918 resultados para PETROLEUM PRICES


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Undeveloped land transactions at the urban fringe of the Melbourne metropolitan area in Australia are recorded in a dataset that enables exploration of the impact of its urban growth boundary (UGB) on residential land prices. Estimation can take account of a wide range of factors, while controlling for policy anticipation effects and other potential influences on land prices. Modelling estimates indicate that land prices rose substantially inside the UGB after its enactment in 2003, but did not rise much outside of it. These results suggest that the urban growth boundary has had a significant upward effect on the trajectory of the urban region’s house prices. Keywords: urban growth boundary, land prices, land market dynamics


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This chapter presents a simple econometric model of the medieval English economy, focusing on the relationship between money, prices and incomes. The model is estimated using annual data for the period 1263-1520 obtained from various sources. The start date is determined by the availability of continuous runs of annual data, while the finishing date immediately precedes the take-off of Tudor price inflation. Accounts from the ecclesiastical and monastic estates have survived in great numbers for this period, thereby ensuring that crop yields can be estimated from a regionally representative set of estates.


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This paper investigates the effect of Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) ratings on residential prices in Wales. Drawing on a sample of approximately 192,000 transactions, the capitalisation of energy efficiency ratings into house prices is investigated using two approaches. The first adopts a cross-sectional framework to investigate the effect of EPC rating on price. The second approach applies a repeat-sales methodology to investigate the impact of EPC rating on house price appreciation. Statistically significant positive price premiums are estimated for dwellings in EPC bands A/B (12.8%) and C (3.5%) compared to houses in band D. For dwellings in band E (−3.6%) and F (−6.5%) there are statistically significant discounts. Such effects may not be the result of energy performance alone. In addition to energy cost differences, the price effect may be due to additional benefits of energy efficient features. An analysis of the private rental segment reveals that, in contrast to the general market, low-EPC rated dwellings were not traded at a significant discount. This suggests different implicit prices of potential energy savings for landlords and owner-occupiers.


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Rising greenhouse gas emissions (GHGEs) have implications for health and up to 30 % of emissions globally are thought to arise from agriculture. Synergies exist between diets low in GHGEs and health however some foods have the opposite relationship, such as sugar production being a relatively low source of GHGEs. In order to address this and to further characterise a healthy sustainable diet, we model the effect on UK non-communicable disease mortality and GHGEs of internalising the social cost of carbon into the price of food alongside a 20 % tax on sugar sweetened beverages (SSBs). Developing previously published work, we simulate four tax scenarios: (A) a GHGEs tax of £2.86/tonne of CO2 equivalents (tCO2e)/100 g product on all products with emissions greater than the mean across all food groups (0.36 kgCO2e/100 g); (B) scenario A but with subsidies on foods with emissions lower than 0.36 kgCO2e/100 g such that the effect is revenue neutral; (C) scenario A but with a 20 % sales tax on SSBs; (D) scenario B but with a 20 % sales tax on SSBs. An almost ideal demand system is used to estimate price elasticities and a comparative risk assessment model is used to estimate changes to non-communicable disease mortality. We estimate that scenario A would lead to 300 deaths delayed or averted, 18,900 ktCO2e fewer GHGEs, and £3.0 billion tax revenue; scenario B, 90 deaths delayed or averted and 17,100 ktCO2e fewer GHGEs; scenario C, 1,200 deaths delayed or averted, 18,500 ktCO2e fewer GHGEs, and £3.4 billion revenue; and scenario D, 2,000 deaths delayed or averted and 16,500 ktCO2e fewer GHGEs. Deaths averted are mainly due to increased fibre and reduced fat consumption; a SSB tax reduces SSB and sugar consumption. Incorporating the social cost of carbon into the price of food has the potential to improve health, reduce GHGEs, and raise revenue. The simple addition of a tax on SSBs can mitigate negative health consequences arising from sugar being low in GHGEs. Further conflicts remain, including increased consumption of unhealthy foods such as cakes and nutrients such as salt.


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Understanding the behavior of petroleum films at the air/water interface is crucial for dealing with oil sticks and reducing the damages to the environment, which has normally been attempted with studies of Langmuir films made of fractions of petroleum. However, the properties of films from whole petroleum samples may differ considerably from those of individual fractions, Using surface pressure and surface potential measurements and Brewster angle and fluorescence microscopy, we show that petroleum forms it nonhomogeneous Langmuir film at the air-water interface. The surface pressure isotherms for petroleum Langmuir films exhibit gas (G), liquid-expanded (LE), and liquid-condensed phases, with almost no hysteresis in the compression-decompression cycles. Domains formed upon compression from the G to the LE phase were accompanied by an increase in fluorescence intensity with excitation at 400-440 nm owing to an increase in the surface density of the chromophores in the petroleum film. The surface pressure and the fluorescence microscopy data pointed to self-assembling domains into a pseudophase in thermo-dynamic equilibrium with other less emitting petroleum components. This hypothesis was supported by Brewster angle microscopy images, whereby the appearance of water domains even at high surface pressures confirms the tendency of petroleum to stabilize emulsion systems. The results presented here suggest that, for understanding the interaction with water, it may be more appropriate to use the whole petroleum samples rather than its fractions.


