985 resultados para Multi Measurement Mode


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Nowadays multi-touch devices (MTD) can be found in all kind of contexts. In the learning context, MTD availability leads many teachers to use them in their class room, to support the use of the devices by students, or to assume that it will enhance the learning processes. Despite the raising interest for MTD, few researches studying the impact in term of performance or the suitability of the technology for the learning context exist. However, even if the use of touch-sensitive screens rather than a mouse and keyboard seems to be the easiest and fastest way to realize common learning tasks (as for instance web surfing behaviour), we notice that the use of MTD may lead to a less favourable outcome. The complexity to generate an accurate fingers gesture and the split attention it requires (multi-tasking effect) make the use of gestures to interact with a touch-sensitive screen more difficult compared to the traditional laptop use. More precisely, it is hypothesized that efficacy and efficiency decreases, as well as the available cognitive resources making the users’ task engagement more difficult. Furthermore, the presented study takes into account the moderator effect of previous experiences with MTD. Two key factors of technology adoption theories were included in the study: familiarity and self-efficacy with the technology.Sixty university students, invited to a usability lab, are asked to perform information search tasks on an online encyclopaedia. The different tasks were created in order to execute the most commonly used mouse actions (e.g. right click, left click, scrolling, zooming, key words encoding…). Two different conditions were created: (1) MTD use and (2) laptop use (with keyboard and mouse). The cognitive load, self-efficacy, familiarity and task engagement scales were adapted to the MTD context. Furthermore, the eye-tracking measurement would offer additional information about user behaviours and their cognitive load.Our study aims to clarify some important aspects towards the usage of MTD and the added value compared to a laptop in a student learning context. More precisely, the outcomes will enhance the suitability of MTD with the processes at stakes, the role of previous knowledge in the adoption process, as well as some interesting insights into the user experience with such devices.


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For optimal solutions in health care, decision makers inevitably must evaluate trade-offs, which call for multi-attribute valuation methods. Researchers have proposed using best-worst scaling (BWS) methods which seek to extract information from respondents by asking them to identify the best and worst items in each choice set. While a companion paper describes the different types of BWS, application and their advantages and downsides, this contribution expounds their relationships with microeconomic theory, which also have implications for statistical inference. This article devotes to the microeconomic foundations of preference measurement, also addressing issues such as scale invariance and scale heterogeneity. Furthermore the paper discusses the basics of preference measurement using rating, ranking and stated choice data in the light of the findings of the preceding section. Moreover the paper gives an introduction to the use of stated choice data and juxtaposes BWS with the microeconomic foundations.


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In this paper, the application of a continuum model is presented, which deals with the discharge of multi-component granular mixtures in core flow mode. The full model description is given (including the constitutive models for the segregation mechanism) and the interactions between particles at the microscopic level are parametrised in order to predict the development of stagnant zone boundaries during core flow discharges. Finally, the model is applied to a real industrial problem and predictions are made for the segregation patterns developed during mixture discharge in core flow mode.


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Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to describe the problems encountered and the solutions developed when using benchmarking and key performance indicators (KPIs) to monitor a major UK social house building innovation (change) programme. The innovation programme sought improvements to both the quality of the house product and the procurement process. Design/methodology/approach: Benchmarking and KPIs were used to quantify performance and in-depth case studies to identify underlying cause and effect relationships within the innovation programme. Findings: The inherent competition between consortium members; the complexity of the relationship between the consortium and its strategic partner; the lack of an authoritative management control structure; and the rapidly changing nature of the UK social housing market all proved problematic to the development of a reliable and robust monitoring system. These problems were overcome by the development of multi-dimensional benchmarking model that balanced the needs and aspirations of the individual organisations with the broader objectives of the consortium. Research limitations/implications: Whilst the research methodology provides insight into the factors that affected the performance of a major innovation programme its findings may not be representative of all projects. Practical implications: The lessons learnt should assist those developing benchmarking models for multi-client consortia. Originality/value: The work reported in this paper describes an inclusive approach to benchmarking in which a multiple client group and their strategic partner sought to work together for shared gain. Very few papers have addressed this issue.


