996 resultados para Norton, C. D.


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We demonstrate that the short-range spin correlator < S(i)center dot S(j)>, a fundamental measure of the interaction between adjacent spins, can be directly measured in certain insulating magnets. We present magnetostriction data for the insulating organic compound NiCl(2)-4SC(NH(2))(2), and show that the magnetostriction as a function of field is proportional to the dominant short-range spin correlator. Furthermore, the constant of proportionality between the magnetostriction and the spin correlator gives information about the spin-lattice interaction. Combining these results with the measured Young's modulus, we are able to extract dJ/dz, the dependence of the superexchange constant J on the Ni interionic distance z.


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We report first results from an analysis based on a new multi-hadron correlation technique, exploring jet-medium interactions and di-jet surface emission bias at the BNL Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC). Pairs of back-to-back high-transverse-momentum hadrons are used for triggers to study associated hadron distributions. In contrast with two-and three-particle correlations with a single trigger with similar kinematic selections, the associated hadron distribution of both trigger sides reveals no modification in either relative pseudorapidity Delta eta or relative azimuthal angle Delta phi from d + Au to central Au + Au collisions. We determine associated hadron yields and spectra as well as production rates for such correlated back-to-back triggers to gain additional insights on medium properties.


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Identified charged pion, kaon, and proton spectra are used to explore the system size dependence of bulk freeze-out properties in Cu + Cu collisions at root s(NN) = 200 and 62.4 GeV. The data are studied with hydrodynamically motivated blast-wave and statistical model frameworks in order to characterize the freeze-out properties of the system. The dependence of freeze-out parameters on beam energy and collision centrality is discussed. Using the existing results from Au + Au and pp collisions, the dependence of freeze-out parameters on the system size is also explored. This multidimensional systematic study furthers our understanding of the QCD phase diagram revealing the importance of the initial geometrical overlap of the colliding ions. The analysis of Cu + Cu collisions expands the system size dependence studies from Au + Au data with detailed measurements in the smaller system. The systematic trends of the bulk freeze-out properties of charged particles is studied with respect to the total charged particle multiplicity at midrapidity, exploring the influence of initial state effects.


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We present the measurement of nonphotonic electron production at high transverse momentum (p(T) > 2.5 GeV/c) in p + p collisions at root s = 200 GeV using data recorded during 2005 and 2008 by the STAR experiment at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC). The measured cross sections from the two runs are consistent with each other despite a large difference in photonic background levels due to different detector configurations. We compare the measured nonphotonic electron cross sections with previously published RHIC data and perturbative quantum chromodynamics calculations. Using the relative contributions of B and D mesons to nonphotonic electrons, we determine the integrated cross sections of electrons (e++e-2/2) at 3 GeV/c < p(T) < 10 GeV/c from bottom and charm meson decays to be [(d sigma((B -> e)+(B -> D -> e))/(dy(e))](ye=0) 4.0 +/- 0.5(stat) +/- 1.1(syst) nb and [(d sigma(D -> e))/(dy(e))](ye=0) = 6.2 +/- 0.7(stat) +/- 1.5(syst) nb, respectively.


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We report the first measurement of the parity-violating single-spin asymmetries for midrapidity decay positrons and electrons from W(+) and W(-) boson production in longitudinally polarized proton-proton collisions at root s = 500 GeV by the STAR experiment at RHIC. The measured asymmetries, A(L)(W+) = -0.27 +/- 0.10(stat.) +/- 0.02(syst.) +/- 0.03(norm.) and A(L)(W-) = 0.14 +/- 0.19(stat.) +/- 0.02(syst.) +/- 0.01(norm.), are consistent with theory predictions, which are large and of opposite sign. These predictions are based on polarized quark and antiquark distribution functions constrained by polarized deep-inelastic scattering measurements.


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We present results on strange and multistrange particle production in Au + Au collisions at root s(NN) = 62.4 GeV as measured with the STAR detector at RHIC. Midrapidity transverse momentum spectra and integrated yields of K(S)(0), Lambda, Xi, and Omega and their antiparticles are presented for different centrality classes. The particle yields and ratios follow a smooth energy dependence. Chemical freeze-out parameters, temperature, baryon chemical potential, and strangeness saturation factor obtained from the particle yields are presented. Intermediate transverse momentum (p(T)) phenomena are discussed based on the ratio of the measured baryon-to-meson spectra and nuclear modification factor. The centrality dependence of various measurements presented show a similar behavior as seen in Au + Au collisions at root s(NN) = 200 GeV.


