979 resultados para PP waves


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A search is presented for photonic signatures motivated by generalised models of gauge-mediated supersymmetry breaking. This search makes use of 20.3 fb−1 of proton-proton collision data at s√=8 TeV recorded by the ATLAS detector at the LHC, and explores models dominated by both strong and electroweak production of supersymmetric partner states. Four experimental signatures incorporating an isolated photon and significant missing transverse momentum are explored. These signatures include events with an additional photon, lepton, b-quark jet, or jet activity not associated with any specific underlying quark flavor. No significant excess of events is observed above the Standard Model prediction and model-dependent 95% confidence-level exclusion limits are set.


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This paper presents a search for Higgs bosons decaying to four leptons, either electrons or muons, via one or two light exotic gauge bosons Zd, H→ZZd→4ℓ or H→ZdZd→4ℓ. The search was performed using pp collision data corresponding to an integrated luminosity of about 20 fb−1 at the center-of-mass energy of s√=8TeV recorded with the ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron Collider. The observed data are well described by the Standard Model prediction. Upper bounds on the branching ratio of H→ZZd→4ℓ and on the kinetic mixing parameter between the Zd and the Standard Model hypercharge gauge boson are set in the range (1--9)×10−5 and (4--17)×10−2 respectively, at 95% confidence level assuming the Standard Model branching ratio of H→ZZ∗→4ℓ, for Zd masses between 15 and 55 GeV. Upper bounds on the effective mass mixing parameter between the Z and the Zd are also set using the branching ratio limits in the H→ZZd→4ℓ search, and are in the range (1.5--8.7)×10−4 for 15pper bounds on the branching ratio of H→ZdZd→4ℓ and on Higgs portal coupling parameter, controlling the strength of the coupling of the Higgs boson to dark vector bosons, are set in the range (2--3)×10−5 and (1--10)×10−4 respectively, at 95 % confidence level assuming the Standard Model Higgs boson production cross sections, for Zd masses between 15 and 60 GeV.


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Many extensions of the Standard Model posit the existence of heavy particles with long lifetimes. This article presents the results of a search for events containing at least one long-lived particle that decays at a significant distance from its production point into two leptons or into five or more charged particles. This analysis uses a data sample of proton-proton collisions at s√ = 8 TeV corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 20.3 fb−1 collected in 2012 by the ATLAS detector operating at the Large Hadron Collider. No events are observed in any of the signal regions, and limits are set on model parameters within supersymmetric scenarios involving R-parity violation, split supersymmetry, and gauge mediation. In some of the search channels, the trigger and search strategy are based only on the decay products of individual long-lived particles, irrespective of the rest of the event. In these cases, the provided limits can easily be reinterpreted in different scenarios.


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Results of a search for new phenomena in events with large missing transverse momentum and a Higgs boson decaying to two photons are reported. Data from proton--proton collisions at a center-of-mass energy of 8 TeV and corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 20.3 fb−1 have been collected with the ATLAS detector at the LHC. The observed data are well described by the expected Standard Model backgrounds. Upper limits on the cross section of events with large missing transverse momentum and a Higgs boson candidate are also placed. Exclusion limits are presented for models of physics beyond the Standard Model featuring dark-matter candidates.


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The environmental and socio-economic importance of coastal areas is widely recognized, but at present these areas face severe weaknesses and high-risk situations. The increased demand and growing human occupation of coastal zones have greatly contributed to exacerbating such weaknesses. Today, throughout the world, in all countries with coastal regions, episodes of waves overtopping and coastal flooding are frequent. These episodes are usually responsible for property losses and often put human lives at risk. The floods are caused by coastal storms primarily due to the action of very strong winds. The propagation of these storms towards the coast induces high water levels. It is expected that climate change phenomena will contribute to the intensification of coastal storms. In this context, an estimation of coastal flooding hazards is of paramount importance for the planning and management of coastal zones. Consequently, carrying out a series of storm scenarios and analyzing their impacts through numerical modeling is of prime interest to coastal decision-makers. Firstly, throughout this work, historical storm tracks and intensities are characterized for the northeastern region of United States coast, in terms of probability of occurrence. Secondly, several storm events with high potential of occurrence are generated using a specific tool of DelftDashboard interface for Delft3D software. Hydrodynamic models are then used to generate ensemble simulations to assess storms' effects on coastal water levels. For the United States’ northeastern coast, a highly refined regional domain is considered surrounding the area of The Battery, New York, situated in New York Harbor. Based on statistical data of numerical modeling results, a review of the impact of coastal storms to different locations within the study area is performed.


