826 resultados para Pen and Pencil Club.
Six labels from the Hiram Walker Company, established 1858. The labels are from Gold Crest Canadian Whiskey, Crystal London Dry Gin, Peppermint Schnapps Liqueur, Creme de Menthe, Crystal Vodka Distilled, and Canadian Club Canadian Whiskey.
Au Québec, l’abattage des poulets se fait entre 33 et 40 jours. Pour permettre cet abattage, les poulets devront être vaccinés en présence d’anticorps maternels puisque la période d’attente après la vaccination est de 21 jours. L’objectif de cette étude a été de déterminer l’efficacité d’une forte dose de vaccin et de vitamine E à contourner les anticorps maternels et à vacciner par contact les poulets non vaccinés. Des vaccins à dose normale de 104,35 TCID50/ml/oiseau et à forte dose de 105,35 TCID50/ml/oiseau ont été utilisées sur 1200 poulets repartis en 4 groupes; (1) FD100%, groupe dans lequel tous les oiseaux ont été vaccinés, (2) FD10%, groupe dans lequel 10% des oiseaux ont été vacciné à forte dose, (3) DN100%, groupe dans lequel tous les oiseaux ont été vacciné à dose normale et (4) Contrôle, groupe dans lequel aucun oiseau n’a été vacciné. Chaque groupe a été divisé en 2 sous-groupes ; un a été supplémenté en vitamine E de 50 à 100UI/kg d’aliment et l’autre de 20 à 27 UI/kg. Les résultats de la présente étude ont montré que le virus vaccinal est capable de surmonter les anticorps maternels, qui ont persisté jusqu’à 20 jours d’âge, et à provoquer une réponse immunitaire humorale. Cette étude a aussi montré que le virus est capable de se transmettre par contact direct dans un même parquet et par contact indirect d’un parquet à l’autre. Aucun retour à la virulence ni une mutation du nucléotide VP2 n’a été observé au niveau des oiseaux vaccinés par contact. Cette étude a aussi montré qu’une amélioration de l’apport de vitamine E augmente la réponse humorale après vaccination avec un vaccin vivant contre la maladie de Gumboro.
Nous avons examiné la nature du lien, additif ou interactif, entre les capacités attentionnelles et les habiletés de motricité fine et leur influence sur les habiletés d’écriture ultérieures. Les mesures de l’échantillon (n=439) de l’étude montréalaise sur le préscolaire en milieu défavorisé (MLEPS) à la maternelle incluent des questionnaires aux enseignants, des évaluations sur la connaissance des nombres et du vocabulaire réceptif des élèves et caractéristiques familiales rapportées par les parents. En 3ème année, les mesures proviennent de questionnaires aux enseignants. Selon les résultats des régressions multiples de notre modèle, un élève qui avait de bonnes capacités d’attention ou de motricité fine à la maternelle, avait plus de chances d’avoir de bonnes habiletés d’écriture en 3ème année. L’interaction entre l’attention et la motricité fine était aussi significative, ce qui signifie que les capacités d’attention, avec l’influence des habiletés de motricité fine, prédisent davantage les habiletés d’écriture ultérieure. Il est pertinent de mesurer la réussite scolaire en écriture puisque les élèves à l’école peuvent investir de 31 à 60% de leur temps à réaliser des tâches motrices et 85% de celles-ci incluraient un crayon et du papier (McHale & Cermak, 1992). L’écriture serait aussi importante que les mathématiques et la lecture pour la réussite scolaire (Cutler & Graham, 2008). En identifiant les éléments clés de la réussite en écriture, nous pourrons mieux intervenir et soutenir les élèves, et ainsi, nous pourrions augmenter leurs chances de vivre des expériences positives à l’école, d’obtenir un diplôme et d’ intégrer le marché du travail.
Au niveau méthodologique, ce travail innove en combinant plusieurs moyens d'observation complémentaires sur le processus d'écriture et sur le processus de correction. Les observations qualitatives ainsi recueillies sont retranscrites en les combinant selon l'ordre chronologique d'apparition, puis elles sont traitées et analysées sous le logiciel QDA Miner.
