816 resultados para Monozygotic twin
P>Brazilian Santa Ines (SI) sheep are very well-adapted to the tropical conditions of Brazil and are an important source of animal protein. A high rate of twin births was reported in some SI flocks. Growth and Differentiation Factor 9 (GDF9) and Bone Morphogenetic Protein 15 (BMP15) are the first two genes expressed by the oocyte to be associated with an increased ovulation rate in sheep. All GDF9 and BMP15 variants characterized, until now, present the same phenotype: the heterozygote ewes have an increased ovulation rate and the mutated homozygotes are sterile. In this study, we have found a new allele of GDF9, named FecGE (Embrapa), which leads to a substitution of a phenylalanine with a cysteine in a conservative position of the mature peptide. Homozygote ewes presenting the FecGE allele have shown an increase in their ovulation rate (82%) and prolificacy (58%). This new phenotype can be very useful in better understanding the genetic control of follicular development; the mechanisms involved in the control of ovulation rate in mammals; and for the improvement of sheep production.
Members of the billfish family are highly visual predatory teleosts inhabiting the open ocean. Little is known about their visual abilities in detail, but past studies have indicated that these fishes were:ere likely to be monochromats. This study however, presents evidence of two anatomically distinct cone types in billfish. The cells are arranged in a regular mosaic pattern of single and twin cones as in many fishes, and this arrangement suggests that the different cone types also show different spectral sensitivity, which is the basis for colour vision. First measurements using microspectrophotometry (MSP) revealed a peak absorption of the rod pigment at 484 nm, indicating that MSP, despite technical difficulties, will be a decisive tool in proving colour vision in these offshore fishes. When hunting, billfish such as the sailfish flash bright blue bars on their sides. This colour reflects largely in ultraviolet (UV) light at 350 nm as revealed by spectrophotometric measurements. Billfish lenses block light of wavelengths below 400 nm, presumably rendering the animal blind to the UV component of its own body colour. Interestingly at least two prey species of billfish have lenses transmitting light in the UV waveband and are therefore likely to perceive a large fraction of the UV peak found in the blue bar of the sailfish. The possible biological significance of this finding is discussed.
OBJECTIVE: This study ascertains the relative contributions of genetics and environment in determining methane emission in humans and rats. There is considerable interest in the factors determining the microbial species that inhabit the colon. Methanogens, which are archaebacteria, are an easily detected colonic luminal bacteria because they respire methane. They are present in some but not all human colons and lower animal hindguts. Opinion varies on the nature of the factors influencing this ecology with some studies proposing the existence of host genetic influences. METHODS: Methane emission was measured in human twin pairs by gas chromatography, and structural equation modeling was used to determine the proportion of genetic and environmental determinants. The importance of the timing of environmental effects and rat strain on the trait of methane emission were ascertained by experiments with cohabiting methanogenic and nonmethanogenic rats. RESULTS: Analysis of breath samples from 274 adolescent twin pairs and their families indicated that the major influences on the trait of methane emission are the result of shared (53%, 95% confidence interval 39-61) and unique environmental (47%, 95% confidence interval 38-56) effects. No significant autosomal genetic effects were detected, but as observed in other studies, men (37%) were less likely to excrete methane in their breath than women (63%). Investigation of methane emission in rats indicated that environmental effects in this animal are most potent during the weaning period, with stable gut microbial ecology thereafter for some but not all rat strains. CONCLUSIONS: These results are consistent with shared and unique environmental factors being the main determinants of the ecology of this colonic microbe. (Am J Gastroenterol 2000;95:2872-2879. (C) 2000 by Am. Coll. of Gastroenterology).