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Este trabalho faz uma revisão dos principais conceitos que definem a Teoria de Opções Reais. Tem como objetivo discutir o problema da decisão de investimento sob incerteza aplicado a problemas de Exploração e Produção de petróleo (E&P). Foram priorizados modelos simples que podem ser facilmente implantados no dia a dia de uma empresa, incluindo o clássico de Paddock, Siegel e Smith (1988). Os modelos discutidos são elaborados com Movimento Geométrico Browniano, que pode ser uma aproximação razoável para a modelagem de preços, a depender dos parâmetros considerados. Em particular, é apresentado um modelo de opção composta para exploração, que se revela mais apropriado por considerar o risco geológico e os estágios da opção com expiração diferenciada. A priorização de investimentos com auxílio de OR para uma carteira representativa de um portfolio de projetos de Produção também é testada, resultando numa maior relação VPL / Investimento da carteira selecionada.


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We combine general equilibrium theory and théorie générale of stochastic processes to derive structural results about equilibrium state prices.


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Esta tese utiliza a informação contida em preços internacionais para identificar parâmetros de modelos de comércio sob competição imperfeita, desta forma permitindo inferência sobre o comportamento das exportações, sobre os ganhos de troca da abertura comercial e sobre a variedade de bens produzidos domesticamente. Em primeiro lugar, investigamos o repasse cambial, no longo prazo, para os preços praticados por exportadores brasileiros. O foco no longo prazo permite controlar os efeitos da rigidez de preço no curto prazo, de maneira que o repasse incompleto evidencie competição imperfeita com preços flexíveis. Em segundo lugar, calculamos os ganhos de troca de novas variedades de bens importados baseando-nos em estimativas para as elasticidades de substituição desagregadas. Finalmente, qualificamos a ênfase da literatura de comércio em ganhos de eficiência no lugar de ganhos de variedade, demonstrando que a variedade de bens produzidos domesticamente se amplia após aberturas comerciais desde que as firmas tenham uma margem de decisão em bens intermediários ou na qualificação da mão de obra.


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Este estudo analisa os fatores que influenciaram a escolha de empresas de petróleo no Brasil a explorar os blocos licitados pela Agencia Nacional de Petróleo (ANP). Os acordos de Exploração & Produção da ANP definem um Programa Exploratório Mínimo a ser feito no bloco licitado, mas os resultados mostram que em muitos casos esse programa exploratório não foi cumprido. Os resultados empíricos mostram que vários fatores afetam a decisão de perfurar poços, entre elas o bonus final oferecido pelo bloco, a participação da Petrobras e a localização geográfica do bloco. A regulação também teve uma influência importante na exploração de blocos, pela indicação da intensidade de poços a ser perfurados e pela flexibilidade de cessão no controle dos blocos. Os resultados também mostram que novas informações têm um papel importante na decisão de perfuração, especialmente informações sobre o preço do petróleo, o prêmio pago pelo lance vencedor e as atividades prévias de perfurações em blocos vizinhos após a licitação. O estudo utiliza uma amostra de 88 blocos licitados durante as quatro primeiras rodadas de licitações da ANP e a incidência de perfurações de poços nesses blocos entre o período de 1999 a 2009.


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Neste estudo investigamos a mudança no Brasil de um mercado fechado monopolista de resseguros para um mercado aberto. O foco tem sido sobre os prêmios, como a queda nos preços foi um dos benefícios mais antecipados da nova estrutura do mercado. Para comparar os preços de resseguro entre mercados o Índice Combinado foi usado. Ao comparar o Brasil ao Resto do Mundo, Índices Combinados significativamente menores foram observados para 2001 - 2007. No período 2008 - 2010, após a abertura, parece ter sido uma convergência dos Índices Combinados com os níveis no mundo. Confirma que os preços de resseguro eram altos no passado, e que ocorreu uma queda nos preços desde a abertura. No entanto estas conclusões devem ser tratados com alguma precaução uma vez que apenas 2,5 anos de experiência está disponível desde a abertura do mercado e outros fatores podem ter influenciado a evolução dos preços observados.


