939 resultados para Paraíso do Tocantins - GO


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Risco de queda em idosos pode ser avaliado por meio de um teste simples de mobilidade. OBJETIVO: Avaliar o equilíbrio de idosos usando o teste Timed up and go. MÉTODO: Os indivíduos tiveram o tempo medido desde o momento em que se levantaram de uma cadeira, caminharam 3 metros para a frente e retornaram à cadeira. Os idosos também responderam questões sobre desequilíbrio, tontura e queda. RESULTADOS: Cerca de 69% dos sujeitos realizaram o teste em até 19 segundos. Houve correlação significativa entre desequilíbrio, tempo dispendido e queda, assim como entre tontura e queda. CONCLUSÃO: A maior parte dos idosos mostrou baixos valores no teste, o que sugere boa mobilidade funcional. Entretanto, um número expressivo de indivíduos com valores mais elevados estão, provavelmente, mais propensos a quedas e à dependência menor ou maior nas atividades da vida diária.


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Foram colhidas 426 amostras de hemossoro bovino, provenientes de vacas em lactação na microrregião de Goiânia-GO, e testadas pelo método de soroaglutinação microscópica (SAM) para detecção de aglutininas antileptospiras, para efetuar um estudo de prevalência. Paralelamente, foi realizado um questionário epidemiológico, contendo informações que pudessem fornecer dados sobre a epidemiologia da leptospirose nessa região. Os resultados obtidos revelaram uma prevalência de 81,90% de animais reagentes. Os principais sorovares envolvidos foram: wolffi (36,10%), icterohaemorrhagiae (20,50%), hardjo (5,20%) e tarassovi (4,90%). A presença de ratos e suínos, a utilização de inseminação artificial e o tipo de fonte de água não interferiram no número de animais reagentes no teste de SAM. A leptospirose tem um comportamento enzoótico nessa região.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The description of the small-scale fisheries in the middle River Tocantins and their dynamics, in a full year cycle, was made out using questionnaires when interviewing fishermen at Imperatriz market. The landed fish exhibited a seasonal pattern related to the hydrological cycle, fishing effort and species diversity. Curimata, Prochilodus nigricans Agassiz, is the most important commercial fish. The fishing gears used in the area are castnets, gillnets, longlines and beach seines. Thirty-six percent of fish landed were caught exclusively by beach seine which mainly targets curimata. Alterations in the physical and biological characteristics of the middle River Tocantins due to the building of the Tucurui dam (2850 km(2) total area) allowed the mapara, Hipophthalmus marginatus Valenciennes, to colonise this area. During the closed season for nets, Siluriformes are the target of the fisheries, caught exclusively by longlining.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The older Precambrian geological setting of north Goias/south Tocantins includes three areas of granite-greenstone terrains formed of medium-grade gneisses with associated greenstone belts and nepheline syenitic gneisses, separated by two orogenic belts composing a crustal-scale pop-up structure. The movements were firstly oblique towards NW along the northwestern NNE-SSW-trending Porto Nacional suture, and afterwards of essentially frontal type towards ESE along the southeastern Ceres suture of curved geometry with N-S direction at north and WNW-ESE at the south. The Porangatu block, limited by these sutures, was upthrusted over the neighbouring underthrusted blocks. Three principal kinematic phases are recognized along the orogenic belts. -from English summary


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A new hemiodontid species, Hemiodus tocantinensis, is described from the rio Tocantins, Amazon basin, Brazil. It is most closely related to H. ternezi and H. thayeria based on the presence of a dark longitudinal stripe extending from behind the eye or the opercle to the tip of lower caudal fin lobe but is distinguished by the possession of 51 to 58 perforated lateral line scales and an oblique dark blotch on the dorsal fin extending from its anterior distal portion through the middle basal portion of the fin. The evolution of color patterns and tooth shapes present in the Hemiodus species is commented.


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Wavelets are being extensively used in Geodetic applications. In this paper, the Multi-Resolution Analysis (MRA) using wavelets is applied to pseudorange and carrier phase GPS double differences (DDs) in order to reduce multipath effects. The wavelets were already applied to GPS carrier phase DDs, but some questions remain: How good can be the results, and are all multipath effects reduced? The answers to these questions are discussed in this paper. Thus, the wavelet transform is used to decompose the DD signals, splitting them in lower resolution components. After the decomposition process, the wavelet shrinkage is performed by thresholding to eliminate the components relative to multipath effects. Then, the DD observation can be reconstructed. This new DD signal is used to perform the baseline processing. The daily multipath repeatability was verified. With the application of the proposed approach, the results showed that the reliability of the ambiguity resolution and accuracy of the results improved when compared with the standard procedure. Furthermore, the method showed to be very efficient computationally, because, it is not noticed, at practical level, difference in the time span between the processing with and without application of the proposed method. However, only the high frequency multipath was eliminated.


