810 resultados para PORTS
[ES] El presente artículo analiza el establecimiento de cónsules de naciones extranjeras en los puertos vascos, desde el siglo XVI hasta la primera mitad del siglo XIX. Y lo hace en un lapso de tiempo tan amplio, precisamente para poder valorar las cons tantes y diferencias producidas. Para ello se ha hecho uso de los fondos del Archivo General de Gipuzkoa, del Archivo Histórico de la Diputación Foral de Bizkaia, del Archivo General de Simancas y de la Sección de Consejos Suprimidos del Archi vo Histórico Nacional, así como de la abundante bibliografía existente. El estudio demuestra que durante el período de estudio hubo una oposición frontal al esta blecimiento de representación consular extranjera —más tajante en San Sebastián que en Bilbao—, por considerarse que era una erosión del orden foral. Sin embargo, existió un tratamiento diferenciado en función de la nación pretendiente y de su peso específico en la economía local.
A Baía de Sepetiba, localizada entre a Baía de Guanabara e a Baía de Ilha Grande, Estado do Rio de Janeiro, está inserida em um cenário estratégico para o desenvolvimento econômico do Estado. Isto ocorre devido ao aumento da concentração populacional, que está diretamente relacionado com o turismo, com a presença de portos e de áreas industriais. Sendo assim, se faz necessário estudar sua estrutura geológica e dinâmica sedimentar para entender sua evolução ao longo do tempo e para uma utilização mais racional desta área. Utilizando-se da sísmica rasa de alta resolução e da sonografia de varredura lateral juntamente com dados pretéritos de amostragem superficial de sedimentos, o presente trabalho tem como objetivo principal analisar sua geologia holocênica. A investigação, em subsuperfície, da geologia estrutural e sedimentar dessa baía, através da interpretação de 09 perfis sísmicos, baseada na determinação de diferentes tipos de ecotexturas, revelou a presença de diferentes pacotes sedimentares depositados ao longo do Holoceno. Ao todo, foram encontrados 15 tipos de ecotexturas perfazendo 14 camadas sedimentares, que estão relacionados em 4 Grupos de acordo com sua distribuição. Já a investigação em superfície através dos registros sonográficos, baseada nos diferentes graus de reflexão acústica (backscattering) e parametrizada pelos dados de amostragem direta pretérita, identificou 6 padrões sonográficos distintos. Com isso foi confeccionado um novo mapa de distribuição textural dos sedimentos superficiais da Baía de Sepetiba. Com a correlação dos dados de sísmica rasa com os dados sonográficos, foi possível ainda sugerir a provável existência de neotectonismo na área de estudo.
[ES] Este trabajo de investigación pretende proponer un modelo de cuantificación de la competitividad portuaria que puede alcanzar un puerto comercial para un tráfico de contenedores. Derivado de este objetivo, podría conseguirse una Estrategia a la medida para un puerto concreto orientada a la búsqueda de mercados, fundamentalmente. Para este último aspecto, esta investigación se centra en el Puerto de Bilbao y los servicios directos de línea regular en contenedor en las rutas intercontinentales que conectan Europa con América y el Caribe. La finalidad principal es la elaboración de un modelo teórico tratado dentro del área de la ciencia de la Economía de la Empresa como antecedente inmediato y básico de la Dirección Estratégica. Se consideran varios factores en el proceso de selección de un puerto que pueden contribuir a las preferencias de elección, tanto los relativos a las características del mismo, como a su hinterland para los grupos de usuarios. También se analizarán los estudios sobre modelos y métodos de competitividad portuaria considerados por la literatura especializada en los últimos años. La metodología a utilizar será una combinación de distintos métodos, para la consecución de cada uno de los objetivos. La investigación se apoya en el análisis de Importance–Performance (IPa) que consiste en evaluar tanto la satisfacción del cliente y la calidad del servicio. El análisis IPa tiene preponderancia para la obtención de un índice de competitividad de un puerto de contenedores. Dicho índice podría ser calculado mediante el uso de postulados y reglas de la matemática, en concreto de la Teoría de la Decisión/ Investigación de Operaciones.
