900 resultados para Multi-level Analysis


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We analysed the relationship between changes in land cover patterns and the Eurasian otter occurrence over the course of about 20 years (1985-2006) using multi-temporal Species Distribution Models (SDMs). The study area includes five river catchments covering most of the otter's Italian range. Land cover and topographic data were used as proxies of the ecological requirements of the otter within a 300-m buffer around river courses. We used species presence, pseudo-absence data, and environmental predictors to build past (1985) and current (2006) SDMs by applying an ensemble procedure through the BIOMOD modelling package. The performance of each model was evaluated by measuring the area under the curve (AUC) of the receiver-operating characteristic (ROC). Multi-temporal analyses of species distribution and land cover maps were performed by comparing the maps produced for 1985 and 2006. The ensemble procedure provided a good overall modelling accuracy, revealing that elevation and slope affected the otter's distribution in the past; in contrast, land cover predictors, such as cultivations and forests, were more important in the present period. During the transition period, 20.5% of the area became suitable, with 76% of the new otter presence data being located in these newly available areas. The multi-temporal analysis suggested that the quality of otter habitat improved in the last 20 years owing to the expansion of forests and to the reduction of cultivated fields in riparian belts. The evidence presented here stresses the great potential of riverine habitat restoration and environmental management for the future expansion of the otter in Italy


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Venäjän voimakas talouskasvu on lisännyt merkittävästi myös logistiikkapalveluiden kysyntää maassa. Suuren pinta-alan, markkinapotentiaalin ja Euroopan ja Aasian välisen maantieteellisen sijainnin tarjoaman merkittävän kauttakulkupotentiaalin ansiosta Venäjä on erityisen kiinnostava investointikohde logistiikkayrityksille. Talouskasvu ei ole kuitenkaan jakautunut tasaisesti ja tämän vuoksi investoijan onkin syytä tarkoin selvittää minne Venäjän sisällä sijoittua. Tässä työssä on kartoitettu Venäjän logistiikkasektoria ja liikenneinfrastruktuuria sekä tarkasteltu kilpailutilannetta tavoitteena löytää logistiikkayrityksellekeskeisimmät sijaintikohteet Venäjällä. Moskova ja Pietari on rajattu tutkimuksen ulkopuolelle. Alan kirjallisuuteen ja aiheesta aiemmin laadittuihin tutkimuksiin perehtymällä on selvitetty yritysten sijaintipaikanvalinnalle asettamat tärkeimmät kriteerit. Logistiikkayrityksille toimivalla infrastruktuurilla on luonnollisesti oleellinen merkitys sijaintipaikkaa valittaessa, riittävän suuren markkinapotentiaalin ollessa toinen erittäin merkittävä kriteeri. Kirjallisuustarkastelun pohjalta potentiaalisiksi kohteiksi logistiikkayritykselle valikoitui 22 kaupunkia eri puolilta Venäjää. Monikriteerianalyysiin perustuvan pisteytysmenetelmän avulla toteutetussa potentiaalisten kohteiden luokittelussa kiinnostavimmiksi sijoittumiskohteiksi kohosivat Etelä-Venäjällä, Mustanmeren rannikolla sijaitsevat merkittävät satamakaupungit. Kehittyneen infrastruktuurin, merkittävän markkinapotentiaalin sekä suotuisten taloudellisten toimintaedellytysten ansiosta tarjoavat nämä erityisen merkittävän investointipotentiaalin logistiikkayrityksille.


