876 resultados para Multi objective evolutionary algorithms
La energía transportada por el oleaje a través de los océanos (energía undimotriz) se enmarca dentro de las denominadas energías oceánicas. Su aprovechamiento para generar energía eléctrica (o ser aprovechada de alguna otra forma) es una idea reflejada ya hace más de dos siglos en una patente (1799). Desde entonces, y con especial intensidad desde los años 70, ha venido despertando el interés de instituciones ligadas al I+D+i y empresas del sector energético y tecnológico, debido principalmente a la magnitud del recurso disponible. Actualmente se puede considerar al sector en un estado precomercial, con un amplio rango de dispositivos y tecnologías en diferente grado de desarrollo en los que ninguno destaca sobre los otros (ni ha demostrado su viabilidad económica), y sin que se aprecie una tendencia a converger un único dispositivo (o un número reducido de ellos). El recurso energético que se está tratando de aprovechar, pese a compartir la característica de no-controlabilidad con otras fuentes de energía renovable como la eólica o la solar, presenta una variabilidad adicional. De esta manera, diferentes localizaciones, pese a poder presentar recursos de contenido energético similar, presentan oleajes de características muy diferentes en términos de alturas y periodos de oleaje, y en la dispersión estadística de estos valores. Esta variabilidad en el oleaje hace que cobre especial relevancia la adecuación de los dispositivos de aprovechamiento de energía undimotriz (WEC: Wave Energy Converter) a su localización, de cara a mejorar su viabilidad económica. Parece razonable suponer que, en un futuro, el proceso de diseño de un parque de generación undimotriz implique un rediseño (en base a una tecnología conocida) para cada proyecto de implantación en una nueva localización. El objetivo de esta tesis es plantear un procedimiento de dimensionado de una tecnología de aprovechamiento de la energía undimotriz concreta: los absorbedores puntuales. Dicha metodología de diseño se plantea como un problema de optimización matemático, el cual se resuelve utilizando un algoritmo de optimización bioinspirado: evolución diferencial. Este planteamiento permite automatizar la fase previa de dimensionado implementando la metodología en un código de programación. El proceso de diseño de un WEC es un problema de ingería complejo, por lo que no considera factible el planteamiento de un diseño completo mediante un único procedimiento de optimización matemático. En vez de eso, se platea el proceso de diseño en diferentes etapas, de manera que la metodología desarrollada en esta tesis se utilice para obtener las dimensiones básicas de una solución de referencia de WEC, la cual será utilizada como punto de partida para continuar con las etapas posteriores del proceso de diseño. La metodología de dimensionado previo presentada en esta tesis parte de unas condiciones de contorno de diseño definidas previamente, tales como: localización, características del sistema de generación de energía eléctrica (PTO: Power Take-Off), estrategia de extracción de energía eléctrica y concepto concreto de WEC). Utilizando un algoritmo de evolución diferencial multi-objetivo se obtiene un conjunto de soluciones factibles (de acuerdo con una ciertas restricciones técnicas y dimensionales) y óptimas (de acuerdo con una serie de funciones objetivo de pseudo-coste y pseudo-beneficio). Dicho conjunto de soluciones o dimensiones de WEC es utilizado como caso de referencia en las posteriores etapas de diseño. En el documento de la tesis se presentan dos versiones de dicha metodología con dos modelos diferentes de evaluación de las soluciones candidatas. Por un lado, se presenta un modelo en el dominio de la frecuencia que presenta importantes simplificaciones en cuanto al tratamiento del recurso del oleaje. Este procedimiento presenta una menor carga computacional pero una mayor incertidumbre en los resultados, la cual puede traducirse en trabajo adicional en las etapas posteriores del proceso de diseño. Sin embargo, el uso de esta metodología resulta conveniente para realizar análisis paramétricos previos de las condiciones de contorno, tales como la localización seleccionada. Por otro lado, la segunda metodología propuesta utiliza modelos en el domino estocástico, lo que aumenta la carga computacional, pero permite obtener resultados con menos incertidumbre e información estadística muy útil para el proceso de diseño. Por este motivo, esta metodología es más adecuada para su uso en un proceso de dimensionado completo de un WEC. La metodología desarrollada durante la tesis ha sido utilizada en un proyecto industrial de evaluación energética preliminar de una planta de energía undimotriz. En dicho proceso de evaluación, el método de dimensionado previo fue utilizado en una primera etapa, de cara a obtener un conjunto de soluciones factibles de acuerdo con una serie de restricciones técnicas básicas. La