1000 resultados para Nutrición-Congresos
Aquesta relatoria correspon a les Jornades del Moviment per la Pau coorganitzades per la Federació Catalana d’ONG per la Pau i l’Institut Català Internacional per la Pau, i que es van desenvolupar a Barcelona durant els dies 13 i 14 de novembre de 2009. L'objectiu era reflexionar i debatre sobre els plantejaments dels quals parteix el moviment, la identificació de noves realitats, els reptes de futur, i la possible adequació a nous enfocaments o estratègies per incrementar la incidència transformadora en el camp social i polític.
Esta relatoría corresponde al seminario internacional "Mesuring Peace. Initiatives, Limitations and Proposals" organizado por el Institut Català Internacional per la Pau, y que tuvo lugar en Barcelona durante los días 4-5 de marzo de 2010. El Índice de Desarrollo Humano es el más visible de los esfuerzos de los últimos años para tratar de mejorar las herramientas estadísticas, de tal manera que ofrezcan resultados más próximos a las realidades sociales. En el ámbito de la paz los intentos por crear nuevos mecanismos de medición no han logrado avanzar más allá de la concepción negativa de la paz, es decir, tan solo se ha llevado a cabo considerándola como ausencia de conflictos violentos. En este contexto el seminario organizado por el ICIP trataba de recoger las aportaciones de diferentes centros de investigación que en los últimos años se han centrado en conceptualizar la paz positiva y las formas en que ésta podría medirse.
These proceedings correspond to the international seminar “Measuring Peace. Initiatives, Limitations and Proposals” organized by the International Catalan Institute for Peace, which took place in Barcelona on the 4th and the 5th of March 2010. The Human Development Index is the most visible attempt over the last years to improve the statistical tools so that they offer results which are closer to social realities. In the field of Peace the attempts to create new measuring mechanisms have not been able to move beyond the negative conception of peace, which means that it has just been considered as an absence of violent conflicts. In this context, the international seminar organized by the ICIP was an attempt to compile recent contributions of different investigation centres which have focused in conceptualizing positive peace and new ways to measure it.
La baja autoestima y algunas formas de pensamiento han sido frecuentemente asociadas a los trastornos alimentarios. La Técnica de Rejilla permite evaluar la apreciación del propio valor en base a la comparación entre el Yo Actual y el Yo Ideal. Esta evaluación toma en cuenta los atributos que son importantes para la persona, en contraste con las medidas tradicionales de autoestima, que derivan de constructos teóricos reflejados en los ítems de cuestionarios. El estudio de la construcción del sí mismo en la técnica de rejilla se completa con otras dos medidas: la identificación o aislamiento social autopercibido, y la adecuación percibida en los otros. Estas medidas se derivan de la comparación del Yo Actual y el Yo Ideal con los otros. Además, nuestro grupo de investigación ha promovido una línea de investigación que enfatiza la conceptualización de los síntomas psicológicos en términos de dilemas personales, basada en el estudio de los conflictos cognitivos evaluados mediante la técnica de rejilla. El objetivo nuestra investigación es explorar la relación entre los patrones de construcción del sí mismo y de los otros (incluyendo los conflictos cognitivos) y las actitudes alimentarias disfuncionales en pacientes afectados de trastornos de la conducta alimentaria y en muestras no clínica. Se pretende investigar si las variables cognitivas resultan útiles en la predicción de actitudes relacionadas con problemas alimentarios, con la gravedad del trastorno y con los resultados del tratamiento.Para ello, se han realizado cuatro estudios, cuyos resultados han sido ya difundidos en congresos o en formato de artículo en revistas científicas.
