934 resultados para One-dimensional structure
Una de las barreras para la aplicación de las técnicas de monitorización de la integridad estructural (SHM) basadas en ondas elásticas guiadas (GLW) en aeronaves es la influencia perniciosa de las condiciones ambientales y de operación (EOC). En esta tesis se ha estudiado dicha influencia y la compensación de la misma, particularizando en variaciones del estado de carga y temperatura. La compensación de dichos efectos se fundamenta en Redes Neuronales Artificiales (ANN) empleando datos experimentales procesados con la Transformada Chirplet. Los cambios en la geometría y en las propiedades del material respecto al estado inicial de la estructura (lo daños) provocan cambios en la forma de onda de las GLW (lo que denominamos característica sensible al daño o DSF). Mediante técnicas de tratamiento de señal se puede buscar una relación entre dichas variaciones y los daños, esto se conoce como SHM. Sin embargo, las variaciones en las EOC producen también cambios en los datos adquiridos relativos a las GLW (DSF) que provocan errores en los algoritmos de diagnóstico de daño (SHM). Esto sucede porque las firmas de daño y de las EOC en la DSF son del mismo orden. Por lo tanto, es necesario cuantificar y compensar el efecto de las EOC sobre la GLW. Si bien existen diversas metodologías para compensar los efectos de las EOC como por ejemplo “Optimal Baseline Selection” (OBS) o “Baseline Signal Stretching” (BSS), estas, se emplean exclusivamente en la compensación de los efectos térmicos. El método propuesto en esta tesis mezcla análisis de datos experimentales, como en el método OBS, y modelos basados en Redes Neuronales Artificiales (ANN) que reemplazan el modelado físico requerido por el método BSS. El análisis de datos experimentales consiste en aplicar la Transformada Chirplet (CT) para extraer la firma de las EOC sobre la DSF. Con esta información, obtenida bajo diversas EOC, se entrena una ANN. A continuación, la ANN actuará como un interpolador de referencias de la estructura sin daño, generando información de referencia para cualquier EOC. La comparación de las mediciones reales de la DSF con los valores simulados por la ANN, dará como resultado la firma daño en la DSF, lo que permite el diagnóstico de daño. Este esquema se ha aplicado y verificado, en diversas EOC, para una estructura unidimensional con un único camino de daño, y para una estructura representativa de un fuselaje de una aeronave, con curvatura y múltiples elementos rigidizadores, sometida a un estado de cargas complejo, con múltiples caminos de daños. Los efectos de las EOC se han estudiado en detalle en la estructura unidimensional y se han generalizado para el fuselaje, demostrando la independencia del método respecto a la configuración de la estructura y el tipo de sensores utilizados para la adquisición de datos GLW. Por otra parte, esta metodología se puede utilizar para la compensación simultánea de una variedad medible de EOC, que afecten a la adquisición de datos de la onda elástica guiada. El principal resultado entre otros, de esta tesis, es la metodología CT-ANN para la compensación de EOC en técnicas SHM basadas en ondas elásticas guiadas para el diagnóstico de daño. ABSTRACT One of the open problems to implement Structural Health Monitoring techniques based on elastic guided waves in real aircraft structures at operation is the influence of the environmental and operational conditions (EOC) on the damage diagnosis problem. This thesis deals with the compensation of these environmental and operational effects, specifically, the temperature and the external loading, by the use of the Chirplet Transform working with Artificial Neural Networks. It is well known that the guided elastic wave form is affected by the damage appearance (what is known as the damage sensitive feature or DSF). The DSF is modified by the temperature and by the load applied to the structure. The EOC promotes variations in the acquired data (DSF) and cause mistakes in damage diagnosis algorithms. This effect promotes changes on the waveform due to the EOC variations of the same order than the damage occurrence. It is difficult to separate both effects in order to avoid damage diagnosis mistakes. Therefore it is necessary to quantify and compensate the effect of EOC over the GLW forms. There are several approaches to compensate the EOC effects such as Optimal Baseline Selection (OBS) or Baseline Signal Stretching (BSS). Usually, they are used for temperature compensation. The new method proposed here mixes