selección y refinamiento de la geometría de la solución geométrica de WEC propuesta fue realizada a posteriori (por otros participantes del proyecto) utilizando un modelo detallado en el dominio del tiempo y un modelo de evaluación económica del dispositivo. El uso de esta metodología puede ayudar a reducir las iteraciones manuales y a mejorar los resultados obtenidos en estas últimas etapas del proyecto. ABSTRACT The energy transported by ocean waves (wave energy) is framed within the so-called oceanic energies. Its use to generate electric energy (or desalinate ocean water, etc.) is an idea expressed first time in a patent two centuries ago (1799). Ever since, but specially since the 1970’s, this energy has become interesting for R&D institutions and companies related with the technological and energetic sectors mainly because of the magnitude of available energy. Nowadays the development of this technology can be considered to be in a pre-commercial stage, with a wide range of devices and technologies developed to different degrees but with none standing out nor economically viable. Nor do these technologies seem ready to converge to a single device (or a reduce number of devices). The energy resource to be exploited shares its non-controllability with other renewable energy sources such as wind and solar. However, wave energy presents an additional short-term variability due to its oscillatory nature. Thus, different locations may show waves with similar energy content but different characteristics such as wave height or wave period. This variability in ocean waves makes it very important that the devices for harnessing wave energy (WEC: Wave Energy Converter) fit closely to the characteristics of their location in order to improve their economic viability. It seems reasonable to assume that, in the future, the process of designing a wave power plant will involve a re-design (based on a well-known technology) for each implementation project in any new location. The objective of this PhD thesis is to propose a dimensioning method for a specific wave-energy-harnessing technology: point absorbers. This design methodology is presented as a mathematical optimization problem solved by using an optimization bio-inspired algorithm: differential evolution. This approach allows automating the preliminary dimensioning stage by implementing the methodology in programmed code. The design process of a WEC is a complex engineering problem, so the complete design is not feasible using a single mathematical optimization procedure. Instead, the design process is proposed in different stages, so the methodology developed in this thesis is used for the basic dimensions of a reference solution of the WEC, which would be used as a starting point for the later stages of the design process. The preliminary dimensioning methodology presented in this thesis starts from some previously defined boundary conditions such as: location, power take-off (PTO) characteristic, strategy of energy extraction and specific WEC technology. Using a differential multi-objective evolutionary algorithm produces a set of feasible solutions (according to certain technical and dimensional constraints) and optimal solutions (according to a set of pseudo-cost and pseudo-benefit objective functions). This set of solutions or WEC dimensions are used as a reference case in subsequent stages of design. In the document of this thesis, two versions of this methodology with two different models of evaluation of candidate solutions are presented. On the one hand, a model in the frequency domain that has significant simplifications in the treatment of the wave resource is presented. This method implies a lower computational load but increased uncertainty in the results, which may lead to additional work in the later stages of the design process. However, use of this methodology is useful in order to perform previous parametric analysis of boundary conditions such as the selected location. On the other hand, the second method uses stochastic models, increasing the computational load, but providing results with smaller uncertainty and very useful statistical information for the design process. Therefore, this method is more suitable to be used in a detail design process for full dimensioning of the WEC. The methodology developed throughout the thesis has been used in an industrial project for preliminary energetic assessment of a wave energy power plant. In this assessment process, the method of previous dimensioning was used in the first stage, in order to obtain a set of feasible solutions according to a set of basic technical constraints. The geometry of the WEC was refined and selected subsequently (by other project participants) using a detailed model in the time domain and a model of economic evaluation of the device. Using this methodology can help to reduce the number of design iterations and to improve the results obtained in the last stages of the project.
