura, el escritor y el público, en el marco de la tradición de lecturas. Se trataba de una publicación dedicada a la literatura, artes plásticas, filosofía, ideas, historia, política, sindicalismo y comentarios sociales, con artículos originales y traducciones especiales. El hecho de elegir una revista como tema de investigación, responde a nuestro propósito de vincular la actividad política con un aspecto de la vida cultural argentina en el siglo XX. Esta publicación ofreció a escritores argentinos y americanos la oportunidad de expresar sus ideas en forma de comentarios, noticias y críticas, o bien en cuentos, poemas y ensayos.


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Después de que Carlos Vaz Ferreira inaugurara en el Uruguay una nueva forma de hacer filosofía, hacia 1910, fecha de publicación de su Lógica viva, un puñado de profesores, filósofos y pensadores, discípulos o seguidores de la generación siguiente, se sintió fuertemente atraído por el fervor de una nueva lógica naciente. Este fervor, por otra parte, atrapaba a los filósofos europeos en la misma época.


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Por la índole de su obra periodística y literaria Roberto Arlt estuvo vinculado a la revista Claridad (1926-1941), órgano del pensamiento Socialista argentino y americano. Tanto la revista como la editorial Claridad fueron creadas y dirigidas por Antonio Zamora junto a un grupo de escritores, periodistas y militantes políticos, dentro de una gama amplia de tendencias de izquierda. Arlt perteneció al estilo intelectual que caracterizó al grupo Claridad y le interesó llegar a su público de lectores. En la revista se publicaron textos de Arlt y la editorial Claridad fue la encargada de la difusión popular de sus novelas y cuentos cuando estos no habían alcanzado la dimensión que lograrían en años posteriores.


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El eje temático que orienta la dirección y sentido de este libro es el clásico 'problema' que advierte todo el pensamiento antiguo y que, desde diversas concepciones, ha intentado resolver lo que podríamos denominar el tema de la apariencia-realidad, o tal vez parecer-ser. El Dr. Boeri dirige su mirada hacia los pensadores clásicos griegos y helenísticos y penetra hondo en sus textos no con un interés meramente histórico, sino, como él mismo lo advierte, filosófico y sistemático.