Large numbers of fishing vessels operating from ports in Latin America participate in surface longline fisheries in the eastern Pacific Ocean (EPO), and several species of sea turtles inhabit the grounds where these fleets operate. The endangered status of several sea turtle species, and the success of circle hooks (‘treatment’ hooks) in reducing turtle hookings in other ocean areas, as compared to J-hooks and Japanese-style tuna hooks (‘control’ hooks), prompted the initiation of a hook exchange program on the west coast of Latin America, the Eastern Pacific Regional Sea Turtle Program (EPRSTP)1. One of the goals of the EPRSTP is to determine if circle hooks would be effective at reducing turtle bycatch in artisanal fisheries of the EPO without significantly reducing the catch of marketable fish species. Participating fishers were provided with circle hooks at no cost and asked to replace the J/Japanese-style tuna hooks on their longlines with circle hooks in an alternating manner. Data collected by the EPRSTP show differences in longline gear and operational characteristics within and among countries. These aspects of the data, in addition to difficulties encountered with implementation of the alternating-hook design, pose challenges for analysis of these data.
A importância do transporte aquaviário é dada pelos diferentes modos de navegação, podendo ser por meio fluvial, lacustre e navegação marítima. Para a logística e economia brasileira, este é um modal extremamente importante, haja vista a pluralidade de transporte pelo fato das relações de exportação e importação ocorrerem especialmente por este tipo de modal. No Brasil há cinco modalidades de transportes: o aquaviário, o rodoviário, o aeroviário, o ferroviário e o dutoviário. Serão descritas nos próximos capítulos as características de cada tipo de modal, especificamente dos modais rodoviário e aquaviário, em especial a cabotagem, objeto principal deste estudo. O objetivo deste trabalho é analisar a atual situação do transporte marítimo no Brasil, especialmente a cabotagem. Através de três parâmetros - custos, tempo de viagem e segurança -, procurar-se-á avaliar o nível de qualidade do modal, visando à identificação da existência de pontos críticos e sugerir possíveis soluções baseadas na logística e na tecnologia, ferramentas fundamentais para a busca da eficácia na redução dos custos de transportes, contribuindo para um melhor resultado dos custos logísticos finais. Para uma reflexão sobre o transporte nacional de mercadorias por via marítima através da cabotagem, serão apresentadas as características principais do transporte marítimo, com suas vantagens e desvantagens e sua importância para a economia brasileira. A crítica envolverá a questão do frete marítimo e suas interrelações, discutindo variáveis que compõem o preço do frete. Ferramentas tecnológicas fundamentais para a eficácia das operações também serão abordadas durante este trabalho. Serão descritas as características dos portos brasileiros, em especial as dos portos do Rio Grande (RS), Santos (SP), Suape (PE) e Rio de Janeiro (RJ), a distancia entre o porto do Rio de Janeiro (RJ) e os demais, bem como o tempo de viagem relacionado entre eles. Explorado pela União diretamente ou mediante concessão (precedida de licitação), o porto organizado, construído e aparelhado para atender necessidades da navegação e da movimentação é administrado pelo Conselho de Autoridade Portuária - CAP -, contando ainda com a figura do OGMO Orgão Gestor de Mão de Obra que controla a força de trabalho nas áreas portuárias, organismos instituídos pela Lei n. 8.630, de 25 de fevereiro de 1993, chamada da Lei de Modernização dos Portos. Por fim serão analisadas as variáveis custo, tempo de viagem e segurança no intuito de contribuir para uma reflexão para o crescimento do transporte de cabotagem no Brasil, procurando identificar um ganho substancial na economia brasileira, através da economia de escala, observados todos os parâmetros necessários para o bom desenvolvimento da logística de transporte de mercadorias por via marítima. Este trabalho abordará a Gestão do Transporte Marítimo de Cargas no Brasil, em especial a cabotagem.
