965 resultados para OUTER GALACTIC DISK


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Cystatin Related Epididymal Spermatogenic protein (CRES) is expressed in both the testis and epididymis and found associated with spermatozoa. It appears as non-glycosylated (14 and 12 kDa) and glycosylated isoforms (19 and 17 kDa). The role of CRES is enigmatic and dependent on localization of its isoforms, which is the objective of this study. The initial approach was to investigate testicular and epididymal origins of these isoforms by immunohistochemistry and immunogold cytochemistry. To further pinpoint CRES localization we then selectively extracted and fractionated epididymal spermatozoa in order to find by immunoblotting which sperm fractions contained CRES isoforms. Immunohistochemical analysis of mouse spermatogenesis showed that CRES was expressed in the tail cytoplasm of elongating spermatids from step 9-16, with a pattern reminiscent of outer dense fibre (ODF) proteins. Ultrastructural immunocytochemistry revealed that the immunogold label was concentrated over growing ODFs and mitochondrial sheath in the testes which persisted in spermatozoa through the epididymis. Sequential extractions of isolated sperm tails with Triton X-100-dithiothreitol (DTT) to remove the mitochondrial sheath, whose extract contained an unrelated 66 kDa immunoreactive band, followed by either sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS)-DTT or urea-DTT to solubilise accessory fibres of the tail revealed a 14 kDa immunoreactive band associated with the ODF. In addition, Western blots revealed glycosylated and non-glycosylated CRES isoforms in nonyl phenoxylpolyethoxylethanol (NP40) extracts of the caput, but not cauda, sperm. Immunohistochemical analysis of the caput and cauda epithelium showed that CRES is secreted by the Golgi apparatus of the ii initial segment, fills the proximal caput lumen, and disappears by mid caput. Western blots of caput and cauda tissue and luminal fluid revealed 14 and 19 kDa immunoreactive bands in caput tissues and luminal fluid, but not in the cauda. This study concludes that there are two origins of CRES, one arising in the testis and the other in the epididymis. Testicular CRES is ionically and covalently associated with the ODF while epididymal CRES is detergent soluble and is most likely associated temporarily with the surface of caput epididymal sperm.


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Absolute and differential abundance analyses have been performed from high-resolution, high signal-to-noise ratio optical (Keck I) spectra for three evolved Galactic halo stars, namely PG 1704 + 222, HD 341617 and LSIV -0401. Their derived atmospheric parameters indicate that all three objects are undergoing a post-asymptotic giant branch (post-AGB) phase of evolution. A differential abundance analysis reveals HD 341617 as having a mild carbon deficiency of 0.74 dex, possibly due to the star having evolved off the AGB before the onset of the third dredge-up. Although such carbon underabundances are typical of hot post-AGB objects, the same trend is not observed in PG 1704 + 222, where the carbon abundance is found to be consistent with those derived for nitrogen and oxygen. Hence, a dredge-up scenario need not be invoked to explain the chemical composition of PG 1704 + 222. For LSIV -0401 no iron deficiency is apparent relative to magnesium and silicon, and hence a gas- dust separation event in the AGB progenitor need not be invoked for this star.


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We introduce a new survey of massive stars in the Galaxy and the Magellanic Clouds using the Fibre Large Array Multi- Element Spectrograph ( FLAMES) instrument at the Very Large Telescope ( VLT). Here we present observations of 269 Galactic stars with the FLAMES- Giraffe Spectrograph ( R similar or equal to 25 000), in fields centered on the open clusters NGC3293, NGC4755 and NGC6611. These data are supplemented by a further 50 targets observed with the Fibre- Fed Extended Range Optical Spectrograph ( FEROS, R = 48 000). Following a description of our scientific motivations and target selection criteria, the data reduction methods are described; of critical importance the FLAMES reduction pipeline is found to yield spectra that are in excellent agreement with less automated methods. Spectral classifications and radial velocity measurements are presented for each star, with particular attention paid to morphological peculiarities and evidence of binarity. These observations represent a significant increase in the known spectral content of NGC3293 and NGC4755, and will serve as standards against which our subsequent FLAMES observations in the Magellanic Clouds will be compared.


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A preliminary search for stars that may have formed coevally with the apparently young halo B-type star PHL 346 has been performed with the 2dF multifibre spectrograph on the Anglo- Australian Telescope (AAT). Candidates were selected for spectroscopy from APM scans of B and R Schmidt plates centred on PHL 346. A total of 476 stars of spectral type A or F were found; radial velocity estimates and more accurate spectral type assignments narrowed the number of possible coeval candidates to 6 A-type and 14 F-type stars. A statistical analysis of these results using a comparison with a control field suggests that the number of A-type or F-type candidate stars around PHL 346 is not unexpected, and that they need not be associated with PHL 346. A number of ways to improve the project are suggested.