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This research has been focused at the development of a tuned systematic design methodology, which gives the best performance in a computer aided environment and utilises a cross-technological approach, specially tested with and for laser processed microwave mechanics. A tuned design process scheme is also presented. Because of the currently large production volumes of microwave and radio frequency mechanics even slight improvements of design methodologies or manufacturing technologies would give reasonable possibilities for cost reduction. The typical number of required iteration cycles could be reduced to one fifth of normal. The research area dealing with the methodologies is divided firstly into a function-oriented, a performance-oriented or a manufacturability-oriented product design. Alternatively various approaches can be developed for a customer-oriented, a quality-oriented, a cost-oriented or an organisation-oriented design. However, the real need for improvements is between these two extremes. This means that the effective methodology for the designers should not be too limited (like in the performance-oriented design) or too general (like in the organisation-oriented design), but it should, include the context of the design environment. This is the area where the current research is focused. To test the developed tuned design methodology for laser processing (TDMLP) and the tuned optimising algorithm for laser processing (TOLP), seven different industrial product applications for microwave mechanics have been designed, CAD-modelled and manufactured by using laser in small production series. To verify that the performance of these products meets the required level and to ensure the objectiveness ofthe results extensive laboratory tests were used for all designed prototypes. As an example a Ku-band horn antenna can be laser processed from steel in 2 minutes at the same time obtaining a comparable electrical performance of classical aluminium units or the residual resistance of a laser joint in steel could be limited to 72 milliohmia.


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Ipilimumab and tremelimumab are human monoclonal antibodies (Abs) against cytotoxic T-lymphocyte antigen-4 (CTLA-4). Ipilimumab was the first agent to show a statistically significant benefit in overall survival in advanced melanoma patients. Currently, there is no proven association between the BRAFV600 mutation and the disease control rate in response to ipilimumab. This analysis was carried out to assess if BRAFV600 and NRAS mutation status affects the clinical outcome of anti-CTLA-4-treated melanoma patients. This is a retrospective multi-center analysis of 101 patients, with confirmed BRAF and NRAS mutation status, treated with anti-CTLA-4 antibodies from December 2006 until August 2012. The median overall survival, defined from the treatment start date with the anti-CTLA-4. Abs-treatment to death or till last follow up, of BRAFV600 or NRAS mutant patients (n = 62) was 10.12 months (95% CI 6.78-13.2) compared to 8.26 months (95% CI 6.02-19.9) in BRAFV600/NRASwt subpopulation (n = 39) (p = 0.67). The median OS of NRAS mutated patients (n = 24) was 12.1 months and although was prolonged compared to the median OS of BRAF mutated patients (n = 38, mOS = 8.03 months) or BRAFV600/NRASwt patients (n = 39, mOS = 8.26 months) the difference didn't reach statistical significance (p = 0.56). 69 patients were able to complete 4 cycles of anti-CTLA-4 treatment. Of the 24 patients treated with selected BRAF- or MEK-inhibitors, 16 patients received anti-CTLA 4 Abs following either a BRAF or MEK inhibitor with only 8 of them being able to finish 4 cycles of treatment. Based on our results, there is no difference in the median OS in patients treated with anti-CTLA-4 Abs implying that the BRAF/NRAS mutation status alone is not sufficient to predict the outcome of patients treated with anti-CTLA-4 Abs.


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1. Digital elevation models (DEMs) are often used in landscape ecology to retrieve elevation or first derivative terrain attributes such as slope or aspect in the context of species distribution modelling. However, DEM-derived variables are scale-dependent and, given the increasing availability of very high-resolution (VHR) DEMs, their ecological relevancemust be assessed for different spatial resolutions. 2. In a study area located in the Swiss Western Alps, we computed VHR DEMs-derived variables related to morphometry, hydrology and solar radiation. Based on an original spatial resolution of 0.5 m, we generated DEM-derived variables at 1, 2 and 4 mspatial resolutions, applying a Gaussian Pyramid. Their associations with local climatic factors, measured by sensors (direct and ambient air temperature, air humidity and soil moisture) as well as ecological indicators derived fromspecies composition, were assessed with multivariate generalized linearmodels (GLM) andmixed models (GLMM). 3. Specific VHR DEM-derived variables showed significant associations with climatic factors. In addition to slope, aspect and curvature, the underused wetness and ruggedness indices modelledmeasured ambient humidity and soilmoisture, respectively. Remarkably, spatial resolution of VHR DEM-derived variables had a significant influence on models' strength, with coefficients of determination decreasing with coarser resolutions or showing a local optimumwith a 2 mresolution, depending on the variable considered. 4. These results support the relevance of using multi-scale DEM variables to provide surrogates for important climatic variables such as humidity, moisture and temperature, offering suitable alternatives to direct measurements for evolutionary ecology studies at a local scale.