Regiões onde existem atividades portuárias estão mais susceptíveis à contaminação por hidrocarbonetos devido ao trânsito de embarcações e as operações de carga/descarga e, consequentemente, estão mais vulneráveis a sofrer impactos ambientais. Este trabalho avaliou a composição, distribuição e origem de hidrocarbonetos em oito regiões portuárias da costa sudeste brasileira: Santos-SP, São Sebastião-SP, Angra dos Reis-RJ, Itaguaí-RJ, Rio de Janeiro-RJ, Arraial do Cabo-RJ, Macaé-RJ e Vitória-ES. Foram coletadas amostras de sedimentos marinhos superficiais (02 cm) em duas campanhas (2009 e 2010). Para a análise dos hidrocarbonetos alifáticos e dos hidrocarbonetos policíclicos aromáticos (HPAs) foram utilizadas cromatografia em fase gasosa com detector de ionização de chama e cromatografia em fase gasosa acoplada à espectrometria de massas, respectivamente. As concentrações médias e os desvios-padrão do Total de nalcanos (μg g-1), Total de Alifáticos (μg g-1), HPAs Totais (ng g-1) e 16 HPAs prioritários (ng g-1) encontrados foram 6,55 4,52, 123,16 86,12, 1470,24 958,41 e 653,93 482,81 na região do porto de Santos-SP; 2,69 1,16, 35,29 15,22, 756,25 350,28 e 142,35 142,35 na região do porto de São Sebastião-SP; 3,11 2,34, 56,99 78,39, 777,62 821,32 e 82,33 84,62 na região do porto de Angra dos Reis-RJ; 5,58 3,28, 26,55 12,19, 1221,15 1070,87 e 92,28 93,14 na região do porto de Itaguaí-RJ; 5,09 2,03, 179,22 108,16, 3547,27 3081,18 e 1879,05 1792,69 na região do porto do Rio de Janeiro; 1,63 2,15, 51,54 39,50, 366,26 222,89 e 194,83 141,65 na região do porto de Arraial do Cabo-RJ; 3,92 2,69, 50,42 81,30, 643,97 637,61 e 182,46 265,87 na região do porto de Macaé-RJ; e 4,78 4,05, 45,31 32,84, 868,78 874,56 e 258,84 142,89 na região do porto de Vitória-ES, respectivamente. O nível de contaminação por hidrocarbonetos nas regiões estudadas variou de baixo a muito alto, mostrando que estes níveis não são diretamente compatíveis com o tamanho e o desenvolvimento urbano em torno de cada porto. Para a avaliação das fontes de contaminação foram usadas razões diagnósticas selecionadas da literatura. A mistura de fontes (pirolítica e petrogênica) foi considerada predominante na maioria das áreas, indicando a influência das atividades dos portos e dos aportes de entradas de contaminação por vias urbanas, industriais e atmosféricas.
This contribution is the first part of a four-part series documenting the development of B:RUN, a software program which reads data for common spreadsheets and presents them as low-resolution maps of slates and processes. The program emerged from a need which arose during a project in Brunei Darussalam for a 'low level' approach for researchers to communicate findings as efficiently and expeditiously as possible. Part I provides a overview of the concept and design elements of B:RUN. Part II will highlight results of the economics components of the program evaluating different fishing regimes, sailing distances from ports and fleet operating costs. Environmental aspects will be presented in Part III in the form of overlay maps. Part IV will summarize the implications of B:RUN results to coastal and fishery resources management in Brunei Darussalam and show how this approach can be adapted to other coastlines and used as a teaching and training tool. The following three parts will be published in future editions of Naga, the ICLARM Quarterly. The program is available through ICLARM.
