997 resultados para Nyssomyia intermedia
Os autores decreveram uma nova bactéria - Pasteurella intermedia n. ap., obtida pela inoculação em cobaio de 2 cc. de sangue total de um indivíduo morto de bronco-pneumonia e suspeito de ter a forma grave de Tifo exantemático neotrópico. Têm a impressão que a Pasteurella marsupialis e a P. intermedia, constituem um grupo à parte, bem definido, dentro das Pasteurellas. Muito pequenas, de grande e persistente poder patogênico para os animais comuns de laboratório, mesmo quando as amostras das bactérias são conservadas pelos replantios em agar-comum, na temperatura e iluminação comum em laboratórios, durante anos. Estas duas Pasteurellas, ao contrário das demais, têm alto e inconfundível poder antígenico, para a formação de aglutininas e fixação do complemento e dão com constância uma "reação testicular" em cobaios machos, quando injetadas pela via intra-peritoneal, febre alta, esplenomegalia constante e às vezes notável, prestando-se à confusão para o diagnóstico diferencial e experimental com a raça VB do Tifo exantemático neotrófico no Brasil (Moléstia de Pisa, Gomes e Mayer).
A study of the Adolpho Lutz Collection of Tabanidae at the Instituto Oswaldo Cruz and of additional Lutz material at the Instituto Butantan in São Paulo is reported. Of the ninety-four species of Tabanidae validly described by Lutz, type material of eighty-four was recognized, either holotypes, allotypes or syntypes. Lectotypes were selected from among syntype series or remaining specimens and all type material was labelled. Of the ten species of which no type material could be found, neotypes were designated in the case of two species, Erephosis nigricans and Erephosis pseudo-aurimaculata. Types of three species, Chrysops ecuadoriensis, Dichelacera salvadorensis and Esenbeckia nigricorpus are believed to have been in Hamburg and destroyed during the last war. Types of two species, Esenbeckia biscutellata and E. dubia, and additional type material of several others are believed to have been in Montevideo. A request for information about them remains unanswered. Types of the remaining three species, Dichelacera intermedia, Dichelacera laceriascia and Esenbeckia distinguenda could not be found, and it is believed that at least the type of the last species was accidentally destroyed. Three specific of subspecific names proposed by Lutz but palaced by others in synonymy have been revalidated, Acanthocera intermedia, Erephosis brevistria and Esenbeckia fenestrata. Generic placement of two names has been changed, Esenbeckia arcuata ricardoae to Proboscoides, and Selasoma giganteum to Stibasoma. Seven specific names proposed by Lutz appear to be synonyms of earlier names, as follows: Bombylopsis juxtaleonina Lutz and Castro, 1936 = B. leonina Lutz, 1909. Bombylopsis pseudoanalis Lutz, 1909 = B. erythronotata (Bigot, 1892). Esenbeckia fuscipennis var. flavescens Lutz, 1909 = Esenbeckia fuscipennis Wied., 1828. Fidena chrysopyga Lutz and Castro, 1936 = F. atra Lutz and Castro, 1936. Laphriomyia longipalpis Lutz and Castro, 1937 = L. mirabilis Lutz, 1911. Stibasoma semiflavum Lutz, 1915 = St. bicolor Bigot, 1892. Tabanus hesperus Lutz, 1912 = Chlorotabanus (Cryptolylus) innotescens (Walker, 1854). Four Lutz names appear to antedate names proposed by others, viz.: Diachlorus angustifrons Kröber, 1930 and D. ochraceus Kröb., 1928 not Macquart, 1850 = Diachlorus fuscistigma Lutz, 1913. Psalidia fairchildi Barretto, 1950 = dicladocera conspicua Lutz and Neiva, 1914. Fidena pseudo-fulvithorax Kröb., 1931 = Erephopsis flavicrinis Lutz, 1909. Esenbeckia lemniscata Enderlein, 1925 = Esenbeckia clari Lutz, 1909. Some comments on Lutz' system of classification are given together with notes on the genotypes and included species of his genera as revaled by his collection and notes.
Foi realizado um inquérito entomológico no período de agosto a dezembor de 1977 na área de procedência de caso autóctone de leishmaniose visceral, encosta do Rio da Prata, bairro de Bangu, Rio de Janeiro. Utilizando-se capturadores manuais foram investigados os peri-domicílios de 13 das 27 habitações da área, tendo-se selecionado quatro locais de capturas que haviam demonstrado serem de maior produtividade. Em 22 capturas (73,3 horas - capturador), coletou-se 1.585 flebotomíneos, sendo 828 (52,2%) Lutzomyia intermediata, 684 (43,1%) Lutzomyia longipalpis, 57 (3,6%) Lutzomyia migonei, 5 (0,3%) Lutzomya cortelezzii e Lutzomyia fischeri, 3 (0,2%) Lutzomyia micropyga, 1(0,1%) LUtzomyia firmatoi e 2 (0,2%) Brumptomyia sp. L. longipalpis predominou nos locais de captura acima de 100 metros de altitude, tanto em abrigos de animais do tipo galinheiro como chiqueiro. A maioria deles foi capturada no horário entre 18 e 21 horas mas eventualmente foram também capturados entre 15 e 17 horas. L. intermedia predominou abaixo de 100 metros e em chiqueiro, sendo encontrados em galinheiro menos freqüentemente que L. longipalpis. Os autores ressaltam a necessidade de adoção de medidas de controle na localidade, dado o risco potencial de transmissão de leishmaniose visceral em área próxima a grande concentração urbana.
