954 resultados para Osseous metastasis


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Recent data suggest that the generation of new lymphatic vessels (i.e. lymphangiogenesis) may be a rate-limiting step in the dissemination of tumor cells to regional lymph nodes. However, efforts to study the cellular and molecular interactions that take place between tumor cells and lymphatic endothelial cells have been limited due to a lack of lymphatic endothelial cell lines available for study. ^ I have used a microsurgical approach to establish conditionally immortalized lymphatic endothelial cell lines from the afferent mesenteric lymphatic vessels of mice. Characterization of lymphatic endothelial cells, and tumor-associated lymphatic vessels revealed high expression levels of VCAM-1, which is known to facilitate adhesion of some tumor cells to vascular endothelial cells. Further investigation revealed that murine melanoma cells selected for high expression of α4, a counter-receptor for VCAM-1, demonstrated enhanced adhesion to lymphatic endothelial cells in vitro, and increased tumorigenicity and lymphatic metastasis in vivo, despite similar lymphatic vessel numbers. ^ Next, I examined the effects of growth factors that regulate lymphangiogenesis, and report that several growth factors are capable of activating survival and proliferation pathways of lymphatic endothelial cells. The dual protein tyrosine kinase inhibitor AEE788 (EGFR and VEGFR-2) inhibited the activation of Akt and MAPK in lymphatic endothelial cells responding to multiple growth factors. Moreover, oral treatment of mice with AEE788 decreased lymphatic vessel density and production of lymphatic metastasis by human colon cancer cells growing in the cecum of nude mice. ^ In the last set of experiments, I investigated the surgical management of lymphatic metastasis using a novel model of sentinel lymphadenectomy in live mice bearing subcutaneous B16-BL6 melanoma. The data demonstrate that this procedure when combined with wide excision of the primary melanoma, significantly enhanced survival of syngeneic C57BL/6 mice. ^ Collectively, these results indicate that the production of lymphatic metastasis depends on lymphangiogenesis, tumor cell adhesion to lymphatic endothelial cells, and proliferation of tumor cells in lymph nodes. Thus, lymphatic metastasis is a multi-step, complex, and active process that depends upon multiple interactions between tumor cells and tumor associated lymphatic endothelial cells. ^


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Amplification of human chromosome 20q DNA is the most frequently occurring chromosomal abnormality detected in sporadic colorectal carcinomas and shows significant correlation with liver metastases. Through comprehensive high-resolution microarray comparative genomic hybridization and microarray gene expression profiling, we have characterized chromosome 20q amplicon genes associated with human colorectal cancer metastasis in two in vitro metastasis model systems. The results revealed increasing complexity of the 20q genomic profile from the primary tumor-derived cell lines to the lymph node and liver metastasis derived cell lines. Expression analysis of chromosome 20q revealed a subset of over expressed genes residing within the regions of genomic copy number gain in all the tumor cell lines, suggesting these are Chromosome 20q copy number responsive genes. Bases on their preferential expression levels in the model system cell lines and known biological function, four of the over expressed genes mapping to the common intervals of genomic copy gain were considered the most promising candidate colorectal metastasis-associated genes. Validation of genomic copy number and expression array data was carried out on these genes, with one gene, DNMT3B, standing out as expressed at a relatively higher levels in the metastasis-derived cell lines compared with their primary-derived counterparts in both the models systems analyzed. The data provide evidence for the role of chromosome 20q genes with low copy gain and elevated expression in the clonal evolution of metastatic cells and suggests that such genes may serve as early biomarkers of metastatic potential. The data also support the utility of the combined microarray comparative genomic hybridization and expression array analysis for identifying copy number responsive genes in areas of low DNA copy gain in cancer cells. ^


