Objective. Meningeal melanocytoma generally occurs in the posterior fossa. Orbital manifestation is rarely encountered.Methods. A thirty-five year-old man presented with progressive proptosis of his right eye. Computed tomography (CT) and Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) of the brain showed an expansive intraconal mass lesion occupying the superior orbital compartment, the entire orbital apex, and the optic foramen. Histological analysis and Immunohistochical staining for S-100 and HMB-45 monoclonal antibodies confirmed melanocytoma.Findings. Microsurgical removal was accomplished through a fronto-orbital craniotomy. Chemotherapy and irradiation followed the initial intervention. The patient returned for follow up two years after surgery, complaining of headache and right visual loss. A subfrontal tumor with massive edema was found on follow up CT scan.Interpretation. Meningeal melanocytomas are rare benign pigmented tumors of the central nervous system. They are predominant in the posterior fossa and spinal cord and frequently mistaken for melanomas, especially on frozen sections. Orbital presentation is rare. The natural history is poorly defined.
Radiative properties (reflectance rho, transmittance tau, and absorptance alpha) were determined for wavelengths from 300 to 850 nm in the haircoat and the skin of water buffalo, deer (Pantanal deer, Blastocerus dichotomus), and cattle of the Holstein, Simmental, Canchim, Brangus, and Nelore breeds. The results showed that white hairs have higher rho (0.60 to 0.67) than the other coat colors, but the gray coats (mixed white and dark hair) of the Nelore cattle presented higher rho than that of the white coats of the European breeds at wavelengths lower than 600 nm. The light gray colored skin of the Canchim cattle had higher rho (0. 66) than the non-pigmented skin of Holstein (0.53). Red skins presented rho values higher than those of dark gray and black skins. Buffalo skin (dark gray) presented an average rho of 0.23+/-0.02 and alpha of 0.77+/-0.02. The red haircoat of the deer presented rho lower (0.37) than that of cattle of the same color (0.58). However, there was little difference between deer and cattle with respect to reflectance and absorptance of the skin. As for the spectral transmittance of the skin, it was very low and about the same for both species, until 600 nm. In the range 600 to 850 nm, the tau values for cattle rose to 0. 17, while those for deer increased only to 0.12.
Split sting is the name given to a nonfunctional honey bee sting characterized by lancets not attached to the stylet. It has appeared in a mutant line in Brazil, and has provoked interest as a possible means to reduce honey bee colony defensiveness. We induced this alteration in Africanized Apis mellifera L. workers and queens by maintaining pupae at 20 degrees C. In particular, we determined the pupal phase most susceptible to alterations in the sting caused by cold treatment, and we investigated whether this treatment also affected survival to the adult phase and wing morphology. The highest frequency of split sting was detected in workers treated at the pink-eyed pupal phase. The lowest frequency was observed in the bees treated at the oldest worker pupal phase studied (brown-eyed pupae with lightly pigmented cuticle). Both queen pupal phases tested (white and pink-eyed pupae) were equally sensitive and produced high percentages of adults with split sting. However, the 20 degrees C treatment of workers and queens, at the different pupal phases, resulted in high frequencies of adults with deformed wings. Also, fewer workers and queens treated at the earlier pupal stages reached adult emergence. There was also an arrest in developmental time, corresponding to the period of cold treatment.
The present investigation examined the extracutaneous pigmentation pattern of three species of anuran amphibians, Dendropsophus nanus, Physalaemus cuvieri, and Rhinella schneideri, during the course of their breeding seasons. Pigmentation intensity in the different organs was graded on a 4-category scale, in which category 0 refers to organs without pigment and category 3 refers to intensely pigmented organs, with 2 intermediate stages of progressively stronger pigmentation. Rhinella schneideri showed testicular pigmentation, with intra-specific variation (categories 0 and 1). In P. cuvieri the pigmentation in the lungs varied in time: all the animals showed pigmentation (category 1) at the beginning of the breeding season, and as the season progressed the absence of pigments became the most common pattern. In the liver of the first animals collected, the pigment intensity was high (category 2) with many iridophores present, but in the last specimens collected no iridophores were found. The variation in D. nanus occurred in the kidneys, where animals collected at the beginning of the season did not show pigmentation. Renal veins displayed few melanocytes (category 1); animals collected at the end of the season showed more pigmentation in the kidneys (category 2), whereas in the renal veins the intensity remained the same. The changes observed in the extracutaneous pigment system in some organs, during the reproductive period, may be due to physiological alterations or may represent a species-specific characteristic.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
In this paper we examine the potential of the termites Armitermes euamignathus Silvestri: 1901 and Embiratermes festivellus (Silvestri, 1901) (Isoptera, Termitidae, Nasutitermitinae) to produce neotenics experimentally. Three nests of the mound-building termite A. euamignathus, from the Brazilian cerrado, had their primary queens removed in August 1994. After 12 months, only one mound survived; it had a normal appearance. In this healthy, orphaned colony we found the primary king, six physogastric nymphoid female replacement reproductives, two ergatoid female replacement reproductives, 46 nymphs, several presoldiers, soldiers, workers, larvae and many eggs. These data show that neotenics in A. euamignathus may originate from both workers and nymphs, but nymphoids are produced in larger numbers. The biometric study of nymphs and nymphoids suggests that these brachypterous neotenics were derived from third instar nymphs after a single moult or from four instar nymphs after a reduction of wing bud length. A piece of an E. festivellus nest with some third instar nymphs, soldiers and workers was kept under laboratory conditions. After 12 months, the whole experimental subcolony was examined and appeared to contain two pigmented nymphoid females, two pigmented nymphoid males, only one larva, seven nymphs of the same instar, 148 workers, five soldiers and many eggs. These results also indicate the capacity of the termite E. festivellus to produce nymphoid neotenics. These neotenic females were laying eggs, but they were not physogastric after a year, unlike some nymphoids of the same species collected from natural colonies.