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Avec cette thèse de doctorat nous proposons une réflexion transversale concernant les relations entre infrastructures de transport et développement territorial dans des espaces dits « intermédiaires ». Le concept d'espace intermédiaire, relativement nouveau en géographie, est conçu en fonction d'une double approche : celle des infrastructures où les espaces intermédiaires constituent des zones de transit obligées entre des pôles urbains hiérarchiquement supérieurs (par rapport une échelle horizontale) et celle des frontières où les espaces intermédiaires constituent des territoires de coopération entre différents niveaux politico-institutionnels (par rapport à une échelle verticale). Cette problématique de recherche est traitée aussi bien du point de vue théorique qu'avec des études de cas portant sur les effets des nouvelles infrastructures de transports dans la région transfrontalière insubrique (entre le Canton du Tessin et la Lombardie). L'objectif visé est de défendre un scénario d'organisation spatiale polycentrique à plusieurs niveaux comme solution pour le développement durable et cohérent de ces espaces intermédiaires. Ainsi, pour le « niveau macro », nous proposons une analyse des changements d'accessibilité spatiale et des potentiels de développement territorial pour les agglomérations concernées par la mise en service du nouveau tunnel ferroviaire de base du Monte Ceneri (TBC) et de la nouvelle ligne Lugano/Como-Mendrisio-Varese-Malpensa (FMV) à l'horizon 2020. Pour le « niveau meso », nous analysons les effets de la nouvelle ligne FMV en termes de potentiel de densification polycentrique autours des gares ferroviaires. Pour le « niveau micro », nous proposons une analyse sur les comportements de mobilité ainsi que des améliorations ciblées du système de transport pour la ville de Mendrisio visant à promouvoir le développement polycentrique de cette commune. De plus, un système d'analyse permettant de mettre en lien les divers facteurs explicatifs dans l'analyse des relations entre les nouvelles infrastructures de transport et les effets sur la mobilité et le développement territorial est également élaboré et testé dans notre recherche. -- With this Ph.D. thesis we investigate the relationship between transport infrastructures and territory development inside the so called "in-between spaces". The idea of "in-between space", relatively novel in geography, is the formal outcome of a double approach: the one of the infrastructures, saying that these spaces can be described as areas of constrained transit between urban centres of superior hierarchical level (on a horizontal scale), and the one of the borders, stating that in-between spaces are areas of cooperation between various political-institutional levels. The above mentioned research issues are deepened both at theoretical and empirical level, being the latter based on field studies of the cross-boundary Western-Lombard area (between the Swiss canton of Ticino and the Italian region of Lombardy). This research pursues the goal of defending the argument that a multi-level polycentric spatial scenario can be a possible solution fora sustainable development of the above described in- between areas. From a "macro" perspective, what we submit here is an analysis on the expected changes in spatial accessibility and on the potential territorial development for the built-up areas influenced by the construction of the new train tunnel of the Monte Ceneri (TBC) and of the new railway line Lugano/Como-Mendrisio-Varese-Malpensa (FMV). At a "meso" level we analyse the effects exerted by the new FMV line taking into account the potential densification of the areas surrounding the railway stations. Finally, at a "micro" level, we analyse the mobility behaviours in the town of Mendrisio and we propose some possible improvements to the local public transport system, with the scope to promote a polycentric development of this municipality. Moreover, we developed and tested an analytic system able to define the existing links between the various explaining factors characterizing the relationship between new transport infrastructures and effects on mobility. -- With this Ph.D. thesis we investigate the relationship between transport infrastructures and territory development inside the so called "in-between spaces". The idea of "in-between space", relatively novel in geography, is the formal outcome of a double approach: the one of the infrastructures, saying that these spaces can be described as areas of constrained transit between urban centres of superior hierarchical level (on a horizontal scale), and the one of the borders, stating that in-between spaces are areas of cooperation between various political-institutional levels. The above mentioned research issues are deepened both at theoretical and empirical level, being the latter based on field studies of the cross-boundary Western-Lombard area (between the Swiss canton of Ticino and the Italian region of Lombardy). This research pursues the goal of defending the argument that a multi-level polycentric spatial scenario can be a possible solution for a sustainable development of the above described in- between areas. From a "macro" perspective, what we submit here is an analysis on the expected changes in spatial accessibility and on the potential territorial development for the built-up areas influenced by the construction of the new train tunnel of the Monte Ceneri (TBC) and of the new railway line Lugano/Como-Mendrisio-Varese-Malpensa (FMV). At a "meso" level we analyse the effects exerted by the new FMV line taking into account the potential densification of the areas surrounding the railway stations. Finally, at a "micro" level, we analyse the mobility behaviours in the town of Mendrisio and we propose some possible improvements to the local public transport system, with the scope to promote a polycentric development of this municipality. Moreover, we developed and tested an analytic system able to define the existing links between the various explaining factors characterizing the relationship between new transport infrastructures and effects on mobility.