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Brain metastasis, which occurs in 40%-60% of patients with advanced melanoma, has led directly to death in the majority of cases. Unfortunately, little is known about the biological and molecular basis of melanoma brain metastases. In our previous study, we developed a model to study human melanoma brain metastasis and found that Stat3 activity was increased in human brain metastatic melanoma cells when compared with that in cutaneous melanoma cells. The increased activation of Stat3 is also responsible for affecting melanoma angiogenesis in vivo and melanoma cell invasion in vitro and significantly affecting the expression of bFGF, VEGF, and MMP-2 in vivo and in vitro. Interestingly, a member of a new family of cytokine-inducible inhibitors of signal transduction, termed suppressors of cytokine signaling 1 (SOCS1) was found to negatively regulate the Janus kinase signal transducer and activator of transcription (Jak/STAT) signaling cascade. Here we report that restoration of SOCS1 expression by transfecting of SOCS1-expressing vector effectively inhibited melanoma brain metastasis through inhibiting Stat3 activation and further affecting melanoma angiogenesis and melanoma cell invasion in vitro, and significantly affected the expression of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and matrix metalloproteinase-2 (MMP-2) in vitro and in vivo. In addition, we used cDNA array to compare mRNA expression in the SOCS1-transfected and vector-transfected cell lines and found some genes are tightly correlated to the restoration of SOCS1. One of them is Caveolin-1 (Cav-1). Cav-1 was reported to function as a tumor suppressor gene by several groups. Finally, the Cav-1 expression is up-regulated in SOCS1-overexpressing cell line. Further study found the regulation of Cav-1 by SOCS1 occurs through inhibiting Stat3 activation. Activated Stat3 binds directly to Cav-1 promoter and the Cav-1 promoter within -575bp is essential for active Stat3 binding. My studies reveal that Stat3 activation and SOCS1 expression play important roles in melanoma metastases. Moreover, the expression between SOCS1, Stat3 and Cav-1 forms a feedback regulation loop. ^


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Aberrant expression and/or activation of Src Family of non-receptor protein tyrosine kinases (SFKs) occur frequently during progressive stages of multiple types of human malignancies, including prostate cancer. Two SFKs, Src and Lyn, are expressed and implicated in prostate cancer progression. Work in this dissertation investigated the specific roles of Src and Lyn in the prostate tumor progression, and the effects of SFK inhibition on prostate tumor growth and lymph node metastasis in pre-clinical mouse models. ^ Firstly, using a pharmacological inhibitor of SFKs in clinical trials, dasatinib, I demonstrated that SFK inhibition affects both cellular migration and proliferation in vitro. Systemic administration of dasatinib reduced primary tumor growth, as well as development of lymph node metastases, in both androgen-sensitive and -resistant orthotopic prostate cancer mouse models. Immunohistochemical analysis of the primary tumors revealed that dasatinib treatment decreased SFK phosphorylation but not expression, resulting in decreased cellular proliferation and increased apoptosis. For this analysis of immunohistochemical stained tissues, I developed a novel method of quantifying immunohistochemical stain intensity that greatly reduced the inherent bias in analyzing staining intensity. ^ To determine if Src and Lyn played overlapping or distinct roles in prostate cancer tumor growth and progression, Src expression alone was inhibited by small-interfering RNA. The resulting stable cell lines were decreased in migration, but not substantially affected in proliferation rates. In contrast, an analogous strategy targeting Lyn led to stable cell lines in which proliferation rates were significantly reduced. ^ Lastly, I tested the efficacy of a novel SFK inhibitor (KX2-391) targeting peptide substrate-binding domain, on prostate cancer growth and lymph node metastasis in vivo. I demonstrated that KX2-391 has similar effects as dasatinib, an ATP-competitive small molecular inhibitor, on both the primary tumor growth and development of lymph node metastasis in vivo, work that contributed to the first-in-man Phase I clinical trial of KX2-391. ^ In summary, studies in this dissertation provide the first demonstration that Src and Lyn activities affect different cellular functions required for prostate tumor growth and metastasis, and SFK inhibitors effectively reduce primary tumor growth and lymph node metastasis. Therefore, I conclude that SFKs are promising therapeutic targets for treatment of human prostate cancer. ^