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High-resolution (R approximate to 40 000) echelle spectroscopic observations of 13 high-latitude early-type stars are presented. These stars comprise the final part of a complete magnitude range limited sample based on low-resolution spectroscopy of targets drawn from the Palomar-Green survey. The magnitude range under consideration is 13 less than or equal to B-PG less than or equal to 14.6, corresponding to an approximate distance limit for main-sequence B-type objects of 5 less than or equal to d less than or equal to 40 kpc. Three stars are found to be apparently normal, young stars, based on their positions on the (T-eff, log g) diagram, normal abundance patterns and relatively large projected rotational velocities. A further star, PG 1209+263, was found to belong to the chemically peculiar (CP) silicon star class of objects. The remainder are evolved subluminous stars lying on post- horizontal branch (post-HB) tracks, with the exception of PG 2120+062, which appears to be in a post-asymptotic giant branch evolutionary stage. For the young stars in the sample, we have derived distance and age estimates through comparison of the atmospheric parameters with recent theoretical evolutionary models. We discuss formation scenarios by comparing times-of- flight and evolutionary time-scales. It is found that all stars could have formed in the Galactic disc and been ejected from there soon after their birth, with the exception of PG 1209+263. The adopted proper motion is found to be a crucial factor in the kinematical analysis. We also present some number densities for young B-type halo stars, which indicate that they are extremely scarce objects.


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19 B-type stars, selected from the Palomar-Green Survey, have been observed at infrared wavelengths to search for possible infrared excesses, as part of an ongoing programme to investigate the nature of early-type stars at high Galactic latitudes. The resulting infrared fluxes, along with Stromgren photometry, are compared with theoretical flux profiles to determine whether any of the targets show evidence of circumstellar material, which may be indicative of post-main- sequence evolution. Eighteen of the targets have flux distributions in good agreement with theoretical predictions. However, one star, PG 2120 + 062, shows a small near-infrared excess, which may be due either to a cool companion of spectral type F5-F7, or to circumstellar material, indicating that it may be an evolved object such as a post-asymptotic giant branch star, in the transition region between the asymptotic giant branch and planetary nebula phase, with the infrared excess due to recent mass loss during giant branch evolution.


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Recent results for proton-argon total ionization cross sections [Kirchner Phys. Rev. Lett. 79, 1658 (1997)] show large disagreement between theory and experiment for energies below 80 keV. To address this problem we have employed a recently developed theoretical method with a more pragmatic approach to the charge screening both in the initial and final channels. The target is considered as a one-electron atom and the interactions between this active electron and remaining target electrons are treated by a model potential including both short- and long-range effects. In the final channel the usual product of two continuum distorted wave functions each associated with a distinct electron-nucleus interaction is used. New results in the present calculation show good agreement in total cross sections for the energy range 10-300 keV with the measurement of Rudd [Rev. Mod. Phys. 57, 965 (1985)].


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We report here the first detection of hectometer-size objects by the method of serendipitous stellar occultation. This method consists of recording the diffraction shadow created when an object crosses the observer's line of sight and occults the disk of a background star. One of our detections is most consistent with an object between Saturn and Uranus. The two other diffraction patterns detected are caused by Kuiper Belt objects beyond 100 AU from the Sun and hence are the farthest known objects in the solar system. These detections show that the Kuiper Belt is much more extended than previously believed and that the outer part of the disk could be composed of smaller objects than the inner part. This gives critical clues to understanding the problem of the formation of the outer planets of the solar system.


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Edge Cloud 2 (EC2) is a molecular cloud, about 35 pc in size, with one of the largest galactocentric distances known to exist in the Milky Way. We present observations of a peak CO emission region in the cloud and use these to determine its physical characteristics. We calculate a gas temperature of 20 K and a density of n(H2)~10^4 cm-3. Based on our CO maps, we estimate the mass of EC2 at around 10^4 Msolar and continuum observations suggest a dust-to-gas mass ratio as low as 0.001. Chemical models have been developed to reproduce the abundances in EC2, and they indicate that heavy element abundances may be reduced by a factor of 5 relative to the solar neighborhood (similar to dwarf irregular galaxies and damped Lya systems), very low extinction (A_V <4 mag) due to a very low dust-to-gas mass ratio, an enhanced cosmic-ray ionization rate, and a higher UV field compared to local interstellar values. The reduced abundances may be attributed to the low level of star formation in this region and are probably also related to the continuing infall of primordial (or low-metallicity) halo gas since the Milky Way formed. Finally, we note that shocks from the old supernova remnant GSH 138-01-94 may have determined the morphology and dynamics of EC2.


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Aims. We undertake an optical and ultraviolet spectroscopic analysis of a sample of 20 Galactic B0-B5 supergiants of luminosity classes Ia, Ib, Iab, and II. Fundamental stellar parameters are obtained from optical diagnostics and a critical comparison of the model predictions to observed UV spectral features is made.