La malhonnêteté académique au cours d’épreuves présente des enjeux importants quant à l’intégrité des évaluations. La présence des TIC étant de plus en plus importante en cours de passation dans les épreuves, il est important avec ce mode de récolte de données d’assurer un niveau de sécurité égal ou même supérieur à celui présent lorsqu’un mode de récolte de données traditionnel, le papier-crayon, est utilisé. Il existe plusieurs recherches sur l’utilisation des TIC dans l’évaluation, mais peu d’entre elles traitent des modalités de sécurité lors de l’utilisation des TIC. Dans ce mémoire, treize organisations québécoises ont été rencontrées: six qui utilisaient les TIC dans la passation, cinq qui utilisaient le papier-crayon dans la passation mais qui désiraient utiliser les TIC et deux qui utilisaient le papier-crayon et qui ne désiraient pas utiliser les TIC. Les organisations sont des établissements d’enseignement (primaire, secondaire, collégial, universitaire), des entreprises privées, des organismes gouvernementaux ou municipaux et des ordres professionnels. Des entrevues semi-structurées et une analyse qualitative par présence ou absence de différentes caractéristiques ont permis de documenter les modalités de sécurité liées à la récolte de données en vue de l’évaluation en utilisant les TIC. Ces modalités ont été comparées à celles utilisées lors de l’utilisation du papier-crayon dans la récolte de données en vue de l’évaluation afin de voir comment elles varient lors de l’utilisation des TIC. Les résultats révèlent que l’utilisation des TIC dans la passation complexifie et ajoute des étapes à la préparation des épreuves pour assurer un niveau de sécurité adéquat. Cependant elle permet également de nouvelles fonctions en ce qui concerne le type de questions, l’intégration de multimédia, l’utilisation de questions adaptatives et la génération aléatoire de l’épreuve qui permettent de contrer certaines formes de malhonnêteté académiques déjà présentes avec l’utilisation du papier-crayon dans la passation et pour lesquelles il était difficile d’agir. Toutefois, l’utilisation des TIC dans la passation peut aussi amener de nouvelles possibilités de malhonnêteté académique. Mais si ces dernières sont bien prises en considération, l’utilisation des TIC permet un niveau de sécurité des épreuves supérieur à celui où les données sont récoltées au traditionnel papier-crayon en vue de l’évaluation.
The present study aimed at comparing social representations structures concerning data collection procedures: through internet forms, diffused in the WWW, and through conventional paper and pencil questionnaire methods. overall 893 individuals participated in the research, 58% of whom were female. A total of 217 questionnaires about the social representation on football (soccer) and 218 about the representation on aging were answered by Brazilian university students in classrooms. Electronic versions of the same instrument were diffused through an internet forum linked to the same university. There were 238 answers for the football questionnaire and 230 for the aging one. The instrument asked participants to indicate five words or expressions related to one of the social objects. Sample characteristics and structural analyses were carried out separately for the two data collection procedures. data indicated that internet-based research allows for higher sample diversity, but it is essential to guarantee the adoption of measures that can select only desired participants. Results also pointed out the need to take into account the nature of the social object to be investigated through internet research on representations, seeking to avoid self-selection effects, which can bias results, as it seems to have happened with the football social object.
O objeto desta pesquisa é a avaliação da aprendizagem, tendo como foco central a análise dos discursos e práticas dos professores de Cursos de Licenciatura de Letras. Este estudo foi desenvolvido com docentes de duas instituições de ensino superior do interior do estado da Paraíba, localizado no nordeste brasileiro. O objetivo geral deste estudo é: analisar as semelhanças, diferenças e contradições resultantes da comparação entre os discursos e o que se pratica na avaliação da aprendizagem dos professores de Letras do Ensino Superior de uma instituição de ensino superior particular de Patos/PB e os de uma pública de Catolé do Rocha/PB. Esta foi uma pesquisa qualitativa com uma amostra de cinco docentes de cada estabelecimento de ensino superior, somando-se dez ao todo. Foram feitas entrevistas com perguntas abertas e fechadas, cujas respostas tiveram uma análise de conteúdo, e o resultado desta foi confrontado com os dados da observação das práticas de sala de aula dos professores da amostra. Constatou-se que há casos de professores que têm discursos diferentes da sua prática de avaliação da aprendizagem. Há também problemas de interação entre docentes e discentes em relação à avaliação da aprendizagem que aumentam o índice de reprovação do alunado, o que poderia ser evitado. No entanto, de modo geral há um compromisso com a qualidade de ensino dos docentes entrevistados. Os autores e teóricos que inspiraram esta pesquisa foram: Wachowicz (2000), Castanho (2000), Berbel (2001), Sacristán e Gómez (1998), Hoffman (1996 e 2003), Luckesi (1994), Vasconcelos (2000) e Villas Boas (2000), entre outros.
