949 resultados para Ontoloy capture
This paper proposes and analyzes the use of a nonrotating tethered system for a direct capture in Jovian orbit using the electrodynamic force generated along the cable. A detailed dynamical model is developed showing a strong gravitational and electrodynamic coupling between the center of mass and the attitude motions. This paper shows the feasibility of a direct capture in Jovian orbit of a rigid tethered system preventing the tether from rotating. Additional mechanical–thermal requirements are explored, and preliminary operational limits are defined to complete the maneuver. In particular, to ensure that the system remains nonrotating, a nominal attitude profile for a self-balanced electrodynamic tether is proposed, as well as a simple feedback control.
Computers and multimedia equipment have improved a lot in the last years. They have reduced their cost and size while at the same time increased their capabilities. These improvements allowed us to design and implement a portable recording system that also integrates the teacher´s tablet PC to capture what he/she writes on the slides and all that happens in it. This paper explains this system in detail and the validation of the recordings that we did after using it to record all the lectures the “Communications Software” course in our university. The results show that pupils used the recordings for different purposes and consider them useful for a variety of things, especially after missing a lecture.
1st ed.
Acknowledgements The authors acknowledge L. Wicks and B. de Francisco for helping in coral sampling and coral care in the aquaria facilities at SAMS. Thanks to C. Campbell and the CCAP for kind support and help. Scientific party and crew on board the RVs Calanus and Seol Mara, as well as on board the RRS James Cook during the Changing Oceans cruise (JC_073) are greatly acknowledged. Thanks to colleagues at SAMS for their support during our stay at SAMS. We are in debt with A. Olariaga for his help modifying the cylindrical experimental chambers used in the experiments, and C.C. Suckling for assistance with the flume experiment. Many thanks go to G. Kazadinis for preparing the POM used in the feeding experiments. We also thank two anonymous reviewers and the editor for their constructive comments, which contribute to improve the manuscript. This work has been supported by the European Commission through two ASSEMBLE projects (grant agreement no. 227799) conducted in 2010 and 2011 at SAMS, as well as by the UK Ocean Acidification Research Programme's Benthic Consortium project (awards NE/H01747X/1 and NE/H017305/1) funded by NERC. [SS]
The application of immunoprotein-based targeting strategies to the boron neutron-capture therapy of cancer poses an exceptional challenge, because viable boron neutron-capture therapy by this method will require the efficient delivery of 103 boron-10 atoms by each antigen-binding protein. Our recent investigations in this area have been focused on the development of efficient methods for the assembly of homogeneous immunoprotein conjugates containing the requisite boron load. In this regard, engineered immunoproteins fitted with unique, exposed cysteine residues provide attractive vehicles for site-specific modification. Additionally, homogeneous oligomeric boron-rich phosphodiesters (oligophosphates) have been identified as promising conjugation reagents. The coupling of two such boron-rich oligophosphates to sulfhydryls introduced to the CH2 domain of a chimeric IgG3 has been demonstrated. The resulting boron-rich immunoconjugates are formed efficiently, are readily purified, and have promising in vitro and in vivo characteristics. Encouragingly, these studies showed subtle differences in the properties of the conjugates derived from the two oligophosphate molecules studied, providing a basis for the application of rational design to future work. Such subtle details would not have been as readily discernible in heterogeneous conjugates, thus validating the rigorous experimental design employed here.