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The increasing availability of large, detailed digital representations of the Earth’s surface demands the application of objective and quantitative analyses. Given recent advances in the understanding of the mechanisms of formation of linear bedform features from a range of environments, objective measurement of their wavelength, orientation, crest and trough positions, height and asymmetry is highly desirable. These parameters are also of use when determining observation-based parameters for use in many applications such as numerical modelling, surface classification and sediment transport pathway analysis. Here, we (i) adapt and extend extant techniques to provide a suite of semi-automatic tools which calculate crest orientation, wavelength, height, asymmetry direction and asymmetry ratios of bedforms, and then (ii) undertake sensitivity tests on synthetic data, increasingly complex seabeds and a very large-scale (39 000km2) aeolian dune system. The automated results are compared with traditional, manually derived,measurements at each stage. This new approach successfully analyses different types of topographic data (from aeolian and marine environments) from a range of sources, with tens of millions of data points being processed in a semi-automated and objective manner within minutes rather than hours or days. The results from these analyses show there is significant variability in all measurable parameters in what might otherwise be considered uniform bedform fields. For example, the dunes of the Rub’ al Khali on the Arabian peninsula are shown to exhibit deviations in dimensions from global trends. Morphological and dune asymmetry analysis of the Rub’ al Khali suggests parts of the sand sea may be adjusting to a changed wind regime from that during their formation 100 to 10 ka BP.


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Modern intense ultrafast pulsed lasers generate an electric field of sufficient strength to permit tunnel ionization of the valence electrons in atoms(1). This process is usually treated as a rapid succession of isolated events, in which the states of the remaining electrons are neglected(2). Such electronic interactions are predicted to be weak, the exception being recollision excitation and ionization caused by linearly polarized radiation(3). In contrast, it has recently been suggested that intense field ionization may be accompanied by a two-stage 'shake-up' reaction(4). Here we report a unique combination of experimental techniques(5-8) that allows us to accurately measure the tunnel ionization probability for argon exposed to 50-fs laser pulses. Most significantly for the current study, this measurement is independent of the optical focal geometry(7,8), equivalent to a homogenous electric field. Furthermore, circularly polarized radiation negates recollision. The present measurements indicate that tunnel ionization results in simultaneous excitation of one or more remaining electrons through shake-up(9). From an atomic physics standpoint, it may be possible to induce ionization from specific states, and will influence the development of coherent attosecond extreme-ultraviolet-radiation sources(10). Such pulses have vital scientific and economic potential in areas such as high-resolution imaging of in vivo cells and nanoscale extreme-ultraviolet lithography.


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The multi-million-electron-volt proton beams accelerated during high-intensity laser-solid interactions have been used as a particle probe to investigate the electric charging of microscopic targets laser-irradiated at intensity similar to10(19) W cm(2). The charge-up, detected via the proton deflection with high temporal and spatial resolution, is due to the escape of energetic electrons generated during the interaction. The analysis of the data is supported by three- dimensional tracing of the proton trajectories. (C) 2003 American Institute of Physics.


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An experimental investigation of the argon plasma behavior near the E-H transition in an inductively coupled Gaseous Electronics Conference reference cell is reported. Electron density and temperature, ion density, argon metastable density, and optical emission measurements have been made as function of input power and gas pressure. When plotted versus plasma power, applied power corrected for coil and hardware losses, no hysteresis is observed in the measured plasma parameter dependence at the E-H mode transition. This suggests that hysteresis in the E-H mode transition is due to ignoring inherent power loss, primarily in the matching system.


