954 resultados para Mouse as a laboratory animal - Theses
Nitrogen is an essential nutrient. It is for human, animal and plants a constituent element of proteins and nucleic acids. Although the majority of the Earth’s atmosphere consists of elemental nitrogen (N2, 78 %) only a few microorganisms can use it directly. To be useful for higher plants and animals elemental nitrogen must be converted to a reactive oxidized form. This conversion happens within the nitrogen cycle by free-living microorganisms, symbiotic living Rhizobium bacteria or by lightning. Humans are able to synthesize reactive nitrogen through the Haber-Bosch process since the beginning of the 20th century. As a result food security of the world population could be improved noticeably. On the other side the increased nitrogen input results in acidification and eutrophication of ecosystems and in loss of biodiversity. Negative health effects arose for humans such as fine particulate matter and summer smog. Furthermore, reactive nitrogen plays a decisive role at atmospheric chemistry and global cycles of pollutants and nutritive substances.rnNitrogen monoxide (NO) and nitrogen dioxide (NO2) belong to the reactive trace gases and are grouped under the generic term NOx. They are important components of atmospheric oxidative processes and influence the lifetime of various less reactive greenhouse gases. NO and NO2 are generated amongst others at combustion process by oxidation of atmospheric nitrogen as well as by biological processes within soil. In atmosphere NO is converted very quickly into NO2. NO2 is than oxidized to nitrate (NO3-) and to nitric acid (HNO3), which bounds to aerosol particles. The bounded nitrate is finally washed out from atmosphere by dry and wet deposition. Catalytic reactions of NOx are an important part of atmospheric chemistry forming or decomposing tropospheric ozone (O3). In atmosphere NO, NO2 and O3 are in photosta¬tionary equilibrium, therefore it is referred as NO-NO2-O3 triad. At regions with elevated NO concentrations reactions with air pollutions can form NO2, altering equilibrium of ozone formation.rnThe essential nutrient nitrogen is taken up by plants mainly by dissolved NO3- entering the roots. Atmospheric nitrogen is oxidized to NO3- within soil via bacteria by nitrogen fixation or ammonium formation and nitrification. Additionally atmospheric NO2 uptake occurs directly by stomata. Inside the apoplast NO2 is disproportionated to nitrate and nitrite (NO2-), which can enter the plant metabolic processes. The enzymes nitrate and nitrite reductase convert nitrate and nitrite to ammonium (NH4+). NO2 gas exchange is controlled by pressure gradients inside the leaves, the stomatal aperture and leaf resistances. Plant stomatal regulation is affected by climate factors like light intensity, temperature and water vapor pressure deficit. rnThis thesis wants to contribute to the comprehension of the effects of vegetation in the atmospheric NO2 cycle and to discuss the NO2 compensation point concentration (mcomp,NO2). Therefore, NO2 exchange between the atmosphere and spruce (Picea abies) on leaf level was detected by a dynamic plant chamber system under labo¬ratory and field conditions. Measurements took place during the EGER project (June-July 2008). Additionally NO2 data collected during the ECHO project (July 2003) on oak (Quercus robur) were analyzed. The used measuring system allowed simultaneously determina¬tion of NO, NO2, O3, CO2 and H2O exchange rates. Calculations of NO, NO2 and O3 fluxes based on generally small differences (∆mi) measured between inlet and outlet of the chamber. Consequently a high accuracy and specificity of the analyzer is necessary. To achieve these requirements a highly specific NO/NO2 analyzer was used and the whole measurement system was optimized to an enduring measurement precision.rnData analysis resulted in a significant mcomp,NO2 only if statistical significance of ∆mi was detected. Consequently, significance of ∆mi was used as a data quality criterion. Photo-chemical reactions of the NO-NO2-O3 triad in the dynamic plant chamber’s volume must be considered for the determination of NO, NO2, O3 exchange rates, other¬wise deposition velocity (vdep,NO2) and mcomp,NO2 will be overestimated. No significant mcomp,NO2 for spruce could be determined under laboratory conditions, but under field conditions mcomp,NO2 could be identified between 0.17 and 0.65 ppb and vdep,NO2 between 0.07 and 0.42 mm s-1. Analyzing field data of oak, no NO2 compensation point concentration could be determined, vdep,NO2 ranged between 0.6 and 2.71 mm s-1. There is increasing indication that forests are mainly a sink for NO2 and potential NO2 emissions are low. Only when assuming high NO soil emissions, more NO2 can be formed by reaction with O3 than plants are able to take up. Under these circumstance forests can be a source for NO2.