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In this thesis we study the field of opinion mining by giving a comprehensive review of the available research that has been done in this topic. Also using this available knowledge we present a case study of a multilevel opinion mining system for a student organization's sales management system. We describe the field of opinion mining by discussing its historical roots, its motivations and applications as well as the different scientific approaches that have been used to solve this challenging problem of mining opinions. To deal with this huge subfield of natural language processing, we first give an abstraction of the problem of opinion mining and describe the theoretical frameworks that are available for dealing with appraisal language. Then we discuss the relation between opinion mining and computational linguistics which is a crucial pre-processing step for the accuracy of the subsequent steps of opinion mining. The second part of our thesis deals with the semantics of opinions where we describe the different ways used to collect lists of opinion words as well as the methods and techniques available for extracting knowledge from opinions present in unstructured textual data. In the part about collecting lists of opinion words we describe manual, semi manual and automatic ways to do so and give a review of the available lists that are used as gold standards in opinion mining research. For the methods and techniques of opinion mining we divide the task into three levels that are the document, sentence and feature level. The techniques that are presented in the document and sentence level are divided into supervised and unsupervised approaches that are used to determine the subjectivity and polarity of texts and sentences at these levels of analysis. At the feature level we give a description of the techniques available for finding the opinion targets, the polarity of the opinions about these opinion targets and the opinion holders. Also at the feature level we discuss the various ways to summarize and visualize the results of this level of analysis. In the third part of our thesis we present a case study of a sales management system that uses free form text and that can benefit from an opinion mining system. Using the knowledge gathered in the review of this field we provide a theoretical multi level opinion mining system (MLOM) that can perform most of the tasks needed from an opinion mining system. Based on the previous research we give some hints that many of the laborious market research tasks that are done by the sales force, which uses this sales management system, can improve their insight about their partners and by that increase the quality of their sales services and their overall results.


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Dirt counting and dirt particle characterisation of pulp samples is an important part of quality control in pulp and paper production. The need for an automatic image analysis system to consider dirt particle characterisation in various pulp samples is also very critical. However, existent image analysis systems utilise a single threshold to segment the dirt particles in different pulp samples. This limits their precision. Based on evidence, designing an automatic image analysis system that could overcome this deficiency is very useful. In this study, the developed Niblack thresholding method is proposed. The method defines the threshold based on the number of segmented particles. In addition, the Kittler thresholding is utilised. Both of these thresholding methods can determine the dirt count of the different pulp samples accurately as compared to visual inspection and the Digital Optical Measuring and Analysis System (DOMAS). In addition, the minimum resolution needed for acquiring a scanner image is defined. By considering the variation in dirt particle features, the curl shows acceptable difference to discriminate the bark and the fibre bundles in different pulp samples. Three classifiers, called k-Nearest Neighbour, Linear Discriminant Analysis and Multi-layer Perceptron are utilised to categorize the dirt particles. Linear Discriminant Analysis and Multi-layer Perceptron are the most accurate in classifying the segmented dirt particles by the Kittler thresholding with morphological processing. The result shows that the dirt particles are successfully categorized for bark and for fibre bundles.


