756 resultados para Nano Composites, Carbon Nanotube, Strain Sensor
Atualmente, os adesivos de contato de policloropreno base aquosa, possuem capacidade de adesão, variando entre 1,15 até 2,75 kgf/cm2. Em contrapartida, os adesivos de policloropreno base solvente, suportam tensões médias de cisalhamento de 3,8 kgf/cm2. Esta pesquisa apresenta uma proposta inovadora de condicionamento magnético do adesivo de contato de policloropreno base aquosa com o objetivo de aumentar a capacidade de aderência entre o adesivo e o substrato. Para promover um incremento na capacidade de adesão do adesivo de policloropreno base aquosa, formulou-se um adesivo utilizando um nanoaditivo, o gás carbônico como catalisador e um processo de condicionamento magnético precedente à etapa de aplicação sobre os substratos. Os resultados obtidos demonstraram aumento médio de 292 % na tensão de cisalhamento do adesivo condicionado magneticamente quando comparado com o adesivo de mesma formulação sem o condicionamento magnético, e quando comparado com um adesivo comercial de policloropreno base aquosa, o aumento foi de 122 %.
The performance of field effect transistors based on an single graphene ribbon with a constriction and a single back gate are studied with the help of atomistic models. It is shown how this scheme, unlike that of traditional carbon-nanotube-based transistors, reduces the importance of the specifics of the chemical bonding to the metallic electrodes in favor of the carbon-based part of device. The ultimate performance limits are here studied for various constriction and metal-ribbon contact models. In particular, we show that, even for poorly contacting metals, properly tailored constrictions can give promising values for both the on conductance and the subthreshold swing.
Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-06
Novel carbon nanostructures can serve as effective storage media for methane, a source of clean energy for the future. We have used Grand Canonical Monte Carlo Simulation for the modeling of methane storage at 293 K and pressures up to 80 MPa in idealized bundles of (10,10) armchair-type single-walled carbon nanotubes and wormlike carbon pores. We have found that these carbon nanomaterials can be treated as the world's smallest high-capacity methane storage vessels. Our simulation results indicate that such novel carbon nanostructures can reach a high volumetric energy storage, exceeding the US FreedomCAR Partnership target of 2010 (5.4 MJ dm(-3)), at low to moderate pressures ranging from 1 to 7 MPa at 293 K. On the contrary, in the absence of these nanomaterials, methane needs to be compressed to approximately 13 MPa at 293 K to achieve the same target. The light carbon membranes composed of bundles of single-walled carbon nanotubes or wormlike pores efficiently physisorb methane at low to moderate pressures at 293 K, which we believe should be particularly important for automobiles and stationary devices. However, above 15-20 MPa at 293 K, all investigated samples of novel carbon nanomaterials are not as effective when compared with compression alone since the stored volumetric energy and power saturate at values below those of the bulk, compressed fluid.
This thesis presents details on the fabrication of microwave transversal filters using fibre Bragg grating arrays and the building of fibre Bragg grating based magnetic-field sensors. Some theoretical background about fibre Bragg gratings, photosensitivity, fibre Bragg grating sensors and filters are presented. Fibre Bragg grating sensors in other industrial applications are highlighted. Some sensing principles are also introduced. Experimental work is carried out to demonstrate a magnetic-field sensor using an established fibre Bragg grating strain sensor. System performance and trade-off are discussed. The most important part of this thesis is on the fabrication of photonic transversal filter using fibre Bragg grating arrays. In order to improve the filter performance, a novel tap multiplexing structure is presented. Further improving approaches such as apodisation are also investigated. The basis of nonrecirculating filter, some structure and performance are introduced.
Polymer optical fibre Bragg gratings are useful for strain sensor applications for large dynamic range. We report recent progress in developing polymer optical fibres with higher photosensitivity and fabricating POF gratings at alternative wavelength.
