285 resultados para Nys, Gudrun M. S


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The number of immunoglobulin G constant heavy chain genes (cgamma genes) varies broadly among mammalian species, reflecting structural and functional differences between expressed immunoglobulin G (IgG) isotypes and allotypes. Up to now equine IgG isotypes have been defined only at the biochemical and serological level. It is still not clear how many IgG isotypes exist in horses and whether there are any allotypes. Here, we describe the isolation and characterisation of equine cgamma genes. An equine genomic lambda phage library was screened with a human cgamma4 probe. Cross-hybridising equine cgamma sequences were cloned twice and characterised by restriction mapping with the human cgamma4 and a murine sgamma1 probe. Genomic equine DNA probes for both, cgamma genes and corresponding switch regions (sgamma), were isolated and used for a more detailed BamHI restriction analysis, comparing genomic DNA of various horses. This analysis reveals the existence of at least five, or probably six cgamma genes in the equine haploid genome. Beside the porcine system, this is the highest number of cgamma genes described for any mammalian species. Moreover, for two of these cgamma genes, BamHI restriction fragment length polymorphism became evident.


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Previous restriction analysis of cloned equine DNA and genomic DNA of equine peripheral blood mononuclear cells had indicated the existence of one c epsilon, one c alpha and up to six c gamma genes in the haploid equine genome. The c epsilon and c alpha genes have been aligned on a 30 kb DNA fragment in the order 5' c epsilon-c alpha 3'. Here we describe the alignment of the equine c mu and c gamma genes by deletion analysis of one IgM, four IgG and two equine light chain expressing heterohybridomas. This analysis establishes the existence of six c gamma genes per haploid genome. The genomic alignment of the cH-genes is 5' c mu/(/) c gamma 1/(/) c gamma 2/(/) c gamma 3/(/) c gamma 4/(/) c gamma 5/(/) c gamma 6/(/) c epsilon-c alpha 3', naming the c gamma genes according to their position relative to c mu. For three of the c gamma genes the corresponding IgG isotypes could be identified as IgGa for c gamma 1, IgG(T) for c gamma 3 and IgGb for c gamma 4.


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Soil indicators may be used for assessing both land suitability for restoration and the effectiveness of restoration strategies in restoring ecosystem functioning and services. In this review paper, several soil indicators, which can be used to assess the effectiveness of ecological restoration strategies in dryland ecosystems at different spatial and temporal scales, are discussed. The selected indicators represent the different viewpoints of pedology, ecology, hydrology, and land management. Two overall outcomes stem from the review. (i) The success of restoration projects relies on a proper understanding of their ecology, namely the relationships between soil, plants, hydrology, climate, and land management at different scales, which are particularly complex due to the heterogeneous pattern of ecosystems functioning in drylands. (ii) The selection of the most suitable soil indicators follows a clear identification of the different and sometimes competing ecosystem services that the project is aimed at restoring.


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Despite numerous research efforts over the last decades, integrating the concept of ecosystem servicesinto land management decision-making continues to pose considerable challenges. Researchers havedeveloped many different frameworks to operationalize the concept, but these are often specific to acertain issue and each has their own definitions and understandings of particular terms. Based on acomprehensive review of the current scientific debate, the EU FP7 project RECARE proposes an adaptedframework for soil-related ecosystem services that is suited for practical application in the preventionand remediation of soil degradation across Europe. We have adapted existing frameworks by integratingcomponents from soil science while attempting to introduce a consistent terminology that is understand-able to a variety of stakeholders. RECARE aims to assess how soil threats and prevention and remediationmeasures affect ecosystem services. Changes in the natural capital’s properties influence soil processes,which support the provision of ecosystem services. The benefits produced by these ecosystem servicesare explicitly or implicitly valued by individuals and society. This can influence decision- and policymak-ing at different scales, potentially leading to a societal response, such as improved land management.The proposed ecosystem services framework will be applied by the RECARE project in a transdisciplinaryprocess. It will assist in singling out the most beneficial land management measures and in identifyingtrade-offs and win–win situations resulting from and impacted by European policies. The framework thusreflects the specific contributions soils make to ecosystem services and helps reveal changes in ecosystemservices caused by soil management and policies impacting on soil. At the same time, the framework issimple and robust enough for practical application in assessing soil threats and their management withstakeholders at various levels.