Le Système Stockage de l’Énergie par Batterie ou Batterie de Stockage d’Énergie (BSE) offre de formidables atouts dans les domaines de la production, du transport, de la distribution et de la consommation d’énergie électrique. Cette technologie est notamment considérée par plusieurs opérateurs à travers le monde entier, comme un nouveau dispositif permettant d’injecter d’importantes quantités d’énergie renouvelable d’une part et d’autre part, en tant que composante essentielle aux grands réseaux électriques. De plus, d’énormes avantages peuvent être associés au déploiement de la technologie du BSE aussi bien dans les réseaux intelligents que pour la réduction de l’émission des gaz à effet de serre, la réduction des pertes marginales, l’alimentation de certains consommateurs en source d’énergie d’urgence, l’amélioration de la gestion de l’énergie, et l’accroissement de l’efficacité énergétique dans les réseaux. Cette présente thèse comprend trois étapes à savoir : l’Étape 1 - est relative à l’utilisation de la BSE en guise de réduction des pertes électriques ; l’Étape 2 - utilise la BSE comme élément de réserve tournante en vue de l’atténuation de la vulnérabilité du réseau ; et l’Étape 3 - introduit une nouvelle méthode d’amélioration des oscillations de fréquence par modulation de la puissance réactive, et l’utilisation de la BSE pour satisfaire la réserve primaire de fréquence. La première Étape, relative à l’utilisation de la BSE en vue de la réduction des pertes, est elle-même subdivisée en deux sous-étapes dont la première est consacrée à l’allocation optimale et le seconde, à l’utilisation optimale. Dans la première sous-étape, l’Algorithme génétique NSGA-II (Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm II) a été programmé dans CASIR, le Super-Ordinateur de l’IREQ, en tant qu’algorithme évolutionniste multiobjectifs, permettant d’extraire un ensemble de solutions pour un dimensionnement optimal et un emplacement adéquat des multiple unités de BSE, tout en minimisant les pertes de puissance, et en considérant en même temps la capacité totale des puissances des unités de BSE installées comme des fonctions objectives. La première sous-étape donne une réponse satisfaisante à l’allocation et résout aussi la question de la programmation/scheduling dans l’interconnexion du Québec. Dans le but de réaliser l’objectif de la seconde sous-étape, un certain nombre de solutions ont été retenues et développées/implantées durant un intervalle de temps d’une année, tout en tenant compte des paramètres (heure, capacité, rendement/efficacité, facteur de puissance) associés aux cycles de charge et de décharge de la BSE, alors que la réduction des pertes marginales et l’efficacité énergétique constituent les principaux objectifs. Quant à la seconde Étape, un nouvel indice de vulnérabilité a été introduit, formalisé et étudié ; indice qui est bien adapté aux réseaux modernes équipés de BES. L’algorithme génétique NSGA-II est de nouveau exécuté (ré-exécuté) alors que la minimisation de l’indice de vulnérabilité proposé et l’efficacité énergétique représentent les principaux objectifs. Les résultats obtenus prouvent que l’utilisation de la BSE peut, dans certains cas, éviter des pannes majeures du réseau. La troisième Étape expose un nouveau concept d’ajout d’une inertie virtuelle aux réseaux électriques, par le procédé de modulation de la puissance réactive. Il a ensuite été présenté l’utilisation de la BSE en guise de réserve primaire de fréquence. Un modèle générique de BSE, associé à l’interconnexion du Québec, a enfin été proposé dans un environnement MATLAB. Les résultats de simulations confirment la possibilité de l’utilisation des puissances active et réactive du système de la BSE en vue de la régulation de fréquence.