Observations on the epizootiology of cara inchada in cattle (CI) indicated that animals affected by the disease recover spontaneously when they are transferred from the CI-prone area to CI-free pastures. In the presente study 13 young bovines with actively progressing periodontal CI-lesions were transferred to a CI-free area, in order to investigate the clinical course of the disease and the composition of the microflora in the periodontal lesions in two distinct situations: (1) in the actively progressing lesions, and (2) in the healed periodontal pouches of clinically recovered animals. The semi-quantitative and qualitative bacteriological study was undertaken in regard to the percentage of black-pigmented Bacteroides in cultures. In the actively progressing lesions of the 13 CI-diseased bovines the percentage of these bacteria was 71.3% in average. The evaluation of the composition of the microflora in the healed periodontal pouches of the clinically recovered bovines showed that bacteria of the black-pigmented Bacteroides group existed only at an average of 1.7%. The results of this investigation give further support for the infectious nature of the CI-periodontitis and the primary involvement of these bacteria.
The study of articular sounds using a computerized system (SonoPAK) in patients with temporomandibular disorders (TMD) of inflammatory origin revealed an increase of vibratory energy when compared to asymptomatic individuals. The following conclusions were reached: 1. The amount of vibratory energy registered in these patients ranged from 8.50 to 57.61 Hz. The major vibrations occurred in the middle of the mandibular opening cycle; 2. The mean vibratory energy measured at less than 300 Hz was between 5.70 and 48.64 Hz and at higher than 300 Hz was between 3.70 and 8.99 Hz; 3. The peak amplitude in the patients with inflammation ranged from 0.35 to 3.96 Pascal and the peak of frequency from 83.20 to 120.20 Hz.
Bryconamericus turiuba, a new species from the upper Rio Paraná system (Ostariophysi: Characiformes)
Bryconamericus turiuba, new species, is described from the upper Rio Paraná system in Brazil. It differs from all congeners in the following combination of characters: 15-20 branched anal-fin rays; four or five scales in a transverse series from the dorsal-fin origin to the lateral line; shallow body (depth 23.6-30.6% of SL); 37-43 perforated lateral line scales; first, third, and fifth or, more rarely, first and fourth outer premaxillary tricuspid teeth projecting anteriorly; two to five tricuspid to pentacuspid maxillary teeth; dentary with three or four tricuspid or pentacuspid large teeth, followed by five to seven smaller conical to tricuspid teeth; a conspicuous dark, vertically elongate humeral spot, extending to below the lateral line; a dark dorsal stripe extending from the supraoccipital spine to the caudal peduncle with a gap at the adipose-fin base; caudal-fin lobes without conspicuous markings, uniformly pigmented along rays; mature males lacking hooks on the pelvic- and anal-fin rays. The new species is compared with the Bryconamericus species described from the basins of the Rio Paraná, Rio Paraguay, Rio São Francisco, and coastal Brazilian rivers. © 2005 by the American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists.
The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effect of disinfection and accelerated ageing on the dimensional stability and detail reproduction of a facial silicone with different types of nanoparticle. A total of 60 specimens were fabricated with Silastic MDX 4-4210 silicone and they were divided into three groups: colourless and pigmented with nanoparticles (make-up powder and ceramic powder). Half of the specimens of each group were disinfected with Efferdent tablets and half with neutral soap for 60 days. Afterwards, all specimens were subjected to accelerated ageing. Both dimensional stability and detail reproduction tests were performed after specimen fabrication (initial period), after chemical disinfection, and after accelerated ageing periods (252, 504 and 1008 hours). The dimensional stability test was conducted using AutoCAD software, while detail reproduction was analysed using a stereoscope magnifying glass. Dimensional stability values were statistically evaluated by analysis of variance (ANOVA) followed by Tukey's test (p < 0.01). Detail reproduction results were compared using a score. Chemical disinfection and also accelerated ageing affected the dimensional stability of the facial silicone with statistically significant results. The silicone's detail reproduction was not affected by these two factors regardless of nanoparticle type, disinfection and accelerated ageing. © 2012 Informa UK, Ltd.
