938 resultados para Motor Accident Insurance Act 1994 s45
Il est connu que les personnes ayant une hémiparésie à la suite d’un accident vasculaire cérébral (AVC) présentent une mise en charge (MEC) asymétrique lors de la station debout et lors du passage assis à debout (PAD). Par contre, peu d’études ont quantifié l’évolution de la MEC avec la réadaptation ou la précision avec laquelle ces personnes sont capables de la juger. L’objectif principal de ce projet était d’étudier l’évolution de la répartition et la perception de MEC en position debout et lors du PAD chez des personnes hémiparétiques en réadaptation fonctionnelle intensive (RFI). Un objectif secondaire était d’identifier les facteurs qui caractérisent les personnes hémiparétiques les plus asymétriques et les plus atteintes dans leur perception. Cette étude a été menée auprès de seize participants. Les résultats ont démontré qu’une asymétrie de répartition de l’appui en faveur du côté non parétique est présente dès les premiers mois après l’AVC et qu’elle persiste malgré la RFI. Chez les personnes avec une atteinte sévère de la fonction motrice, la MEC était plus symétrique pour le PAD que la station debout. En termes de perception, les personnes hémiparétiques étaient capables d’identifier le côté sur lequel ils mettaient plus d’appui mais ils avaient tendance à surestimer l’appui sur le côté parétique et donc à se juger moins asymétriques qu’ils ne l’étaient en réalité. Très peu de changements ont été observés lorsque les données au congé étaient comparées aux données à l’entrée dans l’étude. En réponse à l’objectif secondaire, la fonction motrice du membre inférieur parétique évaluée par le Chedoke et la différence de force des extenseurs entre les genoux étaient les facteurs les plus déterminants de l’asymétrie et de la perception de MEC. Les résultats obtenus constituent donc une étape supplémentaire vers la compréhension de la répartition asymétrique et les troubles de perception de MEC lors de la station debout et le PAD chez les personnes hémiparétiques. Il serait intéressant dans le futur d’explorer davantage les facteurs susceptibles d’influencer l’asymétrie et la perception de MEC et d’objectiver la relation de cause à effet entre ces deux variables en plus de préciser l’effet réel de l’asymétrie sur la stabilité posturale.
I test the presence of hidden information and action in the automobile insurance market using a data set from several Colombian insurers. To identify the presence of hidden information I find a common knowledge variable providing information on policyholder s risk type which is related to both experienced risk and insurance demand and that was excluded from the pricing mechanism. Such unused variable is the record of policyholder s traffic offenses. I find evidence of adverse selection in six of the nine insurance companies for which the test is performed. From the point of view of hidden action I develop a dynamic model of effort in accident prevention given an insurance contract with bonus experience rating scheme and I show that individual accident probability decreases with previous accidents. This result brings a testable implication for the empirical identification of hidden action and based on that result I estimate an econometric model of the time spans between the purchase of the insurance and the first claim, between the first claim and the second one, and so on. I find strong evidence on the existence of unobserved heterogeneity that deceives the testable implication. Once the unobserved heterogeneity is controlled, I find conclusive statistical grounds supporting the presence of moral hazard in the Colombian insurance market.
El intercambio de bienes y servicios se puede rastrearse desde el origen de la humanidad. Dicha práctica, surgió en la medida en que los humanos desarrollaron herramientas que facilitaban la producción agrícola, permitiéndoles intercambiar el excedente de dichos productos por otros del mismo valor, por nuevas herramientas agrícolas o por instrumentos para la defensa de la comunidad. Por este motivo resulta plausible que al crearse el concepto de Estado, éste reprodujera dichas prácticas, y que el intercambio económico se convirtiera en la principal política económica y motor de la economía de varias naciones. El libre comercio se consolidó como una de las políticas aparentemente exitosas para mejorar la economía de las naciones, es por esto que es importante evaluar los resultados que trae para las economías emergentes firmar un TLC con países que tienen un alto desarrollo en sus economías, en sus industrias y los retos que trae enfrentarse a dicha asimetría una vez se firma el tratado, teniendo en cuenta la relación ambivalente que se da entre México y Estados Unidos.
La Secretaría de Cultura siguiendo el principio dado por la Ley 397 de 1997 Título I, artículo 5, en la cual establece que es obligación del Estado y de las personas valorar, proteger y difundir el patrimonio cultural de la nación, y tomando como base lo manifiesto
The transcription factor REST is a key suppressor of neuronal genes in non-neuronal tissues. REST has been shown to suppress pro-neuronal microRNAs in neural progenitors indicating that REST-mediated neurogenic suppression may act in part via microRNAs. We used neural differentiation of Rest-null mouse ESC to identify dozens of microRNAs regulated by REST during neural development. One of the identified microRNAs, miR-375, was upregulated during human spinal motor neuron development. We found that miR-375 facilitates spinal motor neurogenesis by targeting the cyclin kinase CCND2 and the transcription factor PAX6. Additionally, miR-375 inhibits the tumor suppressor p53 and protects neurons from apoptosis in response to DNA damage. Interestingly, motor neurons derived from a spinal muscular atrophy patient displayed depressed miR-375 expression and elevated p53 protein levels. Importantly, SMA motor neurons were significantly more susceptible to DNA damage induced apoptosis suggesting that miR-375 may play a protective role in motor neurons.