To analyze the characteristics and predict the dynamic behaviors of complex systems over time, comprehensive research to enable the development of systems that can intelligently adapt to the evolving conditions and infer new knowledge with algorithms that are not predesigned is crucially needed. This dissertation research studies the integration of the techniques and methodologies resulted from the fields of pattern recognition, intelligent agents, artificial immune systems, and distributed computing platforms, to create technologies that can more accurately describe and control the dynamics of real-world complex systems. The need for such technologies is emerging in manufacturing, transportation, hazard mitigation, weather and climate prediction, homeland security, and emergency response. Motivated by the ability of mobile agents to dynamically incorporate additional computational and control algorithms into executing applications, mobile agent technology is employed in this research for the adaptive sensing and monitoring in a wireless sensor network. Mobile agents are software components that can travel from one computing platform to another in a network and carry programs and data states that are needed for performing the assigned tasks. To support the generation, migration, communication, and management of mobile monitoring agents, an embeddable mobile agent system (Mobile-C) is integrated with sensor nodes. Mobile monitoring agents visit distributed sensor nodes, read real-time sensor data, and perform anomaly detection using the equipped pattern recognition algorithms. The optimal control of agents is achieved by mimicking the adaptive immune response and the application of multi-objective optimization algorithms. The mobile agent approach provides potential to reduce the communication load and energy consumption in monitoring networks. The major research work of this dissertation project includes: (1) studying effective feature extraction methods for time series measurement data; (2) investigating the impact of the feature extraction methods and dissimilarity measures on the performance of pattern recognition; (3) researching the effects of environmental factors on the performance of pattern recognition; (4) integrating an embeddable mobile agent system with wireless sensor nodes; (5) optimizing agent generation and distribution using artificial immune system concept and multi-objective algorithms; (6) applying mobile agent technology and pattern recognition algorithms for adaptive structural health monitoring and driving cycle pattern recognition; (7) developing a web-based monitoring network to enable the visualization and analysis of real-time sensor data remotely. Techniques and algorithms developed in this dissertation project will contribute to research advances in networked distributed systems operating under changing environments.
Previous work by Professor John Frazer on Evolutionary Architecture provides a basis for the development of a system evolving architectural envelopes in a generic and abstract manner. Recent research by the authors has focused on the implementation of a virtual environment for the automatic generation and exploration of complex forms and architectural envelopes based on solid modelling techniques and the integration of evolutionary algorithms, enhanced computational and mathematical models. Abstract data types are introduced for genotypes in a genetic algorithm order to develop complex models using generative and evolutionary computing techniques. Multi-objective optimisation techniques are employed for defining the fitness function in the evaluation process.
This paper describes Mateda-2.0, a MATLAB package for estimation of distribution algorithms (EDAs). This package can be used to solve single and multi-objective discrete and continuous optimization problems using EDAs based on undirected and directed probabilistic graphical models. The implementation contains several methods commonly employed by EDAs. It is also conceived as an open package to allow users to incorporate different combinations of selection, learning, sampling, and local search procedures. Additionally, it includes methods to extract, process and visualize the structures learned by the probabilistic models. This way, it can unveil previously unknown information about the optimization problem domain. Mateda-2.0 also incorporates a module for creating and validating function models based on the probabilistic models learned by EDAs.
Quantum Computing is a relatively modern field which simulates quantum computation conditions. Moreover, it can be used to estimate which quasiparticles would endure better in a quantum environment. Topological Quantum Computing (TQC) is an approximation for reducing the quantum decoherence problem1, which is responsible for error appearance in the representation of information. This project tackles specific instances of TQC problems using MOEAs (Multi-objective Optimization Evolutionary Algorithms). A MOEA is a type of algorithm which will optimize two or more objectives of a problem simultaneously, using a population based approach. We have implemented MOEAs that use probabilistic procedures found in EDAs (Estimation of Distribution Algorithms), since in general, EDAs have found better solutions than ordinary EAs (Evolutionary Algorithms), even though they are more costly. Both, EDAs and MOEAs are population-based algorithms. The objective of this project was to use a multi-objective approach in order to find good solutions for several instances of a TQC problem. In particular, the objectives considered in the project were the error approximation and the length of a solution. The tool we used to solve the instances of the problem was the multi-objective framework PISA. Because PISA has not too much documentation available, we had to go through a process of reverse-engineering of the framework to understand its modules and the way they communicate with each other. Once its functioning was understood, we began working on a module dedicated to the braid problem. Finally, we submitted this module to an exhaustive experimentation phase and collected results.