experimental data analysis, as in the OBS method, and Artificial Neural Network (ANN) models to replace the physical modelling which involves the BSS method. The experimental data analysis studied is based on apply the Chirplet Transform (CT) to extract the EOC signature on the DSF. The information obtained varying EOC is employed to train an ANN. Then, the ANN will act as a baselines interpolator of the undamaged structure. The ANN generates reference information at any EOC. By comparing real measurements of the DSF against the ANN simulated values, the damage signature appears clearly in the DSF, enabling an accurate damage diagnosis. This schema has been applied in a range of EOC for a one-dimensional structure containing single damage path and two dimensional real fuselage structure with stiffener elements and multiple damage paths. The EOC effects tested in the one-dimensional structure have been generalized to the fuselage showing its independence from structural arrangement and the type of sensors used for GLW data acquisition. Moreover, it can be used for the simultaneous compensation of a variety of measurable EOC, which affects the guided wave data acquisition. The main result, among others, of this thesis is the CT-ANN methodology for the compensation of EOC in GLW based SHM technique for damage diagnosis.
In this paper, we present a novel indexing technique called Multi-scale Similarity Indexing (MSI) to index image's multi-features into a single one-dimensional structure. Both for text and visual feature spaces, the similarity between a point and a local partition's center in individual space is used as the indexing key, where similarity values in different features are distinguished by different scale. Then a single indexing tree can be built on these keys. Based on the property that relevant images have similar similarity values from the center of the same local partition in any feature space, certain number of irrelevant images can be fast pruned based on the triangle inequity on indexing keys. To remove the dimensionality curse existing in high dimensional structure, we propose a new technique called Local Bit Stream (LBS). LBS transforms image's text and visual feature representations into simple, uniform and effective bit stream (BS) representations based on local partition's center. Such BS representations are small in size and fast for comparison since only bit operation are involved. By comparing common bits existing in two BSs, most of irrelevant images can be immediately filtered. To effectively integrate multi-features, we also investigated the following evidence combination techniques-Certainty Factor, Dempster Shafer Theory, Compound Probability, and Linear Combination. Our extensive experiment showed that single one-dimensional index on multi-features improves multi-indices on multi-features greatly. Our LBS method outperforms sequential scan on high dimensional space by an order of magnitude. And Certainty Factor and Dempster Shafer Theory perform best in combining multiple similarities from corresponding multiple features.
In this paper, we present a novel indexing technique called Multi-scale Similarity Indexing (MSI) to index imagersquos multi-features into a single one-dimensional structure. Both for text and visual feature spaces, the similarity between a point and a local partitionrsquos center in individual space is used as the indexing key, where similarity values in different features are distinguished by different scale. Then a single indexing tree can be built on these keys. Based on the property that relevant images haves similar similarity values from the center of the same local partition in any feature space, certain number of irrelevant images can be fast pruned based on the triangle inequity on indexing keys. To remove the ldquodimensionality curserdquo existing in high dimensional structure, we propose a new technique called Local Bit Stream (LBS). LBS transforms imagersquos text and visual feature representations into simple, uniform and effective bit stream (BS) representations based on local partitionrsquos center. Such BS representations are small in size and fast for comparison since only bit operation are involved. By comparing common bits existing in two BSs, most of irrelevant images can be immediately filtered. Our extensive experiment showed that single one-dimensional index on multi-features improves multi-indices on multi-features greatly. Our LBS method outperforms sequential scan on high dimensional space by an order of magnitude.
