996 resultados para Peças de Reposição
The nutritive value of transgenic peas expressing an a-amylase inhibitor (alpha-Ail) was evaluated with broiler chickens. The effects of feeding transgenic peas on the development of visceral organs associated with digestion and nutrient absorption were also examined. The chemical composition of the conventional and the transgenic peas used in this study were similar. In the two feeding trials, that were conducted normal and transgenic peas were incorporated into a maize-soybean diet at concentrations up to 500 g kg(-1). The diets were balanced to contain similar levels of apparent metabolisable energy (AME) and amino acids. In the first trial, the birds were fed the diets from 3 to 17days post-hatching and with levels of transgenic peas at 250 g kg(-1) or greater there was a significant reduction in body weight but an increase in feed intake resulting in deceased feed conversion efficiency. In the second trial, in which the birds were fed diets containing 300 g kg(-1) transgenic peas until 40 days of age, growth performance was significantly reduced. It was also demonstrated that the ileal starch digestibility coefficient (0.80 vs 0.42) was significantly reduced in the birds fed transgenic peas. Determination of AME and ileal digestibility of amino acids in 5-week-old broilers demonstrated a significant reduction in AME (12.12 vs 5.08 MJ kg(-1) DM) in the birds fed the transgenic peas. The AME value recorded for transgenic peas reflected the lower starch digestibility of this line. Real digestion of protein and amino acids was unaffected by treatment. Expression of a-Ail in peas did not appear to affect bird health or the utilisation of dietary protein. However, the significant reduction in ileal digestion of starch in transgenic peas does reduce the utility of this feedstuff in monogastric diets where efficient energy utilisation is required. (c) 2006 Society of Chemical Industry.
1. Three experiments were undertaken to determine the optimum inclusion rates of held peas, faba beans, chick peas and sweet lupins in broiler starter and finisher diets in amounts up to 360 g/kg. 2. In experiment A chickens in cages grown to 21 d on diets with field peas and faba beans gave better growth rate and feed efficiency than those with sweet lupins and chick peas. Growth rate and Food conversion ratio (FCR) improved with increasing amounts of faba beans in the diet while for chick peas growth rate and FCR declined. Digesta viscosity and excreta stickiness scores were much higher on diets with sweet lupins. Steam pelleting improved growth rate and FCR on all diets. 3. In experiment B birds were in cages and grown from 21 to 42 d. There were no differences between grain legumes (when combined for all inclusions) for growth rate, food intake or FCR. Viscosity was again much higher on the sweet lupin-based diets while the pancreas was significantly enlarged on the diets with chick peas, as observed previously in chickens grown to 21 d. Steam pelleting of diets gave a consistent and positive response for weight gain and FCR. 4. Experiment C was carried out in pens each holding 60 birds under semi-commercial conditions and grown to 4 2 d on starter and finisher diets with the same grain legumes as used previously but each at 2 rates of inclusion similar to those in commercial practice. Field peas at 200 to 300 g/kg and chick peas at 150 to 220 g/kg gave inferior growth to faba beans (150 to 180 g/kg) and sweet lupins (120 g/kg). 5. The results of these experiments allowed tentative recommendations to be made to industry for inclusion rates of these cultivars of the 4 grain legumes. These were: field peas 300 g/kg; faba beans 200 g/kg, chick peas 100 g/kg and sweet lupins
A utilização dos conceitos Lean de produção na logística é tida como um diferencial na criação de vantagem competitiva pelas empresas, inclusive por operadores logísticos. Na indústria automotiva, a prática de tais conceitos é utilizada de forma ampla. O conceito de se ter um sistema enxuto de fornecimento pode levar ao simples entendimento de restrição de fornecedores e redução dos níveis de estoque através do aumento de freqüência das entregas, contudo esta é uma visão distorcida quando falamos de sistema enxuto, pois o sistema enxuto trata da análise de eliminação de desperdício de todo o sistema envolvido em um processo. O objetivo desta dissertação foi de realizar um estudo exploratório sobre os aspectos determinantes do sucesso na implantação do conceito de logística lean e sua aplicação na logística de distribuição de peças de uma empresa automotiva, através de um operador logístico. A metodologia utilizada para a neste trabalho é uma revisão bibliográfica e a imersão em um ambiente de operação logística terceirizada em um depósito de uma indústria automotiva de distribuição de peças à rede autorizada, onde o autor atua como agente para melhoria dos processos operacionais in loco. Como resultado foi observado um aumento na produtividade das operações, bem como uma redução de área utilizada e do tempo de resposta dos pedidos colocados.(AU)