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Overexpression of the thrombin receptor (Protease-Activated-Receptor-1), PAR-1, in cell lines and tissue specimens correlates with the metastatic potential of human melanoma. Utilizing lentiviral shRNA to stably silence PAR-1 in metastatic melanoma cell lines results in decreased tumor growth and lung metastasis in vivo. Since the use of viral technology is not ideal for clinical therapies, neutral liposomes (DOPC) were utilized as a delivery vehicle for PAR-1 siRNA. Our data suggest that PAR-1 siRNA-DOPC treatment by systemic delivery significantly decreases tumor growth and lung metastasis in nude mice. Concomitant decreases in angiogenic and invasive factors (IL-8, VEGF, MMP-2) were observed in PAR-1 siRNA-DOPC-treated mice. Utilizing a cDNA microarray platform, several novel PAR-1 downstream target genes were identified, including Connexin 43 (Cx-43) and Maspin. Cx-43, known to be involved in tumor cell diapedesis and attachment to endothelial cells, is decreased after PAR-1 silencing. Furthermore, the Cx-43 promoter activity was significantly inhibited in PAR-1-silenced cells suggesting transcriptional regulation of Cx-43 by PAR-1. ChIP analysis revealed a reduction in SP-1 and AP-1 binding to the Cx-43 promoter. Moreover, melanoma cell attachment to HUVEC was significantly decreased in PAR-1-silenced cells as well as in Cx-43 shRNA transduced cells. As both SP-1 and AP-1 transcription factors act as positive regulators of Cx-43, our data provide a novel mechanism for the regulation of Cx-43 expression by PAR-1. Maspin, a serine protease inhibitor with tumor-suppressor function, was found to be upregulated after PAR-1 silencing. Our results indicate that PAR-1 transcriptionally regulates Maspin, as the promoter activity was significantly increased after PAR-1 silencing. ChIP analysis revealed that silencing PAR-1 increased binding of Ets and c-Jun to the Maspin promoter. As Maspin was recently found to be a tumor-suppressor in melanoma by reducing the invasive capacity of melanoma cells, invasion assays revealed a decrease in invasion after PAR-1 silencing and in cells transduced with a Maspin expression vector. We propose that PAR-1 is key to the progression and metastasis of melanoma in part by regulating the expression of Cx-43 and Maspin. Taken together, we propose that PAR-1 is an attractive target for the treatment of melanoma.^


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Brain metastasis is resistant to chemotherapy while the leaky blood-brain-barrier in brain metastasis can not be the underlying reason. Metastatic tumor cells (“seed”) exploit the host microenvironment (“soil”) for survival advantages. Astrocytes which maintain the homeostasis of the brain microenvironment become reactive subsequent to brain damages and protect neurons from various injuries. We observed reactive astrocytes surrounding and infiltrating into brain metastasis in both clinical specimen and experimental animal model, thus raising a possibility that reactive astrocytes may protect tumor cells from cytotoxic chemotherapeutic drugs. ^ To test this hypothesis, we first generated an immortalized astrocyte cell line from H-2Kb-tsA58 mice. The immortal mouse astrocytes expressed specific markers including GFAP. Scanning electron microscopy demonstrated that astrocytes formed direct physical contact with tumor cells. Moreover, the expression of GFAP by astrocytes was up-regulated subsequent to co-culture with tumor cells, indicating that the co-culture of astrocytes and tumor cells may serve as a model to recapitulate the pathophysiological situation of brain metastasis. ^ In co-culture, astrocytes dramatically reduced apoptosis of tumor cells produced by various chemotherapeutic drugs. This protection effect was not because of culturing cells from different species since mouse fibroblasts did not protect tumor cells from chemotherapy. Furthermore, the protection by astrocytes was completely dependent on a physical contact. ^ Gap junctional communication (GJC) served as this physical contact. Tumor cells and astrocytes both expressed the major component of gap junctional channel—connexin 43 and formed functional GJC as evidenced by the “dye transfer” assay. The blockage of GJC between tumor cells and astrocytes by either specific chemical blocker carbenoxolone (CBX) or by genetically knocking down connexin 43 on astrocytes reversed the chemo-protection. ^ Calcium was the signal molecule transmitted through GJC that rescued tumor cells from chemotherapy. Accumulation of cytoplasmic calcium preceded the progress of apoptosis in tumor cells treated with chemotherapeutic drugs. Furthermore, chelation of accumulated cytoplasmic calcium inhibited the apoptosis of tumor cells treated with chemotherapeutic drugs. Most importantly, astrocytes could “shunt” the accumulated cytoplasmic calcium from tumor cells (treated with chemotherapeutic drug) through GJC. We also used gene expression micro-array to investigate global molecular consequence of tumor cells forming GJC with astrocytes. The data demonstrated that astrocytes (but not fibroblasts), through GJC, up-regulated the expressions of several well known survival genes in tumor cells. ^ In summary, this dissertation provides a novel mechanism underlying the resistance of brain metastasis to chemotherapy, which is due to protection by astrocytes through GJC. Interference with the GJC between astrocytes and tumor cells holds great promise in sensitizing brain metastasis to chemotherapy and improving the prognosis for patients with brain metastasis. ^