Research shows that poor indoor air quality (IAQ) in school buildings can cause a reduction in the students' performance assessed by short-term computer-based tests: whereas good air quality in classrooms can enhance children's concentration and also teachers' productivity. Investigation of air quality in classrooms helps us to characterise pollutant levels and implement corrective measures. Outdoor pollution, ventilation equipment, furnishings, and human activities affect IAQ. In school classrooms, the occupancy density is high (1.8-2.4m(2)/person) compared to offices (10 m(2)/person). Ventilation systems expend energy and there is a trend to save energy by reducing ventilation rates. We need to establish the minimum acceptable level of fresh air required for the health of the occupants. This paper describes a project, which will aim to investigate the effect of IAQ and ventilation rates on pupils' performance and health using psychological tests. The aim is to recommend suitable ventilation rates for classrooms and examine the suitability of the air quality guidelines for classrooms. The air quality, ventilation rates and pupils' performance in classrooms will be evaluated in parallel measurements. In addition, Visual Analogue Scales will be used to assess subjective perception of the classroom environment and SBS symptoms. Pupil performance will be measured with Computerised Assessment Tests (CAT), and Pen and Paper Performance Tasks while physical parameters of the classroom environment will be recorded using an advanced data logging system. A total number of 20 primary schools in the Reading area are expected to participate in the present investigation, and the pupils participating in this study will be within the age group of 9-11 years. On completion of the project, based oil the overall data recommendations for suitable ventilation rates for schools will be formulated. (C) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Nowadays the use of information and communication technology is becoming prevalent in many aspects of healthcare services from patient registration, to consultation, treatment and pathology tests request. Manual interface techniques have dominated data-capture activities in primary care and secondary care settings for decades. Despites the improvements made in IT, usability issues still remain over the use of I/O devices like the computer keyboard, touch-sensitive screens, light pen and barcodes. Furthermore, clinicians have to use several computer applications when providing healthcare services to patients. One of the problems faced by medical professionals is the lack of data integrity between the different software applications which in turn can hinder the provision of healthcare services tailored to the needs of the patients. The use of digital pen and paper technology integrated with legacy medical systems hold the promise of improving healthcare quality. This paper discusses the issue of data integrity in e-health systems and proposes the modelling of "Smart Forms" via semiotics to potentially improve integrity between legacy systems, making the work of medical professionals easier and improve the quality of care in primary care practices and hospitals.
This article describes work undertaken by the VERA project to investigate how archaeologists work with information technology (IT) on excavation sites. We used a diary study to research the usual patterns of behaviour of archaeologists digging the Silchester Roman town site during the summer of 2007. Although recording had previously been undertaken using pen and paper, during the 2007 season a part of the dig was dedicated to trials of IT and archaeologists used digital pens and paper and Nokia N800 handheld PDAs to record their work. The goal of the trial was to see whether it was possible to record data from the dig whilst still on site, rather than waiting until after the excavation to enter it into the Integrated Archaeological Database (IADB) and to determine whether the archaeologists found the new technology helpful. The digital pens were a success, however, the N800s were not successful given the extreme conditions on site. Our findings confirmed that it was important that technology should fit in well with the work being undertaken rather than being used for its own sake, and should respect established work flows. We also found that the quality of data being entered was a recurrent concern as was the reliability of the infrastructure and equipment.
A small group of patients with manifest Huntington's disease (HD) were followed longitudinally to assess cognitive decline in relation to time from disease diagnosis. This article looks at performance on a range of computerised and pencil and paper cognitive tasks in patients 5 years post diagnosis, who were assessed annually for a 5 year follow up period. The almost universal cognitive decline reported in other longitudinal studies of HD was not replicated in this study. It was proposed that longitudinal follow up in HD is complicated by the varying degree to which different tasks are able to withstand repeated administration; a finding which would have significant implications on study design in future trials of cognitive enhansing interventions.
Short-term memory (STM) impairments are prevalent in adults with acquired brain injuries. While there are several published tests to assess these impairments, the majority require speech production, e.g. digit span (Wechsler, 1987). This feature may make them unsuitable for people with aphasia and motor speech disorders because of word finding difficulties and speech demands respectively. If patients perceive the speech demands of the test to be high, the may not engage with testing. Furthermore, existing STM tests are mainly ‘pen-and-paper’ tests, which can jeopardise accuracy. To address these shortcomings, we designed and standardised a novel computerised test that does not require speech output and because of the computerised delivery it would enable clinicians identify STM impairments with greater precision than current tests. The matching listening span tasks, similar to the non-normed PALPA 13 (Kay, Lesser & Coltheart, 1992) is used to test short-term memory for serial order of spoken items. Sequences of digits are presented in pairs. The person hears the first sequence, followed by the second sequence and s/he decides whether the two sequences are the same or different. In the computerised test, the sequences are presented in live voice recordings on a portable computer through a software application (Molero Martin, Laird, Hwang & Salis 2013). We collected normative data from healthy older adults (N=22-24) using digits, real words (one- and two-syllables) and non-words (one- and two- syllables). Their performance was scored following two systems. The Highest Span system was the highest span length (e.g. 2-8) at which a participant correctly responded to over 7 out of 10 trials at the highest sequence length. Test re-test reliability was also tested in a subgroup of participants. The test will be available as free of charge for clinicians and researchers to use.