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There is growing interest in the application of electrode-based measurements for monitoring microbial processes in the Earth using biogeophysical methods. In this study, reactive electrode measurements were combined to electrical geophysical measurements during microbial sulfate reduction occurring in a column of silica beads saturated with natural river water. Electrodic potential (EP), self potential (SP) and complex conductivity signals were recorded using a dual electrode design (Ag/AgCl metal as sensing/EP electrode, Ag/AgCl metal in KCl gel as reference/SP electrode). Open-circuit potentials, representing the tendency for electrochemical reactions to occur on the electrode surfaces, were recorded between sensing/EP electrode and reference/SP electrode and showed significant spatiotemporal variability associated with microbial activity. The dual electrode design isolates the microbial driven sulfide reactions to the sensing electrode and permits removal of any SP signal from the EP measurement. Based on the known sensitivity of a Ag electrode to dissolved sulfide, we interpret EP signals exceeding 550 mV recorded in this experiment in terms of bisulfide (HS-) concentration near multiple sensing electrodes. Complex conductivity measurements capture an imaginary conductivity (s?) signal interpreted as the response of microbial growth and biomass formation in the column. Our results suggest that the implementation of multipurpose electrodes, combining reactive measurements with electrical geophysical measurements, could improve efforts to monitor microbial processes in the Earth using electrodes.


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The global increase in the penetration of renewable energy is pushing electrical power systems into uncharted territory, especially in terms of transient and dynamic stability. In particular, the greater penetration of wind generation in European power networks is, at times, displacing a significant capacity of conventional synchronous generation with fixed-speed induction generation and now more commonly, doubly fed induction generators. The impact of such changes in the generation mix requires careful monitoring to assess the impact on transient and dynamic stability. This study presents a measurement-based method for the early detection of power system oscillations, with consideration of mode damping, in order to raise alarms and develop strategies to actively improve power system dynamic stability and security. A method is developed based on wavelet-based support vector data description (SVDD) to detect oscillation modes in wind farm output power, which may excite dynamic instabilities in the wider system. The wavelet transform is used as a filter to identify oscillations in frequency bands, whereas the SVDD method is used to extract dominant features from different scales and generate an assessment boundary according to the extracted features. Poorly damped oscillations of a large magnitude, or that are resonant, can be alarmed to the system operator, to reduce the risk of system instability. The proposed method is exemplified using measured data from a chosen wind farm site.


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Large nonlinear acoustic waves are discussed in a four-component plasma, made up of two superhot isothermal species, and two species with lower thermal velocities, being, respectively, adiabatic and cold. First a model is considered in which the isothermal species are electrons and ions, while the cooler species are positive and/or negative dust. Using a Sagdeev pseudopotential formalism, large dust-acoustic structures have been studied in a systematic way, to delimit the compositional parameter space in which they can be found, without restrictions on the charges and masses of the dust species and their charge signs. Solitary waves can only occur for nonlinear structure velocities smaller than the adiabatic dust thermal velocity, leading to a novel dust-acoustic-like mode based on the interplay between the two dust species. If the cold and adiabatic dust are oppositely charged, only solitary waves exist, having the polarity of the cold dust, their parameter range being limited by infinite compression of the cold dust. However, when the charges of the cold and adiabatic species have the same sign, solitary structures are limited for increasing Mach numbers successively by infinite cold dust compression, by encountering the adiabatic dust sonic point, and by the occurrence of double layers. The latter have, for smaller Mach numbers, the same polarity as the charged dust, but switch at the high Mach number end to the opposite polarity. Typical Sagdeev pseudopotentials and solitary wave profiles have been presented. Finally, the analysis has nowhere used the assumption that the dust would be much more massive than the ions and hence, one or both dust species can easily be replaced by positive and/or negative ions and the conclusions will apply to that plasma model equally well. This would cover a number of different scenarios, such as, for example, very hot electrons and ions, together with a mix of adiabatic ions and dust (of either polarity) or a very hot electron-positron mix, together with a two-ion mix or together with adiabatic ions and cold dust (both of either charge sign), to name but some of the possible plasma compositions.


