981 resultados para Morte Perinatal - Etiologia


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1. A secção dos vagos na cobaya produza morte em prazos que variam de meia hora a algumas horas. 2. A morte se dá por intensas lesões pulmonares, caracterisadas por congestão e edema. 3. As cobayas introduzidas em camaras em que a atmosphera tem altas tensões de gaz carbonico, caem anesthesiadas ao fim de alguns segundos, seguindo-se logo depois a morte. Na autopsia, se encontram lesões pulmonares muito semelhantes ás que se verificam nas cobayas vagotomisadas. 4. Nas cobayas profundamente anesthesiadas pelo chloral, a sobrevida á vagotomia é muito maior que nas cobayas não anesthesiadas. Nesses casos a morte muitas vezes se dá quando o animal vem a despertar da anesthesia. 5. Foram feitas novas experiencias que demonstram produzir a novocaina uma interrupção completa de todas as fórmas de conductibilidade dos nervos. 6. Quando se produz a secção physiologica pela novocaina dos vagos na cobaya, observam-se modificações do typo respiratorio que se caracterisam por diminuição consideravel da frequencia e augmento da amplitude. A respiração não apresenta porém, o typo francamente dyspneico, istoé, ella não se faz com difficuldade. 7. A secção physiologia dos pneumogastricos permitte uma sobrevida muito maior que a secção cirurgica. 8. A morte nas condições da conclusão precedente se dá pelas mesmas lesões pulmonares que se encontram habitualmente depois de secção cirurgica, mas é produzida unicamente pela irritação dos pneumogastricos exercida pelas gotteiras de borracha e pelo algodão, depois que a novocaina é absorvida e que se dissipa a anesthesia local. 9. Quando se operam as secções dos vagos com irritações variaveis as sobrevidas são differentes. 10. A sangria immediata não tem effeito sobre o tempo de vida da cobaya vagotomisada. 11. A sangria tardia parece augmentar ligeiramente essa sobrevida. Todos os factos expostos neste trabalho demonstram: 1) De um lado a irritação sem secção dos vagos na cobaya produz congestões e edemas pulmonares que levam o animal á morte; 2) a secção sem irritação não dá logar a esses phenomenos. Dahi a conclusão principal destas pesquizas: se porventura existem excitações normalmente transmittidas pelos vagos aos centros nervosos respiratorios, não é a falta dessas excitações a causa primeira dos phenomenos produzidos pela vagotomia bilateral. Esses phenomenos são devidos a irritações do pneumogastrico. A dyspnéa encontrada nos animaes vagotomisados parece ser tambem um effeito directo ou indirecto dessas irritações. Conquanto pouco inclinados a admittir que seja essa dyspnéa a causa directa das lesões pulmonares, reconhecemos que essa questão não pode ser ainda inteiramente resolvida. As irritações dos vagos podem ter influencia sobre muitas e variadas funcções, cujas perturbações assim produzidas, têm um papel preponderante no mechanismo da morte consecutiva á dupla vagotomia. Temos o prazer de agradecer ao Snr. Dr. Paulo de Proença o seu valioso auxilio prestado em todo o curso das pesquizas que foram expostas neste trabalho.


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Com a finalidade de contribuir para o esclarecimento dos mecanismos da morte súbita na forma crônica da tripanossomose cruzi, foram analisados, de modo sistemático, os seguintes aspectos em 116 chagásicos falecidos subitamente: o sexo, a idade em que ocorreu o óbito, a profissão, o papel da emoção e do esforço físico no momento do desenlance fatal e a época da morte em relação às estações do ano. Todos estes tripanossomóticos, aparentemente, não manifestaram, em vida, sintomas e/ou sinais de insuficiência cardíaca. Para análise comparativa utilizou-se um grupo constituído por chagásicos crônicos falecidos com ou após manifestações de insuficiência cardíaca. Os resultados demonstram que o óbito acomete (tanto nos chagásicos falecidos subitamente como naqueles com insuficiência cardíaca) mais freqüentemente o homem que a mulher e que nos chagásicos do sexo masculino falecidos subitamente a morte ocorre mais cedo do que em tripanossomóticos cujo desenlace está asociado ou é precedido por quadro de insuficiência cardíaca. Finalmente, nossos dados sugerem que o esforço físico, os fatores emotivos e as variações sazonais não exercem papel essencial no desencadeamento do óbito do chagásico crônico.