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Nowadays, with the expansion of the reference stations networks, several positioning techniques have been developed and/or improved. Among them, the VRS (Virtual Reference Station) concept has been very used. In this paper the goal is to generate VRS data in a modified technique. In the proposed methodology the DD (double difference) ambiguities are not computed. The network correction terms are obtained using only atmospheric (ionospheric and tropospheric) models. In order to carry out the experiments it was used data of five reference stations from the GPS Active Network of West of São Paulo State and an extra station. To evaluate the VRS data quality it was used three different strategies: PPP (Precise Point Positioning) and Relative Positioning in static and kinematic modes, and DGPS (Differential GPS). Furthermore, the VRS data were generated in the position of a real reference station. The results provided by the VRS data agree quite well with those of the real file data.


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At the Pontalina region, the Magmatic Arc of Goiás is constituted by orthogneisses, metasediments, metaultramafics and metamafic/metabasics, geochemically related to island arcs. Mineral assemblages related to metamorphic peak observed in the study area are typically of the amphibolite facies and were generated before or during the initial stage of the development of the main foliation (S n). Thermobarometric data show the P and T conditions for the amphibole + plagioclase and plagioclase + garnet + amphibole assemblages in the metamafic/metabasic rocks correspond to amphibolite facies (medium to upper grade), and plot in the kyanite stability field. The results indicate that the metamorphic peak (M1) in the amphibolite facies (medium up to upper grade) reached temperatures slightly higher than 700°C, not exceeding 775°C, under conditions of medium pressure (∼10 kbar). Thermobarometric and petrographic data, related to the metamorphism, indicate a clockwise P-T path for the surrounding rocks.


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The aims of the present study were to determine the seroprevalence of infection by Brucella canis and Brucella abortus and to evaluate possible risk factors for infection in dogs from Araguaina, Tocantins, Brazil. Sera from 374 dogs, of the urban zones of the municipality, from both sexes, were submitted to the agar-gel immunodiffusion for Brucella canisantibodies and to rose Bengal test (AAT) and fluorescence polarization assay (FPA) for Brucella abortus-antibodies. From the 374 tested dogs, 21 reacted in the AAT, but no one was positive in the FPA. The seroprevalence of B. canis infection found in Araguaina, Tocantins, Brazil, was 44.53% (95% IC; 39.43 to 49.72). No association was found among seropositivity for B. canis and the risk factors studied. Thus, data from the present study showed that there was no infection by B. abortus among dogs in the sample and that infection by B. canis is widespread and at high prevalence in Araguaina, Tocantins, Brazil.


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Nowadays one of the major challenge for research is the production of alternative agrifuels energy material derived from plant biomass. Allied to this, the proper management of nitrogen, becomes fundamental for productivity gains and improvement in quality of elephant grass biomass. Thus, the objective was to evaluate the effect of nitrogen fertilization and plant age effect on the quality of elephant grass biomass for energy purposes. The experiment was performed with genotype Paraíso, grown in a dystrophic Oxisol in the southern state of Tocantins. The design was randomized blocks with subdivided plots, situating plots as nitrogen rates (0, 50, 100 and 150 kg ha-1) and the subplots cutting age (120, 150 and 180 days after planting ) four replicates. We evaluated the relationship carbon/nitrogen (C:N) and leaf/stem (L:S), levels of neutral detergent fiber (NDF) and ash contents in dry biomass produced. The application of nitrogen increased by 12% to C:N ratio of the plant. The advanced age of cut forage was increased 9% in the C:N plant, however, decreased by 12 and 14% levels of ash produced in the stem and leaves, respectively. The production of elephant grass for agrifuels is feasible with management system proposed, quality characteristics desirable, such as high C:N ratio, above 40% and higt fiber content, above 50%.


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Includes bibliography


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The Rio Preto Project, developed by the extinct Brazilian nuclear state company, Nuclebrás, during the late 70s and early 80s, consisted of basic geological mapping and radiometric characterization by aerogeophysical gamma-ray spectrometry, without channel discrimination, of a surface area of 650 km2 located to the west of the Chapada dos Veadeiros National Park on the northeastern of Goiás State, Brazil, including the confluence area of Claro and Preto Rivers. Additionally, the natural radioelements U, Th and 40K were determined by gamma-ray spectrometry in 300 rock samples from cores of the Rio Preto Project area. The tests were conducted at LABIDRO-Isotopes and Hydrochemistry Laboratory of the Departament of Petrology and Metallogeny (DPM) of the Institute of Geosciences and Exact Sciences, UNESP, in Rio Claro, SP, Brazil. This paper reports the results of petrographic characterization and chemical analyses of major oxides (SiO2, TiO2, Al2O3, Fe2O3, MgO, MnO, K2O, Na2O, CaO and P2O5) for all samples used to determine the natural radioelements present in the region. The organic matter content results obtained by colorimetry are also reported for selected cores of different lithotypes in order to investigate the possible relationship between graphite and the radioelements uranium and thorium. Finally, uranium content and 234U/238U activity ratio data for selected samples of schists and gneisses of the Lower Member of the Ticunzal Formation suggest the influence of weathering processes in the area. © 2012 Sociedade Brasileira de Geofísica.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)