Colour stability of resin and silicone is an important factor for longevity of facial prostheses. The aim of this study was to evaluate the colour stability of resins and silicone for facial prostheses. Three brands of acrylic resin and one of facial silicone were evaluated considering pigment incorporation for the colourless materials. Ten samples of each material were fabricated and submitted to measurements of chromatic alteration initially and after 90 and 180 days of weathering natural through visual analysis and spectrophotometry. Data were evaluated by ANOVA and Tukey test (p < 0.05). Statistically significant colour alteration was observed among some materials regardless of the period. The materials did not present a statistical difference between 90 and 180 days except for the pigmented heat-polymerized resin. The colour difference between pigmented Silastic MDX4-4210 and colourless Silastic was statistically significant (p < 0.01) in both periods as well as between pigmented and colourless heat-polymerized resin, and between the resins Rapidaflex and Lentaflex. The visual method demonstrated colour alteration in all materials evaluated during the first 90 days of ageing. All materials exhibited colour alteration due to exposure to environment. © 2012 Informa UK, Ltd.
Background: Melanoacanthoma (MA) has been described in the oral mucosa as a solitary lesion or, occasionally, as multiple lesions. MA mainly affects dark skinned patients and grows rapidly, showing a plane or slightly raised appearance and a brown to black color. The differential diagnosis includes oral nevi, amalgam tattoos, and melanomas. We report here the case of a 58-year-old black woman who presented multiple pigmented lesions on the hard palate. Case presentation. Based on the differential diagnosis of melanoma, a punch biopsy (4 mm in diameter) was performed. The material was fixed in 10% formalin, embedded in paraffin, and stained with hematoxylin-eosin or submitted to immunohistochemical analysis. Immunohistochemistry using antibodies against protein S-100, melan-A, HMB-45, MCM-2, MCM-5, Ki-67 and geminin was performed. Immunohistochemical analysis revealed strong cytoplasmic immunoreactivity of dendritic melanocytes for proteinS-100, HMB-45 and melan-A.Positive staining for proliferative markers (MCM-2, MCM-5, Ki-67) was only observed in basal and suprabasal epithelial cells, confirming the reactive etiology of the lesion. The diagnosis was oral Melanoacanthoma (MA). Conclusion: The patient has been followed up for 30 months and shows no clinical alterations. MA should be included in the differential diagnosis of pigmented lesions of the oral cavity. © 2013 das Chagas e Silva de Carvalho et al.; licensee BioMed Central Ltd.
A clinical epidemiological study was conducted among 34 rural properties located within the Brazilian Pantanal region and nearby areas between 2007 and 2010. The diagnosis of equine pythiosis was based on antibody detection (by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay), polymerase chain reaction, histopathological analysis, and cultures positive for Pythium insidiosum. The majority of the affected animals (85%) were in the Pantanal biome, which had a higher disease prevalence (0.9%-66.7%) than that of the Cerrado (2.7%-33.3%). The disease was more prevalent in the rainy season (January-March), with an abrupt fall in the number of cases during the drought period (April-September; correlation of R 2 = 0.77; P < .01). Generally, the average prevalence of equine pythiosis in both regions was 5%, with mortality and lethality rates of 1.3% and 23.1%, respectively, in the Pantanal and 2.3% and 45.5%, respectively, in the Cerrado. However, the treatment with immunotherapy may have underestimated these numbers, especially in the Pantanal. Animals older than 1 year were 8.09 times more affected by the disease than younger animals in the same environment (P < .05). A correlation between the anatomical area of the lesion and the type of skin color was also observed. Approximately 73% of the lesions were found in dark-pigmented areas, and animals with a dark coat color were affected more frequently. These findings highlight the importance of hematophagous insects in the epidemiology of pythiosis because these areas are preferred for blood feeding. © 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Melanocytes are found in various organs of ectothermic animals, playing a protective role against bacteria and free radicals. It is known that pigment cells from hematopoietic organs have immune functions. However, the role of visceral melanocytes is not well understood. Cutaneous melanocytes are responsive to α-melanocyte stimulating hormone (α-MSH), which is associated with the dispersion of melanin granules within melanocytes. α-MSH has also been reported to inhibit most forms of inflammatory responses by decreasing the pro-inflammatory cytokines and neutrophil migration. The present study evaluated the influence of an α-MSH analog (Nle4, D-Phe7-α-MSH) and lipopolysaccharides (LPS) from Escherichia coli on the liver and testicular tissues of the anuran Eupemphix nattereri. The tested hypotheses were: (i) the pigmented area will increase following hormone and LPS administration, (ii) pre-treatment with α-MSH will decrease the number of mast cells, and (iii) the hormone will have protective effects against LPS-induced responses. We found that hormone administration did not change hepatic pigmentation, but increased testicular pigmentation. Testicular pigmentation quickly increased after LPS administration, whereas there was a late response in the liver. The response of enhanced pigmentation was delayed and the number of mast cells decreased in animals previously treated with the α-MSH analog when compared to the LPS group. Hemosiderin and lipofuscin were found in melanomacrophages, but not in testicular melanocytes. Although both the liver and the testes of E. nattereri have pigmented cells, these are distinct in morphology, embryonic origin, and pigmentary substances. These differences may be responsible for the different responses of these cells to the α-MSH analog and LPS administration. © 2013 Elsevier GmbH.
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