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We report on K*(0) production at midrapidity in Au + Au and Cu + Cu collisions at root s(NN) = 62.4 and 200 GeV collected by the Solenoid Tracker at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider detector. The K*(0) is reconstructed via the hadronic decays K*(0) -> K(+)pi(-) and (K*(0)) over bar -> K(+)pi(-). Transverse momentum, p(T), spectra are measured over a range of p(T) extending from 0.2 GeV/c up to 5 GeV/c. The center-of-mass energy and system size dependence of the rapidity density, dN/dy, and the average transverse momentum, < p(T)>, are presented. The measured N(K*(0))/N(K) and N(phi)/N(K*(0)) ratios favor the dominance of rescattering of decay daughters of K*(0) over the hadronic regeneration for the K*(0) production. In the intermediate p(T) region (2.0 < p(T) < 4.0 GeV/c), the elliptic flow parameter, v(2), and the nuclear modification factor, R(CP), agree with the expectations from the quark coalescence model of particle production.


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We investigate a conjecture on the cover times of planar graphs by means of large Monte Carlo simulations. The conjecture states that the cover time tau (G(N)) of a planar graph G(N) of N vertices and maximal degree d is lower bounded by tau (G(N)) >= C(d)N(lnN)(2) with C(d) = (d/4 pi) tan(pi/d), with equality holding for some geometries. We tested this conjecture on the regular honeycomb (d = 3), regular square (d = 4), regular elongated triangular (d = 5), and regular triangular (d = 6) lattices, as well as on the nonregular Union Jack lattice (d(min) = 4, d(max) = 8). Indeed, the Monte Carlo data suggest that the rigorous lower bound may hold as an equality for most of these lattices, with an interesting issue in the case of the Union Jack lattice. The data for the honeycomb lattice, however, violate the bound with the conjectured constant. The empirical probability distribution function of the cover time for the square lattice is also briefly presented, since very little is known about cover time probability distribution functions in general.


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We describe the measurement of the depth of maximum, X(max), of the longitudinal development of air showers induced by cosmic rays. Almost 4000 events above 10(18) eV observed by the fluorescence detector of the Pierre Auger Observatory in coincidence with at least one surface detector station are selected for the analysis. The average shower maximum was found to evolve with energy at a rate of (106 +/- 35-21) g/cm(2)/decade below 10(18.24) +/- (0.05) eV, and d24 +/- 3 g/cm(2)/ecade above this energy. The measured shower-to-shower fluctuations decrease from about 55 to 26 g/cm(2). The interpretation of these results in terms of the cosmic ray mass composition is briefly discussed.


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Data collected at the Pierre Auger Observatory are used to establish an upper limit on the diffuse flux of tau neutrinos in the cosmic radiation. Earth-skimming nu(tau) may interact in the Earth's crust and produce a tau lepton by means of charged-current interactions. The tau lepton may emerge from the Earth and decay in the atmosphere to produce a nearly horizontal shower with a typical signature, a persistent electromagnetic component even at very large atmospheric depths. The search procedure to select events induced by tau decays against the background of normal showers induced by cosmic rays is described. The method used to compute the exposure for a detector continuously growing with time is detailed. Systematic uncertainties in the exposure from the detector, the analysis, and the involved physics are discussed. No tau neutrino candidates have been found. For neutrinos in the energy range 2x10(17) eV < E(nu)< 2x10(19) eV, assuming a diffuse spectrum of the form E(nu)(-2), data collected between 1 January 2004 and 30 April 2008 yield a 90% confidence-level upper limit of E(nu)(2)dN(nu tau)/dE(nu)< 9x10(-8) GeV cm(-2) s(-1) sr(-1).


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The in vivo bioavailability of Se was investigated in enriched Pleurotus ostreatus mushrooms. A bioavailability study was performed using 64 Wistar male rats separated in 8 groups and fed with different diets: without Se, with mushrooms without Se, with enriched mushrooms containing 0.15, 0.30 or 0.45 mg kg(-1) Se and a normal diet containing 0.15 mg kg(-1) of Se using sodium selenate. The experiment was performed in two periods: depletion (14 days) and repletion (21 days), according to the Association of Official Analytical Chemists. After five weeks, the rats were sacrificed under carbon dioxide, and blood was drawn by heart puncture. Blood plasma was separated by centrifugation. The total Se concentration in the plasma of rats fed with enriched mushrooms was higher than in rats fed with a normal diet containing sodium selenate. The plasma protein profiles were obtained using size exclusion chromatography (SEC) and UV detectors. Aliquots of effluents (0.5 mL per minute) were collected throughout in the end of the chomatographic column. However, Se was determined by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry (GF AAS) only in the aliquots where proteins were detected by SEC-UV. The plasma protein pro. le of rats fed with different diets was similar. The highest Se concentration was observed in a peptide presenting 8 kDa. Furthermore, the higher Se concentration in this peptide was obtained for rats fed with a diet using enriched mushrooms (7 mu g L(-1) Se) compared to other diets (2-5 mu g L(-1) Se). These results showed that Se-enriched mushrooms can be considered as an alternative Se food source for humans, due to their high bioavailability.