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Men with localized prostate cancer (PCa) have a 100% five-year survival rate, but this rate drops to 33% for men with metastatic disease. A better understanding of the metastatic process is needed to develop better therapies for PCa. Aberrant activation of protein tyrosine kinases, including Src Family Kinases (SFKs) contribute to metastasis through numerous functions, one of which leads to increased expression of cytokines, such as IL-8. However, the relationship between Src activity and IL-8 regulation is not completely understood. In cell line models, I determined that IL-8 activates Src and in turn Src activates IL-8 demonstrating a feed forward loop contributing to the migration and invasion of PCa cells. However, IL-8 is also produced by tumor-associated stromal cells. In bone marrow derived stromal cells (HS5), I demonstrated a feed forward loop occurs as was observed in tumor cells. HS5 conditioned media increased Src activity in PCa cells. By silencing IL-8 in HS5 cells, Src activity was decreased to control levels in PCa cells as was migration and invasion. Thus, stromal cells producing IL-8 contribute to metastatic properties of PCa by a paracrine mechanism. To examine the effect of stromal cells on tumor growth and metastatic potential of PCa in vivo, I mixed HS5 and PCa cells and co-injected them intraprostatically. I determined that tumor growth and metastases were increased. By silencing IL-8 in HS5 cells and co-injecting them with PCa cells intraprostatically, tumor growth and metastases were still increased relative to injection of PCa cells alone, but decreased relative to co-injections with PCa cells and HS5 cells. These studies demonstrated: (1) a feed forward loop in both tumor and stromal cells, whereby IL-8 activates Src, derepressing IL-8 expression in PCa cells in vitro; (2) stromal produced IL-8 activates Src and contributes to the migration and invasion of PCa cells in vitro; and (3) stromal produced IL-8 is responsible, in part, for increases in PCa tumor growth and metastatic potential. Together, these studies demonstrated that IL-8-mediated Src activity increases the metastatic potential of PCa and therapeutic agents interfering with the IL-8/SFK signaling axis may be useful for prevention and treatment of metastases.


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Brain metastasis is a common cause of mortality in cancer patients. Approximately 20-30% of breast cancer patients acquire brain metastasis, yet potential therapeutic targets remain largely unknown. The type I insulin-like growth factor receptor (IGF- IR) is known to play a role in the progression of breast cancer and is currently being investigated in the clinical setting for various types of cancer. The present study demonstrates that the IGF-IR signaling axis is constitutively active in brain-seeking sublines of breast cancer cells, driving an increase in in vitro metastatic properties. We demonstrate that IGF-IR signaling is activated in an autocrine manner as a result of IGFBP3 overexpression in brain-seeking cells. Transient and stable knockdown of IGF-IR results in a downregulation of IGF-IR downstream signaling through phospho-AKT, as well as decreased in vitro migration and invasion of MDA- MB-231Br brain-seeking cells. Using an in vivo experimental brain metastasis model, we show that IGF-IR ablation attenuates the establishment of brain metastases and prolongs survival. Finally, we demonstrate that the malignancy of brain-seeking cells is attenuated by pharmacological inhibition with picropodophyllin, an IGF-IR-specific tyrosine kinase inhibitor. Together, our data suggest that the IGF-IR is an important mediator of brain metastasis and its ablation delays the onset of brain metastases in our model system.