Die Ursache der neurodegenerativen Erkrankung Spinozerebelläre Ataxie Typ 2 (SCA2) ist eine expandierte Polyglutamin-Domäne im humanen ATXN2-Gen von normalerweise 22 auf über 31 CAGs. Von der Degeneration sind vorwiegend die zerebellären Purkinje Neuronen betroffen, in denen zunehmend zytoplasmatische Aggregate sichtbar werden. Auch wenn die genaue Funktion von ATXN2 und die zugrunde liegenden molekularen Mechanismen noch immer ungeklärt sind, werden ein toxischer Funktionsgewinn sowie der Verlust der normalen Proteinfunktion als mögliche Ursachen diskutiert.rnUm ein wirklichkeitsgetreues Tiermodell für die SCA2 zu haben, wurde eine knock-in Maus generiert, deren einzelnes CAG im Atxn2-Gen durch 42 CAGs ersetzt wurde. Dieses Mausmodell ist durch eine stabile Vererbung der Expansion charakterisiert. Weiterhin zeigt sie ein verringertes Körpergewicht sowie eine spät beginnende motorische Inkoordination, was dem Krankheitsbild von SCA2 entspricht. rnIm Weiteren konnte gezeigt werden, dass, obwohl die Atxn2 mRNA-Spiegel in Großhirn und Kleinhirn erhöht waren, die Menge an löslichem ATXN2 im Laufe der Zeit abnahm und dies mit einem Auftreten an unlöslichem ATXN2 korrelierte. Dieser im Kleinhirn progressive Prozess resultierte schließlich in zytoplasmatischen Aggregaten innerhalb der Purkinje Neuronen alter Mäuse. Der Verlust an löslichem ATXN2 könnte Effekte erklären, die auf einen partiellen Funktionsverlust von ATXN2 zurückzuführen sind, wobei die Aggregatbildung einen toxischen Funktionsgewinn wiederspiegeln könnte. Neben ATXN2 wurde auch sein Interaktor PABPC1 zunehmend unlöslich. Während dies im Großhirn eine Erhöhung der PABPC1 mRNA- und löslichen Proteinspiegel zur Folge hatte, konnte keine kompensatorische Veränderung seiner mRNA und zudem eine Verminderung an löslichem PABPC1 im Kleinhirn beobachtet werden. Auch PABPC1 wurde in Aggregate sequestriert. Diese Unterschiede zwischen Großhirn und Kleinhirn könnten zu der spezifischen Vulnerabilität des Kleinhirns beitragen.rnUm die Folgen auf mRNA-Prozessierung zu untersuchen, wurde ein Transkriptomprofil im mittleren sowie fortgeschrittenen Alter der Mäuse erstellt. Hierbei war eine erhöhte Expression von Fbxw8 im Kleinhirn alter Mäuse auffällig. Als Komponente eines Ubiquitin-E3-Ligase-Komplexes, hilft FBXW8 in der Degradierung von Zielproteinen und könnte somit die Toxizität des expandieren ATXN2 verringern. rnZur näheren Beschreibung der physiologischen Funktion von ATXN2, konnte in ATXN2-knock-out Mäusen gezeigt werden, dass das Fehlen von ATXN2 zu einer reduzierten globalen Proteinsyntheserate führte und somit eine Rolle als Translationsaktivator möglich erscheint. Kompensatorisch wurde eine erhöhte S6-Phosphorylierung gemessen.