Lutzomyia (N.) whitmani foi infectada em lesões leishmanióticas de três de nove cães parasitados por Leishmania braziliensis braziliensis . Os índices de infecção desses flebotomíneos foram 8,3% (1/12), 7,1% (1/14) e 1,8% (3,160), respectivamente. Por outro lado, 180 Lu. whitmani que se alimentaram em áreas não-ulceradas em um dos cães foram negativos, após dissecação. É discutida a potencialidade de Lu. whitmani como vector de L.B. braziliensis na região endêmica de Três Braços, Bahia, Brasil.
Realizamos durante um ano completo coletas sistemáticas de flebótomos em Vargem Grande, onde recentemente encontráramos Lutzomyia intermedia naturalmente infectada por Leishmania braziliensis. Capturamos flebótomos pertencentes a doze espécies. Tanto dentro de casa quanto no peridomicílio, as capturas em isca humana e com armadilha luminosa, revelaram a grande predominância de L. intermedia seguida de L. migonei. Na plantação predominou L. migonei. Nas coletas simultâneas em homem e cão, L. intermedia foi mais freqüente no primeiro e L. migonei no segundo.
Les auteurs décrivent le mâle et la femelle d'une nouvelle espèce de phlébotome Lutzomyia brisolai n.sp., anthropophile, rencontrée dans plusieurs stations du piémont andin. Cette espèce, difficile à classer, présente des caractères l'apparentant à L. oliveirai et L. minasensis mais aussi aux espèces du sous-genre Nyssomyia.
The validity of Biomphalaria kuhniana (Clessin, 1883) is confirmed through morphological study of specimens from Surinam (type locality) and the area of Tucurui (Tocantins river, state of Pará, Brazil) in comparison with B. straminea (Dunker, 1848), and throught crossing experiments which revealed complete reproductive isolation between the two species. The full-grown shell of kuhniana is smaller (about 7.5 mm) than that of straminea (11 mm to 16.5 mm). Anatomically they differ in the degree of corrugation of the vaginal wall (little developed in kuhniana, conspicuous in straminea), number and shape of prostatic diverticula (kuhniana 4 to 9, shorter and less branched; straminea 9 to 18, longer and more branched),number of muscle layers at the middle of the penis (two in kuhniana, three in straminea), distal segment of the spermiduct usually straight or slightly wavy in kuhniana, more or less curly in straminea. Differences between B. kuhniana and B. intermedia (paraense & Deslandes, 1962) are less marked. The latter has a shell up to about 12 mm in diameter, 7 to 15 prostatic diverticula, two muscle layers at the middle of the penis, and a vaginal wall with a combination of a more or less developed corrugation (or sometimes a mere swelling) on the left of the spermathecal duct and a rudimentary pouch on the right of the duct. A Biomphalaria straminea complex is proposed to include that species as well as B. kuhniana and B. intermedia.
From July 1984 to September 1986, 105 cases of American cutaneous leishmaniasis were studied in a locality closely situated to an urbanized area of the city of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Settement in this area was established at least 20 years ago but the first cases were noted six months prior to the beginning of this study. Cases were almost exlusively cutaneous and ulcerated, with one to six months of evolution. Montenegro's skin tests were positive in all cases and anti-Leishmania antibodies were detected by indirect immunofluorescence test in 74.3% of the patients. Parasites were demonstrated in 69.5% of cases. Domestic animals were easily found infected; 32% of the examined dogs and 30.8% of the examined equines were positive to the presence of Leishmania in cutaneous ulcerated lesions. Parasite isolates from human, dog andequines were immunologically characterized and identified as L. b. braziliensis. 73,0% of the sandfly population were Lutzomyia intermedia mainly caught on human baits and on domestic animals. Our observations suggest that this is an area of recent established L. b. braziliensis infection and that transmission probably occurs indoors or outdoors close to the houses.
After outbreaks of cutaneous leishmaniasis in Solano State, Venezuela, 5% of the population had parasitized ulcers while after similar outbreaks in Mesquita, Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil, 9% had the disease. In these foci children, including some under six years of age, wre affected. There was no significant difference in the occurence of the disease according to sex or type of employment. In Solano, 3% of dogs and 28% of donkeys had parasitized lesions, while in Mesquita these indices were 19.8% and 30.8% respectively. The parasite from man, dogs and equines was identified as Leishmania (Viannia) braziliensis, by zymodeme and serodeme characterization. In these foci there is evidence suggesting that leishmaniasis is a zoonosis, possibly with equine and dogs as reservoirs, although both a wild enzootic cycle and the role of man as a source of infection can not be ruled out. Transmission is assumed to occur peridomestically by sandfly vectors such as Lutzomyia panamensis in Venezuela and Lutzomyia intermedia in Brazil. Information about the origin of these foci suggests that infected equines may be an important factor in the dissemination of the parasite in a peridomestic situation where these sandflies are abundant.