A presente investigação pretendeu validar para a população portuguesa de adolescentes a Escala de Memórias Precoces de Calor e Segurança em Relação ao Grupo de Pares (EMPCSPares) bem como ver cumpridos os seus principais objetivos: 1) Adaptação da escala de memórias precoces de calor e segurança (EMPCS), enquanto medida global, para o contexto de interação com o grupo de pares; 2) Explorar a validade de construto através da análise fatorial exploratória (estudo da dimensionalidade); 3) Analisar a consistência interna do instrumento e explorar a qualidade dos itens; 4) Examinar a validade convergente e divergente através da associação com outras variáveis semelhantes e distintas do construto em análise; 5) Analisar possíveis efeitos das variáveis sociodemográficas, como a idade, género e escolaridade nos resultados da escala, bem como a sua associação com a perceção global de qualidade vida; 6) Comparar as memórias precoces emocionais em função da qualidade de vinculação (segura e insegura). A amostra é constituída por 354 jovens (152 rapazes e 202 raparigas), com idades compreendidas entre os 12 e os 18 anos (M= 15,81; DP = 1,58) a frequentar o ensino básico e secundário do sistema regular de ensino público (7ºano de escolaridade ao 12º ano de escolaridade). Do protocolo constam os seguintes instrumentos: escala de memórias precoces de calor e segurança no contexto familiar (EMPCSFamília) e na interação com o grupo de pares (EMPCSPares); escala de auto-compaixão (SCS-A); escala de vergonha externa (OAS – A); questionário de vinculação (AQ-C); escala de ansiedade, depressão e stress (EADS-21). Os resultados obtidos mostram que a escala tem uma estrutura unidimensional, possui uma excelente consistência interna, uma estabilidade temporal adequada, assim como uma boa validade convergente e divergente. Revelou igualmente discriminar os jovens com uma vinculação segura dos que apresentam uma vinculação insegura. Apesar da necessidade de mais estudos, nomeadamente a realizar em amostras clínicas, a EMPCSPares mostrou ser um instrumento robusto e útil na avaliação de memórias emocionais no contexto de interação com os pares, constituindo um contributo relevante para a investigação e prática clínica com adolescentes. / This research intends to validate for the Portuguese population of adolescents the Early Memories Scale Heat and Safety Relative to Peer Group (EMPCSPares) and see fulfilled its main objectives: 1) The early warm and security memories scale adaptation (EMPCS), as a global measure for the interaction context with the peer group; 2) Explore the construct validity by exploratory factor analysis (study of dimensionality); 3) To analyze the internal consistency of the instrument and explore the quality of the items; 4) Examine the convergent and divergent validity by association with other similar and different variables of the construct in question; 5) Analyze possible effects of sociodemographic variables such as age, gender and education in the scale results, as well as its association with the global perception of quality of life; 6) compare the emotional early memories due to the link quality (secure and insecure). The sample consists of 354 children (152 boys and 202 girls), aged between 12 and 18 years (M = 15.81, SD = 1.58) attending basic and secondary education in the regular public education system (7th grade to 12th grade). The Protocol contains the following instruments: Scale of early heat and security memories in the family context (EMPCSFamily) and interaction with the peer group (EMPCSPairs) ; Self - compassion scale (SCS-A); external shame scale (OAS - A); linking questionnaire (AQ- C) ; scale of anxiety, stress and depression (EADS 21) . The results obtained show that the scale has a one-dimensional structure, has an excellent internal consistency, an adequate temporal stability as well as good convergent and divergent validity. It also showed discriminate young people with a secure attachment of those who have an insecure attachment. Despite the need for further studies, including the conduct of clinical samples, the EMPCSPares proved to be a robust and useful tool in the evaluation of emotional memories in the context of interaction with peers, constituting an important contribution to research and clinical practice with adolescents.
We propose a novel method to calculate the electronic Density of States (DOS) of a two dimensional disordered binary alloy. The method is highly reliable and numerically efficient, and Short Range Order (SRO) correlations can be included with no extra computational cost. The approach devised rests on one dimensional calculations and is applied to very long stripes of finite width, the bulk regime being achieved with a relatively small number of chains in the disordered case. Our approach is exact for the pure case and predicts the correct DOS structure in important limits, such as the segregated, random, and ordered alloy regimes. We also suggest important extensions of the present work. © 1995.