Many real-world optimization problems contain multiple (often conflicting) goals to be optimized concurrently, commonly referred to as multi-objective problems (MOPs). Over the past few decades, a plethora of multi-objective algorithms have been proposed, often tested on MOPs possessing two or three objectives. Unfortunately, when tasked with solving MOPs with four or more objectives, referred to as many-objective problems (MaOPs), a large majority of optimizers experience significant performance degradation. The downfall of these optimizers is that simultaneously maintaining a well-spread set of solutions along with appropriate selection pressure to converge becomes difficult as the number of objectives increase. This difficulty is further compounded for large-scale MaOPs, i.e., MaOPs possessing large amounts of decision variables. In this thesis, we explore the challenges of many-objective optimization and propose three new promising algorithms designed to efficiently solve MaOPs. Experimental results demonstrate the proposed optimizers to perform very well, often outperforming state-of-the-art many-objective algorithms.
This study contributes a rigorous diagnostic assessment of state-of-the-art multiobjective evolutionary algorithms (MOEAs) and highlights key advances that the water resources field can exploit to better discover the critical tradeoffs constraining our systems. This study provides the most comprehensive diagnostic assessment of MOEAs for water resources to date, exploiting more than 100,000 MOEA runs and trillions of design evaluations. The diagnostic assessment measures the effectiveness, efficiency, reliability, and controllability of ten benchmark MOEAs for a representative suite of water resources applications addressing rainfall-runoff calibration, long-term groundwater monitoring (LTM), and risk-based water supply portfolio planning. The suite of problems encompasses a range of challenging problem properties including (1) many-objective formulations with 4 or more objectives, (2) multi-modality (or false optima), (3) nonlinearity, (4) discreteness, (5) severe constraints, (6) stochastic objectives, and (7) non-separability (also called epistasis). The applications are representative of the dominant problem classes that have shaped the history of MOEAs in water resources and that will be dominant foci in the future. Recommendations are provided for which modern MOEAs should serve as tools and benchmarks in the future water resources literature.
This paper presents a new approach for solving constraint optimization problems (COP) based on the philosophy of lexicographical goal programming. A two-phase methodology for solving COP using a multi-objective strategy is used. In the first phase, the objective function is completely disregarded and the entire search effort is directed towards finding a single feasible solution. In the second phase, the problem is treated as a bi-objective optimization problem, turning the constraint optimization into a two-objective optimization. The two resulting objectives are the original objective function and the constraint violation degree. In the first phase a methodology based on progressive hardening of soft constraints is proposed in order to find feasible solutions. The performance of the proposed methodology was tested on 11 well-known benchmark functions.
The main objective of this paper is to detail the development of a feasible hardware design based on Evolutionary Algorithms (EAs) to determine flight path planning for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) navigating terrain with obstacle boundaries. The design architecture includes the hardware implementation of Light Detection And Ranging (LiDAR) terrain and EA population memories within the hardware, as well as the EA search and evaluation algorithms used in the optimizing stage of path planning. A synthesisable Very-high-speed integrated circuit Hardware Description Language (VHDL) implementation of the design was developed, for realisation on a Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) platform. Simulation results show significant speedup compared with an equivalent software implementation written in C++, suggesting that the present approach is well suited for UAV real-time path planning applications.
There are many applications in aeronautics where there exist strong couplings between disciplines. One practical example is within the context of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle(UAV) automation where there exists strong coupling between operation constraints, aerodynamics, vehicle dynamics, mission and path planning. UAV path planning can be done either online or offline. The current state of path planning optimisation online UAVs with high performance computation is not at the same level as its ground-based offline optimizer's counterpart, this is mainly due to the volume, power and weight limitations on the UAV; some small UAVs do not have the computational power needed for some optimisation and path planning task. In this paper, we describe an optimisation method which can be applied to Multi-disciplinary Design Optimisation problems and UAV path planning problems. Hardware-based design optimisation techniques are used. The power and physical limitations of UAV, which may not be a problem in PC-based solutions, can be approached by utilizing a Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) as an algorithm accelerator. The inevitable latency produced by the iterative process of an Evolutionary Algorithm (EA) is concealed by exploiting the parallelism component within the dataflow paradigm of the EA on an FPGA architecture. Results compare software PC-based solutions and the hardware-based solutions for benchmark mathematical problems as well as a simple real world engineering problem. Results also indicate the practicality of the method which can be used for more complex single and multi objective coupled problems in aeronautical applications.