We perform numerical simulations on a model describing a Brillouin-based temperature and strain sensor, testing its response when it is probed with relatively short pulses. Experimental results were recently published [e.g., Opt. Lett. 24, 510 (1999)] that showed a broadening of the Brillouin loss curve when the probe pulse duration is reduced, followed by a sudden and rather surprising reduction of the linewidth when the pulse duration gets shorter than the acoustic relaxation time. Our study reveals the processes responsible for this behavior. We give a clear physical insight into the problem, allowing us to define the best experimental conditions required for one to take the advantage of this effect.
We demonstrate experimentally new families of vector solitons with locked and precessing states of polarization for fundamental and multipulse soliton operations in a carbon nanotube mode-locked fiber laser with anomalous dispersion laser cavity.
We review our recent progress on the study of new nonlinear mechanisms of pulse shaping in passively mode-locked fibre lasers. These include a mode-locking regime featuring pulses with a triangular distribution of the intensity, and spectral compression arising from nonlinear pulse propagation. We also report on our recent experimental studies unveiling new families of vector solitons with precessing states of polarization for multipulsing and bound-state soliton operations in a carbon nanotube mode-locked fibre laser with anomalous dispersion cavity. © 2013 IEEE.
Polymer optical fibre Bragg gratings are useful for strain sensor applications for large dynamic range. We report recent progress in developing polymer optical fibres with higher photosensitivity and fabricating POF gratings at alternative wavelength.
We review our recent progress on the study of new nonlinear mechanisms of pulse shaping in passively mode-locked fibre lasers. These include a mode-locking regime featuring pulses with a triangular distribution of the intensity, and spectral compression arising from nonlinear pulse propagation. We also report on our recent experimental studies unveiling new families of vector solitons with precessing states of polarization for multipulsing and bound-state soliton operations in a carbon nanotube mode-locked fibre laser with anomalous dispersion cavity. © 2013 IEEE.
We review our recent progress on the study of new nonlinear mechanisms of pulse shaping in passively mode-locked fiber lasers. These include a mode-locking regime featuring pulses with a triangular distribution of the intensity, and spectral compression arising from nonlinear pulse propagation. We also report on our recent experimental studies unveiling new types of vector solitons with processing states of polarization for multi-pulse and tightly bound-state soliton (soliton molecule) operations in a carbon nanotube (CNT) mode-locked fiber laser with anomalous dispersion cavity. © 2014 World Scientific Publishing Company.
We report experimental observation of new tightly and loosely bound state vector solitons with locked and precessing states of polarization in a carbon nanotube mode locked fiber laser in the anomalous dispersion regime. ©2013 Optical Society of America.
We study a Luttinger liquid (LL) coupled to a generic environment consisting of bosonic modes with arbitrary density-density and current-current interactions. The LL can be either in the conducting phase and perturbed by a weak scatterer or in the insulating phase and perturbed by a weak link. The environment modes can also be scattered by the imperfection in the system with arbitrary transmission and reflection amplitudes. We present a general method of calculating correlation functions under the presence of the environment and prove the duality of exponents describing the scaling of the weak scatterer and of the weak link. This duality holds true for a broad class of models and is sensitive to neither interaction nor environmental modes details, thus it shows up as the universal property. It ensures that the environment cannot generate new stable fixed points of the renormalization group flow. Thus, the LL always flows toward either conducting or insulating phase. Phases are separated by a sharp boundary which is shifted by the influence of the environment. Our results are relevant, for example, for low-energy transport in (i) an interacting quantum wire or a carbon nanotube where the electrons are coupled to the acoustic phonons scattered by the lattice defect; (ii) a mixture of interacting fermionic and bosonic cold atoms where the bosonic modes are scattered due to an abrupt local change of the interaction; (iii) mesoscopic electric circuits.
We perform numerical simulations on a model describing a Brillouin-based temperature and strain sensor, testing its response when it is probed with relatively short pulses. Experimental results were recently published [e.g., Opt. Lett. 24, 510 (1999)] that showed a broadening of the Brillouin loss curve when the probe pulse duration is reduced, followed by a sudden and rather surprising reduction of the linewidth when the pulse duration gets shorter than the acoustic relaxation time. Our study reveals the processes responsible for this behavior. We give a clear physical insight into the problem, allowing us to define the best experimental conditions required for one to take the advantage of this effect.