We analyze a Principal-Agent model of an insurer who faces an adverse selection problem. He is unable to observe if his client has a high risk or a low risk of having an accident. At the underwriting of the contract, the insurer requests the client to declare his risk. After that, the former can costly audit the truthfulness of this announcement. If the audit confirms a false declaration, the insurer is legally allowed to punish the defrauder. We characterize the efRcient contracts when this punishment is bounded from above by a legal restriction. Then, we do some comparative statics on the efRcient contracts and on the agent's utility. The most important result of this paper concerns the legal limit to a defrauder's punishment. We prove that there exists a uni que value of this legal limit that maximizes the expected utility of a high risk type. Facing this particular value of the legal limit to a defrauder's punishment, the insurer will effectively audit a low risk reporto We also show that this particular value increases with the probability of facing a high risk policyholder. Therefore, when this probability is sufRciently high, the nullity of the contract is not enough. From the point of view of a potential defrauder, the law should allow harder sanctions. This is an striking result because the nullity of the contract is a common sanction for this kind of fraud in the USA and in some European countries.
Desempenho motor de pacientes com acidente vascular cerebral em um jogo baseado em realidade virtual
The Cerebral Vascular Accident (CVA) is the leading cause of motor disability in adults and elderly and that is why it still needs effective interventions that contribute to motor recovery. Objective: This study was aimed to evaluate the performance of stroke patients in chronic stage using a virtual reality game. Method: 20 patients (10 with injury to the left and 10 to the right side), right-handed, average age 50.6 ± 9.2 years, and 20 healthy subjects with average age of 50.9 ± 8.8, also right-handed participated. The patients had a motor (Fugl-Meyer) and muscle tone assessment (Ashworth). All participants made a kinematic evaluation of the drinking water activity and then underwent training with the table tennis game on XBOX 360 Kinect®, 2 sets of 10 attempts for 45 seconds, 15 minutes rest between sets, giving a total of 30 minutes session. After training the subjects underwent another kinematic evaluation. The patients trained with the right and left hemiparect upper limb and the healthy ones with the right and left upper limb. Data were analyzed by ANOVA, t Student test and Pearson correlation. Results: There was significant difference in the number of hits between the patients and healthy groups, in which patients had a lower performance in all the attempts (p = 0.008), this performance was related to a higher level of spasticity (r = - 0.44, p = 0.04) and greater motor impairment (r = 0.59, p = 0.001). After training, patients with left hemiparesis had improved shoulder and elbow angles during the activity of drinking water, approaching the pattern of motion of the left arm of healthy subjects (p < 0.05), especially when returning the glass to the table, and patients with right hemiparesis did not obtain improved pattern of movement (p > 0.05). Conclusion: The stroke patients improved their performance over the game attempts, however, only patients with left hemiparesis were able to increase the angle of the shoulder and elbow during the functional activity execution, better responding to virtual reality game, which should be taken into consideration in motor rehabilitation
Workplace accidents involving machines are relevant for their magnitude and their impacts on worker health. Despite consolidated critical statements, explanation centered on errors of operators remains predominant with industry professionals, hampering preventive measures and the improvement of production-system reliability. Several initiatives were adopted by enforcement agencies in partnership with universities to stimulate production and diffusion of analysis methodologies with a systemic approach. Starting from one accident case that occurred with a worker who operated a brake-clutch type mechanical press, the article explores cognitive aspects and the existence of traps in the operation of this machine. It deals with a large-sized press that, despite being endowed with a light curtain in areas of access to the pressing zone, did not meet legal requirements. The safety devices gave rise to an illusion of safety, permitting activation of the machine when a worker was still found within the operational zone. Preventive interventions must stimulate the tailoring of systems to the characteristics of workers, minimizing the creation of traps and encouraging safety policies and practices that replace judgments of behaviors that participate in accidents by analyses of reasons that lead workers to act in that manner.
Este estudo discute a relação entre as condições e a organização do trabalho como elementos que contribuem para a ocorrência de acidentes do trabalho. Os dados foram coletados em uma indústria produtora de açúcar, álcool e derivados, situada no Estado de São Paulo. Para a coleta dos dados utilizamos a observação direta do trabalho e realizamos entrevistas semidirigidas individuais como 22 trabalhadores do setor de produção de açúcar. A produção de açúcar foi indicada pela Equipe de Segurança e Higiene no Trabalho como o setor em que havia a maior ocorrência de acidentes. Por destacar o papel que a relação homem-trabalho desempenha na saúde física e psíquica dos trabalhadores, utilizamos a Psicodinâmica do Trabalho (Dejours, 1994) como referencial teórico para a análise dos dados obtidos nas entrevistas. A análise das entrevistas envolveu três aspectos: condições e organização do trabalho e insatisfação. Os resultados revelaram que o ambiente estudado apresenta fatores físicos, químicos e biológicos desfavoráveis à saúde dos trabalhadores. Quanto à organização do trabalho, os dados revelaram que a divisão do trabalho bem como o conteúdo das tarefas determinavam sobrecarga aos trabalhadores. O relato sobre a insatisfação envolveu: ausência de perspectiva para progressão profissional, falta de treinamento técnico, dificuldade em manejar equipamentos e inadequação dos equipamentos de proteção. Destaca-se também no discurso dos trabalhadores a ineficiência das ações organizacionais para a eliminação ou a neutralização dos riscos de acidentes do trabalho e a predominância da teoria do Ato inseguro na apuração da causalidade dos acidentes do trabalho.