To assess the impact of California sea lions (Zalophus californianus) on salmon fisheries in the Monterey Bay region of California, the percentages of hooked fish taken by sea lions in commercial and recreational salmon fisheries were estimated from 1997 to 1999. Onboard surveys of sea lion interactions with the commercial and recreational f isheries and dockside interviews with fishermen after their return to port were conducted in the ports of Santa Cruz, Moss Landing, and Monterey. Approximately 1745 hours of onboard and dockside surveys were conducted—924 hours in the commercial fishery and 821 hours in the recreational fishery (commercial passenger fishing vessels [CPFVs] and personal skiffs combined). Adult male California sea lions were responsible for 98.4% of the observed depredations of hooked salmon in the commercial and recreational fisheries in Monterey Bay. Mean annual percentages of hooked salmon taken by sea lions ranged from 8.5% to 28.6% in the commercial fishery, 2.2% to 18.36% in the CPFVs, and 4.0% to 17.5% in the personal skiff fishery. Depredation levels in the commercial and recreational salmon fisheries were greatest in 1998—likely a result of the large El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) event that occurred from 1997 to 1998 that reduced natural prey resources. Commercial fishermen lost an estimated $18,031−$60,570 of gear and $225,833−$498,076 worth of salmon as a result of interactions with sea lions. Approximately 1.4−6.2% of the available salmon population was removed from the system as a result of sea lion interactions with the fishery. Assessing the impact of a growing sea lion population on fisheries stocks is difficult, but may be necessary for effective fisheries management.
Esta dissertação apresenta um formalismo baseado no Método dos Elementos Finitos (MEF), adequado a análise de descontinuidades coaxiais com simetria axial, entre duas linhas coaxiais quaisquer, incluindo corrugações nos tubos internos e externos. Pelo método de Galerkin-Budnov deduz-se um operador integral bilinear, aplicado ao campo magnético, expandido em todo o domínio da estrutura, coaxial-descontinuidade-coaxial. As portas de entrada e saída da estrutura são posicionadas distantes da descontinuidade, de forma que nelas só haja o modo Transversal Eletromagnético (TEM). O campo magnético procurado e obtido pelo MEF. Os resultados encontrados; perdas de retorno, comportamento do campo magnético e as equi-fases nas portas de entrada e saída da estrutura, foram calculados e confrontados com as do Método de Casamento de Modos (MCM), com um alto grau de concordância.
Bycatch and resultant discard mortality are issues of global concern. The groundfish demersal trawl fishery on the west coast of the United States is a multispecies fishery with significant catch of target and nontarget species. These catches are of particular concern in regard to species that have previously been declared overfished and are currently rebuilding biomass back to target levels. To understand these interactions better, we used data from the West Coast Groundfish Observer Program in a series of cluster analyses to evaluate 3 questions: 1) Are there identifiable associations between species caught in the bottom trawl fishery; 2) Do species that are undergoing population rebuilding toward target biomass levels (“rebuilding species”) cluster with targeted species in a consistent way; 3) Are the relationships between rebuilding bycatch species and target species more resolved at particular spatial scales or are relationships spatially consistent across the whole data set? Two strong species clusters emerged—a deepwater slope cluster and a shelf cluster—neither of which included rebuilding species. The likelihood of encountering rebuilding rockfish species is relatively low. To evaluate whether weak clustering of rebuilding rockfish was attributable to their low rate of occurrence, we specified null models of species occurrence. Results indicated that the ability to predict occurrence of rebuilding rockfish when target species were caught was low. Cluster analyses performed at a variety of spatial scales indicated that the most reliable clustering of rebuilding species was at the spatial scale of individual fishing ports. This finding underscores the value of spatially resolved data for fishery management.
For more than 25 years all sea turtle products have been prohibited from international commerce by the 170-member nations of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES). Sea turtles continue to be threatened by direct take (including poaching) and illegal trade despite multi-national protection efforts. Although take may contribute significantly to sea turtle decline, illegal take is difficult to measure since there are few quantified records associated with legal fisheries and fewer still for illegal take (poaching). We can, however, quantify one portion of the illegal sea turtle trade by determining how many illegal products were seized at United States ports of entry over a recent 10-year period. The United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) oversees the import and export of wildlife and wildlife products, ensuring that wildlife trade complies with United States laws and international treaties. Additionally, the USFWS has legal authority to target suspected illegal wildlife activity through undercover and field investigations. In an effort to assess the scale of illegal sea turtle take and trade, we have conducted a 10-year (1994 – 2003) review of the law enforcement database maintained by the USFWS. This database tracks the number and type of wildlife cases, the quantity of seized products, and the penalties assessed against violators. These data are minimum estimates of the sea turtle products passing through the United States borders, as smuggled wildlife is oftentimes not detected.