The nexus between terrorism and organised crime consists in a strategic alliance between two non-state actors, able to exploit illegal markets, threaten the security of individuals, and influence policy-making on a global level. Recent Europol reports have pointed towards the importance of studying the links between organised crime and terrorist groups, and have underlined that the nature and extent of these connections have seldom been addressed from an academic perspective. Considering the degree of dangerousness that both organised crime and terrorism currently represent in the world, the collusion between these two phenomena is of urgent contemporary interest. Basing itself on geographical case-studies, this edited volume aims at contributing to the existing literature in three ways: by enriching the empirical knowledge on the nature of the crime-terror nexus and its evolution; by exploring the impact of the nexus within different economic, political and societal contexts; and by expanding on its theoretical conceptualization.
The hormone administration by the oral route is frequently related with different many side effects. The aim of this study was to evaluate the safety and efficacy of a new product intended to transdermal hormone replacement nanostructured (TRHN) therapy, based on a patented under No. US 2013/0123220A1 formulation. This formulation was able to restore serum levels of estradiol (0.1%) + estradiol (0.25%) in 122 postmenopausal women with a mean age of 56.88 (± 6.27). The assessment is part of a longitudinal prospective study. Clinical parameters, including the degree of satisfaction with symptom relief, serum concentrations of estradiol, weight, blood pressure, were compared between the beginning and the end of treatment. The findings show that BIOLIPÍDEO B2® was safe and effective in restoring hormonal serum levels without side effects. The satisfaction with treatment was 92%. Serum concentrations of estradiol was significantly higher after treatment (p <0.05). Weight and systolic and diastolic blood pressure showed no significant differences (p> 0.05) during treatment. No vaginal bleeding was observed. Evaluation of bilateral breast mammography treatment found normal results in all women. This study shows for the first time the effectiveness of a transdermal formulation nanostructured in the transdermal delivery of estradiol and estriol measured in vivo using Confocal Raman Spectroscopy. The formulation of BIOLIPÍDEO/B2® is safe and effective in restoring serum estradiol levels and alleviates menopausal symptoms. The formulation can serve as a good choice for hormone replacement therapy to protect against post-menopausal symptoms.
This dissertation presents an investigation of the evolutionary process of extended oboe techniques, through literary analysis and practical research. The objective of this work is to provide assistance to oboists interested in learning these techniques. Additionally, this work encourages the student, through the process of experimentation, to explore the questions that may arise around the aesthetics of sound, the concept of gesture as an additional visual and aural element in music, and the collaboration and “real-time” creation processes. Discussed within the work, are the relationship between the instrument (the oboe) and extended techniques, and two possible definitions of extended techniques, provided by Luk Vaes (2009) and Gardner Read (1993). Also explored are the how and why some composers have utilized extended techniques in their compositions, including brief discussions relating to extended techniques in real-time composition (improvisation), extended techniques and technological resources, theatrical gesture as an extended technique, and suggestions of how musicians might approach theatrical gestures in performance. Four works were visited: “I Know This Room So Well” – Lisa Bielawa (2007-9); “Four Pieces for Oboe and Piano” – Ernst Krenek (1966); “In Freundschaft” – Karlheinz Stockhausen (1978); “Atem” – Mauricio Kagel (1969-70); and an exploration of the difficulties and solutions associated with each extended technique found within these pieces, was carried out. The following founding works on extended oboe techniques were used, as a basis for research: books - Heinz Holliger’s Pro Musica Nova (1972); Gardner Read’s Compendium of Modern Instrumental Techniques (1993); Peter Veale & Claus-Steffen Mahnkopf’s The Techniques of Oboe Playing (1994); and Libby Van Cleve’s Oboe Unbound: Contemporary Techniques (2004); and articles - Nora Post’s “Monophonic sound resources for the oboe: Part I – Timbre” (1984), “Part II- Pitch and other techniques” (1984), and “Multiphonics for the oboe” (1982).