As part of a large ongoing project, the Memory, Attention and Problem Solving (MAPS) study, we investigated whether genetic variability explains some of the variance in psychophysiological correlates of brain function, namely, the P3 and SW components of event-related potentials (ERPs). These ERP measures are minute time recordings of brain processes and, because they reflect fundamental cognitive processing, provide a unique window on the millisecondto- millisecond transactions that occur at the cognitive level and taking place in the human brain. The extent to which the variance in P3 and SW components is influenced by genetic factors was examined in 350 identical and nonidentical twin pairs aged 16 years. ERPs were recorded from 15 scalp electrodes during the performance of a visuospatial delayed response task that engages working memory. Multivariate genetic analyses using MX were used to estimate genetic and environmental influences on individual differences in brain functioning and to identify putative genetic factors common to the ERP measures and psychometric IQ. For each of the ERP measures, correlation among electrode sites was high, a spatial pattern was evident, and a large part of the genetic variation in the ERPs appeared to be mediated by a common genetic factor. Moderate within-pair concordance in MZ pairs was found for all ERP measures, with higher correlations found for P3 than SW, and the MZ twin pair correlations were approximately twice the DZ correlations, suggesting a genetic influence. Correlations between ERP measures and psychometric IQ were found and, although moderately low, were evident across electrode site. The analyses show that the ERP components, P3 and SW, are promising phenotypes of the neuroelectrical activity of the brain and have the potential to be used in linkage and association analysis in the search for QTLs influencing cognitive function.
Objective. To evaluate early neonatal morbidity and mortality in twin pregnancies with growth discordance. Design. Retrospective study. Setting. Tertiary teaching hospital, Sao Paulo, Brazil. Population. A total of 151 twin pregnancies managed and delivered at the Multiple Pregnancy Unit at Sao Paulo University Hospital between 1998 and 2004. Methods. Comparison between twin pregnancies with weight discordance 20% and pregnancies concordant for fetal weight. Cases with fetal death, abnormalities, twin-to-twin transfusion and delivery before 26 weeks or in another hospital were excluded. Outcome measures. Early neonatal morbidity (Apgar at 5 minutes 7, respiratory or neurological complications, infection, necrotizing enterocolitis, length of hospital stay) and mortality. Results. Forty (26.5%) pregnancies presented discordance 20% and 111 (73.5%) were concordant. In the discordant group, 75% of pregnancies had at least one growth restricted fetus (10th centile). In concordant twin pregnancies, monochorionic cases (22.5%) presented with lower gestational age (34.3 vs. 36.2 weeks), lower birthweight (2,067 vs. 2,334 g) and a longer period of hospital stay (5.5 vs. 3.0) compared to dichorionic concordant twins. No differences between monochorionic and dichorionic subgroups were observed in discordant twins. Pregnancies in which at least one baby was born with a birthweight below the 10th centile showed that discordant pregnancies had a lower gestational age at delivery (35.2 vs. 36.8 weeks) and a longer period of hospital stay (9 vs. 4 weeks) compared to concordant cases. Neonatal mortality was similar in discordant (3.7%) and concordant (4.5%) twins. Conclusion. Early perinatal morbidity is increased in twin pregnancies with birthweight discordance 20% only when associated with fetal growth restriction and low birthweight.
Objective: Using longitudinal and prospective measures of trauma during childhood, the authors assessed the risk of developing psychotic symptoms associated with maltreatment, bullying, and accidents in a nationally representative U. K. cohort of young twins. Method: Data were from the Environmental Risk Longitudinal Twin Study, which follows 2,232 twin children and their families. Mothers were interviewed during home visits when children were ages 5, 7, 10, and 12 on whether the children had experienced maltreatment by an adult, bullying by peers, or involvement in an accident. At age 12, children were asked about bullying experiences and psychotic symptoms. Children`s reports of psychotic symptoms were verified by clinicians. Results: Children who experienced maltreatment by an adult (relative risk=3.16, 95% CI=1.92-5.19) or bullying by peers (relative risk=2.47, 95% CI=1.74-3.52) were more likely to report psychotic symptoms at age 12 than were children who did not experience such traumatic events. The higher risk for psychotic symptoms was observed whether these events occurred early in life or later in childhood. The risk associated with childhood trauma remained significant in analyses controlling for children`s gender, socioeconomic deprivation, and IQ; for children`s early symptoms of internalizing or externalizing problems; and for children`s genetic liability to developing psychosis. In contrast, the risk associated with accidents was small (relative risk=1.47, 95% CI=1.02-2.13) and inconsistent across ages. Conclusions: Trauma characterized by intention to harm is associated with children`s reports of psychotic symptoms. Clinicians working with children who report early symptoms of psychosis should inquire about traumatic events such as maltreatment and bullying.
