699 resultados para NESSIE SAFER


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A complexidade na implantao de processos seguros para o manejo dos resduos biolgicos em diversas classes de riscos, conforme a Resoluo RDC no. 306/2004 ANVISA, um desafio para administraes pblicas e Unidades de Servios de Sade (USS) do pas. O objetivo deste trabalho avaliar o atual manejo destes resduos, em particular os da classe de risco A4. A pesquisa tem carter exploratrio e qualitativo consistindo de reviso bibliogrfica do estado da arte sobre o tema e de levantamento de dados. A coleta das informaes foi realizada em Unidades de Servios de Sade (USS); rgos ambientais; nas visitas tcnicas em empresas tratadoras de resduos; em gerenciadores de aterros sanitrios; e atravs de entrevistas com especialistas no assunto. A ttulo de exemplo, dois casos sobre o manejo dos resduos biolgicos foram estudados: no Rio de Janeiro (RJ) e em Orlando (Flrida - USA). A relevncia da pesquisa est na constatao das mudanas em andamento no setor de saneamento no pas, como o passo importante que esta sendo dado com a aprovao da Poltica Nacional de Resduos Slidos (PNRS). Para se atingir melhores indicadores de sade e meio ambiente, torna-se imprescindvel o gerenciamento integrado dos resduos com a incorporao de mtodos, tcnicas e abordagens atuais. Quanto aos resduos biolgicos, existe aqui uma tendncia em se adotar o modelo americano, mais rgido, que considera vrios resduos, comuns para ns, como sendo infectantes, e no separa estes resduos biolgicos em classes, colocando-os todos no mesmo grau de risco. Para a realidade brasileira tal rigidez de conceitos aumenta o risco no manejo para todos os envolvidos na cadeia e o custo da operao como um todo, tornando-a impraticvel na maior parte do pas. No Brasil a gesto inadequada dos resduos em muitas USS e a grande quantidade de lixes existentes, com a presena de catadores de materiais reciclveis, so processos inseguros e para melhorar este quadro, fundamental a implementao da PNRS. Nossa legislao se mostra eficiente, mas necessitamos de maior monitoramento e avaliao, e uma consequente ao educativa. Em complemento deve haver maior determinao de responsabilidades, aplicao de punies e empreender reformas substanciais nas reas de educao e sade pblica. Espera-se que este trabalho contribua com a construo de um modelo de manejo adequado dos resduos biolgicos, sobretudo os de classe A4, de forma mais sustentvel e segura. Para estudos futuros, indica-se uma avaliao estratgica sobre a sustentabilidade tcnica e econmica do modelo de gerenciamento destes resduos a ser realizada em contexto mais amplo. Para tal, recomenda-se a extenso da pesquisa a outros estados da federao, assim como o acompanhamento das tendncias mundiais para classificao dos riscos dos Resduos de Servios de Sade e de sua destinao mais adequada, principalmente em pases com realidades semelhantes nossa.


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A enfermagem uma profisso voltada para o cuidado das pessoas nas diferentes fases da vida, o ato de cuidar a essncia no fazer da enfermeira, e, possui uma inquietao com o conjunto de prioridade de pesquisa em seu meio. Neste sentido, a sade materna considerada um indicador sensvel qualidade de vida de uma populao uma delas. O presente estudo uma reviso integrativa da literatura que teve como objetivo descrever as infeces mais frequentes que a mulher est exposta durante o perodo puerperal, investigadas em publicaes nacional e internacional da rea da sade, alm de identificar o nvel de evidncia cientifica de cada artigo. Para a seleo dos estudos foram utilizadas trs bases de dados, ScienceDirect, Pubmed e Lilacs. O recorte temporal foi de 2009 a 2013 e, a amostra foi composta por 19 artigos, relacionado infeco puerperal. Os dados foram coletados da segunda quinzena de setembro primeira de outubro. A anlise dos estudos permitiu identificar que mais da metade das publicaes foi no Brasil. Dois estudos identificaram enfermeiros como autores. A maioria dos peridicos de veiculao dos estudos era da rea medica. Doze estudos apresentaram delineamento no experimental, trs eram estudo de caso e quatro apresentaram delineamento experimental. As principais infeces puerperais encontradas foram a endometrite, a infeco urinria, a infeco do stio cirrgico, a sepse puerperal, a mastite, a cervicite. Os resultados mostraram que so necessrias mais pesquisas com delineamento experimental, principalmente no que tange a rea da enfermagem. A avaliao rigorosa da purpera no ps-parto, a adequada conduta para preveno da infeco puerperal e/ou manejo das intervenes no cuidado da paciente com morbidade infecciosa, aliceram aes indispensveis da enfermeira na obteno de um atendimento de enfermagem mais seguro, de qualidade, que promova o protagonismo da mulher nesta etapa importante de sua vida e lhe proporcione autonomia em relao aos seus direitos sexuais e reprodutivos contribuindo para a reduo da mortalidade materna.