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Asthma and allergy are common diseases and their prevalence is increasing. One of the hypotheses that explains this trend is exposure to inhalable chemicals such as traffi c-related air pollution. Epidemiological research supports this theory, as a correlation between environmental chemicals and allergic respiratory diseases has been found. In addition to ambient airborne particles, one may be exposed to engineered nanosized materials that are actively produced due to their favorable physico-chemical properties compared to their bulk size counterparts. On the cellular level, improper activity of T helper (Th) cells has been connected to allergic reactions. Th cells can differentiate into functionally different effector subsets, which are identifi ed according to their characteristic cytokine profi les resulting in specifi c ability to communicate with other cells. Th2 cells activate humoral immunity and stimulate eradication of extracellular pathogens. However, persistent predominance of Th2 cells is involved in a development of number of allergic diseases. The cytokine environment at the time of antigen recognition is the major factor determining the polarization of a naïve Th cell. Th2 cell differentiation is initiated by IL4, which signals via transcription factor STAT6. Although the importance of this pathway has been evaluated in the mouse studies, the signaling components involved have been largely unknown. The aim of this thesis was to identify molecules, which are under the control of IL4 and STAT6 in Th cells. This was done by using system-level analysis of STAT6 target genes at genome, mRNA and protein level resulting in identifi cation of various genes previously not connected to Th2 cell phenotype acquisition. In the study, STAT6-mediated primary and secondary target genes were dissection from each other and a detailed transcriptional kinetics of Th2 cell polarization of naïve human CD4+ T cells was collected. Integration of these data revealed the hierarchy of molecular events that mediates the differentiation towards Th2 cell phenotype. In addition, the results highlighted the importance of exploiting proteomics tools to complement the studies on STAT6 target genes identifi ed through transcriptional profi ling. In the last subproject, the effects of the exposure with ZnO and TiO2 nanoparticles was analyzed in Jurkat T cell line and in primary human monocyte-derived macrophages and dendritic cells to evaluate their toxicity and potential to cause infl ammation. Identifi cation of ZnO-derived gene expression showed that the same nanoparticles may elicit markedly distinctive responses in different cell types, thus underscoring the need for unbiased profi ling of target genes and pathways affected. The results gave additional proof that the cellular response to nanosized ZnO is due to leached Zn2+ ions. The approach used in ZnO and TiO2 nanoparticle study demonstrated the value of assessing nanoparticle responses through a toxicogenomics approach. The increased knowledge of Th2 cell signaling will hopefully reveal new therapeutic nodes and eventually improve our possibilities to prevent and tackle allergic infl ammatory diseases.


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This thesis is based on computational chemistry studies on lignans, focusing on the naturally occurring lignan hydroxymatairesinol (HMR) (Papers I II) and on TADDOL-like conidendrin-based chiral 1,4-diol ligands (LIGNOLs) (Papers III V). A complete quantum chemical conformational analysis on HMR was previously conducted by Dr. Antti Taskinen. In the works reported in this thesis, HMR was further studied by classical molecular dynamics (MD) simulations in aqueous solution including torsional angle analysis, quantum chemical solvation e ect study by the COnductorlike Screening MOdel (COSMO), and hydrogen bond analysis (Paper I), as well as from a catalytic point of view including protonation and deprotonation studies at di erent levels of theory (Paper II). The computational LIGNOL studies in this thesis constitute a multi-level deterministic structural optimization of the following molecules: 1,1-diphenyl (2Ph), two diastereomers of 1,1,4-triphenyl (3PhR, 3PhS), 1,1,4,4-tetraphenyl (4Ph) and 1,1,4,4-tetramethyl (4Met) 1,4-diol (Paper IV) and a conformational solvation study applying MD and COSMO (Paper V). Furthermore, a computational study on hemiketals in connection with problems in the experimental work by Docent Patrik Eklund's group synthesizing the LIGNOLs based on natural products starting from HMR, is shortly described (Paper III).


