933 resultados para Passek, T. P. (Tat i a na Petrovna), 1810-1889.
Hot, våld och otillåten pverkan är en problematik som förekommer inom socialtjänstens barn- och familjestd. Denna undersöknings syfte var att studera hur socialsekreterares tror sig handla och pverkas av denna problematik, speciellt i beslutsfattandet. Detta med anledning av att, om socialsekreterarnas beslutsfattande skulle pverkas, kan i värsta fall barns rätt till en trygg uppväxt sättas p spel. I studien användes vinjetter i sex kvalitativa intervjuer som utfördes enskilt. De resultat som redovisas pekar p att socialsekreterare inte skulle låta sig pverkas av hot och våld när de fattar beslut. Detta är något som strider mot andra forskares resultat. Socialsekreterarna i studien skulle i de flesta fall rådgöra med sin chef när de blivit utsatta för otillåten pverkan. Chefen är en oerhört viktig part i arbetet, då socialsekreterarna i hög grad förlitar sig p chefens kompetens. Hot, våld och otillåten pverkan är situationsbaserat. Socialsekreterarna skulle, i de vinjettsituationer som studien baseras p, fatta de beslut som går rakt emot klientens önskningar och därför kvarstr hotbilden. Konsekvenserna av deras handlingar och beslut hade socialsekreterarna svårigheter att sia om.
The viral RNase E(rns) prevents IFN type-I triggering by pestiviral single- and double-stranded RNAs
Interferon (IFN) type-I is of utmost importance in the innate antiviral defence of eukaryotic cells. The cells express intra- and extracellular receptors that monitor their surroundings for the presence of viral genomes. Bovine viral diarrhoea virus (BVDV), a Pestivirus of the family Flaviviridae, is able to prevent IFN synthesis induced by poly(IC), a synthetic dsRNA. The evasion of innate immunity might be a decisive ability of BVDV to establish persistent infection in its host. We report that ds- as well as ssRNA fragments of viral origin are able to trigger IFN synthesis, and that the viral envelope glycoprotein E(rns), that is also secreted from infected cells, is able to inhibit IFN expression induced by these extracellular viral RNAs. The RNase activity of E(rns) is required for this inhibition, and E(rns) degrades ds- and ssRNA at neutral pH. In addition, cells infected with a cytopathogenic strain of BVDV contain more dsRNA than cells infected with the homologous non-cytopathogenic strain, and the intracellular viral RNA was able to excite the IFN system in a 5'-triphosphate-, i.e. RIG-I-, independent manner. Functionally, E(rns) might represent a decoy receptor that binds and enzymatically degrades viral RNA that otherwise might activate the IFN defence by binding to Toll-like receptors of uninfected cells. Thus, the pestiviral RNase efficiently manipulates the host's self-nonself discrimination to successfully establish and maintain persistence and immunotolerance.
Homogenous detergent-solubilized NADPH-Cytochrome P-450 reductase was incorporated into microsomes and liposomes. This binding occurred spontaneously at temperatures between 4(DEGREES) and 37(DEGREES) and appeared to involve hydrophobic forces as the binding was not disrupted by 0.5 M sodium chloride. This exogenously-added reductase was active catalytically towards native cytochrome P-450, suggesting an association with the microsomal membrane similar to endogenous reductase. Homogeneous detergent-solubilized reductase was disaggregated by Renex-690 micelles, confirming the presence of a hydrophobic combining region on the enzyme. In contrast to these results, steapsin protease-solubilized reductase was incapable of microsomal attachment and did not interact with Renex-690 micelles. Detergent-solubilized reductase (76,500 daltons) was converted into a form with the electrophoretic mobility of steapsin protease-solubilized reductase (68,000 daltons) and a 12,500 dalton peptide (as determined by polyacrylamide-SDS gel electrophoresis) when the liposomal-incorporated enzyme was incubated with steapsin protease. The 68,000 dalton fragment thus obtained had properties identical with steapsin protease-solubilized reductase, i.e. it was catalytically active towards cytochrome c but inactive towards cytochrome P-450 and did not bind liposomes. The 12,500 dalton fragment remained associated with the liposomes when the digest was fractionated by gel filtration, suggesting that this is the segment of the enzyme which is embedded in the phospholipid bilayer. Thus, detergent-solubilized reductase appears to contain a soluble catalytic domain and a separate and separable membrane-binding domain. This latter domain is required for attaching the enzyme to the membrane and also to facilitate the catalytic interaction between the reductase and its native electron acceptor, cytochrome P-450. The membrane-binding segment of the reductase was isolated by preparative gel electrophoresis in SDS following its generation by proteolytic treatment of liposome-incorporated reductase. The peptide has a molecular weight of 6,400 as determined by gel filtration in 8 M guanidine hydrochloride and has an amino acid composition which is not especially hydrophobic. Following removal of SDS and dialysis out of 6 M urea, the membrane-binding peptide was unable to inhibit the activity of a reconstituted system containing purified reductase and cytochrome P-450. Moreover, when reductase and cytochrome P-450 were added to liposomes which contained the membrane-binding peptide, it was determined that mixed function oxidase activity was reconstituted as effectively as when vesicles without the membrane-binding peptide were used. Thus, the membrane-binding peptide was ineffective as an inhibitor of mixed function oxidase activity, suggesting perhaps that it facilitates catalysis by anchoring the catalytic domain of the reductase proximal to cytochrome P-450 (i.e. in the same mixed micelle) rather than through a specific interaction with cytochrome P-450. ^
