1000 resultados para Mina Urucum - MS
Aquesta recerca se centra en les grans dinàmiques de les negociacions sobre el canvi climàtic, caracteritzades per un punt mort Nord-Sud. El working paper sosté que la primera fase de les negociacions va ser l’escenari d’una divisió Nord-Sud que s’institucionalitzà en la Convenció Marc sobre el Canvi Climàtic. Tanmateix, en rondes posteriors de negociació, els principals antagonismes passaren a tenir el seu centre entre els països desenvolupats, amb una presència de dinàmiques de cooperació Nord-Sud. Finalment, aquest article avalua el procés inacabat post-Kyoto, caracteritzat per dues tendències que ja s’han posat de manifest: d’una banda, el sorgiment d’una nova geopolítica entre els Estats Units i els principals països en vies de desenvolupament i, de l’altra, entre els països del Sud, un procés de fragmentació que el mateix Acord de Copenhaguen ha començat a institucionalitzar.
Determining the time since deposition of fingermarks may prove necessary in order to assess their relevance to criminal investigations. The crucial factor is the initial composition of fingermarks because it represents the starting point of any ageing model. This study mainly aimed to characterize the initial composition of fingerprints, which show a high variability between donors (inter-variability), but also to investigate the variations among fingerprints from the same donor (intra-variability). Solutions to reduce this initial variability using squalene and cholesterol as target compounds are proposed and should be further investigated. The influence of substrates was also evaluated and the initial composition was observed to be larger on porous surface than non-porous surfaces. Preliminary aging of fingerprints over 30 days was finally studied on a porous and a non-porous substrate to evaluate the potential for dating of fingermarks. Squalene was observed to decrease in a faster rate on a non-porous substrate.
Lipids available in fingermark residue represent important targets for enhancement and dating techniques. While it is well known that lipid composition varies among fingermarks of the same donor (intra-variability) and between fingermarks of different donors (inter-variability), the extent of this variability remains uncharacterised. Thus, this worked aimed at studying qualitatively and quantitatively the initial lipid composition of fingermark residue of 25 different donors. Among the 104 detected lipids, 43 were reported for the first time in the literature. Furthermore, palmitic acid, squalene, cholesterol, myristyl myristate and myristyl myristoleate were quantified and their correlation within fingermark residue was highlighted. Ten compounds were then selected and further studied as potential targets for dating or enhancement techniques. It was shown that their relative standard deviation was significantly lower for the intra-variability than for the inter-variability. Moreover, the use of data pretreatments could significantly reduce this variability. Based on these observations, an objective donor classification model was proposed. Hierarchical cluster analysis was conducted on the pre-treated data and the fingermarks of the 25 donors were classified into two main groups, corresponding to "poor" and "rich" lipid donors. The robustness of this classification was tested using fingermark replicates of selected donors. 86% of these replicates were correctly classified, showing the potential of such a donor classification model for research purposes in order to select representative donors based on compounds of interest.
Introduction: Epstein-Barr Virus(EBV) has been repeatedly associatedwith multiple sclerosis (MS). Wehave previously shown that there is ahigh peripheral as well as intrathecalactivation of EBV-, but not cytomegalovirus(CMV)-specific CD8+ Tcells, early in the course of MS,strengthening the link between EBVand MS. However, the trigger of thisincreased EBV-specific CD8+ T cellresponse remains obscure. It could resultfrom a higher EBV viral load. Alternatively,it could be due to an intrinsicallydeficient EBV-specificCTL response, cytotoxic granulesmediated.Thus, we performed anin-depth study of the phenotype of exvivo EBV- and CMV-specific CD8+T cells in MS patients and control patients,assessing their cytotoxic activity.Methods:We analyzed the profileof cytotoxic granules in EBV- andCMV-specific CD8+ T cells in a cohortof 13 early MS patients, 20 lateMS, 30 other neurological diseases(OND) patients and 7 healthy controlsubjects. Ex vivo analysis of EBV- orCMV-specific CD8+ T cells was performedusing HLA class I/tetramercomplexes coupled to CCR7 andCD57 markers in conjunction withperforin, granzymes A, BandKstaining.In a sub-cohort of MS patientsand controls, cytotoxic activity ofEBV- and CMV-specific CD8+ Tcells was investigated using a functionalCFSE CTL assay. Results: UsingHLA Class I tetramers for EBVand CMV, we found that the frequencyof EBV- or CMV-specificCD8+ T cells were similar in all studysubjects. Most of EBV- and CMVspecificCD8+Tcells were highly differentiated(CCR7-) and a variousproportion expressed the exhaustionmarker CD57. MS and OND patientshad increased perforin expression inEBV-specific CD8+ T cells. Most importantly,we found that MS patientswith longer disease duration tended tohave lower CTL cytotoxicity as comparedto earlyMSpatients or controls.Conclusions: Effector EBV-specificCD8+ T cells are increased in earlyMS, however their cytotoxic granuleprofile does not seem to be fully alteredand the cytotoxic activity ofthese cells is normal. However, thecytotoxic activity of CTL decreasedin late MS patients suggesting an exhaustionof EBV-specific CD8+ Tcells possibly due to EBV reactivation.This work was supported by theSwiss National Foundation PP00B3-124893, the Swiss Society for MS,and the Biaggi Foundation to RADP.