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The present study compares the performance of stochastic and fuzzy models for the analysis of the relationship between clinical signs and diagnosis. Data obtained for 153 children concerning diagnosis (pneumonia, other non-pneumonia diseases, absence of disease) and seven clinical signs were divided into two samples, one for analysis and other for validation. The former was used to derive relations by multi-discriminant analysis (MDA) and by fuzzy max-min compositions (fuzzy), and the latter was used to assess the predictions drawn from each type of relation. MDA and fuzzy were closely similar in terms of prediction, with correct allocation of 75.7 to 78.3% of patients in the validation sample, and displaying only a single instance of disagreement: a patient with low level of toxemia was mistaken as not diseased by MDA and correctly taken as somehow ill by fuzzy. Concerning relations, each method provided different information, each revealing different aspects of the relations between clinical signs and diagnoses. Both methods agreed on pointing X-ray, dyspnea, and auscultation as better related with pneumonia, but only fuzzy was able to detect relations of heart rate, body temperature, toxemia and respiratory rate with pneumonia. Moreover, only fuzzy was able to detect a relationship between heart rate and absence of disease, which allowed the detection of six malnourished children whose diagnoses as healthy are, indeed, disputable. The conclusion is that even though fuzzy sets theory might not improve prediction, it certainly does enhance clinical knowledge since it detects relationships not visible to stochastic models.


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Affiliation: Département de biochimie, Faculté de médecine, Université de Montréal


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Associée à d'autres techniques observationnelles, la polarimétrie dans le visible ou dans le proche infrarouge permet d'étudier la morphologie des champs magnétiques à la périphérie de nombreuses régions de formation stellaire. A l'intérieur des nuages molécualires la morphologie des champs est connue par polarimétrie submillimétrique, mais rarement pour les mêmes régions. Habituellement, il manque une échelle spatiale intermédiaire pour pouvoir comparer correctement la morphologie du champ magnétique galactique avec celle située à l'intérieur des nuages moléculaires. -- Cette thèse propose les moyens nécessaires pour réaliser ce type d'analyse multi-échelle afin de mieux comprendre le rôle que peuvent jouer les champs magnétiques dans les processus de formation stellaire. La première analyse traite de la région GF 9. Vient ensuite une étude de la morphologie du champ magnétique dans les filaments OMC-2 et OMC-3 suivie d'une analyse multi-échelle dans le complexe de nuages moléculaires Orion A dont OMC-2 et OMC-3 font partie. -- La synthèse des résultats couvrant GF 9 et Orion A est la suivante. Les approches statistiques employées montrent qu'aux grandes échelles spatiales la morphologie des champs magnétiques est poloïdale dans la région GF 9, et probablement hélicoïdale dans la région Orion A. A l'échelle spatiale des enveloppes des nuages moléculaires, les champs magnétiques apparaissent alignés avec les champs situés à leur périphérie. A l'échelle spatiale des coeurs, le champ magnétique poloïdal environnant la région GF 9 est apparemment entraîné par le coeur en rotation, et la diffusion ambipolaire n'y semble pas effective actuellement. Dans Orion A, la morphologie des champs est difficilement détectable dans les sites actifs de formation d'OMC-2, ou bien très fortement contrainte par les effets de la gravité dans OMC-1. Des effets probables de la turbulence ne seont détectés dans aucune des régions observées. -- Les analyses multi-échelles suggèrent donc qu'indépendamment du stade évolutif et de la gamme de masse des régions de formation stellaires, le champ magnétique galactique subit des modifications de sa morphologie aux échelles spatiales comparables à celles des coeurs protostellaires, de la même façon que les propriétés structurelles des nuages moléculaires suivent des lois d'autosimilarité jusqu'à des échelles comparables à celles des coeurs.