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von Ernest Nys


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Palynological analyses were performed on 53 surface sediment samples from the North Pacific Ocean, including the Bering and Okhotsk Seas (37-64°N, 144°E-148°W), in order to document the relationships between the dinocyst distribution and sea-surface conditions (temperatures, salinities, primary productivity and sea-ice cover). Samples are characterized by concentrations ranging from 18 to 143816 cysts/cm**3 and the occurrence of 32 species. A canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) was carried out to determine the relationship between environmental variables and the distribution of dinocyst taxa. The first and second axes represent, respectively, 47% and 17.8% of the canonical variance. Axis 1 is positively correlated with all parameters except to the sea-ice and primary productivity in August, which are on the negative side. Results indicate that the composition of dinocyst assemblages is mostly controlled by temperature and that all environmental variables are correlated together. The CCA distinguishes 3 groups of dinocysts: the heterotrophic taxa, the genera Impagidinium and Spiniferites as well as the cyst of Pentapharsodinium dalei and Operculodinium centrocarpum. Five assemblage zones can be distinguished: 1) the Okhotsk Sea zone, which is associated to temperate and eutrophic conditions, seasonal upwellings and Amur River discharges. It is characterized by the dominance of O. centrocarpum, Brigantedinium spp. and Islandinium minutum; 2) the Western Subarctic Gyre zone with subpolar and mesotrophic conditions due to the Kamchatka Current and Alaska Stream inflows. Assemblages are dominated by Nematosphaeropsis labyrinthus, Pyxidinopsis reticulata and Brigantedinium spp.; 3) the Bering Sea zone, depicting a subpolar environment, influenced by seasonal upwellings and inputs from the Anadyr and Yukon Rivers. It is characterized by the dominance of I. minutum and Brigantedinium spp.; 4) the Alaska Gyre zone with temperate conditions and nutrient-enriched surface waters, which is dominated by N. labyrinthus and Brigantedinium spp. and 5) the Kuroshio Extension-North Pacific-Subarctic Current zone characterized by a subtropical and oligotrophic environment, which is dominated by O. centrocarpum, N. labyrinthus and warm taxa of the genus Impagidinium. Transfer functions were tested using the modern analog technique (MAT) on the North Pacific Ocean (= 359 sites) and the entire Northern Hemisphere databases ( = 1419 sites). Results confirm that the updated Northern Hemisphere database is suitable for further paleoenvironmental reconstructions, and the best results are obtained for temperatures with an accuracy of +/-1.7 °C.


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The biostratigraphic classification of the Pleistocene in north-western and central Europe is still insufficiently known, in spite of numerous geological and vegetation-history investigations. The question is not even clear, for example, how often a warm-period vegetation with thermophilous trees such as Quercus, Ulmus, Tilia, Carpinus etc could develop here. In past years, on the basis of several geological and vegetation-history findings, suspicion has often been expressed that some of the classical stages of the Pleistocene could include more warm periods than heretofore assumed, and as a result of recent investigations the period between the Waal and Holstein interglacials seems to include at least two warm periods, of which the Cromer is one. This paper contributes to this problem. The interglacial sediments coming from the Elm-Mountains near Brunswick and from the Osterholz near Elze - both within the limits of the German Mittelgebirge - were investigated by pollen analysis. In both cases a Pinus-Betula zone and a QM zone were found. The vegetation development of the Pinus-Betula zone is characterized in both sequences by the early appearance of Picea. Because of strong local influence at the Osterholz a detailed correlation is difficult. However, vegetation development at the time of the QM zone at both sites was similar; it is especially characterized by the facts that Ulmus clearly migrated to the site earlier than Quercus and was very abundant throughout this time. Furthermore, both diagrams show very low amounts of Corylus. The interglacial of the Osterholz shows in addition to the above; a Carpinus-QM-Picea-zone in which Eucommia reaches a relative high value and in the upper of which Azolla filiculoides was also found. The similarity of vegetation development justifies acceptance of the same age for the occurrences. A comparison of the vegetation development at the Elm and the Osterholz with those of the Eem, Holstein, Waal, and Tegelen warm periods as well as with all the Cromer sites so far investigated shows that only a correlation with the Cromer Complex is possible. This correlation is supported by the geologic relations in the Osterholz (the deposit is overlain by Elster till). Therefore the till-like material with Scandinavian rock fragments underlying the deposit at Elm is of particular interest. The 'Rhume' interglacial beds at Bilshausen, only 60 km south of Osterholz, is also assigned to the Cromer complex, but the two deposits cannot be of the same age because the vegetation development differs. Therefore the Cromer complex must include at least two warm periods. Further conclusions about the relative stratigraphic position of these two occurrences and correlations of other Cromer sites are at this time not possible, however.