Canavan disease (CD) is a rare leukodystrophy caused by loss-of-function mutations in the gene encoding aspartoacylase (ASPA), an oligodendrocyte-enriched enzyme. It is characterised by the accumulation of the ASPA substrate N-acetylaspartate (NAA) in brain, blood and urine, leading to a spongiform vacuolisation of the brain, severe motoric and cognitive impairments and premature death. To date, no therapy is available due to the lack of a gene-transfer system allowing transgene expression in oligodendrocytes (OLs) and the restoration of the missing enzyme. Hence, the aim of this study was to establish a novel gene-transfer system and its preclinical evaluation in a CD animal model.rnIn the first part of this thesis, a novel ASPA mouse mutant was generated. A βgeo cassette (including the genes encoding β-galactosidase and neomycin) flanked by frt sites was inserted into intron 1 of the intact aspa gene. Additionally, exon 2 was flanked by loxP sites for optional conditional deletion of the targeted locus. The resulting ASPA-deficient aspalacZ/lacZ-mouse was found to be an accurate model of CD and an important tool to identify novel aspects of its complex pathology. Homozygous mutants showed a CD-like histopathology, neurological impairment, behavioural deficits as well as a reduced body weight. Additionally, MRI data revealed changes in brain metabolite composition. rnRecombinant adeno-associated viral (rAAV) vectors have become a versatile tool for gene transfer to the central nervous system because they are efficient, non-toxic and replication-deficient. Based on the natural neurotropism of AAV vectors, AAV-based gene delivery has entered the clinics for the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases. However, the lack of AAV vectors with oligodendroglial tropism has precluded gene therapy for leukodystrophies. In the second part of this work, it was shown that the transduction profile of established AAV serotypes can be targeted towards OLs in a transcriptional approach, using the oligodendrocyte-specific myelin basic protein (MBP) promoter to drive transgene expression in OLs.rnIn the last part of this work, the therapeutic efficacy of AAV-mediated aspa gene transfer to OLs of juvenile aspalacZ/lacZ mice was evaluated. AAV-aspa injections into multiple sites of the brain parenchyma resulted in transduction of OLs in the grey and white matter throughout the brain. Histological abnormalities in the brain of ASPA-deficient mice were ameliorated and accompanied by a reduction of NAA levels. Furthermore, the treatment resulted in normalisation of body weight, motor function and nest-building behaviour. These data provide a proof-of-concept for a successful gene therapy of Canavan disease. This might pave the way towards translation into clinical application and serve as the basis for the genetic treatment of other leukodystrophies.
Non-invasive excitability studies of motor axons in patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) have revealed a changing pattern of abnormal membrane properties with disease progression, but the heterogeneity of the changes has made it difficult to relate them to pathophysiology. The SOD1(G93A) mouse model of ALS displays more synchronous motoneuron pathology. Multiple excitability measures of caudal and sciatic nerves in mutant and wild-type mice were compared before onset of signs and during disease progression (4-19 weeks), and they were related to changes in muscle fiber histochemistry. Excitability differences indicated a modest membrane depolarization in SOD1(G93A) axons at about the time of symptom onset (8 weeks), possibly due to deficient energy supply. Previously described excitability changes in ALS patients, suggesting altered sodium and potassium conductances, were not seen in the mice. This suggests that those changes relate to features of the human disease that are not well represented in the animal model.
Transgenic mouse models of human cancers represent one of the most promising approaches to elucidate clinically relevant mechanisms of action and provide insights into the treatment efficacy of new antitumor drugs. The use of Trp53 transgenic mice (Trp53 knockout [Trp53(-/-)] mice) for these kinds of studies is, so far, restricted by limitations in detecting developing tumors and the lack of noninvasive tools for monitoring tumor growth, progression, and treatment response.
Retinal degeneration is followed by significant changes in the structure and function of photoreceptors in humans and several genetic animal models. However, it is not clear whether similar changes occur when the degeneration is induced pharmacologically. Therefore, our aim was to investigate the influence of retinotoxic N-methyl-N-nitrosourea (MNU) on the function, morphology and underlying molecular pathways of programmed cell death.
A 20-channel phased-array coil for MRI of mice has been designed, constructed, and validated with bench measurements and high-resolution accelerated imaging. The technical challenges of designing a small, high density array have been overcome using individual small-diameter coil elements arranged on a cylinder in a hexagonal overlapping design with adjacent low impedance preamplifiers to further decouple the array elements. Signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and noise amplification in accelerated imaging were simulated and quantitatively evaluated in phantoms and in vivo mouse images. Comparison between the 20-channel mouse array and a length-matched quadrature driven small animal birdcage coil showed an SNR increase at the periphery and in the center of the phantom of 3- and 1.3-fold, respectively. Comparison with a shorter but SNR-optimized birdcage coil (aspect ratio 1:1 and only half mouse coverage) showed an SNR gain of twofold at the edge of the phantom and similar SNR in the center. G-factor measurements indicate that the coil is well suited to acquire highly accelerated images.