Includes bibliography
Pós-graduação em Educação - FFC
Pós-graduação em Pediatria - FMB
Workplace accidents involving machines are relevant for their magnitude and their impacts on worker health. Despite consolidated critical statements, explanation centered on errors of operators remains predominant with industry professionals, hampering preventive measures and the improvement of production-system reliability. Several initiatives were adopted by enforcement agencies in partnership with universities to stimulate production and diffusion of analysis methodologies with a systemic approach. Starting from one accident case that occurred with a worker who operated a brake-clutch type mechanical press, the article explores cognitive aspects and the existence of traps in the operation of this machine. It deals with a large-sized press that, despite being endowed with a light curtain in areas of access to the pressing zone, did not meet legal requirements. The safety devices gave rise to an illusion of safety, permitting activation of the machine when a worker was still found within the operational zone. Preventive interventions must stimulate the tailoring of systems to the characteristics of workers, minimizing the creation of traps and encouraging safety policies and practices that replace judgments of behaviors that participate in accidents by analyses of reasons that lead workers to act in that manner.
The examination of traffic accidents is daily routine in forensic medicine. An important question in the analysis of the victims of traffic accidents, for example in collisions between motor vehicles and pedestrians or cyclists, is the situation of the impact. Apart from forensic medical examinations (external examination and autopsy), three-dimensional technologies and methods are gaining importance in forensic investigations. Besides the post-mortem multi-slice computed tomography (MSCT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) for the documentation and analysis of internal findings, highly precise 3D surface scanning is employed for the documentation of the external body findings and of injury-inflicting instruments. The correlation of injuries of the body to the injury-inflicting object and the accident mechanism are of great importance. The applied methods include documentation of the external and internal body and the involved vehicles and inflicting tools as well as the analysis of the acquired data. The body surface and the accident vehicles with their damages were digitized by 3D surface scanning. For the internal findings of the body, post-mortem MSCT and MRI were used. The analysis included the processing of the obtained data to 3D models, determination of the driving direction of the vehicle, correlation of injuries to the vehicle damages, geometric determination of the impact situation and evaluation of further findings of the accident. In the following article, the benefits of the 3D documentation and computer-assisted, drawn-to-scale 3D comparisons of the relevant injuries with the damages to the vehicle in the analysis of the course of accidents, especially with regard to the impact situation, are shown on two examined cases.
One of the central goals of neuroscience research is to determine how networks of neurons control and modify behavior. One of the most influential model systems for this kind of analysis is the siphon and gill withdrawal reflex of the marine mollusc A. californica. In response to tactile stimulation, the siphon displays 3 different responses: (1) a posterior pointing and leveling (flaring) of the siphon in response to tail stimulation (the siphon T response), (2) constriction and anterior pointing to head stimulation (the siphon H response) and (3) constriction and withdrawal between the animal's parapodia (the siphon S response). The siphon S response is pseudoconditioned by a noxious tail stimulus to resemble the siphon T response. Behavioral and combined behavioral/intracellular studies were conducted to determine the motor neuronal control of these behaviors and to search for mechanisms of siphon response transformation following pseudoconditioning. The present studies have found that the flaring component of pseudoconditioned siphon S responses occurs during mantle pumping (MP) triggered by noxious tail stimulation. Siphon stimulation also triggers MP, as recorded in neurons of the Interneuron II pattern generator which commands MP. The 4 LF$\rm\sb{SB}$ siphon motor neurons (SMNs) were found necessary and sufficient for the siphon T response, while SMNs RD$\rm\sb S$ and LD$\rm\sb{S1}$ were found necessary and sufficient for the siphon H response. Following pseudoconditioning, there is an increase in the number of evoked spikes to the test stimulus for the LF$\rm\sb{SB}$ cells and a decreased number for RD$\rm\sb S.$ Siphon flaring occurring during the pseudoconditioned response correlates with increased LF$\rm\sb{SB}$ activity during triggered MP cycles. This suggests that psuedoconditioning is in part due to reconfiguration of the motor outputs of the Interneuron II network. These results suggest that these defensive responses are controlled and patterned by a well-defined, finite set of motor neurons and interneurons (Interneuron II) that are dedicated to specific behavioral functions, but also have parallel distributed properties. ^