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The stock dynamics of horse mackerel, Megalaspis cordyla, along the northwest coast of India has been studied using length frequency data recorded from commercial landings and trawl catches of research-cum-training vessel M.F.V. Saraswati. The growth parameters for this species has been estimated to be L=54 cm and K=0.49 per annum. The natural and fishing mortality for the stock have been worked out to be 0.93 and 0.91 per annum respectively. The study indicated that the stock is fished at a safer fishing mortality level F sub(0.1), lower than F sub(msy) level.


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Fish are an important part of a healthy diet since they contain high quality protein, but typically present a low fat percent when compared to other meats. Fish is an extremely perishable food commodity. On the other hand, food borne diseases are still a major problem in the world, even in well-developed countries. The increasing incidence of food borne diseases coupled with the resultant social and economic implications means there is a constant striving to produce safer food and to develop new antimicrobial agents concerns over the safety of some chemical preservatives and negative consumer reactions to preservatives they perceive as chemical and artificial, have prompted on increased interest in more naturalgreen alternatives for the maintenance or extension of product shelf-life. Particular interest has focused on the potential applications of plant essential oils. However, to establish the usefulness of natural antimicrobial preservatives, they must be evaluated alone and in combination with other preservation factors to determine whether there are synergistic effects and multiple hurdles can be devised. In this study, were evaluated the effects of different concentrations of Rosmarinus officinalis and nisin and storage time (15 days) on growth of Streptococcus iniae GQ850377 in a lab conditions and a food model system (fillets of rainbow trout) in 4 and 8 C. In addition, we also studied multi factorial effects of four different concentration of rosemary, three different concentrations of nisin, two different levels of pH in 3 temperature 4,15 and 37 C on log% of S.iniae during 43 days in BHI broth. The results on growth of S. iniae were evaluated using SPSS 20.0 statistical software and analyzed the logarithm of total count of the bacterial by Tukey Test. Results were considered statistically significant when P<0.05. MIC and MBC values of rosemary and nisin were 0.03, 0.075 % and 5, 40 g/mL, respectively. The growth of S. iniae was effected significantly (P<0.05) by rosemary and nisin and also combination of rosemary and nisin in 4 and 8 C. Samples treated with 0.135 and 0.405 % of rosemary showed a significant decrease on the growth of the bacteria compared with control sample(P<0.05). The most inhibitory effects were seen in samples treated with 0.135 and 0.405% of rosemary until 9 days after storage. Also, the synergism effects of rosemary and nisin on the growth rate of bacteria was significant (P<0.05) compared with untreated samples and samples treated with the rosemary or nisin, only. Synergistic effects was observed at concentration of 0.405% rosemary and 0.75 g/mL nisin in both temprature. Results of this study showed that different concentration of rosemary a significant inhibitory effect (P<0.05) on log% of S. iniae, in BHI broth in pH 5.5 and 7 in 4,15 and 37 C during 43 days. In concentration of 0% rosemary (control) in pH 5.5 and 7 and 37C, log% were 1.099 and 3.15, whereas in concentration of 0.015% rosemary were -4/241 and 1.454, respectively. The use of essential oils may improve food safety and overall microbial quality. If essential oils were to be more widely applied as antibacterials in foods, the organoleptic impact would be important. In addition, it is recommended to apply essential oils or their compounds as part of a hurdle system and to use it as an antimicrobial component along with other preservation techniques. Thus essential of R. officinalis with high antibacterial activity selected in this study could be a potential source for inhibitory substances against some food-borne pathogens and they may be candidates for using in foods or food-processing systems.


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There is an increasing demand in developing newer and safer methods in preserving food products.Among which herbal additives seem to attract evermore attention recently.the major advantage of herbal additives is due to their favorable aroma besides their antimicrobial effects and less expensive than chemical additives. Zataria multiflora Boiss is a native Iranian herb which is used vastly as a food preserver essential oils and also medical usage. Metabolites of harmless bacteria, such as Nisin are also known to be safe preservatives that have antimicrobial activity. However to establish the usefulness of natural antimicrobial preservatives, they must be evaluated alone and in combination with other preservation factors to determine whether there are synergistic effects in rigid media . In this study were evaluated the effects of different concentrations of Zataria multiflora (EO 0, 0.005, 0.015, 0.045, 0.135, 0.405 ,0.810 %) and Nisin(0, 0.15, 0.25, 0.75 g/ml) and Storage time (up to 21 days) on growth of Staphylococcus aureus ATCC 6538 in a food model system(light salted fish of silver carp, Hypophthalmichthys molitrix). The results on growth of S. aureus were evaluated using SPSS 15.0 statistical software (SPSS 15.0 for windows, SPSS Inc.) and analyzed the logarithm of total count of the bacteria by Tukey Test. Results were considered statistically significant when P0.05. The growth of Staphylococcus aureus was affected significantly(P<0.05) by EO and Nisin and also combinations of EO and Nisin. Samples treated with 0.135, 0.405 and 0.810% of thyme essential oil showed a significant decrease on the growth of the bacteria compared with an treated samples(P<0.05). No significant difference was seen on the growth of S.aureus in samples treated with lower concentrations of Z.multiflora(below 0.045%) and untreated group(P>0.05). The most inhibitory effects were seen in samples treated with 0.405% and 0.810% of thyme essential oil until 9 and 12 days after storage,respectively. Also there was significant inhibtory effect(P<0.05) in different concentration of nisin on the organism compared with an treated samples. The synergism effects of the Eo and nisin on the growth rate of the bacteria was significant (P<0.05) compared with untreated samples and samples treated with the Eo or nisin, only. Synergismic effects was observed at concentration of 0.405 and 0.810% of Z. multiflora essential oil with 0.25 g/ml Nisin, respectively until 15 days after storage. As expected it is preferred to apply the least possible amounts of additives in food preserving that not only are effective and safe but are economically justifiable.