PURPOSE: To identify cancer-linked genes, Sjöblom et al. and Wood et al. performed a genome-wide mutation screening in human breast and colorectal cancers. 140 CAN-genes were found in breast cancer, which in turn contained overall 334 mutations. These mutations could prove useful for diagnostic and therapeutic purposes. METHODS: We used a MALDI-TOF MS 40-plex assay for testing 40 loci within 21 high-ranking breast cancer CAN-genes. To confirm mutations, we performed single-plex assays and sequencing. RESULTS: In general, the mutation rate of the analyzed loci in our sample cohort was very low. No mutation from the 40 loci analyzed could be found in the 6 cell lines. In tissue samples, a single breast cancer tissue sample showed heterozygosity at locus c.5834G>A within the ZFYVE26 gene (Zinc finger FYVE domain-containing gene 26). CONCLUSIONS: Sjöblom et al./Wood et al. already showed that the vast majority of CAN-genes are mutated at very low frequency. Due to the fact that we only found one mutation in our cohort, we therefore assume that at the selected loci, mutations might be low-frequency events and therefore, more rarely detectable. However, further evaluation of the CAN-gene mutations in larger cohorts should be the aim of further studies.
La pyriculariosis del arroz, causada por el hongo Pyricularia grisea (Cooke) Sacc., es una enfermedad que provoca daños considerables en la zona arrocera del Delta del Ebro. El hongo puede infectar el cultivo en todos los estadios de crecimiento y también en las partes aéreas de la planta: hoja, nudo del tallo, cuello y panícula. El uso de variedades resistentes para el control de la enfermedad es un método económico y efectivo, pero esta resistencia puede verse modificada con la presencia en la zona de nuevas poblaciones de P. grisea de tipo virulento, por lo que esta herramienta se debe utilizar bajo un concepto dinámico. El presente trabajo se centra en el estudio del comportamiento frente a P. grisea de un grupo de variedades de arroz cultivadas en el Delta del Ebro durante el período 2000-2008. El perfil varietal del Delta del Ebro durante este período ha ido variando constantemente y la mayoría de variedades principales que se han cultivado o se cultivan actualmente han presentado un comportamiento de tipo moderado frente a P. grisea.
L'objectiu d'aquest treball és analitzar els portadors d'un empelt hepàtic trasplantats en edat pediàtrica amb més de 20 anys de seguiment i per a això hem analitzat un total de 27 pacients. La principal indicació del trasplantament va ser l'atrèsia de vies biliars. S'han analitzat les complicacions quirúrgiques mèdiques i immunològiques, la immunosupressió, infecció per VHC, dades antropromètriques i adaptació social. Hem conclòs que la majoria dels pacients trasplantats en edat pediàtrica amb més de 20 anys d'evolució presenten una adaptació social excel•lent i pocs efectes adversos de la immunosupressió comparada amb la població adulta.
Departmental Data Protection manual
Statement of departmental data protection policy
Pre Release Access List
Pre Release Access list for Bulletin 5 Drug Prevalence Survey 2006/07
Introduït en el sistema de governança per la recent reforma del marc regulador de les telecomunicacions, el BEREC es presenta com un organisme supranacional de caràcter consultiu al qual se li atorga una missió i un paper fonamental en l'aplicació coherent de les normes en el mercat únic de les telecomunicacions. L'èxit d'aquesta missió dependrà tant de les eines amb les que compta, com dels mecanismes previstos de coordinació i la seva capacitat de relació amb la resta d'actors, les autoritats nacionals de regulació i la Comissió Europea principalment
While for most children the best place to grow up is with their birth parents, others are unable to do so. Under the Children (Northern Ireland) Order 1995, the first duty of Health and Social Services Trusts, where children cannot live with their birth parents, is to seek a home for them with their extended famly. Finding a safe and caring new home for children with their wider family or friends allows them to keep important attachments and connections in their lives, and is therefore the preferred choice where it is possible. Where this is not possible, society has a clear responsibility to provide children with stability and permanence in their lives. Some children are placed in alternative forms of care. Adoption is traditionally a means of providing a permanent family for a small, but significant number of children who are unable to return to their birth parents. Adoption is, however, much wider than just the service provided to children. Adoption affects birth parents, prospective adopters, adoptive parents, siblings, grandparents and other relatives. The Department of Health Social Services and Public Safety believes that more can and should be done to reflect the complex needs of those affected by adoption. åÊ