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The objective of this article is to study (understand and forecast) spot metal price levels and changes at monthly, quarterly, and annual horizons. The data to be used consists of metal-commodity prices in a monthly frequency from 1957 to 2012 from the International Financial Statistics of the IMF on individual metal series. We will also employ the (relatively large) list of co-variates used in Welch and Goyal (2008) and in Hong and Yogo (2009) , which are available for download. Regarding short- and long-run comovement, we will apply the techniques and the tests proposed in the common-feature literature to build parsimonious VARs, which possibly entail quasi-structural relationships between different commodity prices and/or between a given commodity price and its potential demand determinants. These parsimonious VARs will be later used as forecasting models to be combined to yield metal-commodity prices optimal forecasts. Regarding out-of-sample forecasts, we will use a variety of models (linear and non-linear, single equation and multivariate) and a variety of co-variates to forecast the returns and prices of metal commodities. With the forecasts of a large number of models (N large) and a large number of time periods (T large), we will apply the techniques put forth by the common-feature literature on forecast combinations. The main contribution of this paper is to understand the short-run dynamics of metal prices. We show theoretically that there must be a positive correlation between metal-price variation and industrial-production variation if metal supply is held fixed in the short run when demand is optimally chosen taking into account optimal production for the industrial sector. This is simply a consequence of the derived-demand model for cost-minimizing firms. Our empirical evidence fully supports this theoretical result, with overwhelming evidence that cycles in metal prices are synchronized with those in industrial production. This evidence is stronger regarding the global economy but holds as well for the U.S. economy to a lesser degree. Regarding forecasting, we show that models incorporating (short-run) commoncycle restrictions perform better than unrestricted models, with an important role for industrial production as a predictor for metal-price variation. Still, in most cases, forecast combination techniques outperform individual models.


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Housing is an important component of wealth for a typical household in many countries. The objective of this paper is to investigate the effect of real-estate price variation on welfare, trying to close a gap between the welfare literature in Brazil and that in the U.S., the U.K., and other developed countries. Our first motivation relates to the fact that real estate is probably more important here than elsewhere as a proportion of wealth, which potentially makes the impact of a price change bigger here. Our second motivation relates to the fact that real-estate prices boomed in Brazil in the last five years. Prime real estate in Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo have tripled in value in that period, and a smaller but generalized increase has been observed throughout the country. Third, we have also seen a recent consumption boom in Brazil in the last five years. Indeed, the recent rise of some of the poor to middle-income status is well documented not only for Brazil but for other emerging countries as well. Regarding consumption and real-estate prices in Brazil, one cannot imply causality from correlation, but one can do causal inference with an appropriate structural model and proper inference, or with a proper inference in a reduced-form setup. Our last motivation is related to the complete absence of studies of this kind in Brazil, which makes ours a pioneering study. We assemble a panel-data set for the determinants of non-durable consumption growth by Brazilian states, merging the techniques and ideas in Campbell and Cocco (2007) and in Case, Quigley and Shiller (2005). With appropriate controls, and panel-data methods, we investigate whether house-price variation has a positive effect on non-durable consumption. The results show a non-negligible significant impact of the change in the price of real estate on welfare consumption), although smaller then what Campbell and Cocco have found. Our findings support the view that the channel through which house prices affect consumption is a financial one.


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The objective of this article is to study (understand and forecast) spot metal price levels and changes at monthly, quarterly, and annual frequencies. Data consists of metal-commodity prices at a monthly and quarterly frequencies from 1957 to 2012, extracted from the IFS, and annual data, provided from 1900-2010 by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). We also employ the (relatively large) list of co-variates used in Welch and Goyal (2008) and in Hong and Yogo (2009). We investigate short- and long-run comovement by applying the techniques and the tests proposed in the common-feature literature. One of the main contributions of this paper is to understand the short-run dynamics of metal prices. We show theoretically that there must be a positive correlation between metal-price variation and industrial-production variation if metal supply is held fixed in the short run when demand is optimally chosen taking into account optimal production for the industrial sector. This is simply a consequence of the derived-demand model for cost-minimizing firms. Our empirical evidence fully supports this theoretical result, with overwhelming evidence that cycles in metal prices are synchronized with those in industrial production. This evidence is stronger regarding the global economy but holds as well for the U.S. economy to a lesser degree. Regarding out-of-sample forecasts, our main contribution is to show the benefits of forecast-combination techniques, which outperform individual-model forecasts - including the random-walk model. We use a variety of models (linear and non-linear, single equation and multivariate) and a variety of co-variates and functional forms to forecast the returns and prices of metal commodities. Using a large number of models (N large) and a large number of time periods (T large), we apply the techniques put forth by the common-feature literature on forecast combinations. Empirically, we show that models incorporating (short-run) common-cycle restrictions perform better than unrestricted models, with an important role for industrial production as a predictor for metal-price variation.