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Choline supplementation improving memory functions in rodents is assumed to increase the synthesis and release of acetylcholine in the brain. We have found that a combined pre- and postnatal supplementation results in long-lasting facilitation of spatial memory in juvenile rats when training was conducted in presence of a local salient cue. The present work was aimed at analysing the effects of peri- and postnatal choline supplementation on spatial abilities of naive adult rats. Rats given a perinatal choline supplementation were trained in various cued procedures of the Morris navigation task when aged 5 months. The treatment had a specific effect of reducing the escape latency of the rats when the platform was at a fixed position in space and surrounded by a suspended cue. This effect was associated with an increased spatial bias when the cue and platform were removed. In this condition, the control rats showed impaired spatial discrimination following the removal of the target cue, most likely due to an overshadowing of the distant environmental cues. This impairment was not observed in the treated rats. Further training with the suspended cue at unpredictable places in the pool revealed longer escape latencies in the control than in the treated rats suggesting that this procedure induced a selective perturbation of the normal but not of the treated rats. A special probe trial with the cue at an irrelevant position and no escape platform revealed a significant bias of the control rats toward the cue and of the treated rats toward the uncued spatial escape position. This behavioural dissociation suggests that a salient cue associated with the target induces an alternative "non spatial" guidance strategy in normal rats, with the risk of overshadowing of the more distant spatial cues. In this condition, the choline supplementation facilities a spatial reliance on the cue, that is an overall facilitation of learning a set of spatial relations between several visual cues. As a consequence, the improved escape in presence of the cue is associated with a stronger memory of the spatial position following disappearance of the cue. This and previous observations suggest that a specific spatial attention process relies on the buffering of highly salient visual cues.to facilitate integration of their relative position in the environment.


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Perinatal care of pregnant women at high risk for preterm delivery and of preterm infants born at the limit of viability (22-26 completed weeks of gestation) requires a multidisciplinary approach by an experienced perinatal team. Limited precision in the determination of both gestational age and foetal weight, as well as biological variability may significantly affect the course of action chosen in individual cases. The decisions that must be taken with the pregnant women and on behalf of the preterm infant in this context are complex and have far-reaching consequences. When counselling pregnant women and their partners, neonatologists and obstetricians should provide them with comprehensive information in a sensitive and supportive way to build a basis of trust. The decisions are developed in a continuing dialogue between all parties involved (physicians, midwives, nursing staff and parents) with the principal aim to find solutions that are in the infant's and pregnant woman's best interest. Knowledge of current gestational age-specific mortality and morbidity rates and how they are modified by prenatally known prognostic factors (estimated foetal weight, sex, exposure or nonexposure to antenatal corticosteroids, single or multiple births) as well as the application of accepted ethical principles form the basis for responsible decision-making. Communication between all parties involved plays a central role. The members of the interdisciplinary working group suggest that the care of preterm infants with a gestational age between 22 0/7 and 23 6/7 weeks should generally be limited to palliative care. Obstetric interventions for foetal indications such as Caesarean section delivery are usually not indicated. In selected cases, for example, after 23 weeks of pregnancy have been completed and several of the above mentioned prenatally known prognostic factors are favourable or well informed parents insist on the initiation of life-sustaining therapies, active obstetric interventions for foetal indications and provisional intensive care of the neonate may be reasonable. In preterm infants with a gestational age between 24 0/7 and 24 6/7 weeks, it can be difficult to determine whether the burden of obstetric interventions and neonatal intensive care is justified given the limited chances of success of such a therapy. In such cases, the individual constellation of prenatally known factors which impact on prognosis can be helpful in the decision making process with the parents. In preterm infants with a gestational age between 25 0/7 and 25 6/7 weeks, foetal surveillance, obstetric interventions for foetal indications and neonatal intensive care measures are generally indicated. However, if several prenatally known prognostic factors are unfavourable and the parents agree, primary non-intervention and neonatal palliative care can be considered. All pregnant women with threatening preterm delivery or premature rupture of membranes at the limit of viability must be transferred to a perinatal centre with a level III neonatal intensive care unit no later than 23 0/7 weeks of gestation, unless emergency delivery is indicated. An experienced neonatology team should be involved in all deliveries that take place after 23 0/7 weeks of gestation to help to decide together with the parents if the initiation of intensive care measures appears to be appropriate or if preference should be given to palliative care (i.e., primary non-intervention). In doubtful situations, it can be reasonable to initiate intensive care and to admit the preterm infant to a neonatal intensive care unit (i.e., provisional intensive care). The infant's clinical evolution and additional discussions with the parents will help to clarify whether the life-sustaining therapies should be continued or withdrawn. Life support is continued as long as there is reasonable hope for survival and the infant's burden of intensive care is acceptable. If, on the other hand, the health care team and the parents have to recognise that in the light of a very poor prognosis the burden of the currently used therapies has become disproportionate, intensive care measures are no longer justified and other aspects of care (e.g., relief of pain and suffering) are the new priorities (i.e., redirection of care). If a decision is made to withhold or withdraw life-sustaining therapies, the health care team should focus on comfort care for the dying infant and support for the parents.