Stereotypies in captive animals typically occur under conditions that are stressful for the animals, and there is some anecdotal evidence that stress levels during early stereotypy development predict later stereotypy levels. Based on this and on the involvement of stress in the behavioural sensitization to psychostimulant drugs, it has been hypothesized that stereotypy development might be causally related to stress. To address this question further, we used mice of the commercial outbred stock CD-1 (ICR) and mice of two lines derived from the outbred CD-1 (ICR) strain by selective breeding for high (HR) and low (LR) stress reactivity, respectively, and examined whether genetically driven variation in stress reactivity is associated with variation in the expression of cage-induced stereotypies. From 21 days of age, 10 females of each line were housed in pairs under standard laboratory conditions until they were video recorded for stereotypic behaviour and tested for corticosterone responses in a stress reactivity test (SRT) at 12 weeks of age. As expected, HR females showed a significantly stronger corticosterone response in the SRT than LR females, while ICR females were intermediate. Unexpectedly, however, both HR and LR females showed very low levels of stereotypic behaviour, while ICR females developed the high levels of stereotypies typical for this strain of mouse. Consequently, there was no significant relationship between measures of acute corticosterone reactivity and stereotypy performance, but a trend for reduced recovery of the corticosterone response in the ICR line suggests that variation in recovery rather than the acute response might predict stereotypy levels in these mice. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Over the last decades, considerable efforts have been undertaken in the development of animal models mimicking the pathogenesis of allergic diseases occurring in humans. The mouse has rapidly emerged as the animal model of choice, due to considerations of handling and costs and, importantly, due to the availability of a large and increasing arsenal of genetically modified mouse strains and molecular tools facilitating the analysis of complex disease models. Here, we review latest developments in allergy research that have arisen from in vivo experimentation in the mouse, with a focus on models of food allergy and allergic asthma, which constitute major health problems with increasing incidence in industrialized countries. We highlight recent novel findings and controversies in the field, most of which were obtained through the use of gene-deficient or germ-free mice, and discuss new potential therapeutic approaches that have emerged from animal studies and that aim at attenuating allergic reactions in human patients.
Numerous studies have shown that animals have a sense of quantity and can distinguish between relative amounts. The concepts of relative numerousness, estimation, and subitizing are well established in species as diverse as chimpanzees and salamanders. Mobile animals have practical use for an understanding of number in common situations such as predation, mating, and competition. However, the ability to identify discrete quantities has only been firmly established in humans. The purpose of this study was to test for such “absolute numerousness” judgments in three lion-tailed macaques (Macaca silenus), a non-human primate. The three macaques tested had previously been trained on a computerized matchto- sample (MTS) task using geometric shapes. In this study, they were introduced to a MTS task containing a numerical cue, which required the monkeys to match stimuli containing either one or two items for rewards. If monkeys were successful at the initial matching task, they were tested with stimuli in which the position of the items and then the surface area of the items was controlled. If the monkeys could match successfully without using these non-numerical cues, they would demonstrate the capability to make absolute numerousness judgments. None of the monkeys matched successfully using the numerical cue, so no evidence of absolute numerosity was found. Each macaque progressed through the experiment in an individualized manner, attempting a variety of strategies to obtain rewards. These included side preferences and an alternating-side strategy that were unrelated to the numerical cues in the stimuli. When it became clear that the monkeys were not matching based on a stimulus-based cue, they were tested again on matching geometric shapes. All three macaques stopped using their alternate strategies and were able to match shapes successfully, demonstrating that they were still capable of completing the matching task. The data suggest that the monkeys could not transfer this ability to the numerical stimuli. This indicates that the macaques lack a sense of exact quantity, or that they could not recognize the numerical cues in the stimuli as being relevant to the task.
Little is known about the physiologic role of seminal vesicles beyond their fertility function. It has been suggested repeatedly that seminal vesicles have an impact on sexual activity. Although this has been investigated in various animal models, such a role has never been found.
The primary objective of this thesis is to demonstrate the pernicious impact that moral hierarchies have on our perception and subsequent treatment of non-human animals. Moral hierarchies in general are characterized by a dynamic in which one group is considered to be fundamentally superior to a lesser group. This thesis focuses specifically on the moral hierarchies that arise when humans are assumed to be superior to non-human animals in virtue of their advanced mental capabilities. The operative hypothesis of this thesis is essentially that moral hierarchies thwart the provision of justice to non-human animals in that they function as a justification for otherwise impermissible actions. When humans are assumed to be fundamentally superior to non-human animals then it becomes morally permissible for humans to kill non-human animals and utilize them as mere instrumentalities. This thesis is driven primarily by an in-depth analysis of the approaches to animal rights that are provided by Peter Singer, Tom Regan, and Gary Francione. Each of these thinkers claim that they overcome anthropocentrism and provide approaches that preclude the establishment of a moral hierarchy. One of the major findings of this thesis, however, is that Singer and Regan offer approaches that remain highly anthropocentric despite the fact that each thinker claims that they have overcome anthropocentrism. The anthropocentrism persists in these respective approaches in that each thinkers gives humans Regan and Singer have different conceptions of the criteria that are required to afford a being moral worth, but they both give preference to beings that have the cognitive ability to form desires regarding the future.. As a result, a moral hierarchy emerges in which humans are regarded to be fundamentally superior. Francione, however, provides an approach that does not foster a moral hierarchy. Francione creates such an approach by applying the principle of equal consideration of interests in a consistent manner. Moreover, Francione argues that mere sentience is both a necessary and sufficient condition for being eligible and subsequently receiving moral consideration. The upshot of this thesis is essentially that the moral treatment of animals is not compatible with the presence of a moral hierarchy. As a result, this thesis demonstrates that future approaches to animal rights must avoid the establishment of moral hierarchies. The research and analysis within this thesis demonstrates that this is not a possibility, however, unless all theories of justice that are to accommodate animals abandon the notion that cognition matters morally.