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The purpose of this study was to investigate the role of the c-KIT receptor in the progression of human melanoma and the mechanism(s) for the regulation of c-KIT gene expression in human melanoma.^ The molecular changes associated with the transition of melanoma cells from radial growth phase (RGP) to vertical growth phase (VGP) (metastatic phenotype) are not well-defined. Expression of the tyrosine-kinase receptor c-KIT progressively decreases during local tumor growth and invasion of human melanomas. To provide direct evidence that the metastasis of human melanoma is associated with the loss of c-KIT expression, highly metastatic A375SM cells, which express very low or undetectable levels of c-KIT, were tranduced with the human c-KIT gene. We demonstrated that enforced c-KIT expression in highly metastatic human melanoma cells significantly suppressed their tumorigenicity and metastatic propensity in nude mice. In addition, we showed that the ligand for c-KIT, SCF, induces apoptosis in human melanoma cells expressing c-KIT under both in vitro and in vivo conditions. These results suggest that loss of c-KIT receptor may allow malignant melanoma cells to escape SCF/c-KIT-mediated apoptosis, thus contributing to tumor growth and eventually metastasis.^ Furthermore, we investigated the possible mechanism(s) for the down-regulation of c-KIT gene expression in malignant melanoma. Sequence analysis of the c-KIT promoter indicated that this promoter contains several consensus binding-site sequences including three putative AP2 and two Myb sites. Although Myb was shown to be associated with c-KIT expression in human hemotopoietic cells, we found no correlation between c-KIT expression and Myb expression in human melanoma cell lines. In contrast, we showed that c-KIT expression directly correlates with expression of AP2 in human melanoma cells. We found that highly metastatic cells do not express the transcription factor AP2. Expression of AP2 in A375SM cells (c-KIT-negative and AP2-negative) was enough to restore luciferase activity driven by the c-KIT promoter in a dose-dependent manner. On the other hand, co-expression of the dominant-negative form of AP2 (AP2B) in Mel-501 cells (c-KIT-positive and AP2-positive) resulted in two-fold reduction in luciferase activity. Electrophoretic mobility shift assays revealed that the c-KIT promoter contains functional AP2 binding sites which could associate with AP2 protein. Endogenous c-KIT gene expression levels were elevated in AP2 stably-transfected human melanoma A375SM cells. Expression of exogenous AP2 in A375SM cells inhibited their tumorigenicity and metastatic potential in nude mice. The c-KIT ligand, SCF, also induced apoptosis in the AP2 stably-transfected A375SM cells. The identification of AP2 as an important regulator for c-KIT expression suggests that AP2 may have tumor growth and metastasis inhibitory properties, possibly mediated through c-KIT/SCF effects on apoptosis of human melanoma cells. Since AP2 binding sites were found in the promoters of other genes involved in the progression of human melanoma, such as MMP2 (72 kDa collagenase), MCAM/MUC18 and P21/WAF-1, our findings suggest that loss of AP2 expression might be a crucial event in the development of malignant melanoma. ^


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Overexpression of c-erbB-2 gene-encoded p185 has been correlated with lymph node metastasis and poor prognosis in breast cancer patients. To investigate whether overexpression of c-erbB-2 can enhance metastatic potential of human breast cancer cells, we compared the metastatic phenotypes of the parental MDA-MB-435 cells and the c-erbB-2 gene transfected 435.eB cells. In vivo experimental metastasis assays demonstrated that mice injected erbB2-overexpressing 435.eB transfectants formed significantly more metastatic tumors than the mice injected with parental and control cells. The changes in metastatic potential in vivo were accompanied by increased invasiveness in vitro . The transfectants and the parental cells all had similar growth rates and transformation potential. These findings suggest that c- erbB-2 gene can enhance the intrinsic metastatic potentials of MDA-MB-435 cells without increasing their transformation abilities. ^ Homophilic adhesion may affect invasive and metastatic potential of tumor cells. We found that Heregulin-β1 (HRG-β1), a growth factor that activates receptor kinases erbB3 and erbB4, can enhance aggregation of MCF-7 and SKBR3 human breast cancer cells. While investigating the downstream signals involved in HRG-β1-increased cell aggregation, we observed that HRG-β1 increased the kinase activities of extracellular signal-regulated protein kinase (ERK) and PI3K in these cells. By using different kinase inhibitors, we found that the HRG-β1-activated MEK1-ERK pathway has no demonstrable role in the induction of cell aggregation, whereas HRG-β1-activated PI3K is required for enhancing breast cancer cell aggregation. These results have provided one mechanism by which HRG-β1-activated signaling of erbB receptors may affect invasive/metastatic properties of breast cancer cells. ^ To identify the structural motifs within the erbB2 receptor that are required for erbB2 increased metastatic potential in breast cancer cells, we injected different forms of mutated erbB2 expressing MDA-MB-435 cell line transfectants with or without the EGF-like domain of heregulin-β1 protein (HRG/egf) into ICR-SCID mice to test the metastatic survival rate. The results show that an intact kinase domain of erbB2 receptor is required for erbB2 enhanced metastatic potential in these cells. The C-terminal tyrosine 1248 residue of erbB2 may also play a role in enhancing metastatic potential. Moreover, the results suggest that HRG/egf promote the metastatic potential of human breast cancer cells in vivo. ^