Lutzomyia intermedia was the predominant species. It was collected indoors but in much higher numbers outdoors, in the close vicinity of houses. In comparative captures it was found to feed more frequently on equines, and less frequently on man and dogs. Studies, using man and animals as baits, showed that blood-feeding started in the evening, and remained stable during the night, until early morning. June, August and October were the months of highest density.
DNA-based techniques are important tools for species assignment, in particular when identification with morphological criteria is difficult. The aim of this study was to genetically determine the species identity of tree frogs (Hyla spp.) populations from western and northern Switzerland (Swiss Plateau), this area being frequently subjected to introductions of species or sub-species from south of the Alps. We sequenced 261 base pairs of the mitochondrial DNA cytochrome b gene from 24 samples of tree frogs from the Swiss Plateau, Ticino (southern Switzerland) and the Dombes region (Ain, France), and compared them with homologous sequences retrieved from DNA databases. The phylogenetic analyses revealed two distinct clades. The first one is represented by samples of Green tree frog (Hyla arborea) from the Swiss Plateau, France, Germany and Greece, confirming the current knowledge about the species' distribution. The second clade includes samples belonging to the Italian tree frog (Hyla intermedia) from south of the Alps (Ticino and Italy), and unexpectedly from the Grangettes site in western Switzerland. These results suggest the introduction of the Italian tree frog H. intermedia north of the Alps, and raise questions about the management of the Grangettes protected area.
Los patrones de tomate se han propuesto como una alternativa no química al uso del bromuro de metilo. En este estudio se evaluó la respuesta de resistencia de diez patrones de tomate (comerciales y experimentales) a nematodos del género Meloidogyne mediante un ensayo de campo realizado en un invernadero de plástico cuyo suelo se hallaba infestado por Meloidogyne javanica. Al finalizar la campaña agrícola (marzo a julio), siete de los patrones ensayados mostraron altos niveles de resistencia, uno presentó resistencia intermedia y dos resultaron ser susceptibles al nematodo.
The aim of this study is to review some of the ecoepidemiological aspects of american cutaneous leishmaniasis (ACL) in the state of São Paulo, Brazil. During the first half of this century ACL occured in São Paulo, predominantly on the bank of the Tietê river, where there were railroad constructions and there was inevitable contact between and forested areas. Man's activities resulted in a drastic reduction of the forested regions of the state and molded the present landscape found in São Paulo, which brought a gradual change in the epidemiology of ACL during this century. Currently ACL can be considered as an endemic disease. Nowadays, ACL is found in different regions of São Paulo state, and is no longer limited to the bank of the Tietê river. The disease occurs in all age groups and sexes. Lack of knowledge about wild reservoir hosts of Leishmania (V.) braziliensis has simulated speculation about the possible role played by domestic animals (dogs and equines). Man's activities also favoured Lutzomyia intermedia a sandfly species which can clearly thrive in changed environments L. (V.) braziliensis continues to be transmitted, even after decades of forest destruction in São Paulo.
Ecological aspect of sand fly distribution in the state of São Paulo, Brazil are described. The main man-biting species are Lutzomyia whitmani, Lu.pessoai, Lu.intermedia, Lu.migonei and Lu.fischeri. Their primary habitat is the forest but latter three of the above species are also encountered in domiciliary environment. Sylvatic species such as Lu.flaviscutellata bite man only rarely and Psychodopygus ayrozai seems to be more anthropophilic. The survival of sand flies in the residual forest and in cultivated areas where man has nearly destroyed the forest almost completely is analyzed. Over the last ten years the incidence of human American cutaneous leishmaniasis (ACL) has been increasing: human cases occurring within several municipalities in which there is overlapping with the distributon of domiciliary Lu.intermedia. New ACL microfoci are appearing in the state of São Paulo and these call for further study.
In order to reevaluate the possible presence of schistosomiasis mansoni in the Triângulo Mineiro, one of the areas of the State of Minas Gerais where this parasite is not commonly found, malacological survey and fecal examinations were undertaken in the region between October 1990 and June 1992. A sample of 7,032 1st grade school children from 29 counties had their feces examined using the Kato-Katz method. Amongst the children examined, two from Planura and one from each countie of Capinópolis, Conceição das Alagoas, Uberaba, Uberlândia, Prata and Gurinhatã were positive for Schistosoma mansoni. None of the children were identified as being autoctonous cases. In the malacological survey, 5,406 planorbid snails were examined. The specimens were identified morphologically and examined for S. mansoni by squashing between glass plates. The species were identified as Biomphalaria tenagophila in three counties, as B. straminea in ten and B. intermedia in 16. No snails were found in eight other counties studies. The snails were found to be negative for S. mansoni. The presence of intermediate hosts for S. mansoni, associated with parasitized individuals emphasizes the necessity of epidemiological surveillance for schistosomiasis in the region of Triângulo in the State of Minas Gerais.