Novel magnetic resonance imaging sequences have and still continue to play an increasing role in neuroimaging and neuroscience. Among these techniques, diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) has revolutionized the diagnosis and management of diseases such as stroke, neoplastic disease and inflammation. However, the effects of aging on diffusion are yet to be determined. To establish reference values for future experimental mouse studies we tested the hypothesis that absolute apparent diffusion coefficients (ADC) of the normal brain change with age. A total of 41 healthy mice were examined by T2-weighted imaging and DWI. For each animal ADC frequency histograms (i) of the whole brain were calculated on a voxel-by-voxel basis and region-of-interest (ROI) measurements (ii) performed and related to the animals' age. The mean entire brain ADC of mice <3 months was 0.715(+/-0.016) x 10(-3) mm2/s, no significant difference to mice aged 4 to 5 months (0.736(+/-0.040) x 10(-3) mm2/s) or animals older than 9 months 0.736(+/-0.020) x 10(-3) mm2/s. Mean whole brain ADCs showed a trend towards lower values with aging but both methods (i + ii) did not reveal a significant correlation with age. ROI measurements in predefined areas: 0.723(+/-0.057) x 10(-3) mm2/s in the parietal lobe, 0.659(+/-0.037) x 10(-3) mm2/s in the striatum and 0.679(+/-0.056) x 10(-3) mm2/s in the temporal lobe. With advancing age, we observed minimal diffusion changes in the whole mouse brain as well as in three ROIs by determination of ADCs. According to our data ADCs remain nearly constant during the aging process of the brain with a small but statistically non-significant trend towards a decreased diffusion in older animals.
A colony of golden hamsters had an ongoing problem with hydrocephalus. In an attempt to clear the colony of the problem, new breeders from another supplier had been purchased. At termination of a behavioral study, the brain was collected from 35 animals (four of which had died with hydrocephalus during the study) and was examined macroscopically and by light microscopy. Although no animals manifested obvious behavioral changes, 31 of 35 (88.6%, 13/15 males and 18/20 females in control and manipulated groups) had hydrocephalus. Twenty-five animals had macroscopically identifiable hydrocephalus, and six had hydrocephalus identified microscopically. Neither teratogenic concentrations of metals nor mycotoxins were detected in tissues or food, and sera from breeders tested negative for antibodies to Sendai virus, reovirus 3, and lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus. Trial matings of breeders expected to produce hydrocephalic offspring resulted in affected offspring, and mating of breeders expected to produce normal offspring resulted in normal or less-affected offspring. Hydrocephalus was confirmed retrospectively in some breeders. Hereditary hydrocephalus appears to be widespread in hamster stocks in Central Europe. Affected animals do not manifest signs of disease and usually die without obvious premonitory signs. Despite severe hydrocephalus, the animals can breed, and animal handlers do not identify motor deficits or abnormal behavioral activity. This entity is unlike the previously described, hereditary hydrocephalus of hamsters that is phenotypically identifiable and usually is lethal before they attain breeding age.
Experimental partial hepatectomy of more than 80% of the liver weight bears an increased mortality in rodents, due to impaired hepatic regeneration in small-for-size liver remnants. Granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF) promotes progenitor cell expansion and mobilization and also has immunomodulatory properties. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of systemically administered G-CSF on liver regeneration and animal survival in a small-for-size liver remnant mouse model. Mice were preconditioned daily for 5 days with subcutaneous injections of 5 microg G-CSF or aqua ad injectabile. Subsequently, 83% partial hepatectomy was performed by resecting the median, the left, the caudate, and the right inferior hepatic lobes in all animals. Daily sham or G-CSF injection was continued. Survival was significantly better in G-CSF-treated animals (P < 0.0001). At 36 and 48 h after microsurgical hepatic resection, markers of hepatic proliferation (Ki67, BrdU) were elevated in G-CSF-treated mice compared to sham injected control animals (P < 0.0001) and dry liver weight was increased (P < 0.05). G-CSF conditioning might prove to be useful in patients with small-for-size liver remnants after extended hepatic resections due to primary or secondary liver tumors or in the setting of split liver transplantation.