Background: The yellow fever mosquito, Aedes aegypti, is the primary vector for the viruses that cause yellow fever, mostly in tropical regions of Africa and in parts of South America, and human dengue, which infects 100 million people yearly in the tropics and subtropics. A better understanding of the structural biology of olfactory proteins may pave the way for the development of environmentally-friendly mosquito attractants and repellents, which may ultimately contribute to reduction of mosquito biting and disease transmission. Methodology: Previously, we isolated and cloned a major, female-enriched odorant-binding protein (OBP) from the yellow fever mosquito, AaegOBP1, which was later inadvertently renamed AaegOBP39. We prepared recombinant samples of AaegOBP1 by using an expression system that allows proper formation of disulfide bridges and generates functional OBPs, which are indistinguishable from native OBPs. We crystallized AaegOBP1 and determined its three-dimensional structure at 1.85 angstrom resolution by molecular replacement based on the structure of the malaria mosquito OBP, AgamOBP1, the only mosquito OBP structure known to date. Conclusion: The structure of AaegOBP1 (= AaegOBP39) shares the common fold of insect OBPs with six alpha-helices knitted by three disulfide bonds. A long molecule of polyethylene glycol (PEG) was built into the electron-density maps identified in a long tunnel formed by a crystallographic dimer of AaegOBP1. Circular dichroism analysis indicated that delipidated AaegOBP1 undergoes a pH-dependent conformational change, which may lead to release of odorant at low pH (as in the environment in the vicinity of odorant receptors). A C-terminal loop covers the binding cavity and this ""lid"" may be opened by disruption of an array of acid-labile hydrogen bonds thus explaining reduced or no binding affinity at low pH.
The 1,3,4-oxadiazinane ring in the title compound, C(18)H(18)N(2)O(4), is in a twisted boat conformation. The two carbonyl groups are orientated towards the same side of the molecule. The dihedral angle between the planes of the benzene rings is 76.6 (3)degrees. Molecules are sustained in the three-dimensional structure by a combination of C-H center dot center dot center dot O, C-H center dot center dot center dot pi and pi-pi [shortest centroid-centroid distance = 3.672 (6) angstrom] interactions.
Fast Structure-Based Assignment of 15N HSQC Spectra of Selectively 15N-Labeled Paramagnetic Proteins
A novel strategy for fast NMR resonance assignment of N-15 HSQC spectra of proteins is presented. It requires the structure coordinates of the protein, a paramagnetic center, and one or more residue-selectively N-15-labeled samples. Comparison of sensitive undecoupled N-15 HSQC spectra recorded of paramagnetic and diamagnetic samples yields data for every cross-peak on pseudocontact shift, paramagnetic relaxation enhancement, cross-correlation between Curie-spin and dipole-dipole relaxation, and residual dipolar coupling. Comparison of these four different paramagnetic quantities with predictions from the three-dimensional structure simultaneously yields the resonance assignment and the anisotropy of the susceptibility tensor of the paramagnetic center. The method is demonstrated with the 30 kDa complex between the N-terminal domain of the epsilon subunit and the theta subunit of Escherichia Coll DNA polymerase III. The program PLATYPUS was developed to perform the assignment, provide a measure of reliability of the assignment, and determine the susceptibility tensor anisotropy.
Zinc fingers (ZnFs) are generally regarded as DNA-binding motifs. However, a number of recent reports have implicated particular ZnFs in the mediation of protein-protein interactions. The N-terminal ZnF of GATA-1 (NF) is one such finger, having been shown to interact with a number of other proteins, including the recently discovered transcriptional co-factor FOG. Here we solve the three-dimensional structure of the NF in solution using multidimensional H-1/N-15 NMR spectroscopy, and we use H-1/N-15 spin relation measurements to investigate its backbone dynamics. The structure consists of two distorted beta-hairpins and a single alpha-helix, and is similar to that of the C-terminal ZnF of chicken GATA-1. Comparisons of the NF structure with those of other C-4-type zinc binding motifs, including hormone receptor and LIM domains, also reveal substantial structural homology. Finally, we use the structure to map the spatial locations of NF residues shown by mutagenesis to be essential for FOG binding, and demonstrate that these residues all lie on a single face of the NE Notably, this face is well removed from the putative DNA-binding face of the NE an observation which is suggestive of simultaneous roles for the NF; that is, stabilisation of GATA-1 DNA complexes and recruitment of FOG to GATA-1-controlled promoter regions.
Background: The ornamental tobacco Nicotiana alata produces a series of proteinase inhibitors (Pls) that are derived from a 43 kDa precursor protein, NaProPl. NaProPl contains six highly homologous repeats that fold to generate six separate structural domains, each corresponding to one of the native Pls. An unusual feature of NaProPl is that the structural domains lie across adjacent repeats and that the sixth Pl domain is generated from fragments of the first and sixth repeats. Although the homology of the repeats suggests that they may have arisen from gene duplication, the observed folding does not appear to support this. This study of the solution structure of a single NaProPl repeat (aPl1) forms a basis for unravelling the mechanism by which this protein may have evolved, Results: The three-dimensional structure of aPl1 closely resembles the triple-stranded antiparallel beta sheet observed in each of the native Pls. The five-residue sequence Glu-Glu-Lys-Lys-Asn, which forms the linker between the six structural domains in NaProPl, exists as a disordered loop in aPl1. The presence of this loop in aPl1 results in a loss of the characteristically flat and disc-like topography of the native inhibitors. Conclusions: A single repeat from NaProPl is capable of folding into a compact globular domain that displays native-like Pl activity. Consequently, it is possible that a similar single-domain inhibitor represents the ancestral protein from which NaProPl evolved.
Three defensin-like peptides (DLPs) were isolated from platypus venom and sequenced. One of these peptides, DLP-1, was synthesized chemically and its three-dimensional structure was determined using NMR spectroscopy. The main structural elements of this 42-residue peptide were an anti-parallel beta-sheet comprising residues 15-18 and 37-40 and a small 3(10) helix spanning residues 10-12. The overall three-dimensional fold is similar to that of beta-defensin-12, and similar to the sodium-channel neurotoxin ShI (Stichodactyla helianthus neurotoxin I). However, the side chains known to be functionally important in beta-defensin-12 and ShI are not conserved in DLP-1, suggesting that it has a different biological function. Consistent with this contention, we showed that DLP-1 possesses no anti-microbial properties and has no observable activity on rat dorsal-root-ganglion sodium-channel currents.
Much interest has been generated by recent reports on the discovery of circular (i.e. head-to-tail cyclized) proteins in plants. Here we report the three-dimensional structure of one of the newest such circular proteins, MCoTI-II, a novel trypsin inhibitor from Momordica cochinchinensis, a member of the Cucurbitaceae plant family. The structure consists of a small beta -sheet, several turns, and a cystine knot arrangement of the three disulfide bonds. Interestingly, the molecular topology is similar to that of the plant cyclotides (Craik, D. J., Daly, N. L., Bond, T., and Waine, C. (1999) J. Mol. Biol, 294, 1327-1336), which derive from the Rubiaceae and Violaceae plant families, have antimicrobial activities, and exemplify the cyclic cystine knot structural motif as part of their circular backbone. The sequence, biological activity, and plant family of MCoTI-II are all different from known cyclotides. However, given the structural similarity, cyclic backbone, and plant origin of MCoTI-II, we propose that MCoTI-II can be classified as a new member of the cyclotide class of proteins. The expansion of the cyclotides to include trypsin inhibitory activity and a new plant family highlights the importance and functional variability of circular proteins and the fact that they are more common than has previously been believed, Insights into the possible roles of backbone cyclization have been gained by a comparison of the structure of MCoTI-II with the homologous acyclic trypsin inhibitors CMTI-I and EETI-II from the Cucurbitaceae plant family.