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Studies of the nature and amount of dissolved organic matter (DOM) in pore-water solutions have been confined mostly to recent sediments (Henrichs and Farrington, 1979; Krom and Sholkovitz, 1977; Nissenbaum et al., 1972). The analyses of organic constituents in interstitial waters have not been extended to sediment depths of more than 15 meters (Starikova, 1970). Large fluctuations in organic contents of near-bottom interstitial fluids suggest that organic compounds may provide insight into the chemical and biological processes occurring in the sedimentary column. Gradients in inorganic ion concentrations have been used as indicators of diagenesis of organic matter in deep sediments and interstitial waters. Shishkina (1978) attributed the occurrence of iodine and Cl/Br ratios that deviated from the value of seawater to the breakdown of organic matter and the liberation of bromide during mineralization. Sulfate depletion and maxima in ammonia concentrations were interpreted to be a consequence of sulfate reduction reactions in pore fluids, even at depths of more than 400 meters (Miller et al., 1979; Manheim and Schug, 1978).The purpose of this chapter is to study organic carbon compounds dissolved in interstitial waters of deep sediments at Sites 474 and 479.


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Pollen and macrofossil evidence for the nature of the vegetation during glacial and interglacial periods in the regions south of the Wisconsinan ice margin is still very scarce. Modern opinions concerning these problems are therefore predominantly derived from geological evidence only or are extrapolated from pollen studies of late Wisconsinan deposits. Now for the first time pollen and macrofossil analyses are available from south-central Illinois covering the Holocene, the entire Wisconsinan, and most probably also Sangamonian and late Illinoian time. The cores studied came from three lakes, which originated as kettle holes in glacial drift of Illinoian age near Vandalia, Fayette County. The Wisconsinan ice sheet approached the sites from the the north to within about 60 km distance only. One of the profiles (Pittsburg Basin) probably reaches back to the late Illinoian (zone 1), which was characterized by forests with much Picea. Zone 2, most likely of Sangamonian age, represents a period of species-rich deciduous forests, which must have been similar to the ones that thrive today south and southeast of the prairie peninsula. During the entire Wisconsinan (14C dates ranging from 38,000 to 21,000 BP) thermophilous deciduous trees like Quercus, Carya, and Ulmus occurred in the region, although temporarily accompanied by tree genera with a more northerly modern distribution, such as Picea, which entered and then left south-central Illinois during the Woodfordian. Thus it is evident that arctic climatic conditions did not prevail in the lowlands of south-central Illinois (about 38°30' lat) during the Wisconsinan, even at the time of the maximum glaciation, the Woodfordian. The Wisconsinan was, however, not a period of continuous forest. The pollen assemblages of zone 3 (Altonian) indicate prairie with stands of trees, and in zone 4 the relatively abundant Artemisia pollen indicates the existence of open vegetation and stands of deciduous trees, Picea, and Pinus. True tundra may have existed north of the sites, but if so its pollen rain apparently is marked by pollen from nearby stands of trees. After the disappearance of Pinus and Picea at about 14,000 BP (estimated!), there developed a mosaic of prairies and stands of Quercus, Carya, and other deciduous tree genera (zone 5). This type of vegetation persisted until it was destroyed by cultivation during the 19th and 20th century. Major vegetational changes are not indicated in the pollen diagram for the late Wisconsinan and the Holocene. The dating of zones 1 and 2 is problematical because the sediments are beyond the14C range and because of the lack of stratigraphic evidence. The zones dated as Illinoian and Sangamonian could also represent just a Wisconsinan stadial and interstadial. This possibility, however, seems to be contradicted by the late glacial and interglacial character of the forest vegetation of that time.


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The finding that ADP-ribosylation factor (ARF) can activate phospholipase D has led to debate as to whether ARF recruits coat proteins through direct binding or indirectly by catalytically increasing phosphatidic acid production. Here we test critical aspects of these hypotheses. We find that Golgi membrane phosphatidic acid levels do not rise—in fact they decline—during cell-free budding reactions. We confirm that the level of membrane-bound ARF can be substantially reduced without compromising coat assembly [Ktistakis, N. T., Brown, H. A., Waters, M. G., Sternweis, P. C. & Roth, M. G. (1996) J. Cell Biol. 134, 295–306], but find that under all conditions, ARF is present on the Golgi membrane in molar excess over bound coatomer. These results do not support the possibility that the activation of coat assembly by ARF is purely catalytic, and they are consistent with ARF forming direct interactions with coatomer. We suggest that ARF, like many other G proteins, is a multifunctional protein with roles in trafficking and phospholipid signaling.