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In passato, si moriva meglio? Questo il classico interrogativo dietro a una riflessione su un tema sconveniente e sospetto - la morte - riguardo a cui sembra essersi perso il coraggio di parlare. Nella società contemporanea assistiamo alla rimozione della morte: ai riti che implicavano tempi e spazi pubblici, al decesso inteso - secondo l'emblematica definizione di Philippe Ariès - come "grande cerimonia pubblica che il defunto presiedeva", oggi si sostituiscono poche parole e gesti di imbarazzo al riparo dagli sguardi altrui e dalla vita di tutti i giorni nell'isolamento asettico di un ospedale. Partendo da tali constatazioni, da teologo ed esegeta della Bibbia qual è, Marguerat affronta tre grandi letture cristiane di questo difficile momento dell'esistenza umana: la morte come insondabile decreto divino, come "salario del peccato" e, infine, come "passaggio" alla risurrezione. Un viaggio che ci aiuta a riscoprire il messaggio della Bibbia rispetto alla morte e, quindi, alla vita: l'annuncio da parte di Dio di un cammino che dalla prima porta alla seconda, e non viceversa.


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As part of a collaborative project on the epidemiology of craniofacial anomalies, funded by the National Institutes for Dental and Craniofacial Research and channeled through the Human Genetics Programme of the World Health Organization, the International Perinatal Database of Typical Orofacial Clefts (IPDTOC) was established in 2003. IPDTOC is collecting case-by-case information on cleft lip with or without cleft palate and on cleft palate alone from birth defects registries contributing to at least one of three collaborative organizations: European Surveillance Systems of Congenital Anomalies (EUROCAT) in Europe, National Birth Defects Prevention Network (NBDPN) in the United States, and International Clearinghouse for Birth Defects Surveillance and Research (ICBDSR) worldwide. Analysis of the collected information is performed centrally at the ICBDSR Centre in Rome, Italy, to maximize the comparability of results. The present paper, the first of a series, reports data on the prevalence of cleft lip with or without cleft palate from 54 registries in 30 countries over at least 1 complete year during the period 2000 to 2005. Thus, the denominator comprises more than 7.5 million births. A total of 7704 cases of cleft lip with or without cleft palate (7141 livebirths, 237 stillbirths, 301 terminations of pregnancy, and 25 with pregnancy outcome unknown) were available. The overall prevalence of cleft lip with or without cleft palate was 9.92 per 10,000. The prevalence of cleft lip was 3.28 per 10,000, and that of cleft lip and palate was 6.64 per 10,000. There were 5918 cases (76.8%) that were isolated, 1224 (15.9%) had malformations in other systems, and 562 (7.3%) occurred as part of recognized syndromes. Cases with greater dysmorphological severity of cleft lip with or without cleft palate were more likely to include malformations of other systems.