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The propagation of small amplitude stationary profile nonlinear electrostatic excitations in a pair plasma is investigated, mainly drawing inspiration from experiments on fullerene pair-ion plasmas. Two distinct pair ion species are considered of opposite polarity and same mass, in addition to a massive charged background species, which is assumed to be stationary, given the frequency scale of interest. In the pair-ion context, the third species is thought of as a background defect (e.g. charged dust) component. On the other hand, the model also applies formally to electron-positron-ion (e-p-i) plasmas, if one neglects electron-positron annihilation. A two-fluid plasma model is employed, incorporating both Lorentz and Coriolis forces, thus taking into account the interplay between the gyroscopic (Larmor) frequency ?c and the (intrinsic) plasma rotation frequency O0. By employing a multi-dimensional reductive perturbation technique, a Zakharov-Kuznetsov (ZK) type equation is derived for the evolution of the electric potential perturbation. Assuming an arbitrary direction of propagation, with respect to the magnetic field, we derive the exact form of nonlinear solutions, and study their characteristics. A parametric analysis is carried out, as regards the effect of the dusty plasma composition (background number density), species temperature(s) and the relative strength of rotation to Larmor frequencies. It is shown that the Larmor and mechanical rotation affect the pulse dynamics via a parallel-to-transverse mode coupling diffusion term, which in fact diverges at ?c ? ±2O0. Pulses collapse at this limit, as nonlinearity fails to balance dispersion. The analysis is complemented by investigating critical plasma compositions, in fact near-symmetric (T- ˜ T+) “pure” (n- ˜ n+) pair plasmas, i.e. when the concentration of the 3rd background species is negligible, case in which the (quadratic) nonlinearity vanishes, so one needs to resort to higher order nonlinear theory. A modified ZK equation is derived and analyzed. Our results are of relevance in pair-ion (fullerene) experiments and also potentially in astrophysical environments, e.g. in pulsars.


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The photo-pump strengths of both the ((3 (d) over bar(4))(0)(3d(6))(0))(0)-(((3 (d) over bar(3))(3/2)(3d(6))(0))(3/2)(5 (f) over bar)(5/2))(1) and the ((3 (d) over bar(4))(0)(3d(6))0)0-(((3 (d) over bar(4))(0)(3d(5))(5/2))(5/2)(5f)(7/2))(1) transitions in Ni-like Sm34+ have been measured to be 2.0 x 10(-4) and 2.4 x 10(-4) photons/mode respectively. The implications of the measurement are briefly discussed in a comparison of the merits of automatically line matched photo-pump scheme to those of the collisional excitation Ni-like Sm+34 scheme.


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This paper presents a novel approach for introducing aligned carbon nanotubes (CNTs) at the crack interface of pre-impregnated (prepreg) carbon fibre composite plies, creating a hierarchical (three-phase) composite structure. The aim of this approach is to improve the interlaminar fracture toughness. The developed method for transplanting the aligned CNTs from the silicon wafer onto the pre-preg material is described. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was used to analyse the effects of the transplantation method. Double Cantilever Beam (DCB) specimens were prepared, according to ASTM standard D5528- 01R07E03 [1] and aligned multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) were introduced at the crack-tip. Mode I fracture tests for pristine (control) specimens and CNT-enhanced specimens were conducted and an average increase in the critical strain energy release rate (GIc) of approximately 50 % was achieved.


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A novel approach for introducing aligned multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) in a carbon-fibre composite pre-impregnated (prepreg) laminate, to improve the through-thickness fracture toughness, is presented. Carbon nanotube (CNT) 'forests' were grown on a silicon substrate with a thermal oxide layer, using a chemical vapour deposition (CVD) process. The forests were then transferred to a pre-cured laminate interface, using a combination of pressure and heat, while maintaining through-thickness CNT alignment. Standard Mode I and four-point bend end-notched flexure Mode II tests were undertaken on a set of specimens and compared with pristine specimens. Mode I fracture toughness for T700/M21 laminates was improved by an average of 31% while for T700/SE84LV specimens, an improvement of 61% was observed. Only T700/M21 specimens were tested in Mode II which yielded an average fracture toughness improvement of 161%. Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) showed good wetting of the CNT forest as well as evidence of penetration of the forest into the adjacent plies. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd.