996 resultados para Ondjaki 1977 Ynari : a menina das cinco tranças
These newsletters, from 1973-1974 and 1976-1977, list obligations, payments made on billings and for food stamps, incurred on behalf of the needy Indians.
Iowa's first sprinkle treatment in 1974 was applied to a short section of old US 30 west of Ames. A roll type seal coat spreader was used to apply several types of sprinkle aggregates. The following year a spinner type tailgate spreader was used for sprinkle application of an Iowa 7 project in Webster County. Uniform spreading and tire marks were problems in these early projects. A special spinner spreader was built in 1976 and mounted on a truck specially equipped with smooth tires. This special unit was tested in early 1977 on a project that had been scheduled for 1976. Spinner type spreaders proved unacceptable due to non-uniformity of spreading.
Neste trabalho avaliou-se o efeito da premunização com duas estirpes fracas do vírus-do-mosaico-do-mamoeiro - estirpe melancia ("papaya ringspot virus - type W", PRSV-W), combinada com a tolerância das plantas, no controle do mosaico e na produtividade da abóbora 'Menina Brasileira'. Testes realizados em casa de vegetação mostraram que as plantas dessa cultivar premunizadas com as estirpes fracas PRSV-W-1 e 2 ficaram totalmente protegidas contra a infecção por uma estirpe severa de Campinas. Em condições de campo avaliou-se comparativamente a produção de plantas premunizadas, infectadas com a estirpe severa de Campinas, e sadias e expostas à infecção natural (controle). A proteção foi medida com base na produção individual das plantas, cujos frutos foram classificados em comerciais e não-comerciais. As plantas premunizadas tiveram uma produção média de frutos comerciais (peso) 33% superior à daquelas naturalmente infectadas em campo. Quanto ao número de frutos comerciais, o aumento foi da ordem de 50%. A premunização combinada com a tolerância da abóbora 'Menina Brasileira' permitiu um melhor controle do mosaico, com ganhos na produção de frutos comerciais.
Este trabajo trata de explicar los motivos que han llevado a los partidos políticos españoles a optar, en los procesos de formación de gobierno en situaciones parlamentarias minoritarias celebrados desde 1977, por la formación de gobiernos minoritarios. Contrariamente a lo sostenido por las teorías formales de las coaliciones políticas, la solución al proceso de formación de gobierno en el caso español responde a los cálculos estratégicos de los partidos políticos implicados en el fenómeno coalicional. Como se argumentará, la formación de gobiernos minoritarios en España se configura como soluciones racionales desde una óptica metodológica multidimensional.
La présente thèse analyse les facteurs expliquant l'attrait académique pour la Near-Death Experience (NDE) aux Etats-Unis. À travers l'étude d'un acteur clé, Russell Noyés, la thèse démontre que l'expérience de mort imminente est devenue pertinente grâce aux psychiatres et aux psychologues qui lui ont octroyé une qualité clinique et thérapeutique. Afin de reconstruire les fondements académiques de l'intérêt pour l'étude de la mort, de l'expérience de la mort et de la mort imminente en psychiatrie dans les années 1960-70, la méthode employée est celle d'une enquête historique qui combine une approche empirique avec une génétique de récit. - The dissertation analyses the factors explaining the emergence of the Near- Death Experience (NDE) as a research topic in the disciplines of psychology and psychiatry in the United States. The study of a key actor, Russell Noyes, will demonstrate how the experience of near-death became relevant through the work of psychiatrists and psychologists who attributed a clinical and therapeutical quality to it. In order to retrace the academic foundations of the research on death, the experience of dying and near-death, during the 60s and 70s, this dissertation applies a historical method, which combines an empirical approach with a genetic of narratives.
The Road Rater is a dynamic deflection measuring appa-ratus for flexible base pavements. The basic operating principle of the Road Rater is to impart a dynamic loading and measure the resultant movement of the pavement with velocity sensors. This data, when properly adjusted for temperature by use of a nomograph included in this report, can be used to determine pavement life expectancy and estimate overlay thickness required. Road Rater testing will be conducted in the spring, when pave-ments are in their weakest condition, until seasonal correction factors can be developed. The Road Rater does not have sufficient ram weight to effectively evaluate load carrying capacity of rigid pavements. All rigid pavements react similarly to Road Rater testing and generally deflect from 0.65 to 1.30 mils. Research will be continued to evaluate rigid pavements with the Road Rater, however. The Road Rater has proven to be a reliable, trouble free pavement evaluation machine. The deflection apparatus was originally front-mounted, but was rear-mounted during the winter of 1977-78. Since that time, van handling has greatly improved, and front suspension parts are no longer overstressed due to improper weight distribution. The Road Rater provides a fast, economical, nondestructive test method to evaluate flexible pavements. Road Rater test data can be used to predict pavement life, set priorities for asphaltic concrete resurfacing, and design asphaltic concrete overlays. Temperature and seasonal variations significantly affect Road Rater deflection readings and must be considered. A nomograph included in this report adjusts for temperature, but does not correct for seasonal effect. Road Rater testing will be conducted in the spring until seasonal correction factors can be developed. The Road Rater has not successfully evaluated rigid pavements, but research will continue in this area. 1. Recommendations for continuing Road Rater research, evaluation and application are as follows:A computer program should be established to reduce Road Rater raw data (Range and Sensor reading) to HR-178 Road Rater Dynamic Deflections For Determining Structural Rating Of Flexible Pavements mean deflection (mils) and/or structural rating. This computer printout would be similar to present friction testing printouts, and would greatly reduce Road Rater data reduction manpower needs and costs. 2. Seasonal variation study should continue to develop seasonal correction factors. Seasonal test roads will be studied concurrently with routine testing during 1979 to develop this relationship. All Road Rater testing will be conducted in the spring until the seasonal relationship is established. 3. An asphaltic concrete overlay design method should be established based on Road Rater de-flection readings. The AASHTO Interim Guide for Design of Pavement Structures 1972 will be used as a base document for this study. 4. AASHTO Structural numbers should be compared to Road Rater Structural Ratings during 1979 on asphaltic concrete overlay projects. This analysis will enable us to refine Road Rater evaluation of flexible pavements. Roads will be tested before resurfacing and several months
We are depleting the once seemingly endless supply of aggregate available for concrete paving in Iowa. At the present time, some parts of our state do not have locally available aggregates of acceptable quality for portland cement concrete paving. This necessitates lengthy truck and rail hauls which frequently more than doubles the price of aggregate. In some parts of the state, the only coarse aggregates available locally are "d-cracking" in nature. Iowa's recycling projects were devised to alleviate the shortage of aggregates wherever they were found to have an economic advantage. We completed our first recycling project in 1976 on a 1.4 project in Lyon county. The data collected in this project was used to schedule two additional projects in 1977. The larger of these two projects is located in Page and Taylor county on Highway #2 and is approximately 15 miles in length. This material is to be crushed and re-used in the concrete paving, it is to be reconstructed on approximately the same alignment. The second project is part of the construction of Interstate I-680 north of council Bluffs where an existing 24 foot portland cement concrete roadway is to be recycled and used as the aggregate in the slip form econocrete subbase and the portland cement concrete shoulders.
In today's era of advanced methods, it is interesting that a centuries-old Roman road-building concept can be the most attractive alternative available. The need for a less expensive road base construction method is very apparent, especially to the county engineer faced with maintaining quality lower traffic volume farm-to-market roads. The revival of the Macadam stone base is one possible solution. Des Moines County believed a Macadam road had excellent possibilities for their particular needs. They proposed a research project designed to eliminate some of the unknown factors of Macadam stone base construction. It is the intent of this research project to develop standardized design procedures and serve as an aid for others in constructing a Macadam base roadway. The Iowa Department of Transportation has published special provisions for the construction of Macadam stone bases that were adopted as the guideline specifications for the research project.