Histone acetyltransferases are important chromatin modifiers that function as transcriptional co-activators. The identification of the transcriptional regulator GCN5 as the first nuclear histone acetyltransferase in yeast directly linked chromatin remodeling to transcriptional regulation. Although emerging evidence suggests that acetyltransferases participate in multiple cellular processes, their roles in mammalian development remain undefined. In this study, I have cloned and characterized the mouse homolog of GCN5 and a closely related protein P/CAF that interacts with p300/CBP. In contrast to yeast GCN5, but similar to P/CAF, mouse GCN5 possesses an additional N-terminal domain that confers the ability to acetylate nucleosomal histones. GCN5 and P/CAF exhibit identical substrate specificity and both interact with p300/CBP. Interestingly, expression levels of GCN5 and P/CAF display a complementary pattern in mouse embryos and in adult tissues, suggesting that they have distinct tissue or developmental stage specific roles. To define the in vivo function of GCN5 and P/CAF, I have generated mice that are nullizygous for GCN5 or P/CAF. P/CAF null mice are viable and fertile with no gross morphological defects, indicating that P/CAF is dispensable for development and p300/CBP function in vivo. In contrast, mice lacking GCN5 die between 10.5–11 days of gestation. GCN5 null mice are severely retarded but have anterior ectopic outgrowth. Molecular marker analyses reveal that early mesoderm is formed in GCN5 null mice but further differentiation into distinct mesodermal lineages is perturbed. While presomitic mesoderm and chodamesoderm are missing in GCN5 mutant mice, extraembryonic tissues and lateral mesoderm are unaffected. This is consistent with our finding that GCN5 expression is absent in the heart and extraembryonic tissues but is uniform throughout the rest of the embryo. Remarkably, GCN5 mutant mice exhibit an unusually high incidence of apoptosis in the embryonic ectoderm and mesoderm. Finally, mice doubly null for GCN5 and P/CAF die much earlier than mice harboring the GCN5 mutation alone, suggesting that P/CAF and GCN5 share some overlapping function during embryogenesis. This work is the first study to show that specific acetyltransferase is important for cell survival as well as mesoderm differentiation or maintenance during early mammalian development. ^
v. 1. Didona. Titovo miloserdīe. Rosslav. Vladisan. Vladimir i I͡Aropolk. Sofonisba. Khvastun. Chudaki -- v. 2. Sbitenshchik. Neschastīe ot karety. Skupoĭ. Pritvorno-sumasshedshai͡a. Muzhʹi͡a zhenikhi svoikh zhen. Orfeĭ. Neudachnyĭ primiritel, ili Bez obi͡edu domoĭ poi͡edu. Traur, ili Uti͡eshennai͡a vdova. Stikhotvorenīi͡a. Proza.
Added t. p.: Tarikh-i-Hassan.
Vol. 3, "Sostavlennyĭ pod redakts︡ěi︠u︡ V.P. Zotova i F. Tolli︠a︡."
Special t.-p. has note: Riveduta en ampliata da Carlo Giussani.
"V prodazhu postupilo pi͡atdesi͡at ėkzempli͡arov."
Vol. 2-4, pt. 1 have also special t.p.; v. 4, pt. 2 not published
Translated from Archiv für Geographie, Historie, Staats- und Kriegskunst, Vienna, 1810.
"'Fasti' ad quos lectores saepe ... relegantur, sunt fasti consulares quos volumen quartum exhibebit. In eodem volumine etiam 'Additamenta' totius operis edentur."--Praefatio editoris, v. 1, p. viii-ix. There is no prospect of the publication of that volume. cf. Letter of the publisher, 28-VIII-'30.
Vol. 3 has subtitle: Hendese-yi mücesseme.
At head of title: Tati︠a︠na Melʹnik (rozhdennai︠a︡ Botkina)
Museisektorn str idag inför utmaningar som kräver att museerna anpassar sina kommunikativa strategier för att hålla sig aktuella och kunna tvla om publikens uppmärksamhet. Då museerna har mycket att vinna p att arbeta med strategisk kommunikation och tidigare studier visat att museer i andra länder har dåligt utvecklade kommunikativa strategier, ämnar denna uppsats undersöka p vilket sätt museer i Stockholm Stad arbetar med strategisk kommunikation för att nå de mål de har satt upp i sina visioner samt vilken roll de nya digitala och sociala medierna spelar i detta arbete. De digitala och sociala medierna öppnar nämligen idag upp för nya sätt att bedriva strategisk kommunikation i och med att de möjliggör en två-vägs kommunikation som inte tidigare varit möjlig. I sökandet efter svar har tre kvalitativa intervjuer genomförts med kommunikationspersonal p museer i Stockholms Stad. Genom att koppla resultatet från dessa intervjuer till teori och tidigare studier har slutsatsen dragits att museerna arbetar tydligt med strategisk kommunikation i vissa aspekter av kommunikationen samtidigt andra delar av kommunikationen utmärks av ett tydligt marknadsföringstnk. Arbetet med de digitala och sociala medierna präglas av visionerna och således ett strategiskt tnk, dock utnyttjas inte potentialen till relationsfrämjande dialog vilket gör att dessa medier bara blir ännu en kanal för museerna att nå ut till publiken.