The plant cyclotides are a family of 28 to 37 amino acid miniproteins characterized by their head-to-tail cyclized peptide backbone and six absolutely conserved Cys residues arranged in a cystine knot motif: two disulfide bonds and the connecting backbone segments form a loop that is penetrated by the third disulfide bond. This knotted disulfide arrangement, together with the cyclic peptide backbone, renders the cyclotides extremely stable against enzymatic digest as well as thermal degradation, making them interesting targets for both pharmaceutical and agrochemical applications. We have examined the expression patterns of these fascinating peptides in various Viola species (Violaceae). All tissue types examined contained complex mixtures of cyclotides, with individual profiles differing significantly. We provide evidence for at least 57 novel cyclotides present in a single Viola species (Viola hederacea). Furthermore, we have isolated one cyclotide expressed only in underground parts of V, hederacea and characterized its primary and three-dimensional structure. We propose that cyclotides constitute a new family of plant defense peptides, which might constitute an even larger and, in their biological function, more diverse family than the well-known plant defensins.
Genetic population structure in the catadromous Australian bass Macquaria novemaculeata was investigated using samples from four locations spanning 600 km along the eastern Australian coastline. Both allozymes and mtDNA control region sequences were examined. Population subdivision estimates based on allozymes revealed low levels of population structuring (G(st)=0.043, P<0.05). However, mtDNA indicated moderate levels of geographic population structure (G(st)=0.146, P<0.01). Phylogenetic analysis of mtDNA control region sequences (mean sequence divergence 1.9%) indicated little phylogeographic structuring. Results suggested that genotypic variation within each river population, while bring affected primarily by genetic drift, was also prevented from more significant divergence by homogenizing levels of gene flow-synonymous with a one-dimensional stepping-stone model of population structure. The catadromous life history of Macquaria novemaculeata was considered to br influential on the pattern of population structure displayed. Results were compared to the few population genetic studies involving catadromous fishes, indicating that catadromy alone is unlikely to be a good predictor of population structure. A more comprehensive suite of biological characteristics than simple life-history traits must be considered fully to allow reliable predictive models of population structure to be formulated. (C) 1997 The Fisheries Society of the British Isles.
Background: The venoms of Conus snails contain small, disulfide-rich inhibitors of voltage-dependent sodium channels. Conotoxin GS is a 34-residue polypeptide isolated from Conus geographus that interacts with the extracellular entrance of skeletal muscle sodium channels to prevent sodium ion conduction. Although conotoxin GS binds competitively with mu conotoxin GIIIA to the sodium channel surface, the two toxin types have little sequence identity with one another, and conotoxin GS has a four-loop structural framework rather than the characteristic three-loop mu-conotoxin framework. The structural study of conotoxin GS will form the basis for establishing a structure-activity relationship and understanding its interaction with the pore region of sodium channels. Results: The three-dimensional structure of conotoxin GS was determined using two-dimensional NMR spectroscopy. The protein exhibits a compact fold incorporating a beta hairpin and several turns. An unusual feature of conotoxin GS is the exceptionally high proportion (100%) of cis-imide bond geometry for the three proline or hydroxyproline residues. The structure of conotoxin GS bears little resemblance to the three-loop mu conotoxins, consistent with the low sequence identity between the two toxin types and their different structural framework. However, the tertiary structure and cystine-knot motif formed by the three disulfide bonds is similar to that present in several other polypeptide ion channel inhibitors. Conclusions: This is the first three-dimensional structure of a 'four-loop' sodium channel inhibitor, and it represents a valuable new structural probe for the pore region of voltage-dependent sodium channels. The distribution of amino acid sidechains in the structure creates several polar and charged patches, and comparison with the mu conotoxins provides a basis for determining the binding surface of the conotoxin GS polypeptide.