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Deregulation of apoptotic cell death can result in aberrant accumulation of cells and increased tumor incidence. Fas (CD95) and Fas ligand (FasL) are a receptor-ligand pair whose activation induces apoptosis in many cell types. Previously, we demonstrated that low metastatic, Fas+ K1735-P murine melanoma cells spontaneously metastasize to the lung following orthotopic injection into FasL-deficient (gld) mice compared to wild-type (wt) controls. We further demonstrated that the expression of the Fas antagonist soluble Fas (sFas) directly correlates with disease stage in patients with melanoma, breast, and colon cancer. These findings document a role for host-derived FasL, in the control of metastatic disease and suggest a role for tumor-associated sFas in acquiring metastatic potential. To directly test whether FasL expressed on lymphocytes or on lung stromal cells restricts metastasis, bone marrow chimeras were generated between C3H wt and C3H gld mice. Chimeric animals were injected subcutaneously with 5 × 105 K1735-P and the incidence and number of spontaneous lung metastases scored. The data show that wt mice receiving gld marrow had a greater number of lung metastases (median 9.5, range 2–31) than gld mice reconstituted with wt marrow (median 1, range 0–31; p < 0.016). Interestingly, both groups had fewer metastases compared to gld controls (median 18.5, range 0–46) but more than wt controls (median 2, range 0–7). These observations provide the first evidence that both hematopoietic- and nonhematopoietic-host derived FasL, are important in the control of melanoma metastasis to the lung. To directly test whether tumor-associated sFas expression can enhance metastasis, K1735-P cells were transfected with three isoforms of sFas (Exo4Del, Exo6Del, and Exo3, 4, 6Del). RT-PCR and ELISA analysis confirmed the expression of sFas RNA and protein respectively. Following intravenous injection of 5 × 104 cells, sFas transfected cells formed significantly more experimental lung metastases [Exo6Del clone 3 (median 22, range 0–36), Exo6Del clone 7 (median 31, range 4–50), Exo3, 4, 6Del (median 22.5, range 13–48)] compared to vector control cells (median 6.5, range 3–29). Together, these data provide the first evidence that sFas is sufficient to enhance the metastatic potential of Fas+ melanoma cells. ^


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c-Met is the protein tyrosine kinase receptor for hepatocyte growth factor/scatter factor (HGF/SF) and mediates several normal cellular functions including proliferation, survival, and migration. Overexpression of c-Met correlates with progression and metastasis of human colorectal carcinoma (CRC). The goals of this study were to determine if overexpression of c-Met directly contributes to tumorigenicity and liver metastatic potential of colon cancer, and what are the critical pathways regulated by c-Met in this process. The studies used two colon tumor cell lines, KM12SM and KM20, which express high levels of constitutively active c-Met and are highly metastatic in nude mice. To examine the effects of c-Met overexpression, subclones of theses lines with reduced c-Met expression were obtained following transfection with a c-Met specific targeting ribozyme. Reduction of c-Met in KM12SM cells abolished liver metastases when cells were injected intrasplenically in an experimental metastasis assay. However, c-Met downregulation in theses clones was unstable. Three stable KM20 clones with a 25–35% reduction in c-Met protein levels but 60–90% reduction in basal c-Met autophosphorylation and kinase activity were obtained. While HGF increased c-Met kinase activity in the clones with reduced c-Met, the activity was less than that observed in parental or control transfected cells. Correlating with the reduction in c-Met kinase activity, subclones with reduced c-Met expression had significantly reduced in vitro growth rates, soft-agar colony forming abilities, and increased apoptosis. HGF/SF treatment did not affect anchorage-dependent growth or soft-agar colony forming abilities. Further, c-Met downregulation significantly impaired the ability of HGF/SF to induce migration. To examine the effects of reduced c-Met on tumor formation, parental and c-Met reduced KM20 cells were grown subcutaneously and intrahepatically in nude mice. c-Met downregulation delayed, but did not abolish growth at the subcutaneous site. When these cells were injected intrahepatically, both tumor incidences and size were significantly reduced. To further understand the molecular basis of c-Met in promoting tumor growth, the activation of several signaling intermediates that have been implicated in c-Met mediated growth, survival and migration were compared between KM20 parental cells and subclones with reduced c-Met expression levels. The expression and activity (as determined by phosphorylation) of AKT and Erk1/2 were unaltered. In contrast, Src kinase activity, as measured by immune complex kinase assay, was reduced 2–5 fold following c-Met downregulation. As Src has been implicated in growth, survival and migration, Src activation in c-Met overexpressing lines is likely contributing to the tumorigenic and metastatic capabilities of colon tumor cell lines that overexpress c-Met. Collectively, these results suggest that c-Met overexpression plays a causal role in the development of CRC liver metastases, and that c-Src and c-Met inhibitors may be of potential therapeutic benefit for late-stage colon cancer. ^