En la memoria del trabajo se detallan las tareas realizadas durante los cuatro años en los que he sido beneficiaria de la beca FI, que me permitió incorporarme en el área de Derecho Administrativo de la Universidad de Girona, bajo la dirección del Dr. Joan M. Trayter Jiménez, para la elaboración del proyecto de investigación "La responsabilidad patrimonial de la Administración Púbica Urbanística", que una vez terminado dará lugar a la Tesis Doctoral. Durante el primer año realizé y superé los cursos del programa de Doctorado “Globalización y Derecho: el Derecho Europeo como referencia”; que me permitió obtener la renovación de la Beca FI, para la elaboración y defensa en el año posterior de la tesina titulada "La responsabilidad patrimonial de la Administración Pública por cambio de la ordenación territorial o urbanística”; con la consiguiente obtención del Diploma de Estudios Avanzados en Derecho. En líneas generales, puedo destacar -además de la investigación en la elaboración de la Tesis-, la realización de dos estancias de investigación en la University of Oxford, bajo la tutorización del Prof. Paul Craig, del St. John's College; gracias a la concesión de una beca por parte del "Institut d'Estudis Autonòmics de Catalunya" y otra, por la Generalitat de Catalunya, dirigida a estancias de investigación en el extrangero. También diversas publicaciones traducidas en la participación en dos libros, un artículo, una recensión y una comunicación; así como la asistencia a distintos Congresos de Derecho Administrativo y seminarios, la realización de distintos cursos entre ellos un Posgrado de Derecho Urbanístico en la UdG y la docencia realizada. Asimismo he devenido miembro de los proyectos de investigación del grupo de investigación del Área; importantes por formar parte del Plan Nacional I+D, financiados por el Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia.
Aquest document se centra en els casos dels dos principals partits espanyols (PP i PSOE) i catalans (PSC i CDC) en el període immediatament després de les eleccions generals espanyoles de maig de 2008, quan aquests celebraren els seus congressos. En general, es poden distingir tres tipus d'actors: en primer lloc, els ciberactivistes que tracten d'obtenir el reconeixement formal de la seva activitat en els seus partits. Així com, els líders del partit que poden intentar promoure la presència del partit en el ciberespai, però que també poden romandre indecisos perquè no és clar l'impacte electoral a la xarxa del ciberactivisme. Finalment, alguns militants tradicionals (off-line) solen ser reticents al reconeixement del ciberactivisme perquè amenaça les recompenses previstes dins del partit. Aquest article mostra com els nostres partits varen respondre al desafiament del ciberactivisme i arriba a la conclusió que la seva situació electoral, mediada per la seva ideologia, estructura organitzativa i el tipus de militància, poden ajudar-nos a comprendre el grau diferent d'institucionalització en l'organització del partit.
The scientific evidence, demonstrates that the obesity reduces the possibility that a woman, conceive naturally and diminishes the success of the treatment for the fertility. Nurses of the Unit of Attended Reproduction and of the Units of Nutrition and Dietary, they consider necessary to design an educational program of Formation and Information, to change attitudes related with the overweight and the obesity, in even not fertile. The strategy of this Program is based in the control and reduction of the weight, assuring the adhesion to the treatment of fertility, with interactive works shops for the change of alimentary habits, giving emotional support and indications to practice adapted physical exercise. This Nursing Intervention is applied like one tool that develops abilities for the learning and training; never using diets or products of the denominated miracle. The narrow collaboration and investigating participation among the nurses of these Units, bear the design of a methodology channeled to the obtaining of some prospective results that can be evaluated regarding the obtained results.
Introduction: Plasma citrulline is not incorporated in endogenous or exogenous proteins so it is a theoretical marker of villous atrophy. Our aim was to correlate plasma citrulline levels with severity of villous atrophy inceliac patients. Methods: Observational case-control study longitudinal in children 16 month-old to 14 year-old: 48 with untreated celiac disease, 9 celiac children under gluten free diet and 35 non-celiac healthy children. Plasma amino acids concentration is determined, expressed in μmol/L, and so are other clinical and analytical data. Results: No statistically significative difference found in the referring to BMI, age or renal function. Small increase in fecal fat in celiac children. Citrulline, arginine and glutamine are significantly lower in cases (17.7 μmol/l, 38.7 μmol/l, 479.6 μmol/l respectively) than in controls (28.9 μmol/l, 56.2 μmol/l, 563.7 μmol/l). Citrulline levels are significantly lower in the severe degrees of atrophy than in mild ones (13.8 μmol/l vs. 19.7 μmol/l, p < 0.05), not happening so with rest of amminoacids. Summary: Postabsortive mean of plasma citrulline is a good marker of reduction in enterocyte mass in celiac patients with villous atrophy; secondary reduction in plasma arginine too. Just a small histological alteration in intestinal biopsy is enough to differentiate citrulline in cases and controls and besides it can be seen that high levels of atrophy present with lower plasma citrulline.