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More than 2 years after undergoing anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction, women still present bilateral asymmetries during multijoint movement tasks. Given the well-known ACL-injury gender bias, the goal of this study was to investigate whether males also present such asymmetries more than 2 years after undergoing ACL reconstruction. This study involved 12 participants submitted to ACL reconstruction in the ACL group and 17 healthy participants in the control group. The mean postoperative period was 37 months. The participants executed bilateral countermovement jumps and load squat tasks. The kinematics and ground reaction forces on each lower limb and pelvis were recorded, and used to compute bilateral peak vertical ground reaction forces, peak knee and hip joint powers in the sagittal plane, and the ratio between these powers. For the jump task, the groups had the same performance in the jump height, but for the ACL group the peak knee joint power on the operated side was 13% lower than on the non-operated side (p = 0.02). For the squat task, the hip-knee joint power ratio on the operated side of the ACL group was 31% greater than on the non-operated side (p = 0.02). The ACL group presented a deficit in the operated knee that had its energy generation over time (joint power) partially substituted by the hip joint power of the same side. The fact that, even after more than 2 years following the ACL reconstruction and returning to regular activity, the ACL group still had neuromuscular asymmetries suggests a need for improvement in the ACL reconstruction surgery procedures and/or rehabilitation protocols.


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The properties of recycled aggregate produced from mixed (masonry and concrete) construction and demolition (C&D) waste are highly variable, and this restricts the use of such aggregate in structural concrete production. The development of classification techniques capable of reducing this variability is instrumental for quality control purposes and the production of high quality C&D aggregate. This paper investigates how the classification of C&D mixed coarse aggregate according to porosity influences the mechanical performance of concrete. Concretes using a variety of C&D aggregate porosity classes and different water/cement ratios were produced and the mechanical properties measured. For concretes produced with constant volume fractions of water, cement, natural sand and coarse aggregate from recycled mixed C&D waste, the compressive strength and Young modulus are direct exponential functions of the aggregate porosity. Sink and float technique is a simple laboratory density separation tool that facilitates the separation of cement particles with lower porosity, a difficult task when done only by visual sorting. For this experiment, separation using a 2.2 kg/dmA(3) suspension produced recycled aggregate (porosity less than 17%) which yielded good performance in concrete production. Industrial gravity separators may lead to the production of high quality recycled aggregate from mixed C&D waste for structural concrete applications.


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P>Coconut water is an isotonic beverage naturally obtained from the green coconut. After extracted and exposed to air, it is rapidly degraded by enzymes peroxidase (POD) and polyphenoloxidase (PPO). To study the effect of thermal processing on coconut water enzymatic activity, batch process was conducted at three different temperatures, and at eight holding times. The residual activity values suggest the presence of two isoenzymes with different thermal resistances, at least, and a two-component first-order model was considered to model the enzymatic inactivation parameters. The decimal reduction time at 86.9 degrees C (D(86.9 degrees C)) determined were 6.0 s and 11.3 min for PPO heat labile and heat resistant fractions, respectively, with average z-value = 5.6 degrees C (temperature difference required for tenfold change in D). For POD, D(86.9 degrees C) = 8.6 s (z = 3.4 degrees C) for the heat labile fraction was obtained and D(86.9 degrees C) = 26.3 min (z = 6.7 degrees C) for the heat resistant one.


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Detailed information on probing behavior of the Asian citrus psyllid, Diaphorina citri Kuwayama (Hemiptera: Psyllidae), is critical for understanding the transmission process of phloem-limited bacteria (Candidatus Liberibacter spp.) associated with citrus `huanglongbing` by this vector. In this study, we investigated stylet penetration activities of D. citri on seedlings of Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck cv. Pera (Rutaceae) by using the electrical penetration graph (EPG-DC system) technique. EPG waveforms were described based on amplitude, frequency, voltage level, and electrical origin of the observed traces during stylet penetration into plant tissues. The main waveforms were correlated with histological observations of salivary sheath termini in plant tissues, to determine the putative location of stylet tips. The behavioral activities were also inferred based on waveform similarities in relation to other Sternorrhyncha, particularly aphids and whiteflies. In addition, we correlated the occurrence of specific waveforms with the acquisition of the phloem-limited bacterium Ca. Liberibacter asiaticus by D. citri. The occurrence of a G-like xylem sap ingestion waveform in starved and unstarved psyllids was also compared. By analyzing 8-h EPGs of adult females, five waveforms were described: (C) salivary sheath secretion and other stylet pathway activities; (D) first contact with phloem (distinct from other waveforms reported for Sternorrhyncha); (E1) putative salivation in phloem sieve tubes; (E2) phloem sap ingestion; and (G) probably xylem sap ingestion. Diaphorina citri initiates a probe with stylet pathway through epidermis and parenchyma (C). Interestingly, no potential drops were observed during the stylet pathway phase, as are usually recorded in aphids and other Sternorrhyncha. Once in C, D. citri shows a higher propensity to return to non-probing than to start a phloem or xylem phase. Several probes are usually observed before the phloem phase; waveform D is observed upon phloem contact, always immediately followed by E1. After E1, D. citri either returns to pathway activity (C) or starts phloem sap ingestion, which was the longest activity observed.