Context: It has been reported that childhood psychotic symptoms are common in the general population and may signal neurodevelopmental processes that lead to schizophrenia. However, it is not clear whether these symptoms are associated with the same extensive risk factors established for adult schizophrenia. Objective: To examine the construct validity of children`s self-reported psychotic symptoms by testing whether these symptoms share the risk factors and clinical features of adult schizophrenia. Design: Prospective, longitudinal cohort study of a nationally representative birth cohort in Great Britain. Participants: A total of 2232 twelve-year-old children followed up since age 5 years ( retention, 96%). Main Outcome Measure: Children`s self-reported hallucinations and delusions. Results: Children`s psychotic symptoms are familial and heritable and are associated with social risk factors (eg, urbanicity); cognitive impairments at age 5; home-rearing risk factors ( eg, maternal expressed emotion); behavioral, emotional, and educational problems at age 5; and comorbid conditions, including self-harm. Conclusions: The results provide a comprehensive picture of the construct validity of children`s self-reported psychotic symptoms. For researchers, the findings indicate that children who have psychotic symptoms can be recruited for neuroscience research to determine the pathogenesis of schizophrenia. For clinicians, the findings indicate that psychotic symptoms in childhood are often a marker of an impaired developmental process and should be actively assessed.
We have examined MC1R variant allele frequencies in the general population of South East Queensland and in a collection of adolescent dizygotic and monozygotic twins and family members to define statistical associations with hair and skin color, freckling, and mole count. Results of these studies are consistent with a linear recessive allelic model with multiplicative penetrance in the inheritance of red hair. Four alleles, D84E, R151C, R160W, and D294H, are strongly associated with red hair and fair skin with multinomial regression analysis showing odds ratios of 63, 118, 50, and 94, respectively. An additional three low-penetrance alleles V60L, V92M, and R163Q have odds ratios 6, 5, and 2 relative to the wild-type allele. To address the cellular effects of MC1R variant alleles in signal transduction, we expressed these receptors in permanently transfected HEK293 cells. Measurement of receptor activity via induction of a cAMP-responsive luciferase reporter gene found that the R151C and R160W receptors were active in the presence of NDP-MSH ligand, but at much reduced levels compared with that seen with the wild-type receptor. The ability to stimulate phosphorylation of the cAMP response element binding protein (CREB) transcription factor was also apparent in all stimulated MC1R variant allele-expressing HEK293 cell extracts as assessed by immunoblotting. In contrast, human melanoma cell lines showed wide variation in the their ability to undergo cAMP-mediated CREB phosphorylation. Culture of human melanocytes of known MC1R genotype may provide the best experimental approach to examine the functional consequences for each MC1R variant allele. With this objective, we have established more than 300 melanocyte cell strains of defined MC1R genotype.
Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a prevalent, disabling anxiety disorder marked by behavioral and physiologic alterations which commonly follows a chronic course. Exposure to a traumatic event constitutes a necessary, but not sufficient, factor. There is evidence from twin studies supporting a significant genetic predisposition to PTSD. However, the precise genetic loci still remain unclear. The objective of the present study was to identify, in a case-control study, whether the brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) val66met polymorphism (rs6265), the dopamine transporter (DAT1) three prime untranslated region (3`UTR) variable number of tandem repeats (VNTR), and the serotonin transporter (5-HTTPRL) short/long variants are associated with the development of PTSD in a group of victims of urban violence. All polymorphisms were genotyped in 65 PTSD patients as well as in 34 victims of violence without PTSD and in a community control group (n = 335). We did not find a statistical significant difference between the BDNF val66met and 5-HTTPRL polymorphism and the traumatic phenotype. However, a statistical association was found between DAT1 3`UTR VNTR nine repeats and PTSD (OR = 1.82; 95% CI, 1.20-2.76). This preliminary result confirms previous reports supporting a susceptibility role for allele 9 and PTSD.