Background: Old age is associated with an involuntary and progressive but physiological loss of muscle mass. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of exclusive consumption for 6 months of a protein-enriched enteral diet with a relatively high content of branched-chain amino acids on albuminemia, cortisolemia, plasma aminoacids, insulin resistance, and inflammation biomarkers in elderly patients. Methods: Thirty-two patients from the Clinical Nutrition Outpatient Unit at our hospital exclusively consumed a protein-enriched enteral diet for 6 months. Data were collected at baseline and at 3 and 6 months on anthropometric and biochemical parameters and on plasma concentrations of amino acids, cortisol,adrenocorticotropic hormone, urea, creatinine, insulin resistance, and inflammation biomarkers. Results: The percentage of patients with albumin concentration below normal cut-off values decreased from 18% to 0% by the end of the study. At 6 months, concentrations of total plasma (p = 0.008) and essential amino acids(p = 0.011), especially branched-chain amino acids (p = 0.031), were higher versus baseline values, whereas 3-methylhistidine (p = 0.001), cortisol (p = 0.001) and adrenocorticotropic hormone (p = 0.004) levels were lower. Conclusions: Regular intake of specific protein-enriched enteral formula increases plasma essential amino acids, especially branched-chain amino acids, and decreases cortisol and 3-methylhistidine, while plasma urea and creatinine remain unchanged.
Gastric cancer is a frequent cause of cancer-related mortality in the world. Surgery is the only potentially curative therapy, although the adverse effects of surgery are common and considerable. Common variable immunodeficiency is in many cases cause of gastrointestinal system problems such as chronic diarrhea caused by infestation with giardia lamblia, nodular lymphoid hiperplasia ad loss of villi leading frequently to malapsortion and malnutrition. Nutritional deficiencies due to malapsorption (postgastrectomy and secondary to loss of villi, giardiasis and common variable inmunodeficiency) are common. We present the case of a patient with gastric cancer who underwent a gastrectomy with common variable hipogammaglobulinemia and chronic infestation by giardia lamblia, with serious diarrhea resistant to treatment and malabsorption.
Background. Obesity is considered a major public health issue in most developed countries nowadays. This paper provides an overview of current population data available in Spain and the approach to develop preventive strategies in the country. Methods. Review of population data available is based on individually measured weight and height as well as determinants. On this basis, the approach used in the country to develop preventive strategies is discussed. Results. According to the DORICA study, the prevalence of obesity (BMI ≥30 kg m−2) is 15.5% in Spanish adults aged 25–60 years (13.2% in men and 17.5% in women). Obesity rates are higher among women aged 45 years and older, low social class, living in semi-urban places. Population estimates for the prevalence of obesity in Spanish children and young people based on the enKid study are 13.9% for the whole group. In this study, overweight and obesity is related to absence of breastfeeding, low consumption of fruit and vegetables, high consumption of cakes, buns, softdrinks and butchery products, low physical activity levels and a positive association with time spent watching TV. In 2005, the Spanish Ministry of Health jointly with the Spanish Agency for Food Safety and Nutrition launched the multifaceted NAOS strategy for nutrition, physical activity and the prevention of obesity. The important role of the family and the school setting as well as the responsibility of the Health Administration and Pediatric Care in the prevention of obesity is highlighted in the document. The need for environmental actions is recognised. The PERSEO programme, a multicomponent school-based intervention project is part of the strategy currently in place. Conclusion. Obesity is a public health issue in Spain. A national multifaceted strategy was launched to counteract the problem. Environmental and policy actions are a priority. Young children and their families are among the main target groups.