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Adverse events in utero are associated with the occurrence of chronic diseases in adulthood. We previously demonstrated in mice that perinatal hypoxia resulted in altered pulmonary circulation in adulthood, with a decreased endothelium-dependent relaxation of pulmonary arteries, associated with long-term alterations in the nitric oxide (NO)/cyclic GMP pathway. The present study investigated whether inhaled NO (iNO) administered simultaneously to perinatal hypoxia could have potential beneficial effects on the adult pulmonary circulation. Indeed, iNO is the therapy of choice in humans presenting neonatal pulmonary hypertension. Long-term effects of neonatal iNO therapy on adult pulmonary circulation have not yet been investigated. Pregnant mice were placed in hypoxia (13% O2) with simultaneous administration of iNO 5 days before delivery until 5 days after birth. Pups were then raised in normoxia until adulthood. Perinatal iNO administration completely restored acetylcholine-induced relaxation, as well as endothelial nitric oxide synthase protein content, in isolated pulmonary arteries of adult mice born in hypoxia. Right ventricular hypertrophy observed in old mice born in hypoxia compared to controls was also prevented by perinatal iNO treatment. Therefore, simultaneous administration of iNO during perinatal hypoxic exposure seems able to prevent adverse effects of perinatal hypoxia on the adult pulmonary circulation.


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In 30 children suffering from severe perinatal asphyxia an attempt was made to determine the early prognostic signs of severe hypoxic-ischemic brain injury with magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Ten early (1-4 days of age), 16 intermediate (2-4 weeks of age), and 38 late MRI (older than 1 month of age) procedures were performed on a 2.35 T MR-system. Severe cerebral necrosis was suspected by T2 hyperintensity of the white matter, with blurred limits to the cortex in early MRI, and was confirmed by T1 hyperintensity of the cortex in intermediate MRI. Severe cerebral necrosis was established at 3 months of age. Of the 11 children with this pattern (group A), 8 had severe and 3 had moderate cerebral palsy on subsequent examination. Thirteen children (group B) had normal late MRI scans; none developed severe cerebral palsy or marked mental retardation. Two children (group C) had focal ischemic lesions. Four children had intracranial hemorrhage (group D). Groups A and B did not differ in the severity of their perinatal histories and findings, suggesting that MRI during the first 3 months is of significant prognostic value.


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(Résumé de l'ouvrage) Una raccolta di studi con cui l'Associazione Biblica Italiana e le EDB intendono onorare la memoria di mons. Fusco, vescovo di Nardò-Gallipoli e illustre biblista. Il volume segue gli ambiti di interesse che hanno caratterizzato la sua ricerca e vede il contributo di insigni studiosi italiani e stranieri.


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The principal aim of the National Perinatal Reporting Scheme (NPRS) is the provision of national statistics on perinatal events. Since 1999, the Economic and Social Research Institute (ESRI) has been contracted by the Department of Health and Children to oversee the collection, processing, management and reporting of data submitted to the NPRS. In this report, data on pregnancy outcomes, with particular reference to perinatal mortality and important aspects of perinatal care, are presented for 1999. In addition, descriptive social and biological characteristics of mothers giving birth and babies born in 1999 are recorded. Download document here


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Thirty-three families, each with a premature infant born less than 33 gestational weeks, were observed in a longitudinal exploratory study. Infants were recruited in a neonatal intensive care unit, and follow-up visits took place at 4 months and 12 months of corrected age. The severity of the perinatal problems was evaluated using the Perinatal Risk Inventory (PERI; A.P. Scheiner & M.E. Sexton, 1991). At 4 months, mother infant play interaction was observed and coded according to the CARE-index (P.M. Crittenden, 2003); at 12 months, the Strange Situation Procedure (SSP; M.D.S. Ainsworth, M.C. Blehar, E. Waters. & S. Wall, 1978) was administered. Results indicate a strong correlation between the severity of perinatal problems and the quality of attachment at 12 months. Based on the PERI, infants with high medical risks more frequently tended to be insecurely attached. There also was a significant correlation between insecure attachment and dyadic play interaction at 4 months (i.e., maternal controlling behavior and infant compulsive compliance). Moreover, specific dyadic interactive patterns could be identified as protective or as risk factors regarding the quality of attachment. Considering that attachment may have long-term influence on child development, these results underline the need for particular attention to risk factors regarding attachment among premature infants.