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Qu’il s’agisse d’une signature monochrome ("tag"), de lettres rondes à deux couleurs ("throw-up") ou d’un enchevêtrement calligraphique multicolore ("piece"), les formes caractéristiques du graffiti hip-hop font aujourd’hui partie du paysage urbain des grandes villes du monde. Né aux États-Unis dans les années 1960 et diffusé à l’extérieur des frontières américaines dans les années 1980, le graffiti hip-hop peut être perçu comme un exemple à la fois de l’américanisation et de l’homogénéisation des pratiques culturelles des jeunes à travers le monde. À partir d'une comparaison entre des graffiteurs francophones de Montréal et des graffiteurs lusophones de São Paulo, cette thèse décrit le processus d'appropriation d'un mouvement culturel d’origine américaine et montre les similitudes et les différences retrouvées au niveau local de cette forme d'expression mondialisée. L’étude de l’appropriation culturelle proposée dans cette thèse se compose de deux niveaux d’analyse. Le premier – qualifié de micro – touche le domaine personnel et se penche sur le processus de production de graffitis de style hip-hop (type de graffitis d’origine new-yorkaise basé sur l’écriture de pseudonymes). Ce niveau d’analyse me permet de démontrer comment les mécanismes de l’imitation et de la transformation se mélangent et renvoient aux processus de l’apprentissage et de l’inventivité individuels. Pour l’analyse du second niveau – qualifié de macro –, je tiens compte de l’ensemble des forces qui, au plan de la collectivité, forge l’appropriation. Ceci me permet de tracer des liens causaux entre les particularités locales du graffiti hip-hop et certains paramètres relevant du politique, de l’économique, de l’histoire et du culturel.


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La campylobactériose représente la principale cause de gastro-entérite bactérienne dans les pays industrialisés. L’épidémiologie de la maladie est complexe, impliquant plusieurs sources et voies de transmission. L’objectif principal de ce projet était d’étudier les facteurs environnementaux impliqués dans le risque de campylobactériose et les aspects méthodologiques pertinents à cette problématique à partir des cas humains déclarés au Québec (Canada) entre 1996 et 2006. Un schéma conceptuel des sources et voies de transmission de Campylobacter a d’abord été proposé suivant une synthèse des connaissances épidémiologiques tirées d’une revue de littérature extensive. Le risque d’une récurrence de campylobactériose a ensuite été décrit selon les caractéristiques des patients à partir de tables de survie et de modèles de régression logistique. Comparativement au risque de campylobactériose dans la population générale, le risque d’un épisode récurrent était plus élevé pour les quatre années suivant un épisode. Ce risque était similaire entre les genres, mais plus élevé pour les personnes de régions rurales et plus faible pour les enfants de moins de quatre ans. Ces résultats suggèrent une absence d’immunité durable ou de résilience clinique suivant un épisode déclaré et/ou une ré-exposition périodique. L’objectif suivant portait sur le choix de l’unité géographique dans les études écologiques. Neuf critères mesurables ont été proposés, couvrant la pertinence biologique, la communicabilité, l’accès aux données, la distribution des variables d’exposition, des cas et de la population, ainsi que la forme de l’unité. Ces critères ont été appliqués à des unités géographiques dérivées de cadre administratif, sanitaire ou naturel. La municipalité affichait la meilleure performance, étant donné les objectifs spécifiques considérés. Les associations entre l’incidence de campylobactériose et diverses variables (densité de volailles, densité de ruminants, abattoirs, température, précipitations, densité de population, pourcentage de diplomation) ont ensuite été comparées pour sept unités géographiques différentes en utilisant des modèles conditionnels autorégressifs. Le nombre de variables statistiquement significatives variait selon le degré d’agrégation, mais la direction des associations était constante. Les unités plus agrégées tendaient à démontrer des forces d’association plus élevées, mais plus variables, à l’exception de l’abattoir. Cette étude a souligné l’importance du choix de l’unité géographique d’analyse lors d’une utilisation d’un devis d’étude écologique. Finalement, les associations entre l’incidence de campylobactériose et des caractéristiques environnementales ont été décrites selon quatre groupes d’âge et deux périodes saisonnières d’après une étude écologique. Un modèle de Poisson multi-niveau a été utilisé pour la modélisation, avec la municipalité comme unité. Une densité de ruminant élevée était positivement associée avec l’incidence de campylobactériose, avec une force d’association diminuant selon l’âge. Une densité de volailles élevée et la présence d’un abattoir de volailles à fort volume d’abattage étaient également associées à une incidence plus élevée, mais seulement pour les personnes de 16 à 34 ans. Des associations ont également été détectées avec la densité de population et les précipitations. À l’exception de la densité de population, les associations étaient constantes entre les périodes saisonnières. Un contact étroit avec les animaux de ferme explique le plus vraisemblablement les associations trouvées. La spécificité d’âge et de saison devrait être considérée dans les études futures sur la campylobactériose et dans l’élaboration de mesures préventives.