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En este proyecto se desarrollarán algoritmos numéricos para sistemas no lineales hiperbólicos-parabólicos de ecuaciones diferenciales en derivadas parciales. Dichos sistemas tienen aplicación en propagación de ondas en ámbitos aeroespaciales y astrofísicos.Objetivos generales: 1)Desarrollo y mejora de algoritmos numéricos con la finalidad de incrementar la calidad en la simulación de propagación e interacción de ondas gasdinámicas y magnetogasdinámicas no lineales. 2)Desarrollo de códigos computacionales con la finalidad de simular flujos gasdinámicos de elevada entalpía incluyendo cambios químicos, efectos dispersivos y difusivos.3)Desarrollo de códigos computacionales con la finalidad de simular flujos magnetogasdinámicos ideales y reales.4)Aplicación de los nuevos algoritmos y códigos computacionales a la solución del flujo aerotermodinámico alrededor de cuerpos que ingresan en la atmósfera terrestre. 5)Aplicación de los nuevos algoritmos y códigos computacionales a la simulación del comportamiento dinámico no lineal de arcos magnéticos en la corona solar. 6)Desarrollo de nuevos modelos para describir el comportamiento no lineal de arcos magnéticos en la corona solar.Este proyecto presenta como objetivo principal la introducción de mejoras en algoritmos numéricos para simular la propagación e interacción de ondas no lineales en dos medios gaseosos: aquellos que no poseen carga eléctrica libre (flujos gasdinámicos) y aquellos que tienen carga eléctrica libre (flujos magnetogasdinámicos). Al mismo tiempo se desarrollarán códigos computacionales que implementen las mejoras de las técnicas numéricas.Los algoritmos numéricos se aplicarán con la finalidad de incrementar el conocimiento en tópicos de interés en la ingeniería aeroespacial como es el cálculo del flujo de calor y fuerzas aerotermodinámicas que soportan objetos que ingresan a la atmósfera terrestre y en temas de astrofísica como la propagación e interacción de ondas, tanto para la transferencia de energía como para la generación de inestabilidades en arcos magnéticos de la corona solar. Estos dos temas poseen en común las técnicas y algoritmos numéricos con los que serán tratados. Las ecuaciones gasdinámicas y magnetogasdinámicas ideales conforman sistemas hiperbólicos de ecuaciones diferenciales y pueden ser solucionados utilizando "Riemann solvers" junto con el método de volúmenes finitos (Toro 1999; Udrea 1999; LeVeque 1992 y 2005). La inclusión de efectos difusivos genera que los sistemas de ecuaciones resulten hiperbólicos-parabólicos. La contribución parabólica puede ser considerada como términos fuentes y tratada adicionalmente tanto en forma explícita como implícita (Udrea 1999; LeVeque 2005).Para analizar el flujo alrededor de cuerpos que ingresan en la atmósfera se utilizarán las ecuaciones de Navier-Stokes químicamente activas, mientras la temperatura no supere los 6000K. Para mayores temperaturas es necesario considerar efectos de ionización (Anderson, 1989). Tanto los efectos difusivos como los cambios químicos serán considerados como términos fuentes en las ecuaciones de Euler. Para tratar la propagación de ondas, transferencia de energía e inestabilidades en arcos magnéticos de la corona solar se utilizarán las ecuaciones de la magnetogasdinámica ideal y real. En este caso será también conveniente implementar términos fuente para el tratamiento de fenómenos de transporte como el flujo de calor y el de radiación. Los códigos utilizarán la técnica de volúmenes finitos, junto con esquemas "Total Variation Disminishing - TVD" sobre mallas estructuradas y no estructuradas.


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Magdeburg, Univ., Fak. für Maschinenbau, Diss., 2011


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Pyrogallol, uncatalyzed bromate oscillator, electric field, pulse wave, Belousov-Zhabotinsky reaction, reversal


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Magdeburg, Univ., Fak. für Naturwiss., Diss., 2008


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Magdeburg, Univ., Fak. für Verfahrens- und Systemtechnik, Diss., 2012


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Die Arbeit befasst sich mit dem Thema „Entwicklung einer Vorrichtung zum Orbitalschweißen eines dünnwandigen PP-Rohres mit einer PP-Endkappe“. Die Arbeit befasst sich anfangs mit der Herstellung und den Eigenschaften des zuverarbeitenden Werkstoff PP. Anschließend werden Verbindungsverfahren für Kunststoffe erläutert und ein geeignetes Verfahren ausgewählt, danach die dafür nötigen Prozessparameter ermittelt und die Konstruktion der Versuchseinrichtung beschrieben. Um diese Werte zuerhalten sind verschiedene Messungen mit dem verwendeten Material vorgenommen und analysiert worden. Abschließend wurden anhand der gesammelten Erkenntnisse die durchgeführten Versuche ausgewertet und die nötigen Veränderungen an der Konstruktion beschrieben.


