988 resultados para Optical Fiber


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We present experimental studies and numerical modeling based on a combination of the Bidirectional Beam Propagation Method and Finite Element Modeling that completely describes the wavelength spectra of point by point femtosecond laser inscribed fiber Bragg gratings, showing excellent agreement with experiment. We have investigated the dependence of different spectral parameters such as insertion loss, all dominant cladding and ghost modes and their shape relative to the position of the fiber Bragg grating in the core of the fiber. Our model is validated by comparing model predictions with experimental data and allows for predictive modeling of the gratings. We expand our analysis to more complicated structures, where we introduce symmetry breaking; this highlights the importance of centered gratings and how maintaining symmetry contributes to the overall spectral quality of the inscribed Bragg gratings. Finally, the numerical modeling is applied to superstructure gratings and a comparison with experimental results reveals a capability for dealing with complex grating structures that can be designed with particular wavelength characteristics.


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We propose a remotely tuneable optical Bragg grating filter written in polymer optical fibre (POF). Fibre optical pumping in the fibre's absorption bands increases the fibre temperature, which causes a negative wavelength change of the POF Bragg grating. By choosing a proper pumping wavelength remote tuning of the optical filter can be readily realized without changing the gain of the optical signal.


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We review the state-of-the-art in photonic crystal fiber (PCF) and microstructured polymer optical fiber (mPOF) based mechanical sensing. We first introduce how the unique properties of PCF can benefit Bragg grating based temperature insensitive pressure and transverse load sensing. Then we describe how the latest developments in mPOF Bragg grating technology can enhance optical fiber pressure sensing. Finally we explain how the integration of specialty fiber sensor technology with bio-compatible polymer based micro-technology provides great opportunities for fiber sensors in the field of healthcare.


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A fiber optic free water in fuel (WIF) sensor is proposed by utilizing a long period fiber grating (LPFG). The existence of free water in fuel is indicated by the appearance of a characteristic loss band. The free water level in fuel can be determined by measuring the transmissions of two characteristic loss bands.


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The present work addresses the control of the mPOF Bragg grating spectrum properties through acousto-optic modulation. For the first time, the interaction of a flexural acoustic wave, generated by longitudinal excitation of different frequencies, with the Bragg grating will be presented. Also it will be demonstrated the quasi linear relationship between PZT load and maximum reflected power/ 3dB bandwidth of the reflected spectrum.


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A liquid core waveguide as a refractometer is proposed. Microtunnels were created in standard optical fiber using tightly focused femtoscond laser inscription and chemical etching. A 1.2(h)×l25(d) ×500(1) μm micro-slot engraved along a fiber Bragg grating (FBG) was used to construct liquid core waveguide by filling the slot with index matching oils. The device was used to measure refractive index and sensitivity up to 10-6/pm was obtained. © 2007 Optical Society of America.


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We demonstrate a great variability of single-pulse (with only one pulse/wave-packet traveling along the cavity) generation regimes in fiber lasers passively mode-locked by non-linear polarization evolution (NPE) effect. Combining extensive numerical modeling and experimental studies, we identify multiple very distinct lasing regimes with a rich variety of dynamic behavior and a remarkably broad spread of key parameters (by an order of magnitude and more) of the generated pulses. Such a broad range of variability of possible lasing regimes necessitates developing techniques for control/adjustment of such key pulse parameters as duration, radiation spectrum, and the shape of the auto-correlation function. From a practical view point, availability of pulses/wave-packets with such different characteristics from the same laser makes it imperative to develop variability-aware designs with control techniques and methods to select appropriate application-oriented regimes. © 2014 The Authors.


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Liquid-level sensing technologies have attracted great prominence, because such measurements are essential to industrial applications, such as fuel storage, flood warning and in the biochemical industry. Traditional liquid level sensors are based on electromechanical techniques; however they suffer from intrinsic safety concerns in explosive environments. In recent years, given that optical fiber sensors have lots of well-established advantages such as high accuracy, costeffectiveness, compact size, and ease of multiplexing, several optical fiber liquid level sensors have been investigated which are based on different operating principles such as side-polishing the cladding and a portion of core, using a spiral side-emitting optical fiber or using silica fiber gratings. The present work proposes a novel and highly sensitive liquid level sensor making use of polymer optical fiber Bragg gratings (POFBGs). The key elements of the system are a set of POFBGs embedded in silicone rubber diaphragms. This is a new development building on the idea of determining liquid level by measuring the pressure at the bottom of a liquid container, however it has a number of critical advantages. The system features several FBG-based pressure sensors as described above placed at different depths. Any sensor above the surface of the liquid will read the same ambient pressure. Sensors below the surface of the liquid will read pressures that increase linearly with depth. The position of the liquid surface can therefore be approximately identified as lying between the first sensor to read an above-ambient pressure and the next higher sensor. This level of precision would not in general be sufficient for most liquid level monitoring applications; however a much more precise determination of liquid level can be made by linear regression to the pressure readings from the sub-surface sensors. There are numerous advantages to this multi-sensor approach. First, the use of linear regression using multiple sensors is inherently more accurate than using a single pressure reading to estimate depth. Second, common mode temperature induced wavelength shifts in the individual sensors are automatically compensated. Thirdly, temperature induced changes in the sensor pressure sensitivity are also compensated. Fourthly, the approach provides the possibility to detect and compensate for malfunctioning sensors. Finally, the system is immune to changes in the density of the monitored fluid and even to changes in the effective force of gravity, as might be obtained in an aerospace application. The performance of an individual sensor was characterized and displays a sensitivity (54 pm/cm), enhanced by more than a factor of 2 when compared to a sensor head configuration based on a silica FBG published in the literature, resulting from the much lower elastic modulus of POF. Furthermore, the temperature/humidity behavior and measurement resolution were also studied in detail. The proposed configuration also displays a highly linear response, high resolution and good repeatability. The results suggest the new configuration can be a useful tool in many different applications, such as aircraft fuel monitoring, and biochemical and environmental sensing, where accuracy and stability are fundamental. © (2015) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.