Objective(s): We intend to verify if fetal volume and crown-rump length were different between singletons and twins in pregnancies aged from 7 to 10 weeks and to evaluate if fetal volume is more accurate to determine the gestational age than crown-rump length at this gestational age. Study design: From 52 days (7 weeks and 3 days) to 73 days (10 weeks and 3 days) weekly three-dimensional Ultrasonography was per-formed in 20 twin fetuses and 20 singletons. Crown-rump length and fetal volume using VOCAL were assessed in all examinations. The `true` gestational age was based on oocyte retrieval. Results: At the age of 52 days, the crown-rump length was 11.74 +/- 0.27 mm (mean +/- S.D.) and 11.48 +/- 0.22 mm (singletons and twins, respectively), while the fetal volume was 0.354 +/- 0.015 cm(3) and 0.324 +/- 0.012 cm(3). At the gestational age of 73 days, the crown-rump length was 36.19 +/- 0.90 mm and 35.87 +/- 0.54 mm and the fetal volume was 6.204 +/- 0.090 cm(3) and 6.083 +/- 0.081 cm(3). The total relative increase observed was much higher for fetal volume than for CRL: 1705 +/- 301% vs. 210 +/- 33% in singletons and 1827 +/- 305% vs. 214 +/- 25% in twins. The 95% limits of agreement (+/- 2.3 days vs. +/- 3.2 days, fetal volume vs. crown-rump length) and the intraclass correlation coefficients (0.989 vs. 0.978) between the ""true"" gestational age and that predicted by fetal volume were better than those predicted by crown-rump length. No significant difference was identified between singletons and twins for both fetal volume and crown-rump length. Conclusion(s): Twins and singletons had similar fetal volume and crown-rump length between the 7th and 10th week of gestational age. Additionally, fetal volume assessed by VOCAL was better than crown-rump length to estimate the gestational age at the evaluated period. However, the improvement was small and probably without clinical significance. Condensation: Fetal volume and crown-rump length were similar between singletons and twins. Fetal volume relative increase was higher and the predicted gestational age was better. (c) 2009 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
Introduction: The aim of this study was to analyze the electromyographic activity of the masseter and temporalis muscles of children having rapid maxillary expansion (RME) with a bonded rapid maxillary expansion appliance. Methods: The sample consisted of 27 children (mean age, 8.6 years) with posterior crossbite who required RME treatment. Electromyographic activity of the masseter and temporalis muscles was analyzed before treatment and after the appliance was removed. The mean interval between the 2 analyses was 5 months. Muscular activity was electromyographically analyzed in rest position, and with maximum voluntary dental clenching and chewing. Differences in the 2 measurements were evaluated by using paired t tests. Results and Conclusions: Electromyographic analysis showed that activity of the masseter and temporalis muscles increased significantly after the expansion appliance was removed during rest, dental clenching, and habitual chewing. (Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2009;136:355-60)
Aim: The aim of this study was to assess the rise in multiple births and its influence on trends of low birth weight (LBW) rates in Porto Alegre, Brazil. Methods: This is a registry-based study of live births from 1994 to 2005 obtained from the national live birth information system. Chi-square tests for trends were assessed for LBW and multiple birth rates. The impact of multiple births on LBW trends was assessed by sequential modelling, including year and further adjustment for multiple births. Risk factors for multiple births were assessed using the Poisson regression. Results: A total of 263 252 live births were studied. The LBW rate increased from 9.70% to 9.88% (p < 0.001) and the multiple birth rate rose from 1.95% to 2.53% (p < 0.001). LBW rate increased among twins, from 57.14% to 63.46% (p = 0.001). The twin birth rate rose by 24.7%, while the rate of triplets or higher-order increased by 150%. Multiple births may be responsible for 23.9% of the increase in the LBW rate over the period. Mothers with higher levels of schooling, older mothers and mothers delivering in private hospitals were more likely to deliver multiple births. Conclusions: It seems that both the increase in multiple births and in the LBW among multiple births contributed to this rise in overall LBW rate.