Biaxially oriented films produced from semi-crystalline, semi-aromatic polyesters are utilised extensively as components within various applications, including the specialist packaging, flexible electronic and photovoltaic markets. However, the thermal performance of such polyesters, specifically poly(ethylene terephthalate) (PET) and poly(ethylene-2,6-naphthalate) (PEN), is inadequate for several applications that require greater dimensional stability at higher operating temperatures. The work described in this project is therefore primarily focussed upon the copolymerisation of rigid comonomers with PET and PEN, in order to produce novel polyester-based materials that exhibit superior thermomechanical performance, with retention of crystallinity, to achieve biaxial orientation. Rigid biphenyldiimide comonomers were readily incorporated into PEN and poly(butylene-2,6-naphthalate) (PBN) via a melt-polycondensation route. For each copoly(ester-imide) series, retention of semi-crystalline behaviour is observed throughout entire copolymer composition ratios. This phenomenon may be rationalised by cocrystallisation between isomorphic biphenyldiimide and naphthalenedicarboxylate residues, which enables statistically random copolymers to melt-crystallise despite high proportions of imide sub-units being present. In terms of thermal performance, the glass transition temperature, Tg, linearly increases with imide comonomer content for both series. This facilitated the production of several high performance PEN-based biaxially oriented films, which displayed analogous drawing, barrier and optical properties to PEN. Selected PBN copoly(ester-imide)s also possess the ability to either melt-crystallise, or form a mesophase from the isotropic state depending on the applied cooling rate. An equivalent synthetic approach based upon isomorphic comonomer crystallisation was subsequently applied to PET by copolymerisation with rigid diimide and Kevlar®-type amide comonomers, to afford several novel high performance PET-based copoly(ester-imide)s and copoly(ester-amide)s that all exhibited increased Tgs. Retention of crystallinity was achieved in these copolymers by either melt-crystallisation or thermal annealing. The initial production of a semi-crystalline, PET-based biaxially oriented film with a Tg in excess of 100 °C was successful, and this material has obvious scope for further industrial scale-up and process development.
The wellness, physical activity and health club market is in great expansion and grownth in the national and worldwide cenarium. In a growing competitive environment, the prediction of of consumer preferences over a product, for its innumerous attributes, is a critical aspect for any marketing administration. Determining customer perception of value in the form of utilities can provide the marketing administration of a company with a functional tool to evaluate the usefulness of a product or service. This thesis investigates the motivational attributes of decision making process when choosing a health club / gym center service. Data was collected through a web survey with 376 participants from Rio de Janeiro and Distrito Federal. The data was analysed through the conjoint analysis method. Resultados demonstraram que as importâncias relativas dos atributos ¿estrutura física¿ e ¿atendimento¿ obtiveram valores maiores do que os demais atributos testados. O atributo ¿preço¿ foi o terceiro em grau de importância, seguido de ¿proximidade¿ e ¿indicação¿. Results demonstrated that the relative values of the attribute regarding ¿gym facilities¿ and ¿attendance¿ obtained greater values than the other tested attributes. The ¿price¿ attribute was the third degree in the scale of value, followed by ¿proximity¿ and ¿indication¿.
Abordagem da análise conjunta no processo decisório de aquisição do serviço de academia de ginástica
The wellness, physical activity and health club market is in great expansion and grownth in the national and worldwide cenarium. In a growing competitive environment, the prediction of of consumer preferences over a product, for its innumerous attributes, is a critical aspect for any marketing administration. Determining customer perception of value in the form of utilities can provide the marketing administration of a company with a functional tool to evaluate the usefulness of a product or service. This thesis investigates the motivational attributes of decision making process when choosing a health club / gym center service. Data was collected through a web survey with 376 participants from Rio de Janeiro and Distrito Federal. The data was analysed through the conjoint analysis method. Results demonstrated that the relative values of the attribute regarding ¿gym facilities¿ and ¿attendance¿ obtained greater values than the other tested attributes. The ¿price¿ attribute was the third degree in the scale of value, followed by ¿proximity¿ and ¿indication¿.