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WDM signal degradation from pump phase-modulation in a one-pump 20dB net-gain fibre optical parametric amplifier is experimentally and numerically characterised for the first time using 10x59Gb/s QPSK signals.


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Fiber to the premises has promised to increase the capacity in telecommunications access networks for well over 30 years. While it is widely recognized that optical-fiber-based access networks will be a necessity in the shortto medium-term future, its large upfront cost and regulatory issues are pushing many operators to further postpone its deployment, while installing intermediate unambitious solutions such as fiber to the cabinet. Such high investment cost of both network access and core capacity upgrade often derives from poor planning strategies that do not consider the necessity to adequately modify the network architecture to fully exploit the cost benefit that a fiber-centric solution can bring. DISCUS is a European Framework 7 Integrated Project that, building on optical-centric solutions such as long-reach passive optical access and flat optical core, aims to deliver a cost-effective architecture for ubiquitous broadband services. DISCUS analyzes, designs, and demonstrates end-to-end architectures and technologies capable of saving cost and energy by reducing the number of electronic terminations in the network and sharing the deployment costs among a larger number of users compared to current fiber access systems. This article describes the network architecture and the supporting technologies behind DISCUS, giving an overview of the concepts and methodologies that will be used to deliver our end-to-end network solution. © 2013 IEEE.


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Many applications of high-power laser diodes demand tight focusing. This is often not possible due to the multimode nature of semiconductor laser radiation possessing beam propagation parameter M2 values in double-digits. We propose a method of 'interference' superfocusing of high-M2 diode laser beams with a technique developed for the generation of Bessel beams based on the employment of an axicon fabricated on the tip of a 100 μm diameter optical fiber with highprecision direct laser writing. Using axicons with apex angle 140º and rounded tip area as small as 10 μm diameter, we demonstrate 2-4 μm diameter focused laser 'needle' beams with approximately 20 μm propagation length generated from multimode diode laser with beam propagation parameter M2=18 and emission wavelength of 960 nm. This is a few-fold reduction compared to the minimal focal spot size of 11 μm that could be achieved if focused by an 'ideal' lens of unity numerical aperture. The same technique using a 160º axicon allowed us to demonstrate few-μm-wide laser 'needle' beams with nearly 100 μm propagation length with which to demonstrate optical trapping of 5-6 μm rat blood red cells in a water-heparin solution. Our results indicate the good potential of superfocused diode laser beams for applications relating to optical trapping and manipulation of microscopic objects including living biological objects with aspirations towards subsequent novel lab-on-chip configurations.


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A novel and highly sensitive liquid level sensor based on a polymer optical fiber Bragg grating (POFBG) is reported for the first time. The sensitivity of the sensor is found to be 57 pm/cm of liquid, enhanced by more than a factor of 5 when compared to an equivalent sensor based on silica fiber. © 2015 OSA.


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Hybrid WDM/TDM enabled microstructure based optical fiber sensor network with large capacity is proposed. Assisted by Fabry-Perot filter, the demodulation system with high speed of 500Hz and high wavelength resolution less than 4.91pm is realized. © OSA 2015.


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A temperature sensor based on a multimode-singlemode-multimode (MSM) fiber structure has been proposed and experimentally demonstrated. By utilizing the interference between fiber core and cladding modes, temperature measurement is exploited by monitoring the selected resonant dips shift of the transmission spectrum. A high temperature sensitivity of 50.65 pm/ºC is achieved at a certain resonant dip, accompanied by a suppressed strain sensitivity of only 0.587 pm/με. The sensor reveals the advantages of easy fabrication and interrogation, low cost and small axial strain response. © 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Tunable Raman fiber lasers have attracted great interest owing to their high efficiency and reliability important for applications, such as optical fiber communications and sensing, spectroscopy, and instrument testing. Their tuning range is defined by the Raman gain bandwidth amounting to about 40 nm in telecom spectral range (∼1550 nm) for conventional silica single mode fibers (SMF). To increase the range, highly nonlinear fibers which broaden pump spectrum may be incorporated in the cavity of Raman fiber lasers, see e.g. [1]. Another approach is to involve Rayleigh scattering forming random distributed feedback in a relatively long fiber resulting in prominent flattening of the tuning curve [2]. In this paper we report on combination of these two techniques in tunable Raman fiber lasers thus providing great improvement of their output characteristics. © 2013 IEEE.