Reaction of the normal isomer of [B20H18]2− and the protected thiol anion, [SC(O)OC(CH3)3]−, produces an unexpected isomer of [B20H17SC(O)OC(CH3)3]4− directly and in good yield. The isomer produced under mild conditions is characterized by an apical–apical boron atom intercage connection as well as the location of the thiol substituent on an equatorial belt adjacent to the terminal boron apex. Although the formation of this isomer from nucleophilic attack of the normal isomer of [B20H18]2− has not been reported previously, the isomeric assignment has been unambiguously confirmed by one-dimensional and two-dimensional 11B NMR spectroscopy. Deprotection of the thiol substituent under acidic conditions produces a protonated intermediate, [B20H18SH]3−, which can be deprotonated with a suitable base to yield the desired product, [B20H17SH]4−. The sodium salt of the resulting [B20H17SH]4− ion has been encapsulated in small, unilamellar liposomes, which are capable of delivering their contents selectively to tumors in vivo, and investigated as a potential agent for boron neutron capture therapy. The biodistribution of boron was determined after intravenous injection of the liposomal suspension into BALB/c mice bearing EMT6 mammary adenocarcinoma. At low injected doses, the tumor boron concentration increased throughout the time-course experiment, resulting in a maximum observed boron concentration of 46.7 μg of B per g of tumor at 48 h and a tumor to blood boron ratio of 7.7. The boron concentration obtained in the tumor corresponds to 22.2% injected dose (i.d.) per g of tissue, a value analogous to the most promising polyhedral borane anions investigated for liposomal delivery and subsequent application in boron neutron capture therapy.
Hippocampal-based behavioral memories and hippocampal-based forms of synaptic plasticity, such as long-term potentiation, are divisible into short- and long-term phases, with the long-term phase requiring the synthesis of new proteins and mRNA for its persistence. By contrast, it is less clear whether long-term depression (LTD) can be divisible into phases. We here describe that in stable hippocampal organotypic cultures, LTD also is not a unitary event but a multiphase process. A prolonged stimulus of 900 stimuli spaced at 1 Hz for 15 min induces a late phase of LTD, which is protein- and mRNA synthesis-dependent. By contrast, a short train of the same 900 stimuli massed at 5 Hz for 3 min produces only a short-lasting LTD. This short-lasting LTD is capable of capturing late-phase LTD. The 5-Hz stimulus or the prolonged 1-Hz stimulus in the presence of protein synthesis inhibitors each can be transformed into an enduring late phase of depression when the prolonged stimulus is applied to another input in the same population of neurons.
A microtiter-based assay system is described in which DNA hairpin probes with dangling ends and single-stranded, linear DNA probes were immobilized and compared based on their ability to capture single-strand target DNA. Hairpin probes consisted of a 16 bp duplex stem, linked by a T2-biotin·dT-T2 loop. The third base was a biotinylated uracil (UB) necessary for coupling to avidin coated microtiter wells. The capture region of the hairpin was a 3′ dangling end composed of either 16 or 32 bases. Fundamental parameters of the system, such as probe density and avidin adsorption capacity of the plates were characterized. The target DNA consisted of 65 bases whose 3′ end was complementary to the dangling end of the hairpin or to the linear probe sequence. The assay system was employed to measure the time dependence and thermodynamic stability of target hybridization with hairpin and linear probes. Target molecules were labeled with either a 5′-FITC, or radiolabeled with [γ-33P]ATP and captured by either linear or hairpin probes affixed to the solid support. Over the range of target concentrations from 10 to 640 pmol hybridization rates increased with increasing target concentration, but varied for the different probes examined. Hairpin probes displayed higher rates of hybridization and larger equilibrium amounts of captured targets than linear probes. At 25 and 45°C, rates of hybridization were better than twice as great for the hairpin compared with the linear capture probes. Hairpin–target complexes were also more thermodynamically stable. Binding free energies were evaluated from the observed equilibrium constants for complex formation. Results showed the order of stability of the probes to be: hairpins with 32 base dangling ends > hairpin probes with l6 base dangling ends > 16 base linear probes > 32 base linear probes. The physical characteristics of hairpins could offer substantial advantages as nucleic acid capture moieties in solid support based hybridization systems.