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Heregulins constitute a family of growth factors belonging to the epidermal growth factor (EGF) family. Breast cancers that overexpress specific members of the EGF receptor family (EGFR, ErbB2, ErbB3, ErbB4) have increased metastatic potential, and Heregulin-β1 (HRGβ1), a ligand for ErbB3 and ErbB4, has also been shown to induce metastasis-related properties in breast cancer cells in vitro. The secreted form of the HRGβ1 is composed of five distinct structural domains, including the N-terminal domain, an immunoglobulin-like domain (IgG-like), a glycosylation domain, an EGF-like domain, and a β1-specific domain. Of these, the EGF-like domain is well characterized for its function in metastasis-related properties as well as its structure. However, the contributions of the other HRGβ1 domains in breast cancer metastasis remains unclear. ^ To investigate this, HRGβ1 proteins with targeted domain deletions were purified and subjected to assays for metastasis-related properties, including aggregation, invasion, activation of EGFR family members, and motility of breast cancer cells. These assays showed that retaining the EGF-like domain of HRGβ1 is important for activation of EGFRs. Interestingly, the HRGβ1 protein lacking the IgG-like domain (NGEB) led to a decrease in breast cancer cell motility, indicating the IgG-like domain modulates cell motility, an important step in cancer metastasis. ^ To understand the underlying mechanisms, I performed protein sequence and structural analysis of HRGβ1 and identified that the IgG-like domain of HRGβ1 shares sequence homology and three-dimensional structural similarity with the IgG-like domain of TRIO. TRIO is a cytoplasmic protein that directly associates with RhoA, a GTPase involved in cell reorganization and cell motility. Therefore, I hypothesized that HRGβ1 may translocate inside the breast cancer cells through receptor mediated endocytosis and bind to RhoA via its IgG-like domain. I show wild type HRGβ1 but not NGEB binds RhoA in vitro and in vivo, leading to RhoA activation. Inhibition of HRG-β1 internalization via endocytosis disrupted HRGβ1 binding to RhoA. Additionally, breast cancer cell motility induced by HRG-β1 is reduced after treatment with inhibitors to both endocytosis and RhoA function, similar to levels seen with NGEB treatment. ^ Thus, in addition to the well-known role of HRGβ1 as an extracellular stimulator of the EGFR family members, HRGβ1 also functions within the cell as a binding partner and activator of RhoA to modulate cancer cell motility. ^


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Fil: Ceballos, M.. Universidad Nacional de Cuyo. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas. Departamento de Medicina Interna


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A serpin was identified in normal mammary gland by differential cDNA sequencing. In situ hybridization has detected this serpin exclusively in the myoepithelial cells on the normal and noninvasive mammary epithelial side of the basement membrane and thus was named myoepithelium-derived serine proteinase inhibitor (MEPI). No MEPI expression was detected in the malignant breast carcinomas. MEPI encodes a 405-aa precursor, including an 18-residue secretion signal with a calculated molecular mass of 46 kDa. The predicted sequence of the new protein shares 33% sequence identity and 58% sequence similarity to plasminogen activator inhibitor (PAI)-1 and PAI-2. To determine whether MEPI can modulate the in vivo growth and progression of human breast cancers, we transfected a full-length MEPI cDNA into human breast cancer cells and studied the orthotopic growth of MEPI-transfected vs. control clones in the mammary fat pad of athymic nude mice. Overexpression of MEPI inhibited the invasion of the cells in the in vitro invasion assay. When injected orthotopically into nude mice, the primary tumor volumes, axillary lymph node metastasis, and lung metastasis were significantly inhibited in MEPI-transfected clones as compared with controls. The expression of MEPI in myoepithelial cells may prevent breast cancer malignant progression leading to metastasis.