The cello has a prominent place in the music of Roberto Victorio, due to the fact the composer is a cellist and knows the idiomatic and technical aspects of the instrument. This article analyzes the skills and knowledge necessary to the performance of the works Aztlan and Chronos III for solo cello. As methodological procedure the work was built in three stages: at first a study on notation in the works of Victorio was develeped and how the concepts of desperception, timbre, time and space influence his writing. In a second moment the author made an interview with the composer and finally held performances and recordings of works using the concepts researched in the first two steps.
This work is aimed at providing an interpretive study of the work for viola and piano titled Three Pieces, and work for solo viola titled Ticket of a Jogral, by Brazilian composer César Guerra Peixe. This study will be divided into three parts: The first will bring a brief history of the composer focusing on his visit to Pernambuco in the late 1940s and early 1950s; the second shows the use of Pernambuco musical regionalism elements used by the composer in the aforementioned documents; the third will present a set of interpretive suggestions based: the analysis of regional musical elements identified in these works; the technical rudiments used in writing for viola depicting the arcades, dynamics, fingerings, articulations, phrasing; and the experiences lived by the author of this research as an interpreter of these works.
This work is aimed at providing an interpretive study of the work for viola and piano titled Three Pieces, and work for solo viola titled Ticket of a Jogral, by Brazilian composer César Guerra Peixe. This study will be divided into three parts: The first will bring a brief history of the composer focusing on his visit to Pernambuco in the late 1940s and early 1950s; the second shows the use of Pernambuco musical regionalism elements used by the composer in the aforementioned documents; the third will present a set of interpretive suggestions based: the analysis of regional musical elements identified in these works; the technical rudiments used in writing for viola depicting the arcades, dynamics, fingerings, articulations, phrasing; and the experiences lived by the author of this research as an interpreter of these works.
As técnicas nucleares, com ênfase a técnica conhecida como TLA - Thin Layer Activation, tem sido utilizada com sucesso e contribuído significativamente para o estudo de sistemas tribológicos, na análise e medição de desgaste para profundidades na ordem de grandeza de 10 µm apesar potencialmente poder aplicadas a espessuras de dezenas de milímetros. Esta limitação é intrínseca da técnica utilizada na ativação da camada superficial da peça ou elemento a ser investigado, que consiste na aplicação direta de um feixe de partículas carregadas a uma determinada energia, equivalente a máxima seção de choque do material a fim de obter uma taxa ativação constante ao longo de uma determinada espessura ou utilizando uma energia menor que este valor para se obter uma taxa ativação linear também para uma determinada profundidade de ativação. O objetivo desse trabalho é apresentar uma nova técnica que consiste na utilização de um feixe de energia superior a energia correspondente à máxima seção de choque e aplicar um elemento degradador (Roda Degradadora) como objetivo de homogeneizar a ativação superficial ao longo da espessura da amostra, possibilitando uma melhoria na precisão da análise e possibilitando ainda um maior alcance dessa camada e aumentando a gama de aplicações possíveis dessa técnica, onde por exemplo, maiores taxas de desgaste possam ser analisadas. Após o experimento e análise dos dados constatou-se que a técnica proposta melhora a linearidade da curva que representa a taxa de ativação e aumentando significativamente a profundidade analisável podendo chegar a ordem 6 x 10 µm. Em adição este trabalho reinaugura a pesquisa em aplicações nucleares no IEN - Instituto de Engenharia Nuclear com utilização de aceleradores de partículas tipo ciclotron.
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