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L’augment del turisme experimentat des de principis dels anys 70 a l’illa de Menorca (Illes Balears, Espanya) ha provocat un impacte sobre les seves platges, el seu principal atractiu turístic. Molts d’aquests impactes s’incrementen durant la temporada alta, compresa entre els mesos de maig a octubre. L’objectiu principal d’aquest projecte és l’elaboració d’un sistema d’indicadors de pressió ambiental útils per a l’anàlisi de les platges. La zona objecte d’estudi de la prova-pilot, correspon a les platges del sud-oest de Menorca, aquestes cales són les que actualment es troben sotmeses a una major pressió. Es tracta de catorze platges tipificades en tres categories (A, B, C) segons les característiques del tipus d’espai on es troben situades. Són les platges de: Cala Degollador, Cala Blanca, Cala’n Bosch, Son Xoriguer, Son Saura-Es Banyul, Son Saura-Bellavista, Es Talaier, Cala Turqueta, Cala Macarelleta, Cala Macarella, Cala Galdana, Cala Mitjana, Cala Trebalúger i Cala Escorxada. Partint d’un treball bibliogràfic, s’ha realitzat una selecció de mig centenar d’indicadors potencials dels quals catorze han format part dels IPAPM’pp, mitjançant l’elaboració d’una anàlisi multicriteri. Per a cada un dels IPAPM’pp s’ha desenvolupat una metodologia amb les corresponents fitxes individuals descriptives per al seu seguiment temporal. En aquest primer estudi, l’indicador que presenta un nombre de valors no acceptables en una major proporció de platges, és l’indicador 3. Índex de valoració de les mesures de conservació del sistema natural, seguit de l’indicador 6. Superfície subsistema sorra per usuari. El 2006, les platges de tipologia A, presenten un major percentatge positiu de les variables dels indicadors. Les platges de tipologia B i C presenten un percentatge menor d’acceptabilitat dels valors dels indicadors.


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Al llarg dels estius de 2006 i 2007 s'estudiaren 44 platges de tot el litoral de l'illa de Menorca, classificades en tres tipologies: A (platges urbanes), B (platges semi-urbanes) i C (platges verges). En cadascuna s'aplicà un sistema de 15 indicadors per tal de veure el nivell de pressió ambiental a què estaven sotmeses, i així valorar el seu grau de qualitat. En aquest treball es presenten els resultats de dos dels indicadors: índex d'impacte visual d'infraestructures i qualitat de flora terrestre. Els resultats preliminars sobre la situació de les platges de Menorca a partir d'aquests dos indicadors mostren conclusions prou significatives. A tall d’exemple, únicament un 9% de les platges estudiades no presentaven cap impacte visual d'alguna infraestructura; però, d'altra banda, un 80% de les platges estudiades compten amb presència d’espècies psammòfiles indicadores de qualitat.


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One of the key problems in conducting surveys is convincing people to participate.¦However, it is often difficult or impossible to determine why people refuse. Panel surveys¦provide information from previous waves that can offer valuable clues as to why people¦refuse to participate. If we are able to anticipate the reasons for refusal, then we¦may be able to take appropriate measures to encourage potential respondents to participate¦in the survey. For example, special training could be provided for interviewers¦on how to convince potential participants to participate.¦This study examines different influences, as determined from the previous wave,¦on refusal reasons that were given by the respondents in the subsequent wave of the¦telephone Swiss Household Panel. These influences include socio-demography, social¦inclusion, answer quality, and interviewer assessment of question understanding and¦of future participation. Generally, coefficients are similar across reasons, and¦between-respondents effects rather than within-respondents effects are significant.¦While 'No interest' reasons are easier to predict, the other reasons are more situational. Survey-specific issues are able to distinguish¦different reasons to some extent.


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The transition from wakefulness to sleep represents the most conspicuous change in behavior and the level of consciousness occurring in the healthy brain. It is accompanied by similarly conspicuous changes in neural dynamics, traditionally exemplified by the change from "desynchronized" electroencephalogram activity in wake to globally synchronized slow wave activity of early sleep. However, unit and local field recordings indicate that the transition is more gradual than it might appear: On one hand, local slow waves already appear during wake; on the other hand, slow sleep waves are only rarely global. Studies with functional magnetic resonance imaging also reveal changes in resting-state functional connectivity (FC) between wake and slow wave sleep. However, it remains unclear how resting-state networks may change during this transition period. Here, we employ large-scale modeling of the human cortico-cortical anatomical connectivity to evaluate changes in resting-state FC when the model "falls asleep" due to the progressive decrease in arousal-promoting neuromodulation. When cholinergic neuromodulation is parametrically decreased, local slow waves appear, while the overall organization of resting-state networks does not change. Furthermore, we show that these local slow waves are structured macroscopically in networks that resemble the resting-state networks. In contrast, when the neuromodulator decrease further to very low levels, slow waves become global and resting-state networks merge into a single undifferentiated, broadly synchronized network.