Web service technology is increasingly being used to build various e-Applications, in domains such as e-Business and e-Science. Characteristic benefits of web service technology are its inter-operability, decoupling and just-in-time integration. Using web service technology, an e-Application can be implemented by web service composition — by composing existing individual web services in accordance with the business process of the application. This means the application is provided to customers in the form of a value-added composite web service. An important and challenging issue of web service composition, is how to meet Quality-of-Service (QoS) requirements. This includes customer focused elements such as response time, price, throughput and reliability as well as how to best provide QoS results for the composites. This in turn best fulfils customers’ expectations and achieves their satisfaction. Fulfilling these QoS requirements or addressing the QoS-aware web service composition problem is the focus of this project. From a computational point of view, QoS-aware web service composition can be transformed into diverse optimisation problems. These problems are characterised as complex, large-scale, highly constrained and multi-objective problems. We therefore use genetic algorithms (GAs) to address QoS-based service composition problems. More precisely, this study addresses three important subproblems of QoS-aware web service composition; QoS-based web service selection for a composite web service accommodating constraints on inter-service dependence and conflict, QoS-based resource allocation and scheduling for multiple composite services on hybrid clouds, and performance-driven composite service partitioning for decentralised execution. Based on operations research theory, we model the three problems as a constrained optimisation problem, a resource allocation and scheduling problem, and a graph partitioning problem, respectively. Then, we present novel GAs to address these problems. We also conduct experiments to evaluate the performance of the new GAs. Finally, verification experiments are performed to show the correctness of the GAs. The major outcomes from the first problem are three novel GAs: a penaltybased GA, a min-conflict hill-climbing repairing GA, and a hybrid GA. These GAs adopt different constraint handling strategies to handle constraints on interservice dependence and conflict. This is an important factor that has been largely ignored by existing algorithms that might lead to the generation of infeasible composite services. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of our GAs for handling the QoS-based web service selection problem with constraints on inter-service dependence and conflict, as well as their better scalability than the existing integer programming-based method for large scale web service selection problems. The major outcomes from the second problem has resulted in two GAs; a random-key GA and a cooperative coevolutionary GA (CCGA). Experiments demonstrate the good scalability of the two algorithms. In particular, the CCGA scales well as the number of composite services involved in a problem increases, while no other algorithms demonstrate this ability. The findings from the third problem result in a novel GA for composite service partitioning for decentralised execution. Compared with existing heuristic algorithms, the new GA is more suitable for a large-scale composite web service program partitioning problems. In addition, the GA outperforms existing heuristic algorithms, generating a better deployment topology for a composite web service for decentralised execution. These effective and scalable GAs can be integrated into QoS-based management tools to facilitate the delivery of feasible, reliable and high quality composite web services.
The aim of this paper is to implement a Game-Theory based offline mission path planner for aerial inspection tasks of large linear infrastructures. Like most real-world optimisation problems, mission path planning involves a number of objectives which ideally should be minimised simultaneously. The goal of this work is then to develop a Multi-Objective (MO) optimisation tool able to provide a set of optimal solutions for the inspection task, given the environment data, the mission requirements and the definition of the objectives to minimise. Results indicate the robustness and capability of the method to find the trade-off between the Pareto-optimal solutions.
Power system stabilizer (PSS) is one of the most important controllers in modern power systems for damping low frequency oscillations. Many efforts have been dedicated to design the tuning methodologies and allocation techniques to obtain optimal damping behaviors of the system. Traditionally, it is tuned mostly for local damping performance, however, in order to obtain a globally optimal performance, the tuning of PSS needs to be done considering more variables. Furthermore, with the enhancement of system interconnection and the increase of system complexity, new tools are required to achieve global tuning and coordination of PSS to achieve optimal solution in a global meaning. Differential evolution (DE) is a recognized as a simple and powerful global optimum technique, which can gain fast convergence speed as well as high computational efficiency. However, as many other evolutionary algorithms (EA), the premature of population restricts optimization capacity of DE. In this paper, a modified DE is proposed and applied for optimal PSS tuning of 39-Bus New-England system. New operators are introduced to reduce the probability of getting premature. To investigate the impact of system conditions on PSS tuning, multiple operating points will be studied. Simulation result is compared with standard DE and particle swarm optimization (PSO).