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A clean and healthy environment is paramount to human existence. While pesticide use has successfully sustained agricultural and food production in our lifetime as well as safeguarded human health by controlling insect pests, it has also caused many tragedies including population declines in our wildlife, fatalities in workers exposed to pesticides in its manufacture and use, and the increasing incidence of dreaded human illnesses such as cancer. A delicate balance should be achieved to mitigate the adverse impact of pesticide use to the environment and at the same time ensuring short- and long-term agricultural productivity. Endosulfan has been effectively used as a pesticide, but much evidence on its chronic and sub-lethal effects on humans and wildlife have been gathered in recent years. More research still needs to be done to determine its effects from long-term exposure at very low levels. Endosulfan is highly toxic to fish and other aquatic animals and, thus, not recommended for use in aquatic ecosystems. However, in some countries, it has been incorrectly used as a molluscicide in rice paddies, which could have an adverse impact on the rice-fish farming systems and on other surrounding aquatic ecosystems. It is clear that such practices should be stopped and users must strictly observe the recommended application methods. Agricultural productivity should be achieved with less pesticide by using integrated pest management programs which make use of biological, cultural, and physical control agents and lower doses of safer pesticide on a need only basis. The benefits of biotechnology should also be used to develop more effective and safer products and techniques. This is a valid approach and one that will require a unified and concerted effort among suppliers and users of pesticides in order to ensure that resources are used to our best advantage with minimal risk.


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CamelliaNESSIE, Camellia4, Camellia. 128, 6Camellia210, 215; 7Camellia212, 254.5; 8Camellia213, 2112.1; 9Camellia2113.6, 2121. 192/256, 8Camellia213, 2111.1; 9Camellia213, 2175.6; 10Camellia214, 2239.9. Camellia.


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NUSHNESSIE17.NUSH,,=(,).64 bitNUSH,128 bit,3(258,2124)(260,278)(262,255);192 bit,3(258,2157)(260,296)(262,258);256 bit,3(258,2125)(260,278)(262,253).128 bitNUSH,128bit,3(2122,295)(2124,257)(2126,252);192 bit,3(2122,2142)(2124,275)(2126,258);256 bit,3(2122,2168)(1224,281)(2126,264).256 bitNUSH,128 bit,(2252,2122)(2254,2119);192 bit,(2252,2181)(2254,2177);256 bit,(2252,2240)(2254,2219).NUSH,.


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NESSIE( new European schemes for signatures,integrity,and encryption) 17 .


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5,0001,500WHO50 &micro;g&#8226;L-110 &micro;g&#8226;L-1 20~400.2 M KBH420 d&#8226;min-1Fe/82.0 mg&#8226;g-130~500 nm1,000~2,000 nm As()As()As()pHpHAs()12 h72 hLangmuir As()12.0 mg&#8226;g-1pH 6.5 (252) As()2 mg&#8226;L-11.0 g&#8226;L-1As()75.2%1.5 g&#8226;L-1As()99.9%0.1MNaOH12 hPO43-SiO32-As()SO42-CO32-C2O42-Fe2+As()0.1 M NaOH As()pHAs()pH 6.5 (252) As()2 mg&#8226;L-11.0 g&#8226;L-1 As()99.8%1.996mg&#8226;g-1As()As()As()-As()As()As() As() As()As()As()As()


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Nonviral vectors are safer than viral systems for gene therapy applications. However, the limited efficacy always prevents their being widely used in clinical practice. Aside from searching new gene nonviral vectors, many researchers focus on finding out new substances to improve the transfection efficiency of existent vectors. In this work, we found a transfection enhancer, nocodazole (NCZ), for dimethyldioctadecylammonium (DODAB, a cationic lipid) bilayer coated gold nanoparticles (AuNPs) mediated gene delivery. It was found that NCZ produces 3-fold transfection enhancement to HEK 293T cells assessed by flow cytometry (FCM). The result was further confirmed by luciferase assay, in which NCZ induced more than 5 times improvement in transfection efficiency after 48 h of transfection. The results from the inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) and FCM showed that NCZ did not affect the internalization of DODAB-AuNPs/DNA complexes. The trafficking of the complexes by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) indicated that the interrupted transportation of the complexes to the lysosomes contributed greatly to the transfection enhancement.


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Projeto de Ps-Graduao/Dissertao apresentado Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obteno do grau de Mestre em Cincias Farmacuticas