The observation of mirror-image clefts in conjoined twins may suggest an influence from environmental factors (e.g., poor blood supply) on the appearance of clefts. The present paper reports on a pair of male thoracopagus twins born to a 20-year-old woman. The twins were stillborn. Both twins exhibited complete unilateral cleft lip and palate with mirror-image configuration, affecting the left side for twin A and the right side for twin B. The twins also shared some organs. The case is discussed with similar information in the literature, with reference to possible related etiologic factors. Reporting on such occurrences throughout the world is important to shed light on important aspects underlying the formation of clefts.
This study compared the effects produced by two different molar distalizers, namely cervical headgear (CHG) and the intraoral pendulum appliance, associated with fixed orthodontic appliances. The headgear group comprised 30 patients (19 females, 11 males), with an initial age of 13.07 years [standard deviation (SD) = 1.3], treated with CHG and fixed orthodontic appliances for a mean period of 3.28 years, and the pendulum group 22 patients (15 females, 7 males), with initial age of 13.75 years (SD = 1.86), treated with the pendulum appliance followed by fixed orthodontic appliances for a mean period of 4.12 years. Lateral cephalograms were taken at the start (T1) and on completion (T2) of orthodontic treatment. The pendulum and CHG groups were similar as to initial age, severity of the Class II malocclusion, gender distribution, initial cephalometric characteristics, and initial and final treatment priority index (TPI). Only treatment time was not similar between the groups, with a need for annualization for data for the pendulum group. The data were compared with independent t-tests. There was significantly greater restriction of maxillary forward growth and improvement of the skeletal maxillomandibular relationship in the CHG group (P < 0.05). The maxillary molars were more mesially tipped and extruded and the mandibular molars more uprighted in the CHG group compared with the pendulum group (P < 0.05). There was more labial tipping of the mandibular incisors and greater overbite reduction in the pendulum group. The pendulum appliance produced only dentoalveolar effects, different from the CHG appliance, which restricted maxillary forward displacement, thus improving the skeletal maxillomandibular relationship.
Non-periodic structural variation has been found in the high T-c cuprates, YBa2Cu3O7-x and Hg0.67Pb0.33Ba2Ca2Cu3O8+delta, by image analysis of high resolution transmission electron microscope (HRTEM) images. We use two methods for analysis of the HRTEM images. The first method is a means for measuring the bending of lattice fringes at twin planes. The second method is a low-pass filter technique which enhances information contained by diffuse-scattered electrons and reveals what appears to be an interference effect between domains of differing lattice parameter in the top and bottom of the thin foil. We believe that these methods of image analysis could be usefully applied to the many thousands of HRTEM images that have been collected by other workers in the high temperature superconductor field. This work provides direct structural evidence for phase separation in high T-c cuprates, and gives support to recent stripes models that have been proposed to explain various angle resolved photoelectron spectroscopy and nuclear magnetic resonance data. We believe that the structural variation is a response to an opening of an electronic solubility gap where holes are not uniformly distributed in the material but are confined to metallic stripes. Optimum doping may occur as a consequence of the diffuse boundaries between stripes which arise from spinodal decomposition. Theoretical ideas about the high T-c cuprates which treat the cuprates as homogeneous may need to be modified in order to take account of this type of structural variation.