Age and growth of the swordfish (Xiphias gladius) in Taiwan waters was studied from counts of growth bands on cross sections of the second ray of the first anal fin. Data on lower jaw fork length and weight, and samples of the anal fin of male and female swordfish were collected from three offshore and coastal tuna longline fishing ports on a monthly basis between September 1997 and March 1999. In total, 685 anal fins were collected and 627 of them (293 males and 334 females) were aged successfully. The lower jaw fork lengths of the aged individuals ranged from 83.4 to 246.6 cm for the females and from 83.3 to 206 cm for the males. The radii of the fin rays and growth bands on the cross sections were measured under a dissecting microscope equipped with an image analysis system. Trends in the monthly marginal increment ratio indicated that growth bands formed once a year. Thus, the age of each fish was deter-mined from the number of visible growth bands. Two methods were used to estimate and compare the standard and the generalized von Bertalanffy growth parameters for both males and females. The nonlinear least square estimates of the generalized von Bertalanffy growth parameters in method II, in which a power function was used to describe the relationship between ray radius and LJFL, were recommended as most acceptable. There were significant differences in growth parameters between males and females. The growth parameters estimated for females were the following: asymptotic length (L∞) = 300.66 cm, growth coefficient (K) = 0.040/yr, age at zero length (t0) = –0.75 yr, and the fitted fourth parameter (m) = –0.785. The growth parameters estimated for males were the following: asymptotic length (L∞) = 213.05 cm, growth coefficient (K) = 0.086/yr, age at zero length (t0) = –0.626 yr, and the fitted fourth parameter (m) = –0.768.
The paper describes the development of a software design aid for use at the conceptual stage of engineering design. It is intended for use in the design of mechatronic products but has wider potential uses. Early approaches were based on function structures and tables of options and the system that evolved allows the assembly of schemes linked by matching their input and output ports. A database of components is provided which can be accessed via different indexes and the designer can easily create and compare alternative schemes at the concept stage. A bond graph approach is used to define the interconnections between components. This allows correct port matching but also provides for future development such as constraint propagation through the design and links to simulation tools. © 1993 Springer-Verlag New York Inc.
Ultrafast self-switching of spectral-amplitude-encoded 40 Gb/s DPSK signals is demonstrated for the first time. Switching between 21 ports with 15nm maximum bin separation is achieved using a single correlator based on HNLF and an AWG. © 2009 IEEE.
The operating range of an axial compressor is often restricted by a safety imposed stall margin. One possible way of regaining operating range is with the application of casing treatment. Of particular interest here is the type of casing treatment which extracts air from a high pressure location in the compressor and re-injects it through discrete loops into the rotor tip region. Existing re-circulation systems have the disadvantage of reducing compressor efficiency at design conditions because worked flow is unnecessarily re-circulated at these operating conditions. Re-circulation is really only needed near stall. This paper proposes a self-regulating casing treatment in which the re-circulated flow is minimized at compressor design conditions and maximized near stall. The self-regulating capability is achieved by taking advantage of changes which occur in the tip clearance velocity and pressure fields as the compressor is throttled toward stall. In the proof-of-concept work reported here, flow is extracted from the high pressure region over the rotor tips and re-injected just upstream of the same blade row. Parametric studies are reported in which the flow extraction and re-injection ports are optimized for location, shape and orientation. The optimized design is shown to compare favorably with a circumferential groove tested in the same compressor. The relationship between stall inception type and casing treatment effectiveness is also investigated. The self-regulating aspect of the new design works well: stall margin improvements from 2.2 to 6.0% are achieved for just 0.25% total air re-circulated near stall and half that near design conditions. The self-regulating capability is achieved by the selective location and orientation of the extraction hole; a simple model is discussed which predicts the optimum axial location. Copyright © 2011 by ASME.