This article summarizes the main results and conclusions presented in the Symposium "Nutritional supplementation: evidences and experiences" that took place in the XXIIIrd SENPE Congress (2008). Protein energy malnutrition, that can affect 30-50% of hospitalized patients, increases both time of hospitalization and costs of medical care of this kind of patients. There is a lot of scientific evidences demonstrating that the use of nutritional supplementation improves nutritional status or prevents malnutrition in those patients who do not meet their nutritional needs with a conventional diet or an adapted one with no replacing intake from normal food. This is strengthened by the results that demonstrate the rol of nutritional supplements improving nutritional and functional parameters. Current bibliographic reviews focused on certain clinical frameworks (i.g. geriatrics, oncology), prove that nutritional supplements reduce complications related to pathology and to nutritional status, and also reduce length of hospitalization and mortality. More studies regarding to efficacy of oral nutritional supplements are needed. These studies should be carried out with a period of follow-up longer than the current published studies have. As well as effective, nutritional supplements become a save therapeutic intervention with no important adverse events that, according to bibliography, improve patient's functionality and quality of life. It is worth mentioning that nutritional supplements can be effective on certain kind of patients, for instance, malnourished elderly or elderly in risk of malnourishment, and hospitalized surgical patients. Scientific literature refers that it is necessary to carry out more studies, with an accurate methodology, which assess the effect of nutritional supplements on quality of life and its cost-effectiveness on malnourished patients regarding specific clinical situations. That would allow physicians to make clinical decisions based on evidences and cost analysis.
The short bowel syndrome appears for the reduction of intestinal absorptive surface due to functional or anatomical loss of part of the small bowel. We present the case of a 35-year-old woman with severe short bowel syndrome secondary to acute intestinal ischemia in adults, who presented at 5 years of evolution episodes of dizziness with gait instability and loss of strength in hands. The diagnosis was D-lactic acidosis. D-lactic acidosis is a rare complication, but important for their symptoms, of this syndrome. It is due to a change in intestinal flora secondary to an overgrowth of lactic acid bacteria that produce D-lactate. D-lactic acidosis should be looked for in cases of metabolic acidosis in which the identity of acidosis is not apparent, neurological manifestations without focality and the patient has short bowel syndrome or patients who have had jejunoileal bypass surgery. Appropriate treatment usually results in resolution of neurologic symptoms and prevents or reduces further recurrences.
This document summarizes the issues raised in a think-tank meeting held by professionals with expertise in pediatric Home Parenteral Nutrition. This nutritional technology enables patients to return home to their family and social environment, improves their quality of life and decreases health-care costs; however, it is complex and requires an experienced nutritional support team. Patient selection is normally made according to their underlying disease, the estimated duration of support and family and social characteristics. The patient''s family must agree to take on caregiver's responsibilities and should be able to perform treatment safely and effectively after receiving proper training from the nutritional support team. Close monitoring must be carried out to ensure tolerance and effectiveness of nutritional support, thereby avoiding complications. This nutritional treatment achieves, in most cases, recovery and intestinal adaptation in varying periods of time. In certain diseases, and when home parenteral nutrition becomes complicated, intestinal transplant may be recommendable, so referral to rehabilitation units and Intestinal Transplantation should be made early on.
Home enteral nutrition (HEN) is a type of enteral nutrition (EN) which is becoming progressively more widespread in pediatrics due to the benefits it affords to patients, their families and to reducing hospital costs. However, the true extent of its use is unknown in Spain as the data-base set up for this purpose is still underused (Registro de Nutrición Enteral Pediátrica Ambulatoria y Domiciliaria -NEPAD-). More thorough registration of patients in the NEPAD online register will provide information about the characteristics of HEN in Spain: prevalence, diagnosis, the population sector being administered HEN, complications and developments. Likewise, forecast and planning of the necessary resources could be made while those in use could be analysed.