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A nistatina (NYS) é o fármaco de primeira escolha no tratamento da candidíase oral, que frequentemente acomete mais os indivíduos imunocomprometidos e pacientes com outras desordens (diabetes não tratada, neoplasias, imunodeficiências). No mercado brasileiro, a NYS é encontrada na forma de suspensão oral aquosa, onde o procedimento para sua administração consiste em bochechar o medicamento. Apesar de haver a indicação de que se mantenha o contato direto entre fármaco e a mucosa oral, na qual se encontra a Candida spp., o que aumentaria expressivamente o sucesso terapêutico, a suspensão não apresenta tal propriedade. Assim, a NYS que é fármaco com ação efetiva contra a candidíase oral, é considerada pertencente à Classe IV do Sistema de Classificação Biofarmacêutica, ou seja, apresenta baixa solubilidade e baixa permeabilidade. A baixa solubilidade pode comprometer sua disponibilidade na cavidade oral, e consequentemente, sua ação farmacológica. Diante desse quadro, o objetivo do presente trabalho foi o desenvolvimento de dispersões sólidas de NYS para o tratamento da candidíase oral, e sua posterior incorporação em gel mucoadesivo oral, favorecendo a formulação no local de ação. As dispersões sólidas são sistemas farmacêuticos, onde um fármaco pouco solúvel em água encontra-se dispersado em um carreador, no estado sólido. Os carreadores normalmente são hidrofílicos, o que permite que esses sistemas sejam empregados para aumentar a solubilidade aquosa do fármaco. Assim, foram desenvolvidas as dispersões sólidas de NYS, pelo ©todo de eliminação do solvente, empregando como carreadores, lactose, HPMC, poloxamer 407 e poloxamer 188. Essas foram submetidas à caracterização por análise térmica, usando os ensaios de calorimetria exploratória diferencial (DSC) e termogravimetria/termogravimetria derivada (TG/DTG). Dentre essas dispersões sólidas, aquelas que se mostraram com comportamento térmico sugerindo a formação de um novo \"sistema\", foram analisadas por meio de ensaio de solubilidade. Dessa forma, a formulação NYS DS G2 (49) se destacou, pois apresentou maior solubilidade em água (4,484 mg/mL); em pH 5,5 (4,249 mg/mL) e em pH 7,0 (4,293 mg/mL), ou seja, houve um aumento de 1,426 vezes em água; 4,227 vezes em pH 5,5; e 2,743 vezes em pH 7,0. Essa formulação foi, por fim avaliada por difração de raio-X e espectroscopia de infravermelho com transformada de Fourier, técnicas que corroboraram com a análise térmica quanto à indicação de formação da dispersão sólida. Por sua vez, essa dispersão sólida foi incorporada em 4 bases de géis mucoadesivos de carbopol ® 934 PNF, alterando apenas a concentração do polímero (0,5; 1,0; 1,5; 2,0 %p/p). Foi observado que a liberação de NYS DS G2 (49) foi superior, quando comparada à liberação de NYS MP a partir do gel, e através do ensaio de mucoadesão, percebeu-se que os géis desenvolvidos apresentaram propriedades mucoadesivas compatíveis com relatos na literatura, independentemente da quantidade de carbopol ® empregada. As características reológicas foram distintas, e foi observado que as formulações Gel A e Gel B, que possuem menor quantidade de polímero, tiverem um indicativo de comportamento de fluido newtoniano, diferente dos demais, o que pode não ser desejado para esse tipo de forma farmacêutica tópica e semi-sólida. Ao final desse trabalho, pode-se concluir que foi possível desenvolver um sistema farmacêutico na forma de dispersão sólida com maior solubilidade que a NYS pura, e sua incorporação em uma forma farmacêutica mucoadesiva, e que a liberação da NYS na forma DS foi muito superior que o fármaco na forma \"convencional\", o que permite que a NYS esteja mais disponível na cavidade oral, e também junto à mucosa bucal, o que levaria a efeito farmacológico mais efetivo do antifúngico.


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'Reproduced with permission from Environmental Health Perspectives'