As the first step of a research program aimed at developing a bispecific monoclonal antibody system for the delivery of boron-rich molecules to tumor cells for boron neutron capture therapy, monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) were produced against an anionic nido-carborane derivative, 4-[7,8-dicarbadodecahydroundecaborat(-1)-7-yl]butanoic acid. Two IgG subclass mAbs, designated HAW101 and HAW102, were identified that specifically bound the anionic nido-carborane hapten, as well as a variety of other anionic nido-carborane cage derivatives. By using surface plasmon resonance technology, the affinity constants of HAW101 and HAW102 were determined to be 1.9 x 10(9) and 6.8 x 10(8) M-1, respectively. A diverse array of 7-substituted and 7,8-disubstituted anionic nido-carborane derivatives reacted with the mAb HAW101 in competition ELISA, whereas anionic closo-polyhedral boranes showed negligible binding, suggesting a role for the open nido-carborane cage structure. These results suggest that mAbs such as HAW101, which bind anionic nido-carboranes, are useful in the development of bispecific mAbs for specific targeting and enhanced boron delivery to tumor sites.
CO2 capture by solid sorbents is a physisorption process in which the gas molecules are adsorbed in a different porosity range, depending on the temperature and pressure of the capture conditions. Accordingly, CO2 capture capacities can be enhanced if the sorbent has a proper porosity development and a suitable pore size distribution. Thus, the main objective of this work is to maximize the CO2 capture capacity at ambient temperature, elucidating which is the most suitable porosity that the adsorbent has to have as a function of the emission source conditions. In order to do so, different activated carbons have been selected and their CO2 capture capacities have been measured. The obtained results show that for low CO2 pressures (e.g., conditions similar to post-combustion processes) the sorbent should have the maximum possible volume of micropores smaller than 0.7 nm. However, the sorbent requires the maximum possible total micropore volume when the capture is performed at high pressures (e.g., conditions similar to oxy-combustion or pre-combustion processes). Finally, this study also analyzes the important influence that the sorbent density has on the CO2 capture capacity, since the adsorbent will be confined in a bed with a restricted volume.
Activated carbons prepared from petroleum pitch and using KOH as activating agent exhibit an excellent behavior in CO2 capture both at atmospheric (∼168 mg CO2/g at 298 K) and high pressure (∼1500 mg CO2/g at 298 K and 4.5 MPa). However, an exhaustive evaluation of the adsorption process shows that the optimum carbon structure, in terms of adsorption capacity, depends on the final application. Whereas narrow micropores (pores below 0.6 nm) govern the sorption behavior at 0.1 MPa, large micropores/small mesopores (pores below 2.0–3.0 nm) govern the sorption behavior at high pressure (4.5 MPa). Consequently, an optimum sorbent exhibiting a high working capacity for high pressure applications, e.g., pressure-swing adsorption units, will require a poorly-developed narrow microporous structure together with a highly-developed wide microporous and small mesoporous network. The appropriate design of the preparation conditions gives rise to carbon materials with an extremely high delivery capacity ∼1388 mg CO2/g between 4.5 MPa and 0.1 MPa. Consequently, this study provides guidelines for the design of carbon materials with an improved ability to remove carbon dioxide from the environment at atmospheric and high pressure.
Manuscript narrative, signed by John Campion and Joseph Knills; dated at Carbonnear Is., Newfoundland, 14 May 1709.
Europe between financial repression and regulatory capture. Bruegel Working Paper 2014/08, July 2014
From the Introduction. In the long shadow of the euro-area crisis, the relationship between governments and their banks has been brought to the the centre of the policy debate in Europe by the implementation of regulatory reforms, the risks associated with financial fragmentation, and the fight to sustain the flow of credit to governments and corporates. The attempt to interpret the patterns of pressure and influence running between governments and their financial system has led commentators to rediscover and give new life to concepts originating from academic debates of the 1970s such as “regulatory capture” and “financial repression”. Government agencies have been frequently described as being at the mercy of the financial sector, often allowing financial interests to hijack political, regulatory and supervisory processes in order to favouring their own private interests over the public good1. An opposite view has instead pointed the finger at governments, which have often been portrayed as subverting markets and abusing the financial system to their benefit, either in order to secure better financing conditions to overcome their own financial difficulties, or with the objective of directing credit to certain sectors of the economy, “repressing” the free functioning of financial markets and potentially the private interests of some of its participants2