995 resultados para Morelli, Giovanni, 1816-1891.
Este estudio se propone recuperar las voces de algunas mujeres presas en el Hospicio Jesús, María y José, fundado en Quito en 1786, en el marco de las políticas sociales borbónicas de control de la población marginal de la ciudad. El Hospicio, creado para recluir a sujetos considerados improductivos –fundamentalmente, pobres-mendigos, ociosos y lazarinos–, también castigó con el encierro a mujeres imputadas de transgresiones sociales, con la intensión de redimirlas a partir del trabajo en la producción textil. Bajo la perspectiva de los nuevos enfoques respecto al concepto de control social, se pueden identificar algunos mecanismos que activaron las mujeres presas para elevar reclamos cuando percibían injusticias o para demandar su libertad. Esta perspectiva permite abordar el tema del control social bajo una doble visión: la forma como se proyecta el control desde «arriba», articulando diversas instancias de autoridad, y las respuestas de los sectores subalternos «desde abajo», activando no solo mecanismos de resistencia, sino también de agencia.
A new synthesis of the geographical distribution of the genus Ananteris Thorell, 1891 (Scorpiones, Buthidae) in Brazil is proposed. Three new species, Ananteris chagasi sp. n., Ananteris kuryi sp. n., and Ananteris bernabei sp. n. are described from the States of Bahia, Espirito Santo and Minas Gerais. Only isolated records of Ananteris species where known up to now, for the States of Minas Gerais and Bahia. The record of an Ananteris species from the State of Espirito Santo is new. The total number of Ananteris species is now raised to 67 and from this, 16 species are found in Brazil. The geographical distribution of the genus is considerably enlarged in the country.
We revalidate the theraphosid genus Pterinopelma Pocock 1901, describe the female of P. vitiosum for first time and Pterinopelma sazimai sp. nov. from Brazil. These two species were included in a matrix with 35 characters and 32 taxa and were analyzed both with all characters having same weight and with implied weights. Searches considering all characters non-additive or some additive were also carried out. The preferred tree, obtained with implied weights, concavity 6 and all characters non-additive shows that Pterinopelma is a monophyletic genus sister to the clade Lasiodora (Vitalius + Nhandu). The presence of denticles on the prolateral inferior male palpal bulb keel is a synapomorphy of the genus.
Denna studie har som syfte att undersöka förmyndarskap i Trosa stadsförsamling på slutet av 1800-talet. Det material som använts för att uppnå detta syfte består av förmyndarskapsprotokoll från Trosa rådstugerätt och magistrat mellan 1875-1891, samt förmyndarskapsförteckningar för samma period. Resultatet visar att antalet omyndiga vilka förordnats förmyndare sjönk stadigt från undersökningsperiodens början mot dess slut. Resultatet visar också på att änkor tydligt betroddes att vara förmyndare åt sina egna barn under perioden. När det gäller förmyndarna så visar undersökningsresultatet på att det var en klar social skiktning i valet av förmyndare. Detta ter sig på två sätt. När rådstugerätten utsåg förmyndare utan rekommendation så valdes till mycket stor del förmyndare från övre samhällsklasser och när det inkom rekommendation angående förmyndare till rätten så rekommenderades och utsågs till förmyndare oftast män ur samma samhällsklass eller liknande yrkesgrupp. Ett tredje noterbart resultat angående förmyndarna var att det endast i ett fåtal fall utsågs förmyndare som var släkt med myndlingen. Detta visar att det var yrkesrelationer och andra informella samband människor emellan som var viktiga i valet av förmyndare snarare än släktskap.
Sea urchins are common benthic organisms on coastal ecosystems of tropical and temperate shallow waters. The impact of sea urchins populations in shore communities is density-dependent, and therefore, knowledge of the life history of these animals is important to understand these interactions. Between 2000 and 2005 a population boom of Tripneustes ventricosus was observed in the Fernando de Noronha Archipelago. In 2004 a research program was started to monitor the population dynamics of T. ventricosus in the archipelago, when it noted a lack of basic information on the biology and reproduction of this species, despite its broad geographic distribution and economic importance in parts of its occurrence. In this context, this work focuses on the reproductive biology of T. ventricosus with emphasis on the description of the gametogenic stages. Between December 2006 and July 2007, ten urchins were collected by snorkeling in two sites of the archipelago, totaling 120 individuals. Gametogenic stages were described for both sexes through microscopic analysis, and were defined as: Recovery, Growing, Premature, Mature and Spawning. Results showed increasing in Gonad index throughout of months of sampling and suggest that the reproductive cycle of the species in the archipelago is annual
Sea urchins are benthic macroinvertebrates that inhabit shallow coastal waters in tropical and temperate zones. Urchins are usually classified as generalists or omnivores as they can adjust their diet according to the food resources available in the environment. Due to the strong grazing pressure they may exert, urchins have an important role in marine ecosystems, occupying different trophic levels and stimulating the intensification of the dynamics of communities where they occur. In 2004, a monitoring program focused on the population dynamics of the white sea urchin, Tripneustes ventricosus, has been initiated in the Fernando de Noronha Archipelago. At the same time, a surprisingly lack of information on the species biology has been noted, despite their wide geographical distribution and economic importance in many parts of its range. Hence, this work was developed to provide information on the feeding habits of T. ventricosus in the archipelago. Ten specimens were collected between December 2006 and July 2007 at two sites of the archipelago, Air France and Sueste Bay for biometrics and analysis of gut contents. Test diameters ranged from 9.19 cm (± 1.1) to 10.08 cm (± 0.58). Calculated stomach repletion index (IRE) was higher (p <0.05) in the Air France site and also during January and July. The IRE was not correlated to the gonad index. Fifteen different species of algae were detected in a total of 120 stomachs examined: 4 Chlorophytas, 4 Phaeophytas and 6 Rhodophytas. Food diversity (p <0.05) was higher in December 2006 and January 2007. Although several items had a high frequency of occurrence, they were low represented in terms of weight, and consequently, had a low level of relative importance. The brown algae Dictyopteris spp and Dictyota spp, followed by the green algae Caulerpa verticillata accounted for the greatest importance in T. ventricosus diet, comprising about 90% of the consumed items
A cochonilha O. praelonga é considerada uma importante praga dos citros no Brasil, e informações sobre a sua dispersão estão baseadas apenas em observações empíricas. Objetivou-se avaliar o efeito de equipamentos de pulverização comumente utilizados pelos citricultores na dispersão da praga. Armadilhas adesivas foram instaladas no solo e em vergalhões dispostos verticalmente às plantas de três linhas adjacentes em um talhão de citros contendo plantas infestadas pela praga. Foram adotados equipamentos utilizados para controle de pragas dos citros. A avaliação da dispersão foi realizada por meio da contagem de fêmeas, ninfas ou partes dos insetos aderidas às armadilhas adesivas. Os equipamentos Martignani e Bié foram capazes de lançar a praga a até 15 m, enquanto, para o equipamento Turbo Valência, detectaram-se fragmentos cerosos a até 22 m da máquina. Os equipamentos dotados de pistola não causaram qualquer dispersão da praga. Portanto, evidenciou-se que mesmo a utilização de equipamentos para controle de outras pragas pode favorecer a dispersão da cochonilha O. praelonga em pomares de citros, e isso deve ser considerado no aprimoramento do programa de manejo integrado de pragas dos citros.