Highway safety and pavement performance can be directly influenced by the type of shoulders that are constructed. Shoulder design alternatives have always been rather limited. Moreover, the use of some of the alternatives has always been restricted by funding limitations. This research project seeks to explore the use of modified macadam base construction for shoulders. This type of shoulder design could offer the designer another option when paved or stabilized shoulders are being considered. Macadam base construction has in the past been shown to be quite strong and freedraining. Two macadam base shoulder designs were developed and constructed for this research project. A new roadway embankment and P.C.C. pavement were constructed on a section of US 6 east of Adel in Dallas County. The macadam base shoulders were constructed adjacent to the pavement as part of the project. The north shoulder was finished with a choke stone course and bituminous surface treatment and the south shoulder was finished with a two (2) inch layer of Type B Class II asphalt concrete. The initial results are considered satisfactory. Follow-up performance evaluation and load bearing tests are planned.
This report discusses the asphalt pavement recycling project designated Project HR-188 in Kossuth County, Iowa. Specific objectives were: (a) to determine the effectiveness of drum mixing plant modifications designed to control air pollution within limits specified by the Iowa Department of Environmental Quality; (b) to assess the impact of varying the proportions of recycled and virgin aggregates, (c) to assess the impact of varying the production rate of the plant, and (d) to assess the impact of varying the mixing temperature. The discussion includes information on the proposed use of research funds, project location and description, the project planning conference, plan development, bid letting, asphalt plant configuration, actual plant operation, why this method is successful, probable process limitations, pollution results, recycled pavement test results, and the cost of virgin vs. recycled asphalt pavements.
Much effort is being expended by various state, federal, and private organizations relative to the protection and preservation of concrete bridge floors. The generally recognized culprit is the chloride ion, from the deicing salt, reaching the reinforcing steel, and along with water and oxygen, causing corrosion. The corrosion process exerts pressure which eventually causes cracks and spalls in the bridge floor. The reinforcing· has been treated and coated, various types of "waterproof" membranes have been placed on the deck surface, decks have been surfaced with dense and modified concretes, decks have been electrically protected, and attempts to internally seal the concrete have been made. As of yet, no one method has been proven and accepted by the various government agencies as being the "best" when considering the initial cost, application effort, length and effectiveness of protection, etc.
In an effort to control fugitive dust on a gravel surfaced roadway in Boone County, a cationic asphalt emulsion was blended with warm water and applied with an asphalt distributor. The test included various application procedures. After visual observations, it was concluded that this procedure utilizing a dilute asphalt emulsion was not an effective method of dust control.
A research project involving 2, 3, 4, and 5 in. (5.1, 7.6, 10.2, and 12.7 cm) of bonded portland cement concrete (PCC) overlay on a 1.3 mile (2.1 km) PCC pavement was conducted in Clayton County, Iowa, during September 1977, centering on the following objectives: (1) Determine the mixing and proportioning procedures required in using a conventional, central mix proportioning plant to produce a dense PCC mixture using standard mixes with super water reducing admixtures; (2) Determine the economics, longevity and maintenance performance of a bonded, thin-lift, non-reinforced PCC resurfacing course using conventional procedures, equipment and concrete paving mixtures both with and without super water reducing admixtures; and (3) Determine if an adequate bond between the existing pavement and an overlay of thin-lift, dense, non-reinforced PCC can be obtained with only special surface cleaning and no surface removal or grinding. The conclusions are as follows: (1) Normal mixing equipment and proportioning procedures could be used using a conventional central-mix proportioning plant. This was successful when used with super water reducing admixtures. Only minor changes need be made in procedures and timing. (2) The time has been too short since the completion of the project to determine how the new pavement will perform, however, initially it appears that the method is economical and no reason is seen at this time why the life of the pavement should not be comparable to an all new pavement. (3) The initial test results show that bond strength, regardless of which method of cleaning is used, scarifying, sand blasting or water blasting, far exceed what is considered the minimum bond strength of 200 psi (1379 kPa) except where the paint stripes were intentionally left, thus showing that the paint must be removed. (4) It appears that either cement and water grout or sand, cement and water grout may be used and still obtain the required bond.